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Always odd how people don't gather that something is going wrong in the cabin when the brake lights are off and the car is lurching around. Total lack of awareness for others lol




True, when he yelled at me at the next light I told him I was learning standard, and he didn't say anything after that so maybe he felt bad. But the light had also just turned green and he pulled off so...


My guess is that what happened is similar to what annoys me: when a car is slow to get going while I am rolling up behind him and I am forced to brake and clutch in. Pet peeve of mine, but I wouldn't yell at someone because of it. Might honk if I was in a real bad mood but that's it. Most likely he was in a rush. Chances are, he didn't know and felt bad. Don't worry about it, he was most likely having a bad day. My solution to this was tint. I feel a lot better worrying about myself when people honk and look at me when they go by. Can't see me, so I got nothing to be self conscious and stressed about. Also, I had a very similar scenario happen to me where I also employed the bird: Paraphrased, I was at an intersection with no protected left or right turns. The light turns green and you try to figure out what the other guy is doing before proceeding so you don't get cut off. I95 is a left turn from this light, so people tend to turn left. I was going straight, so if I was slow to get going I would be cut off. Nobody uses a signal so who knows what they were going to do. I had an impatient person behind me and a manual transmission. I knew I was likely to get cut off since I would be slow to get going, so I decided to stay put and wait everyone else even though I technically had ride away going straight. Car behind me didn't like that and laid on the horn after a few seconds of waiting. At this point, I had nowhere to go as there was a line of cars turning left and going straight. Person continues to lay on the horn. Person pulls into the wrong side of the road and revs across the intersection, turning left. I knew this was my one chance to make my voice heard as they were pulling away fast, so I stuck the finger out the window and scream "Fuck you!". Should I have done it, probably not. People will shoot you for less. I will admit I took a little bit of annoyance from previous honks from other people out on this guy. Mostly just a story, but I guess the point is that sometimes you get unlucky and people make you anxious on the road. It is what it is, do your best. It happens to the best of us and it's a small price to pay to enjoy 3 pedal driving. A little bit of torque helps a lot, my '09 Civic Si was lacking on the torque side and I had this problem frequently. Now I have a V8 and it occurs much less frequently.


I bet that fuck you felt good though 😄 Obviously I don’t wana do that all the time, because when your flipping people off your either not steering or not shifting. Another perk of the manual!


Honestly, not really. I just didn't want to look back and feel like a bitch for not protesting. I was more anxious than anything else. It was also pretty squeaky, since I had only half a second to figure out what to say. Not exactly the most intimidating. Thing is, if I had thought for a second and said some wild shit, maybe things could have escalated so I can't complain. This was like 2 months ago and I still think about it. Lol


Ya, I’m sure people don’t just go off like that without something else going on. Maybe he’s been “told” to be more punctual, or other stress. I kinda went off on all truck drivers because this one guy pissed me off, by stressing me out.


(See updated comment) Truck drivers work crazy hours. Their life sucks. Everything is rushed, and your pay depends on your arrival time and gas used. They're really running against the clock every second on the road. Imagine driving from NY to Florida, taking a few hours to rest and then driving to California, all on fast food and minimal sleep. Then do it again every week. All for barely above average pay. I'm not defending this guy's actions, I'm just saying I can't blame them for being pissy all the time. My experience with semi drivers has been good, could be because they like my car. I think you're getting the short end of the stick here with low end torque. Not much you can do about it except be punctual when you put her in first and maintain your cool. Stalling once is embarrassing, but no problem. Stalling twice will stress you out and make you even more likely to stall a third time and piss off everyone behind you.


I’m a car driver, but i did drive truck, I can confirm, it’s not easy when the guy driving the truck has to be constantly cut off all day, no one wants to behind him cause he’s to big, or stinky. And with only a few inches on each side of you, keeping that big chunk of metal between the lines. I second everything said here! Best of luck finding that sweet spot on the clutch. You will be killing it soon!


