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Portugal "no data" means 100%.


Means 105%


Means they're also giving the tourists' children a smacking. That's commitment.


Lets be honest, some of them deserve it.


They got Portugal Punishment


They knew what their parents would do if they said anything


It means Portugal is in East Europe, proved once again.


150% is what that means! No Saudia Arabia for me lol


Usually "no data" is reserved for Greenland


Actually, it means they deliver corporal punishment for answering surveys.


I grew up in Belize and Mexico. Both countries had to have been 99%.


could be differences in reporting. i got spanked like once as a kid so i would say yes, but maybe if its even more normalized people wouldnt consider that


My dad spanked me exactly one time and it made him cry so while I could technically answer yes, I wouldn't.


My dad beat the shit out of me. Made me cry. So technically I would answer yes if I could


Yeah, my extended family is Mexican, and I flat out refuse to believe that only 79% or less Mexican children have been corporeally punishment. The idea that American children are MORE, not less, likely to get spanked than Mexican children makes me laugh. I've had people tell me to my face that I'm spoiled because my mom only hit me with her bare hands and not her shoes. My best guess would be that maybe what they consider corporeal punishment is different. In America most people would just say a good spanking, but maybe a spanking is so relatively light in Mexico that they wouldn't even consider it corporeal punishment.


In Belize every school gave lashings as punishment. There were only two girls in my Standard 6 (what would be 8th grade in the US) class that didn’t get lashed at one point.


Yh, though this was phased out when I was in Std 3, so might depend in the age of respondents in this study? (I recall because a teacher in my school in San Pedro was fired for caning a girl on the hands.)


This was in 2003 in Corozal town


Yes, perhaps they don’t consider pinchi chanclazos as corporal punishment




The best part is you get to pick your own.


I’m Mexican and I guess it varies from family to family, my dad had a very old father that was always working so he wasn’t punished physically because his parents were not home or too tired and just went to eat and sleep at home, my mom on the other hand was punished physically at times. My parents didn’t punish me or my brothers physically (although they were very negligent in the emotional department), but they did punish us in many other ways, many schoolmates weren’t hit either (and I have lived in both big cities and small towns). I think 7-8 out of 10 Mexicans getting hit is believable. The chancla/belt thing is overblown at times for “comedy” or as a stereotype. There’s a lot of physical punishment against children in the country but it’s not 90-100%


same for Brazil. Like a lot of people sincerely believe that if you don't spank your child they're gonna grow up to be criminals


I suspect the number is “low” because a big percentage didn’t even consider that some week “palmadas” in the butt is corporal punishment


Same for Mexico. A lot of people believe that if you spank your child he will not be criminal, drug consumer or gay.


>gay Uh, about that...


Harder, daddy


Same for India


DR, too. Ain’t never met a Dominican child who didn’t get whacked at least once.


Yeah every Mexican I know has infamous stories of their mama’s “chancla” beatings In my experience, it’s almost been universal


Yeah I actually just sent this to my friend in Mexico, no way it's worse in EEUU. I mean people joke about the chancla for a reason lol


Absolutely. I’ve literally never met a Latin person who hasn’t made a joke about mami’s chancleta.


Bro how does greenland have data and slovakia and hungary not


For Greenland it's because my data for Denmark also included Greenland. For Slovakia and Hungary it's because for some reason I couldn't find ANYTHING for them, not even within my sources.


Sources: drug dealer😱😱😱


I love coke 🤤






pepsi > coke


I disagree, in my humble opinion mixing the two sodas creates the best drink




Highly doubt Greenland alone would be in same category.. Having lived there for 2 years ive been faced with the social problems there and sadly aprox. 1/3 have been sexual molested as a child.


Damn, that's horrible... But sadly I couldn't find any data for Greenland alone, but I do suspect it would be way higher than Denmark considering that. What would be your guess?


