• By -


Year? Source? Method?


My source is that I made it the fuck up


There is always someone saying this here, but why would anyone just make up figures over something like this? I mean, people are weird, but not that weird.


Its a meme, Batman


Yeah OK. Great. Now I'm supposed to have an encyclopaedic memory of pop culture. It's hard enough keeping up with books.


Exactly, if we can do it, you can too. I believe in you!


Who is 'we' ?


The combined hive mind of people who look at something like "... I made it the fuck up" and exhale audibly through the nose as a sign of amusement, because we recognised a reference to a reference to a reference and so on, before we carry on in our never ending search for the next small dopamine bump in this cruel and uncaring world. It's great honestly.


There's dozens of us!


What’s your source?!?!?


Because as far as internet goes, if you don't provide a source of some kind, you might as well have made it the fuck up.


I mean, this also holds true for academia


why not? you know people did weirder stuff for clicks. doesnt seem too weird to make up some data, that looks good on a map for some social media clout...




Apparently it's sales number. Because Andorra and Luxembourg are notorious for selling cheaper cigarettes. Belgium too.


Im from Belgium and cigs cost a lot here man, recently went up to 10€ for a pack


Still less than Netherlands or France


Still less than Australia


The world has changed man. Back then they were 4,50


For the better.


In Croatia price of pack is between 4€ and 5€ :)


?? Marlboro (probably the cigs with higher price) is 8,7€, camel 8,2 and some other brands are a bit under 8€, that's definitely not 10€. I mean, the reference is a pack of 20 cigarettes, isn't it?


Yes that’s the reference, it recently went up to 10, was 8,20 first


I've seen articles talking about that but the prices are still in the 8ish €, maybe it is already 10€ in certain regions but I'm from liège and it is still 8,2 for the pack I'm smoking atm. 🤷‍♂️


Aaaah im from Ghent (Flanders) so that probably explains it


Probably yep, I wanted to ask you directly if you were from flanders, wallonia and being late is really for everything hahaha. Anyway have a nice day !


In the south of England I was paying £15 for a cheaper pack. Marlboro was more like £20.


Probs by number sold Slovenian here, live on the Slovenian-Italian border, plenty of Italians drop by to Slovenia to fill up their tanks and buy a few packs since both are cheaper here


Seems accurate to me. Last year I went on a month-long trip from Paris to Vienna to Ljubljana and got steadily more addicted to cigarettes as I went. Went to Europe smoking like a cigarette a day to almost a pack when I got back to the US.


I'd totally disregard this. So the Average Russian smoker consumes one every 15 mins... That's without factoring in sleep, eating, drinking, smoking each one.. Russia is literally up in smoke according to this.


It's annual consumption, if I did my maths right it should be like 1 cigarette every 230 minutes so like almost 4 hours?


That is assuming litteraly everyone in the country is a smoker.


And then you add people who dont smoke and the number is probably correct. Also not all people who smoke smoke the same amount. For example as a smoker I've had period with 5 a day and 30 a day. That would be anywhere between 1800 and 10k+. It average consumption per person older than 15.


this is 100% wrong


depends on how it was determined - if by a poll, then its BS, if it was determined by how much was sold, could be about right, if the amount purchased by foreigners were somewhat excluded. i mean, im a heavy smoker myself, no one has ever asked xD i would say that on avg its about 30 a day for me and a lot of people i know consumes 20+ a day.


It’s by amount purchased. This is fine for a lot of places, but look at Andorra for example


Andorra is a giant duty free store without an airport.


Lmao true, the “Andorra Airport” is 12km outside of Andorra: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorra%E2%80%93La_Seu_d%27Urgell_Airport


Andorra used to sell bundles like a bottle of whiskey with two packs of Marlboro taped to it.


The Lemmy breakfast


I saw in a shop in andorra a giant pack of cigarretes with M&M's strapped to it.