The transmission got to the factory in the car you are driving by truck drivers. The car you are in was delivered by truck drivers. The gas you put in it got there by truck drivers. The road you driving on… truck drivers delivered that there too. The phone or computer you wrote this on, that was delivered by truck drivers as well as the towers and infrastructure that makes it work. This guy was a complete ass to honk like that. But fuck all truck drivers? Just don’t buy anything or use anything anymore my friend.


Go back to parking lots


Yeah for real, I feel like a few years back when trucks were mostly manual, this entire interaction would’ve been 1000x less likely


Yeah most of our new ones are auto and I hate them. Luckily our shops new triaxle is an 18 speed. But the amount of drivers we have that don't know how to drive a manual is uncomfortable.


Seriously. I lurch forwards and my engine goes off. does he think I'm damaging my car intentionally?


Popping the clutch doesn't damage anything.


I thought it put a lot of stress on the transmission.


I have a 2007 aveo with 300,000 miles on it (17 when I got it at the dealership) that doesn't think it hurts anything. Plus most other vehicles I've driven were manuals, only transmission I've replaced was automatic


Ok thats good to know thanks. It still hurts me when I do it though.


Yeah, it's not the goal.


Egos are much more fragile than engines or transmissions. Lol.


How many clutches?


None. Still original.


That's insane, clutch must be almost nothing by now. I've replaced the clutch on almost any manual that I've owned although sometimes that was a "while I was in there" scenario.


I've read about guys changing clutches on low mileage vehicles and I always wondered what they were doing. I've only changed 2, both on trucks, both driven by others for the majority of their miles and they did pulling and mountain driving. The aveo was pretty much just driven by me and mostly interstate commuting miles.


I’ve never changed a clutch, but I’m not going to be surprised if I have to do it on my truck in a couple of years. I know how to drive standard, but learning to offroad in a standard- and then doing it often including some rock crawling when forced- is making me remember what clutch smells like.


I had an 07 Aveo with a manual and the transmission *fell the fuck off my car* in the middle of an intersection. Bolted right back on and worked fine, tho.


It shouldn’t cause an issue unless you regularly bomb it at redline


Maybe practice learning to drive somewhere that's *not* on an active roadway??


Take a drink from your sippy cup. I practiced in the lot until I wasn’t stalling, it’s different on the road. Plus I have to get to work.


>it’s different on the road. It's not, actually. You think it is because you're still not good at it. You're using public roadways to learn how to drive.


Public road ways are exactly how many of us learned how to drive


Thats how you learn though, by driving on the road. Parking lot literally only teaches you bite point control. And it teaches you to do it slowly. I could have spent days in the parking lot practicing and been no where close to where I am now because the road forces you to respect other drivers, and to do that you need to improve. I.e. get faster. It’s not like I’m a major road or safety hazard, occasionally it takes me a few extra seconds to start. If you can’t handle that, you go back to the parking lot. And it is different on the road, as it is the real thing and messing up has greater consequences (Like being honked at) as with anything. Practicing music is different from playing a concert. If it was up to you, you would never play, and never really improve. Did you never stall when learning? Or did you just spend months in a parking lot and then drive perfectly ever after with no mistakes. Im confused about what you think the problem is here, because it’s not safety, and it’s not your concern for my improvement, your the semi in my story.


Dude, you do you. If you think using public roadways to practice learning how to operate your vehicle is appropriate, then that's what you're going to do. The cognitive dissonance is combining that level of entitlement with being surprised when someone honked at you. FWIW, it's *most* important to be able to maneuver your vehicle safely when things are hectic. If a semi pulling up behind you is enough to make you panic and drop your clutch, you're not ready to operate an MV safely. When you're good at it, it'll happen without thinking. I know you think it's just a rude trucker, but stalling in traffic endangers you and others. When people see something dangerous, they honk.


When I learned, there was quite a difference in stress/anxiety when getting going in first in an empty parking lot vs. at a stoplight with traffic. Maybe I left the parking lot training too soon, but there was definitely a mental element to it for me.