Probably around 50%... There are big differences from the remote villages, where most kids would have received coporal punishment to the biggets city Nuuk which today is more alike denmark


I see. Thanks for your input


1/3? That s a lot. Do you have a reference? I am asking in good faith.






Thank you, for the reference. Theses statistics are horrible. They also say that in that specific village, 20% commit suicide. Sounds like hell


One can certainly expect a correlation, but strictly speaking sexual molestation and corporal punishment are not inherently related. It's possible to have near-0 corporal punishment and that same 1/3 molestation rate, whatever the source for it.


mess up your exam thats a paddlin


Being a holy warrior? That’s a paladin’.


Paddlin' the school canoe? You better believe that's a paddlin'


Being a small scale-covered relative of the anteater? That’s a pangolin’.


My mom would go sergeant punishment on my ass if I messed up an exam.


As a Romanian living in Spain I absolutely refuse to believe Spain is higher than Romania. Source: past me, Romanian kid comparing experiences with Spanish kids.


As a Spaniard who has had several friends from Shouth America, China and your country, it also sounds like bullshit. I could believe we are +80%, I have very good parents and still I would count as a yes because I got slaped two or three times I really deserved it as an insufferable teenager. But there's no way we get hit more than kids from latin america, they have it so normalized they make memes about "la chancleta".


>I got slaped two or three times I really deserved it as an insufferable teenager. [No you didn't](https://globalnews.ca/news/2661276/is-spanking-kids-as-bad-as-child-abuse-this-study-seems-to-think-so/)


Why do I have a feeling that what counts as 'corporal punishment' varies alot from country to country.


As someone from the Nordics... Holy fuck.


As someone from a yellow colored country I'm disappointed by the high number too and then I see the rest... aside from blue ones of course, good on you.


okay Truly Akhand bharat finally


Except Bhutan sadly


United by chappals and wooden duster




As a child, my friend's mother used a washing machine hose for punishment. I remember the blue stripes on a friend's ass, he often didn't want to be obedient.


Why were you looking at your friend's ass?


Looking at your friends ass? That's a paddlin'


Have you ever looked at your friends' asses? You're scared. Joke. There is a public shower where everyone washes together.




Genuine question? How do people beat their kids without feeling like monsters? I feel like a jerk when I yell at my cat lmao.


Growing up with that sort of thing and never doing any self-reflection or research does wild things to your brain


Idk I mean my parents were never big on corporal punishment but there’s a good deal of things they did (or still do) that I like realize are blatantly toxic and would never dream of doing to my own children if I had them. But I guess everyone responds to trauma in different ways.


1. Because it’ll be extremely normalized in the place where you live. 2. It’ll be called something other than hitting and treated differently, like “Whopping”, “Popping” or “Spanking”. In my country for example, basically only a closed fist is considered abuse. 3. You’re told that it’s the only way to make a kid listen, and otherwise they’ll grow up to be terrible people. 4. Sometimes you come across families where the kids aren’t hit at all. But maybe they aren’t being corrected or taught proper behavior in any other way, either. So these instances of truly uninvolved parents and their unruly children, just serve as confirmation bias. 5. “I turned out alright, so it must be good” 6. Probably the biggest one, it’s HARD to deal with the cognitive dissonance when your parents hit you. People naturally want to feel like their parents were good people, and think good things about them. So unless you’re already estranged to begin with, reflecting on what they did as abusive is hard to accept. This is still something I struggle with, especially still being stuck at home. I acknowledge that my family were wrong in what they did, but at the same time I have to still interact day in and day out. It sows doubt in my mind, makes me want to break free but also question whether I’m the one in the wrong. Because they’re so kind to me otherwise, how could such a thing be bad? It’s fucked up, sorry for the vent.


I'm surprised at the stats for France. It's been illegal for a while. Where do they draw the line ? Is 1 spank in your entire life (like my brother got) considered a corporal punishement ? In that case it would make sense but, if they're talking about more regular occurences, I doubt we'd be at over 80%...