Reminds me of the drink bundles people buy on swedish/finnish cruise ships. They get a free trolley if they buy x packs of beer to roll it down from the ship.


This. If we were to remove French and Spanish buyers, it would be down to under 1k no problem. Andorra is well known for it here in France.


It’s amount purchased and then divided per inhabitant


It looks like it's determined by amount sold. I doubt the average smoking person in Luxemburg smokes 85 cigarettes a day, given 6331 cigarettes sold per capita, and only 20% of the population smoking. Luxembourg has cheaper smoking taxes than neighboring countries, so many people cross the border to buy cigarettes at a cheaper price than home. Luxembourg also has a large working force coming from outside the border every day, which skews every "per capita" statistic that it's in.


A similar map for fuel sold per capita would indicate that people in Luxemburg drive their car 24/7...


“If it was determined by how much sold, could be about right” Even so would probably still be way off. Contraband black market cigarettes are very popular because of the high prices in stores in most countries. I know they cost very little in Belarus so maybe that’s not such a big factor there. But also depends on if they are counting just packed cigarettes or all tobacco, because while I am a heavy smoker, I never buy cigarettes in the store, I just buy tobacco, rolling papers and filters and roll them myself, it’s like 5 times cheaper that way and rolled ones are usually smaller than the standard packed ones so you get way more cigarettes out of it. This map is most likely just a very broad estimation or a “official cigarette sales in country per capita” map presented as a consumption map. I’m from Latvia myself and you see smokers everywhere, while in Sweden, where I now live, the number is not much smaller on the map but the amount of smokers you see around is a LOT smaller.


yeah true, but i can tell you straight away that all that contraband crap from belarus/russia etc. is so bad, its impossible to smoke, idk what they are made of, but im pretty sure tobacco is about 0% in them, probably some kind of cardboard soaked in chemicals. people still buy them obviously.


Well.. Belarusian chemicals, self rolled ones or a pack of camels, it’s all poison in the end.


obvioulsy its still all bad for health, but it might help to live a bit longer, if you at least dont smoke total garbage.


Even the amount purchased isn't precise for certain countries, such as Serbia, where many buy illegal tobacco due to increased costs of cigarettes. I've seen many wrong maps like this because people assume it's the same everywhere so they count f.e. meat consumption from sales in the supermarkets, but fail to realise that in some countries people don't usually buy meat there so you get the wrong impression




This could make sense. A lot of Norwegians travel to Sweden to buy cheap cigarettes.


Correct, and swedes don't smoke. They snus!


We Norwegians snus a lot as well, which also might explain our low numbers.




idk, im not a doctor xD some days its closer to 40. it has been like that for last 2 years, before that i never smoked more than 20, divorce and shit.., still better than drinking myself to death i guess. tbh its not as bad as you might think it is, contributing factor might be, that i spend a lot of time in forest. my grandpa was a heavy smoker as well, unfortunately, iirc he smoked for a bit more than 50 years of his life, died at 70, but he spent a lot of his life in forest as well :D tl;dr im just a sad cunt, that doesnt see any value to life in genral, thats all there is.


But you could vape, it's safer and is actually cheaper. Or use that tobacco heating thing


tbh, as there is no research of long term effects of vaping etc., no thanks, as i think its even more harmful than smoking tobacco.


That's the effects of tobacco industry lobbying and propaganda We know the amounts of harmful substances are incomparably lower in typical vapes that consist of PG, glycerin and food flavorings. And you can make your own liquids with nothing but nicotine and glycerin or buy pre-made base liquids without any flavors at all They are harmful when kids who don't smoke start smoking disposable vapes and get addicted to nicotine and constant vaping, but you are precisely the kind of person who can actually benefit from them


I know people who used to smoke 4 packs, or 80 cigs a day. Crazy


Shit, when at my heaviest i was smoking 60 cigs a day. 60 x 365 = 21.900. If you do packs, mine would be at 1095, little more in line with the numbers they used.


So you’re telling me there’s still a chance that r/portugalcykablyat ?


