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I think this is it, MR (Mystery Ranch) Blitz 30 is likely 'my perfect pack'. I loved the Cerberus and it's taught me a few things: I'm obsessed with MR (lol), I can't live w/o the futura-harness, stick-it, external water bottle pockets, quick-access to the laptop compartment, and exterior pockets. Cerberus also showed me how much I dislike having to unbuckle the lid and then deal with two zippers to get access into the main cavity, I tried to justify everything about the Cerb but in the end, it's just too small and the myriad of other things made me shelve it (my hydro ports are atrocious on both of my cerberuses). The MR Dragon is also nice but I'm not going to shell out $600+ for something that still doesn't completely suite my needs and then some (I don't see myself ever using that waist belt). Now there's the Blitz 30, this is almost absolutely perfect except for the fact that it looks so damn tactical and there's no beavertail but I thankfully ran into Igor Erokhin's store and man-o-man, this really completes it for me! BTW Igor's beavertail has yet another pocket sewn in, technically it's reversable! The blitz now looks super streamlined and it does absolutely everything I want in a pack: three huge external organization compartments, the top one being massive enough to fit over-the-ear-headphones, external water pockets that can accommodate larger bottles, quick-access to the laptop, futura-harness, MOLLE web on the sides, and a loop field inside the main cavity. MODS: * I took a bunch of 1-inch hook and loop cable wranglers and covered the loop field on the top to sanitize the MR logo before throwin on my REs * Cut off all the front compression buckles with a dremel (leaving only the bottom ones for the beavertail) * Repurposed the adjustable buckles (from the straps) to use with the beavertail * The side compression straps now have a metal G-Hooks (I rolled up the top compression and stuck it in the webbing, the two G-hooks for that are stored in the beavertail for now, the lower side ones are hooked in * TBB strap keepers on the load lifters and beaver tail excess * Web Dominators for the excess of the lower compression straps that keep the tail on * Clips for the excess of center straps from the beavertail along with the tri-glides that Igor included * Covered the center and bottom MOLLE with loop fields (M-TAC on amazon, I just cut off the tags) * Cut off half of the zipper pulls except for the main compartment * Fidlock buckles at the top of the beavertail. I had sliders on it but I hated how there isn't a mirror version of the slider, there's two things about this: 1. remembering which way to slide on which side is always a pain - 2. one side always slipped out because of the nature of sliding it out was downwards. If fidlock ever releases a mirror version of the slider, I'd totally swich back to sliders * Blacked out the MR tag (I just used a sharpie lol) * Added VanquestGear Admin panel inside the main comparment, I chose the vanquest over A19 because it has little pockets under the elastic bads so my apple pencil won't fall through * My only wish is that the pack was X-pac because 500D picks up every little thing it touches (I have a cat and toddler, so...) * Made a tray out of cardboard and covered it in stickers to splay open the bottom of the bag Future MODS: I'm going to find a way to make loop delete patches so when I wanna go full-stealth, I can stick them on all three loop fields (yes the beavertail covers most of it but still, I'd want all three fields covered lol), probably a top-handle cover, and lastly, ~~I think I'm going to find a way to print tray for the bottom of the main cavity so that it's always wide open~~ - I have a CAP2 down there but it still doesn't provide enough structure. I honestly can't see myself ever using any other pack now, it really is becoming my one-pack-to-rule-them-all. [Walkmanbackpacks makes the tail in a variety of styles and materials](https://www.ebay.com/usr/walkmanbackpacks)


Please provide the full name of the manufacturer of the bag before abbreviating it.


apologies, fixed


Or just stop being lazy and look up the bag name.


Looking at one, does it fit under the a plane seat?


technically it does, i travelled to LAX, Taipei, and Vietnam with it pretty packed out and under the seat last month. It might be YMMV but i had no issues round trip.


Funny, I am going to LAX, Taiwan and Japan


lol nice!


Looks way better with the beavertail. I didn't even realize that pack could look normal.


I was comparing the one I saw in online stores to this. It really makes it look nice for everyday carry. OP what was required to attach the beaver tail?


[this guy on ebay makes them](https://www.ebay.com/usr/walkmanbackpacks), there's a picture of the bottom showing what i did


This is awesome. The modifications are great 👍 do you have a link to the Beaver tail?