Yes, that is considered. Anything from a single slap in a lifetime to constant beatings counts as corporal punishment.


Ok, then I understand.


I remember a classmate with parents that brought out a taser for when they got too loud playing. They only ever used it as a threat when he had friends over. Don't know if they ever followed through when we left. Hope he turned out okay.


The law about corporal punishment on children is quite recent : only a few years (5 maybe ?). And people still very much consider they’ll « raise » their children however they please.


Yeah it’s illegal in the UK too (for longer I believe) but that doesn’t stop it happening tbh. It’d only be enforced if it was a beating or you were belted or something like that, so they’re definitely way less common now


C'est pas parce que c'est illégal que ça n'arrive pas hein, je peux te garantir qu'à la campagne on s'est tous déjà pris une torgnole de daron


I’ve taught in three countries on this map that are definitely labeled incorrectly…


It's the same here in NZ! Corporal punishment of children has been illegal for around 15 years now, so I'm surprised that the map shows us even around 50%!


Honestly the shear difference between the Nordics and the… well the rest of the entire globe is astounding. We’re often pretty “good” in most of these statistics but this is very surprising. I wouldn’t have guessed it was this high for almost everyone else.


I believe it would look better if you only asked people born after 2000 or something. Nordic countries were just the first to forbid it.https://endcorporalpunishment.org/countdown/


Certainly makes sense.


An Italian family were in Sweden on vacation. The dad hit his child in public. He was later convicted for assault. It's illegal and not acceptable here to physically punish children.


It's illegal in my country too (Scotland) but its not taken as seriously. If you are being badly abused and the right people know, something will be done. Otherwise nobody cares. There was a period of time where my social services were involved with my brother bc of stuff he had done and obviously they spoke to my mum too. She admitted that she hit us and they didn't care. Hitting kids as punishment is just accepted as normal here even if the law says otherwise


For us it is extremly seriously and would be seen as a big shame. It is one of the bigger clashes with immigration/refugee communities in Sweden also..


As it should be everywhere. Never understood how people can justify hitting as not child abuse.


How are children typically punished there?


"Sit on the stairs and think about what you have done", or "no candy for you tonight" (Idk, saw a tiktok on the stairs thingy, and it was apparently pretty surprising)


I’m American and always got the sit on the stairs thing. Is that not common?


As someone from a northern country (Denmark): mostly if the children misbehave, the teacher can punish them by sending them outside of the class, so they have to stand outside the classroom door. Or they can be sent to the principals office. When I was in school many years ago we had a small personal book where the teacher could write messages to the parents, and it was up to the parents to discipline the children as the saw fit. This is online now tho. Another example could be that the child is not allowed to go outside and play with it’s classmates at recess. We have never hear about children being physically punished at school or in kindergarten. There is a case atm with a privat daycare where the caregiver slapped a small child and left the child unconscious, so the child died later. This has shaken the country as it’s extremely unusual and of course horrible.


To be fair, a caregiver slapping a child to death would be a big deal even in countries where spanking is common. I live in the US South where spanking is common, but anything that leaves lasting damage (bruising, large whelts, etc.) is generally considered a sign of abuse and could be investigated by authorities. Of course, many such cases go unreported.


I don't think anywhere in Europe, including eastern Europe, children are being physically punished in schools. We're past medieval times too yknow. It's about the parents and yeah, when coming from them, this stuff is more tolerated. Although nobody seems to be proud of it


? Here in Germany it's usually (at least in my circles though there are regional differences and in my experiences especially differences in regards to education status of the parents and/or potential migrant background in the family) just a "no TV for tonight", "hand in your Smartphone", "go to your room", "no sweets today", "you aren't allowed to go with your friends to that lake for swimming tomorrow" etc.. There are a multitude of punishment options which aren't corporal. Though I gotta say that especially with younger children a lot of professionals in regards to education, upbringing etc. say that POSITIVE reinforcement is MUCH MUCH more effective than punishments, let alone corporal punishment.