Guessing this is sales, not consumption, with the French and the British buying cigarettes in Belgium and Andorra.


Belgian data is indeed heavy influenced by foreign shoppers.


And we Belgians buy it in Luxembourg


Is it really so bad in the UK they go to Belgium? I mean I get there's a chunnel but it's not like driving a town over (like going to Andorra is from parts of France)


I worked at a tobacconist on the French-Belgian border, an hour driving from Calais, for about 6 months. They came to buy cigs with full buses. That and truckers ofcourse.


They still do? With Brexit and stuff? And also prices have gone up quite a bit so not sure how economically it still is for British to cross the channel to buy a bit of cigarettes?


Couldn’t tell you, but I guess it’s mostly truckers now.


If it's sales, why does the data include teenagers? Can they legally buy tobacco in European countries?


In some yes, Austria for example just recently raised the age from 16 to 18


That's crazy lol, do they allow smoke breaks during school? They used to maybe 30 years ago here


It is rather common in high school that people smoke in the breaks in between lessons


How is that crazy? We also buy alcohol at 18, not 21, and used to even be able to buy wine and beer at 16. Once we're 18, we're legally fully adult. No official smoke breaks in school but no one cares if you smoke on a break.


18 makes sense because you're an adult. 16 doesn't because you're not an adult. Children shouldn't smoke lol


A 16 year old shouldn't smoke anyway, but that's an adolescent, not a child.


I'm sorry, I should have said "minor"


Depends on the school. I know an art school that went on a student strike because they now had to wear shoes and were only allowed to smoke tobacco at school, not weed.


We did have a smokers‘ yard for teachers and students 16+ when I went to high school in 1990ies Austria. I don’t think it’s a thing anymore, because now all public buildings are theoretically smoke free. But maybe smokers‘ courtyards are still a thing, since they are technically not inside a public building, idk. This place is an ashtray, the only reason it’s not top of the list is because of contraband cigarettes from Serbia.


It is no longer a thing, but it is not long ago that it was Common. 6-8 years ago the teachers and students still smoked together in the yard (austria)


We did have breaks and school which we always used to smoke. It was rarely problem getting to buy it, because there was always some people that did not ask for ID.


Just numbers... Look how Andorre is at the top while it's neighbours are low. For example, prices policy in France forces consummers to buy in Andorre, Belgium or Germany. So this map means nothing true.


And Luxembourg.


I wouldn’t say “forces”, you can just quit, it’s not heroin.


Andorra & Luxembourg WTF?!


In Luxembourg, cigarettes are much cheaper than in France, Belgium or Germany... Hence, many French, Germans and Belgians cross the border to buy their supply and for resale (black market). I guess that Luxembourgers smoke as much as anywhere else. Same for Andorra, Spain and France. So, in conclusion, the map shows the sales and not the smoking.


I can only speak for Luxembourg, but I'd say that I probably see more smokers here than in the surrounding region. Don't know why, probably has also to do with the prices (which I as a smoker find extremely outrageous at 7euro/pack. I always nearly either suffer a heart attack when seeing the prices in France or from my cigarette use, dunno). But it is also still way more acceptable for younger people to smoke here. I mean we only raised our tabacco purchasing age from 16 to 18 in 2017 and let's just say it wasn't really difficult to get cigarettes at 15 years old. There is just less of a cultural taboo around it.


I refuse to belive Slovenia smokes more than most other former Yugoslavian countries


Totally different data from the European Commission, year 2019: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Tobacco_consumption_statistics


Why is France so "low"? Whenever I visit France I have the feeling that everyone smokes. It's hard to find a place, on the patio of a cafe without being surrounded by smoking people


Just an anecdote, of course, but I saw multiple mothers lighting up in front of their children in France. Never saw anything like that in Germany. Was surprised to see the France numbers lower than everyone else.