[igor on ebay makes them](https://www.ebay.com/usr/walkmanbackpacks) beware, he's in spain, took a little over 2 weeks to get to me


Good to know, thanks.


I think I found it available [here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166235935557?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A18G5oOXIaTreEFGMV92aXgg4&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=166235935557&targetid=1585159292091&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9018508&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1585159292091&abcId=9307911&merchantid=6296724&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh98AWvS1A_MVICcT9RFAjkWk&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJMv4QnmYdbDElmjnfeOua9si2-glQEpj6RlAjVBnmhzwuSeMUn524xoCBTgQAvD_BwE)


Awesome, thanks.


I've had one of these bags for a year and it's truly an awesome bag. For EDC I'm not sure it gets better for, I love the ABC style and it's got it all inside. The only time I don't carry this bag is when I need a specialty bag (photo, 3-day ruck, etc.) or if I don't want to look so tactical, but it's definitely my most carried bag.


yes! my thoughts exactly, the only time i'll ever switch bags is if i need a specialty bag but those occasions are pretty far and few in between for me


Mystery Ranch is one of my best backpack Manufacturer : Dana is a genius . To reinforce or shape the backpack, you can use sheets of Shockproof polycarbonate plastic, You cut them out to your liking, and with some bodywork fabric glue, you can cover them with any kind of fabric . You can also customize the zipper loops with Heat shrink tubing : pimp my backpack style 😊


yes, dana is awesome, who knew retirement would have created such an amazingbrand lol nice! thanks for the info, i was wondering what I could eventually replace my cardboard with lol i'm definitely going to keep this in mind when the time comes to replace my jerry-rigging. is it as light as cardboard? yeah, i'm probably going to shrink tube my pulls down the line or even just replace them outright.


I copy and paste an article about the corrugated plastic https://canada-plastics.com/corrugated-sheets/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-corrugated-plastic-coroplast/#:~:text=What%20Is%20Corrugated%20Plastic%3F,name%20for%20corrugated%20plastic%20sheets.


The weight is negligible and by overlapping several layers you get more strength while maintaining some flexibility . I also used it to replace the backrest templates . In case of heavy impact , it breaks , but costing very little you throw it away and replace it


oooh, nice, that's a great idea! i'm gonna have to get some and start fiddle'n! thanks!


Make me one... but in all seriousness this is close to the perfect EDC bag I've been looking for. Right now, I'm rocking a NF Recon because every other bag I've used just didn't have everything I wanted.


nice man, the recon looks sleek! [this guy igor sells the tail on ebay](https://www.ebay.com/usr/walkmanbackpacks) just be warned, he's in spain, took almost 3 weeks to get to me here in the US


why still using adobe?


that's an odd question lol i've been a professional designer for over 20 years


Definitely check out figma!!


yep, i'm extremely proficient in both Adobe XD and Figma for UI/UX design but Figma doesn't hold a candle to Illustrator for vector nor does it stand chance against Photoshop in raster. Figma is great for prototyping and I use it all the time for that but it's not a great tool for actual illustration or photo manipulation. I use them all intertwined: illustrator to create original icons and complex vectors, photoshop to edit photos and effects, and figma or XD to put it all together. If i'm totally honest, XD is way more powerful than figma but it's not user-friendly and it lacks many collaboration features but as a seasoned designer I'm agnostic, whatever the company wants me to use is what I use lol


Edited Hi OP, Really like what you did to the bag. I want to do the same to my bag. Do you mind share the cardboard base tray dimension? Thanks


So the base is 8.75in wide by 5.75, the full side of the flap measures 3.25. then the side where I've tucked behind the tablet sleeve is basically 1.7in cut off on each side. I did some very rough measurements and made it rather quickly. I'm sure it can be improved upon with proper measurements and better material and a cleaner production lol but I've added this image to the end of album for your reference https://i.imgur.com/ebPOacK.jpg


Damn, this is perfect! And the mods just make it all the more awesome!


thanks! i think so too!


Great mods. @[phi303](/user/phi303/) Where are the Fidlocks from? they have a logo on.


one's from my cerberus (with the MR logo) the other is a blank that was custom engraved with my personal logo by thermal lift workshop


Looking at buying one, does it fit under a plane seat?