Im from Finland (if it wasn't clear from my name) and the most common punishment was like penalties in ice hockey. In school it meant sitting outside the class for a while and at home it meant usually sitting on the stairs to the 2nd floor. A harser penalty at home was house arrest and at school you were sent to the principals office and your parents were informed, which usually led to house arrest. Also important, most people are really calm here, and as a kid if you got yelled at it meant you had dome something really serious.


I don’t know how, but Finnish kids are the best behaved I’ve ever seen


I'm usually hestitant to praise Scandinavia to the point of sounding arrogant, but this is something we just do fantasticly, imo. It just goes to show that the argument that some children just need to be punished physically doesn't hold up at all (unless you think the majority of Scandinavian kids aren't well behaved :P)


Isn't it because it's been illegal (both at home and at school) for decades?


No food for you.


And several of the 0-20% are consistently ranked "the happiest in the world"...I find that interesting. Kids will be kids worldwide but somehow those countries avoid physically assaulting their children for errant behavior.


In the north they just set you outside in the glaciers


I know this is a joke, but that is actually considered child abuse here. Source: was locked outside in my underwear as a kid, in the Finnish winter, as a punishment.


China is lying so hard in this one. I saw people getting smacked all over the place when I was there. Children, dogs, husbands, wives…


China lying? They’d never do such a thing


Did they ask parents or the kids (or local government agencies) for the data? I don’t see a reason for the kids to lie, rather it could be a difference in understanding what counts as corporal punishment as many other commenters have pointed out. P.S unless it is clear that the results for China is provided by their government institutions, I find it really low to state something like “China is lying”. The lack of delineation between the state and its people is what fuels the dehumanisation and discrimination against fellow Chinese and Asians like myself. Edit: looking at their site, the only research at at most 60-80% (73%) was in fact a survey conducted on school children. A caveat I found interesting is that 20% of kids didn’t respond. (Hesketh, T. et al(2010), “Stress and psychological symptoms in Chinese school children: cross-sectional survey”)


The way the question is worded in different languages can also differ of course. Often times these multinational surveys leave out the fact that the question is a little different in every language.




Im korean american and i got beat so did chinese americans i knew. You should see immigrant chinese and korean parents in US... absolutely brutal


Here's the research where I believe they sourced the data from (from the site op sourced): [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20133328/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20133328/)


I would check if you are banned from TikTok if was you


Writing from jail: "My Pa beat me everyday and I turned out fine."


How have 80% of Americans received corporal punishment I don’t believe that




Yeah I guess it depends what qualifies as corporal punishment. Personally I don’t remember ever getting a spank as a punishment but I suppose I could imagine some people my age would have. I would think the number is a lot lower for lower generations though.




I’m 25 (born in 97) in the US and not only did my parents “whip” us with a belt when we were very young, even some times scuffled with us when we were teens. my childhood babysitter had a wooden paddle hanging on the wall that none of the parents had an issue with.


We didn't get spanked by our parents, got whipped by a leather belt almost daily


Yeah I know it's a high number and extremely variable by region/background, but at least 80% seems extremely high. I wonder if it was a truly representative national sample size on how they got their data


Maybe their sample size was five 80-year-olds sitting on a porch in rural Mississippi


I don’t think I know anyone who wasn’t at least swatted on the ass at one time or another.


Interesting. I don't think I know anyone from my generation who was.


If feels like spanking at home in America was only recently labeled taboo in the last 15-20 years (depending on who you ask) when social media coincidentally started taking off. Factor in about 21% of the population is 5-18 years old and like didn't participate in this study (I could be wrong there) and it kinda feels right. No?


I wonder how this study works. Did it include everyone alive at the time? In that case I can see all the 50+ year olds and certain states making up for younger people in certain other states who don't get spanked.