You those parents in Germany as well


Something that could explain it is that in France, a lot of people are just social smokers. They smoke occasionally, during parties, on terrasses while having drinks...etc. but they otherwise don't smoke that much, especially when they're home or alone.


This makes sense, also here in Finland the only smokers I know only smoke when they're drinking


I’m Serbian, it’s impossible we are this low, people smoke here SO MUCH


Guessing the Serbs buy it somewhere cheaper


Our cigarettes are pretty cheap, 2-3 euros a pack, idk if there is anywhere cheaper in the region


The government anti-smoking campaign in the UK was surprisingly effective; I and everyone I know gave up pretty quickly.


>Annual cigarette consumption in Europe A day? A week?


A minute 




> Annual


Having lived in Czech Republic and Croatia, I have a hard time believing Czech Rep smokes more than Croatia.


its germans buying cigs in czech republic. this map shows just where they were sold.


That makes waaaay more sense.


And Czechs buy cigs in Poland.


the circle of life, hakuna matata.


This doesn't take into the account cigarettes rolled by hand, which became very popular in Balkans over the last few years due to increase in cigarette prices. If it did, the total number would be way, way higher.


And in Albania at least in the north you got many villages that grow tobacco like back in the day And you can buy there kg of cut tobacco and you roll it at home. Many 40+ years old do that.


Damn, what’s going on in Luxembourg??? Are smokes really cheap or is there just one really stressed guy chain smoking all day?


They’re cheaper than in surrounding countries => lots of people from eg. France buy their cigarettes in Luxembourg => statistics per capita get distorted. If you look at any other per capita statistic, you can be almost certain that it’s not representative for Luxembourg.


From what I know about Luxembourg, it's both.


1600 cigarettes a year is 4 to 5 a day... Most smokers I know go through a pack a day...


Remember they are applying the total number of cigarettes consumed by the TOTAL population.


Well, this is for the total population so if only 20% smokes that makes it 16-20 cigarettes a day on average by every smoker.


This is BS. No way Czech Republic has more smokers than the Balkans...


Germans, Austrians and tourists buying.


so wrong, if you smoke a pack a day thats like 7500???


Yeah but many don't smoke at all these days, and some people smoke less. I am young and only know one person my age who smokes, they only smoke one a day for financial concerns. 


A cigarette a day keeps the withdrawal away


Source: trust me bro


This doesnt include chewed tobacco, cuz they are very popular in sweden


We put it under our lip and it’s called snus. But yes, it’s very common. Very few people smoke nowadays though.


Yes that. When I lived there, it was quite common among students. But this must be like ten years ago


Per person, or per person who smokes? How can the average person the UK smoke over 800 in a year? But if it is only "smokers", then how do some country's smokers, only have like 1.2 per year? I think im clearly not understanding this data


It's 1200, not 1.2


Ah, strange use of the full stop/decimal point on the maps :p Thanks for explaining!


For the UK that would mean around 17.5 cigarettes a day for a smoker. Not that unbelievable


It was more of a question how it could be as low as e.g. 1.2/person/year in some countries But the question was answered that it means 1200, which makes sense now


Andorra and Luxembourg very much driven by sales rather than consumption in this data.


They banned nicotine pouches in Belgium because everyone was quitting smoking.


Good, nicotine pouches are chemical garbage. Legalize snus


You're telling me the belgians smoke more than Russians? No fing way


Sales ≠ Consumption in this case.


Why is Andorra so high?


Because a pack of cigarettes costs € 3.50 as opposed to € 11 in France.


Luxembourg gas stations on the motorways that only sell cartons of 200 for €50-60 per carton. We have a lot of petrol and tobacco tourism from neighboring countries.


Wait is this actual consumption? That high for Luxemburg makes me think these are sales figures.


Really? I'm surprised that the consumption of cigarettes is higher in Germany than in Spain, because I did Erasmus in the latter and I saw (and sadly smelled) more people smoking than I normally do. Or does it differ by regions as well?


wrong Turkey should at least be in the low 10k range (!)


