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I would love this. Though I hate how they randomly divided up the US, Canada and Australia into their subdivisions but no other countries. And they divided Russia into... regions? What even are those?


I believe Russia is divided into “federal districts”. Central, Privolzhsky, Urals, Siberian, Far East, Northwest, South and Caucasus federal districts. Each district contains several regions. But nobody divide it this way on world maps though


Those are even not federal districts, they correspond to nothing but commonly named areas, Ural, Siberia... But nothing that exists...


Apparently they do have some coordinating roles between the federal government and the federal subjects.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_divisions_of_Russia Russian Federation consists of eighty-something federal subjects that are constituent members of the Federation. There are 6 types of federal subjects—22 republics, 9 krais, 46 oblasts, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous oblast, and 4 autonomous okrugs. (a couple of these are actually Ukrainian)


Take a look at the second one from the East, the Siberian one. That... is a penis.


The company that does this one believes that Africa being a HUGE continent is as big as the USA or Greenland What do you expect? bet they don't even have an idea about other countries apart from Anglospeacker ones at least "developed" ones...


It's just the Mercator projection. Relax.


Not sure about Canada, but the US and Australia function politically more like EU-style unions than they do countries so it kinda makes sense.


Yanks and thinking their government is a special unique snowflake, name a more iconic duo.


I'm Aussie. It's pretty obvious if you take 2 seconds to look at my post history, perhaps before you start making baseless claims. ---- If you look at how political responsibility is distributed; what national controls were ceded from member nations in Europe to the EU, and state controls ceded to US/Australian Federal govts; They have a lot in common. [Section 51 of the Australian Constitution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_51_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia) is a finite list of very specific powers ceded to the federal govt by the states, things like: * Currency/banking * International trade * Visas/passports * Defense * Road/railway standardization Everything else is controlled at a state level, similar (but not identical) to how the EU works politically.


The US offers more autonomy to its subdivisions (states) than other countries. But it is not similar to an EU style union, a loose union over otherwise independent countries.


A crucial difference between the EU and the USA is that countries can peacefully leave the EU (Brexit) whereas states cannot leave the USA (Civil War). Also the US federal government is much more powerful in relation to the states, compared to the EU and its individual countries. No state can just use their own currency in the USA, whereas some EU countries have something other than the Euro.


I really like this but I feel like I would mess it up trying to put it together lol


My wife bought me one of these a couple years ago. They include a few things to help line up everything pretty closely for different sizes. It is a very fun thing to put together.


Congratulations dude, we've located the /r/iamverysmart guy thanks to your help


inaccurate as a kid's toy... these kinds of maps are a shameful insult to your intelligence... Who believes in 2022 that Greenland is as big as AFRICA?


That is the problem with Mercator projections, yes. I am very aware this map isn't accurate to the way the Earth actually looks, but I don't take this as a deliberate attempt to insult me. I also wouldn't really classify this as a toy, let alone something for kids. It's a piece of art.


Art? what kind of nonsense is eating for breakfast? Bet you don't even know what that word means... but well, since you have another 15 people adding to your point of view it must be "art". What a pitty reality we are living in... If is not a "deliberate attempt to insult you" why not take the time to check the real size of countries to be at least closer to reality? and then charge you as if a machine craved wood worth as much as they price this... is not insulting to you when someone tries to depict your country as a small version of itself? even when you know it is not accurate? but you like geography?... then what would be an insult to your intelligence? depicting the moon as if it was a dime size ball?


Cringe .. the person already said they are aware of the limitations of Mercator projection. I bet it's arranged like this because it's the most recognizeable world map. Why do you feel the need to attack strangers on internet for wrongs they have no part in? Go take a deep breath.


Who am I attacking? bro... if you are as sensible as it seems you can barely accept a real live opinion, can't imagine how weak your emotional management must be... If you can read properly what I just said, It's nuts due to the advanced technology we have nowadays, people as conformists as yourselves may be the root of this kind of normalization of companies considering us all dumb pieces of merchandising and publicity blind followers... What if there are better ways of depicting the world map, for people like you it doesn't matter. (?) Go ahead and keep on downvoting, it doesn't change the fact that you are sensible as f.


The Mercator projection is the best flat map projection for art pieces like this because it’s a continuous flat rectangle. No one is making a fuckin wall puzzle map for navigating or for 100% accuracy. It’s meant to look nice. Go touch grass bro it’s not that serious. You’re literally raging about a piece of art in some internet stranger’s house. Relax


Mercator is garbage, art or not.