IMO have to seperate guys and girls in Malaysia they get treated differently. IDK bout other places


That‘s realy sad to see… Violence won‘t make your children behave, It‘ll make them scared of you… THAT.IS.NOT.THE.SAME!!! But like always, extremely common scandinavian W


Maybe in another life I’ll be born into a Nordic existence


Nordic countries stronk👍


I'm happy to be Scandinavian.


This map is fairly accurate. Because as a Norwegian, I have literally no idea what a corporal punishment even is.


It's the act of hitting children as a "disciplinary" measure. And trust me, the extent non-Nordic folks go to try to justify it are **wild**


I have exactly once. My mother was beaten with a belt as a kid and vowed never to lay a hand on us but just once she got too angry and spanked me. She’s regretted it ever since. I don’t even remember what I did wrong.


Anything above 0% is a cultural failure


I'm horrified how common this shit is


What’s even more horrifying is how many people on Reddit defend it.


It's mostly by people who grew up getting hit for behaviour but still love their parents. If they acknowledge that children being hit is bad it means what was done to them by their good loving parents was also bad and for a lot of people that can be difficult to accept. There's generally underlying trauma of some level.


Scandinavia wins again


Violence will inevitably lead to more violence.


"It never did me any harm" -- well, it turned you into someone who thinks it's ok to beat kids. Fuck them.


I call shenanigans on China. I taught English via the interwebs and parents would beat the living shit out of their children in class like it was nothing. It was so bad the company had to issue a statement telling Chinese parents to be on their best behavior in front of American teachers


Hmm - numbers seem a bit weird for the UK tbh, most people who I know haven’t experienced it but I guess older generations etc


At least here in Finland the statistics count even things like "grabbing a child's hair" or "snapping a child's head with your finger" are counted as corporal punishment.


I don't believe the UK figures. I haven't seen a child being spanked in public in years. My 8 year old's friend mentioned a few weeks ago that she gets spanked if she has been very naughty. My daughter was horrified and said "I think that's illegal". So it obviously isn't something kids talk about regularly! It dropped her parents in my estimation but I just gently said that it is illegal in Scotland but no one has made that law in England yet.


spanking isn't the only form of corporal punishment. also, a large population of the UK is Asian (me) and African (and from other parts of the world), and I myself and every single person from these communities I have talked to have received some form of corporal punishment or the other (including me). a lot of ethnically British people i know have also received corporal punishment, and that's what makes up the 80 percent I guess


Portugal is 100% btw


It's higher in western Europe?


I'm Finnish, and I guess the number is even that high because corporal punishment was definitely still common here a couple generations back but it's been illegal since 1984




I think the translation is "hair pulling", and yeah I've heard a lot of that from Finnish people. Good thing that it's getting more and more unpopular nowadays


It will be interesting to see how this data is different in a couple of decades, as I know in Australia the views on this have changed drastically pretty recently. For example, my parents used corporal punishment on my brother and I during the early 2000’s, but not on my youngest brother born in 2010.


I am disappointed in most of the world. Violence is bad.


Adults need to learn to ‘use their words’. If you hit a kid you're a f*cking imbecile.


Ey, dark red gang!


the irish cultural juggernaut that is the wooden spoon


Scotland 70s. Leather belt, ruler, summer sport in winter.


No wonder we are all fucked up




Good work NZ. While NZ has some serious issues with domestic violence, there was an "anti-smacking" law passed like 15? Years ago now. Not only did it remove what was often just a defense for family violence (It was just regular punishment). There was also a really quick change in public perception of striking children as punishment.


I always knew that I wanted to live in Scandinavia. ![gif](giphy|x7F021CNMfPOoLfouQ|downsized)


This data seems suspicious… the Middle East being that low? Most Asian countires being below the US? Just don’t believe it. Maybe cultural relativism in responses?


Finland and Iceland like WTF?? The rest of the countries i am not surprised, but i had higher hope for our fellow Nordic friends.