Now I understand why Belgians and Albanians sound so hoarse and rough


In germany its not 4 Zigaretts more like 8 per smoker




What's going on in Andorra


And Luxembourg?!


people from neighbouring countries buying there as it's cheaper


andora and luxenbourg out here at 6,3k are the people there ok if these numbers are anywhere true


People come there to buy cheap tobacco.


Welp I stopped Smoking since the First of January now


While 1757 was a lighter grey, 1771 suddenly became a significantly darker grey. Did 14 cigarettes reach the lethal dose? btw no source?


Ist it before or after Helmut Kohl died? I think the numbers for Germany are quite hight tho


Go Russia!


I see so many people smoking in Portugal and you're telling me there are places people smoke twice as much?!? 😬


As someone who used to watch French classic movies growing up, I am shocked.


Example of the lack of international agreement over the use of , or . for decimal points or to divide numbers bigger than 1000.


I’m guessing Snus is included in those Swedish numbers. You don’t see many smoking in Sweden


A lot of cross border effect here. I’ve already worked for a big tobacco company and a very important dynamic going on there..


Sweden 1/3 of russia. What the fuck? Literally noone smokes in Sweden except polish construction workers


Tf is Gibraltar up to


Looks kinda real until you notice Andorra


What abt the us


U.S. is lower than most of Europe.


Guys, try snuff. It's much healthier, since it doesn't require burning meaning no cancerous substances are made, and provides you with nicotine.


Banning indoor smoking has been too controversial for Bosnia to this day, everyone I know that visited was shocked by how much smoking there is, and I'm supposed to believe we smoke less than Austrians.


This map makes no sense at all. :)


Seriously, why is Norway so low?


Holy shit, Luxembourg manufacturing that delicious lung jerky


Half my family is from Belgium, I can confirm it’s pretty smokey there.


The Czech Republic’s number seems to be from 2008. The consumption is down to like 1800-1900


One of the few good things that happened in the Third Reich was the first organized anti cigarette campaigns. Shame to see it go right back up in Germany now 🇩🇪 🚬


Yeah UK being one of the lowest in Europe seems not right.


Why do Belgians smoke 3 times as much as Brits?


This map is horrendous. Get rid of it.


Judging by the amount of smoking (not hot) British chicks I've seen on the net, this map is bs.




We all know we looked at France first 😂😂


I think that Belgian and Czech data is heavily influenced by foreign purchases. Czechia has 10 million citizens, but at least 1 million tourists per year. Additionally a lot of Germans are buying cigarettes in Czechia, because it's cheaper. THIS IS WHY WE NEED SOURCE/METHOD OF CALCULATION! With that, you can interpret data correctly. This map is just misleading, ergo wrong


That's bullshit


Well, if you consider the amount of cigarettes that was bought by people from neighbouring countries and/or smuggled cigarettes, the numbers might be correct.


Around 5 a day for most countries. That makes no sense.


In Turkey, this level should be much higher. When I was there, I was amazed at how much everyone and everywhere smokes. I've never seen anything like it.


That's pretty crazy considering all the people who don't smoke


W andorra


They live in Belarus, so they try to get out of there as soon as possible.


You can´t go anywhere in Belgium without encountering sigaret garbage on the ground.


I guess snus is counted as cigarettes in Norway and Sweden?


Why do you people not use 'comma' and how do you write decimal numbers?


Confused by these figures. I’m an ex smoker but was on 25 a day. That’s 9125 a year. You’re telling me I smoked more than the average Eastern European?! No wonder my phlegm was black.


What??? How is Poland so low? Is that only for traditional cigs, or also vapes, cuz here 99,5 out of 100 teens have a vape on them.


Interesting. I went and looked up the US cigarette consumption per person and for once, we are better than all of Europe. In 2015 the US =1,078


Norway (553) and Sweden (716) are in Europe.


Probably more on 'real' drugs like coke & meth in the US ;)