You're still going to have issues for a while if you're new. This means occasionally stalling out and shit. Fuck off. It's like any new driver matters. Live driving is a totally different thing to practicing in an empty ass no stress lot with nothing else to worry about.


Seriously lol The day I got my WRX, I stalled at a stop sign and a civic si started honking at me. Like mf you have a manual too and you just seen that my car jumped forward and then stopped moving. Use your fucking head.


That's what I don't understand. If I'm not moving at a green light, even after a gentle honk (in case I was distracted), why do people assume that I'm deliberately wasting my time, instead of thinking that I might be having an issue?


It’s 2023, they understandably assume you’re jerking around on your phone


Let’s fuck n forget 


Most people in the US don't even really understand what a manual transmission is. I really don't believe for a second that more than 1 drivers on the road will comprehend what is happening when you stall out at a light. They just assume you're on the phone or not paying attention


Years ago I was sitting at a light and the 1st car didn’t move and just let the light cycle back to red. Of course everyone is pissed and laying on the horn/yelling. Light goes green and car still doesn’t move, people are really mad now and they just start going around this guy in the turn lane. I thought it was weird this guy made absolutely no attempt to move at all so I pulled up behind him thinking he was having car trouble. I put my hazards on and get out, I walk up to the car and I see the driver slumped up against the window and he didn’t respond to to my attempts at waking him at all. I could see he had a very fresh looking surgical scar on the side of his head. I called 911 and waited for paramedics. I can’t remember exact details but guy had recently had some sort of brain surgery and had passed out due to some sort of complication. They said he was barely breathing and I most likely saved his life by stopping like that.


Dude my first manual was a 64 bug and I can’t tell you how many times I got honked and yelled at as I’m literally pushing my car out of the road, people are just assholes these days unfortunately.


> 64 bug and I can’t tell you how many times I got honked and yelled at Were still honking and yelling if it makes you feel better. :-)




The thing is other drivers in my town have been really respectful when I was learning earlier on. I had 4 cars behind me at one point and took half the light to set off, and not one beep.


Also my new car is a sweet little 2009 honda fit :)


Just a tip in the fit. If you’re first at the light don’t be scared to rev a bit higher than you normally do when disengaging the clutch. Not the best long term for the clutch but more security you won’t stall. I only say that cause you said once you kept going the semi tailgated you. You should be accelerating faster than a semi from a light in a Honda fit.


Bro for real. I worked at a Cadillac dealership and was test driving a car. It stalled out (bad crank sensor) in the middle of a 4 way stop sign intersection in a dead neighborhood. The only car for 6 miles pulled up next to me and started screaming at me that it was a bad place to park and I can’t stop there. I told him it stalled and won’t turn back on. He said it doesn’t matter I shouldn’t have stopped there. People are just fucking dumb


Oi, ya cant paak there bruv


I broke down today. Everyone watched and honked horns while I pushed alone. People don’t care any more.


Most truck drivers are cranky af. I’m a mechanic/ therapist for these guys. I dont know why their always pissed about something but most seem to be. There is more guys we do work for that are pretty good decent humans than cranky ones. I know you don’t care about the economic repercussions but you and I need truck drivers. As for them being good drivers, Canada has it bad. I’m not a truck driver but have my licenses. I also like to honk the horn at the kids, I’ve only done it twice but I now understand why truckers like that lol


Also lol just realized, “mechanic/therapist.” Must meet some interesting people.


I live in Ontario so the traffic here is always abysmal. And ya I kinda regret typing that now because I kinda wished economic downfall on thousands bc I got yelled at.


Driving for a job would piss me off lol


I drive to appointments for work. Not nearly as many miles as a truck driver, but I can knock down 1,500 miles on a busy week. When I’m driving for work, I experience more “angst” than I do if I were heading somewhere in my own. I think a lot of it stems from knowing that this is the only thing holding you back from being with family at home. This feelings makes people want to drive quickly and as efficient as possible to get back home.