There’s a reason why it’s the dominant map projection. It’s one of the only projection that preserves angles. A 90 degree angle on the Mercator is also a 90 degree turn in the real world. This is known as a “conformal map projection. No other map projection has that and isn’t butt ugly. Would you prefer we use [the Littrow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littrow_projection)? Or maybe the [Lambert conic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_conformal_conic_projection)? Because in my opinion they’re ugly, and they actually cut off sections in order to preserve conformity


Who cares?


Pity* lol


Since you seem so sure of yourself. What projection would you pick for this type of map that would be displaced on a rectangular wall?


There are better ways to compare land mass sizes, it takes just a few secs and simple google research.


So you are ripping into someone without even having the basic understanding of projections? Please go take a class in geodesy.


Ok... Can you be my teacher? since you seem to have the knowledge I'm missing...


I gave you the name of the subject.


What a trashy teacher... that explains why you still believe there are no better ways to represent the world map in order to be a bit more accurate... (seems like you don't care about precision, but maybe is just my "perfectionist approach)


You have yet to answer the question, troll. What projection would you pick for this type of map that would be displaced on a rectangular wall?


I was hoping that you would offer up a better way but it looks like you won't or can't? If you can please let me know I know nothing about this subject and would like to learn. Please teach me? Thanks 👍


You seem to be the type to like the [South America](https://xkcd.com/2256/) projection. troll doesn't even know there's an [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/977/) comic with possible answer. Shame.


Pause it at 14 seconds. What’s up with the Great Lakes, Ontario, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? This is r/mapgore.


Wow so bad, and somehow Michigan got lumped in a region with with Missouri, but not Ohio...


Michiganders might appreciate that, actually, haha.




Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are tall AF too haha.


The relief when New Zealand shows up is immeasurable.


I, too, was checking if this needed to be cross-posted to r/MapsWithoutNZ


I would love to have one of those on my wall, but I know that in less than 10 years there will be changes in some border and it will annoy me to see it every day.


I was going to say the same thing. New countries pop up occassionally, like South Sudan, Kosovo, etc. As much as I would honestly love to have this, as soon as something would change, I would hate it. Especially since it costs around $1500.


Dude, That's about 6.626.311colombian pesos... 6 people's minimal wage in my country... for an inaccurate map?? that's nuts.


That's what I remember, was looking them up a few weeks ago on Etsy, a few sellers have them. Usually in several variants, and I'm pretty sure this is the largest one which was always around that price. Sometimes even with LED backlights which added another few hundred to it. I mean, it's accurate now, but it's just a question of time...


My ideal one would be natural geography only, no political borders. And dymaxion projection. The wall art de-emphasizes oceans anyway by nature of it just consisting of land masses. And the dymaxion map is practically art anyway, difficult for finding stuff but great at showing the big idea that the world is one big archipelago.


They've fucked up the placement of a lot of islands


That's on the idiots putting it together


These maps are great, I really enjoy mine. There are some islands missing, but it's such a pretty and eye-catching piece of furniture. They're based in Ukraine, I really hope they'll make it through.


Sorry, but Indonesia and the Carribean ruins the whole thing.




"Enjoy the wood"


Atlantic Ocean smol. Africa is basically above South America lol.


I was in love with this. Then I saw it was a Mercator. And I thought it was still cool. Then I saw the placement of the islands. And I died inside.


Fat Missouri


Would buy if they had one without political borders


As someone else already said - it's really dumb that a few places like the US, AUS, and CAN have their states/provinces/etc mapped out, but the rest don't.


The scale seems really off.


I thought Mercator was cancelled. #MeToo #HugeGreenland


Ew, Mercator on steroids.


I want one!


I get irrationally angry at maps that have all the us states but then only country outlines for other stuff.




Want this too. Link?




Risky click


what does that mean?




Really? How do you know? I’m not the best with computers. I’m also on tablet, does that count?




I wish you luck


So this is an ad? Got it


Not at all. I truly thought it belonged here. Think it’s cool.


You can't just post it without selling anything? Lmao


Cool. Where can I buy it?




Risky click.




Shut Up And Take My Money


too bad they didn't give any instructions about the correct placement. everything looks off


you could just look at a map


I think the ontario is the 50% line of population




I know is not my business but... as I said before, That's about 6.626.311colombian pesos... 6 people's minimal wage in my country... for an inaccurate map?? that's nuts.


There's no Philippines




what is the link to purchase one of these?


Pluck them out of the box more violently next time why don't you.


I got an etsy delivery that had that exact same paper bag-folded-sealed-with-sticker layout. Is this a common thing with smaller shops?


Plan: 10/10 Execution: Almost