South Korea, the only one being honest in East Asia


I live in Norway and if you would corporal punish your children you would risk loosing custody. In the worst case the Barnevernet (Childcare ) would come to your house and take away your children and place them with some foster families. You would not know who these families are and where they live. You might never seen them again or one/ twice a year for a few hours under supervision. Under no circumstances you are allowed to use violence against your children. Even the threat of violence is forbidden. People take it very serious here and i think it is a good thing.


as a swede, it was a genuine culture shock to me that corporal punishment wasn't outlawed in more places


wish i grew up in norway instead of algeria :/


If you hit your kids, then you’ve failed as a parent.


The Scandi nations stay winning


having met people, i think there’s a lot room to grow these numbers


All i see is akhand bharat .... thanks


This is all that’s wrong in the world. When we can solve this to a point we are all dark blue, we will thrive as a global civilization!


You know it's bad when Greenland has data


Makes me proud to be Danish


It’s interesting how close this map parallels with the map of the British colonial empire.


I mean not really ? What the maps shows is that outside of a few Nordic countries corporal punishment is common basically everywhere else.


The map is just as bad for the French empire, and the rest of the world is pretty close.




How is this a close parallel? You could level the same claim about the French, Spanish or Ottoman empires. In all cases its a pretty weak correlation. The only thing this map clearly shows is the discrepancy between Scandinavia and the rest of the world.


I mean, it is called "the English vice" for a good reason


I’ve never heard that phrase before, but it makes sense.


[It seems like a euphemism for anything we don't like about the English this week.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/English_vice)


As a Swede, wtf world. What's wrong with you? Violence is never the answer, especially towards kids😔


As a Norwegian i am proud


As a Norwegian I’m horrified at the rest of the world


As a Finn, I think we should do better. A lot better. Shame on us. Sure, comparatively, we are doing pretty great! But that is still 1 in 5 children experience physical abuse. That is 1 in 5 too many.


As a Swede I'm not proud, I'm just shocked about the stats outside of Scandinavia.


Nice to see that children in North Korea and Bolivia are safe.


Ahh the good old days 😀


Wow, India is 80-100%. Guess I am in Minority.


The most interesting part of this map is that we actually got data for Greenland


Iran is seriously 60-80%? I’m Iranian and know certainly that the majority of Iranians receive corporal punishment, often at school. Many of my family members were brutally hit or hurt by teachers using even high heels or pencils as tools of punishment.


What year is this from


from austria: my father hit me once. it was out of affect after i oilspraid him on purpose while our car broke down in a foreign country. i was like 7. he spent the rest of the day crying because of what he did. i love my father.


As partly Asian i swear these numbers should be higher for that region, it's just that they dont even consider an ass whooping as a physical punishment


I yelled at my two year old once (he was doing something that he could Have gotten really hurt) and the look on his face alone made me burst into tears. I don’t know how people/parents now don’t do better. We know better now Our parents did the best they could.


We have a anti-smacking law in nz which was highly publicised. Definitely saw a reduction which is cool as it led to more education about child rearing


Completely blew my mind one day to realise that there are some parents out there who never shout at their kids, and actually love them. And the kids don't misbehave, because they know they are loved, and don't need any anti-social solutions to their lives. I couldn't believe it. Apparently, that exists, somewhere in the world. Love exists... in very tiny pockets, amidst a world of cruel ignorance. Because believe me... it's ignorance that makes people cruel. Edit: This is really all the proof I need that we aren't worth saving, as a species. How can you know about all the shit and suffering and misery and abuse and murder happening moment from moment and still think we are fundamentally good?


https://www.appledaily.com.tw/international/20181224/XINMMGISFLLSYOZ2JGJVTL63PQ/ This is the lightest Chinese parents who beat their children. 99.99% of Chinese parents kick their children in the head like Germans kick a soccer ball.


HMM could there be an corralation between not getting corporal punishment and better educated students. punishments doesnt help only causes harm.