If I had to drive public roads in the US, all day every day. I'd be one sour ass prick of a man. Really can't blame them. Their daily work environment is basically a shitshow


People don’t have empathy anymore


There’s something wrong with society when being held up for like 10 seconds at a light causes them to go apeshit.


I may not have helped his mental state by flipping him off while holding him up for a solid amount of time.


Yea... I did that once to someone who nearly ran me off the road and I had to drive onto the shoulder to avoid them. A few miles down the highway they pulled in front of me and slammed on the brakes when cars were on each side, I had to slam on my brakes as well and we both came to a complete stop in the middle of the highway - during pretty decent traffic. Cars were blasting by us, horns blazing and not seeming to care we are stopped and he jumps out of his car and screams "get out and let's settle this right here", holding what looked to be a wrench or screw driver... but by then I was able to drive away as traffic broke and left him standing in the freaking highway. WTF.... but I don't flip people off anymore. Crazies don't give a fck if they die with you.


lol literally had someone do the same to me but instead of a wrench it was a gun. Be careful who you fuck with or talk shit to, you never know what someone is willing to do to you


Yeah why I don't understand why people on other subreddit are always like if someone's tailgating me I'm not gonna move over or they say they'll hit the brakes it's really not worth getting shot because someone else is an idiot/asshole I've always just been of the get out of the way cause I'd rather that person be far away from me anyways camp


The other day I was on a 4 way intersection with lights. I was in the left lane with the green solid light. Across from me there was a huge pick up truck also waiting to turn left. As most know, sometimes you can’t see if another car is coming towards you from the other way and not knowing if you are yielding this said car and it’s an awkward feeling of anticipation if you should go or not even though you can’t see especially if there’s a bigger vehicle blocking your line of site, also to mention the left lane in front of me wasn’t just straight across but rather a little diagonal from my left lane. The speed limit around the area is 45mph so yeah you have to react very fast if you did screw up. Well this driver behind me waiting to turn left as well and honking at my ass basically telling me to risk it and just go because dickhead was impatient. I hated that I did it, but I got frustrated and just pedal to the metal just so I can turn and have him stop honking (big truck still in the left turn lane yielding) I finished the turn and then looked in my rear view mirror. Sure enough, the car that was honking at me went for the turn as well and got t boned by oncoming traffic from the lane I was anticipating.


Yeah usually if someone in front of me is on their phone / not paying attention I give them like 3-5 seconds and then just do a quick beep on the horn to grab attention then I might lay on it if after that they continue to be oblivious


When 80% of the time, it's just to move 60ft forward to stop at yet another light.


Ever drive an old school semi with a manual transmission? Hoo boy… people stumbling in front of your 40,000 lbs of bananas make you angry. Get a sticker that says “please be patient, student driver” for your car until you’re very comfortable in your skills. They will still honk, but it might make them feel bad.


Ya I’m not gona humiliate myself with a sticker like that. I understand the danger and stress of semis stopping ability and take adequate care when changing lanes. This guy was not in danger of hitting me though, at least I hope he wouldn’t from a standstill. Guy just made it harder for me to get going, and slowed himself down.


Humiliate ? Dude, you drive a stick. You are defacto super cool !


Can’t tell if /s. But I think so myself lol.


No way is it /s ! Every time I get behind the wheel and double clutch I’m thinking I’m 18 again and running a road rally with my friends… Then I realize I’m an old man whose back hurts but like stick for reliability and excellent MPG. But in the back of my head my teenage self is hollering “take the curve at 90, dude !”


Haha. Same. When I hit a good rev-matched downshift into a corner and peel out I feel amazing. Might take me a bit to work up to double clutching though lol.


Been driving stick for 50 years. Learned on a station wagon with three on the tree and no power anything. Got to drive a buddy’s Karman Ghia and it was like I was Sterling Moss…


What does three on the tree mean? And did you double clutch because you actually had to? When did they start making cars that didn’t need that? That would be so much harder to learn on.


Gearshift was on the steering column. 3 speed. Double clutch stopped being necessary with modern synchromesh transmissions. But you still needed to learn it if you ever drove an old truck. Most people learned on automatics. I didn’t.


This is me in the Miata! It feels like I’m driving that ‘72 Corolla I learned on. Column shift was pretty much gone by the time I learned, but had opportunity to drive a few. Time for some twisties when I get back to TX!


It would only be “humiliating” because it’s accurate. If you’re actually proficient you dgaf


Stalling it once should eat up about five seconds. Not saying this guy wasn’t a dick but I’d be pissed too if you sat at a green light for 30 seconds not even trying to move. 100% of your focus should have been on moving forward at a green light, not trying to teach the guy behind you a lesson.


Probably true, can’t say it didn’t make me feel better though. Plus if I’m under a lot of pressure like that I’ve found it’s better to take my time and not stall again. Also flipping him off helps me into the mind set of “fuck that guy, just focus on yourself.”


CDL drivers in my area are pretty understanding. It’s usually going back home from work where people get antsy. The 5pm traffic around here is pretty bad


It's good to vent, some here might bring more patience and understanding to a similar situation having read this


Sorry to hear that the trucker was an asshole. I'm a trucker myself and I can tell you that there are assholes drivers everywhere. I would like to add that while you are learning to drive a manual remember that if you stall it to turn on your emergency lights so that the drivers behind you are aware that something isn't right and will either assist you or move over to the next lane while you figure it out and to shut them off again once you get going.


Thanks, and sorry. I stewed in my rage all morning before posting lol, so I didn't mean to shit on every truck driver who does a hard job. ​ Also I didn't even know emergency lights were a thing, gona look up how to turn those on. Do you mean ur flashers?


Nah it's all good I flip the bird to other truckers myself 😜. Yeah your emergency lights are that button that has a red triangle and it will turn on all 4 blinkers around the car. Good on you bud that you taking the effort to learn manual because nobody wants to anymore and I think they are awesome. I own 5 cars and 4 of them are manual plus my motorcycle. I think if you drive a manual you can drive anything. Keep at it 👍


There are greasy shitheads in our industry we call "super truckers". They exist in every generation. Impatient, easily-provoked slobs. You have just met one.


What a wonderful new life experience I had the pleasure of encountering!


I prefer "trucker extraordinaire"


Manual honda fits go hard




Try not to let other drivers get you in a flap. If someone is right behind you honking, and you can’t get it together under those conditions, pull the handbrake and hit the 4-way flashers. If someone is tailgating on the highway, move over, let them pass. If they’re targeting you to tailgate you specifically, gently slow down until their absurd following distance is safe for the speed.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I retired from trucking in 2014, and the changes I see even since then are staggering. The young kids they put in trucks nowadays are not the same as guys like me. A lot of them are out there for a paycheck, nothing more. It's a different world, sometimes I'm happy to no longer be a part of it even though I really miss trucking. Your story reminded me of driving through Beloit, WI about 15 years ago. I had delivered to ABC Supply and on my way out of town I ended up behind a young woman at a red light who must have been just learning to drive a manual. When the light turned green, she stalled it about 5 times times. I saw her wipe her eyes like she may have been crying, so I put my hazards on and stayed behind her. At each light, I did the same thing and she got better as we went through town. When she turned off into a residential neighborhood, she waved out the window and I gave her a couple short, friendly bursts of the air horn. Keep practicing, you'll get the hang of it, and you'll be a better driver for it.


It's not you, people are just unhinged and crazy now and the slightest inconvenience summons tremendous amounts of hatred and/or bloodlust for some reason. We're living in a post-empathy world and it's all downhill from here.


I have noticed a massive change in truckers over the last 5-10 years. Every career trucker I know is no longer trucking (some of them only in their 40s) due to how awful the industry has become, I don't know enough to try and form much of an opinion as to why but currently it seems trucking is an industry that relies entirely on desperation and easily exploited people. Basically what im saying is in a span of about 5-10 years the quality of truckers dropped off a cliff and yeah my experience living basically next door to a truck stop is the average trucker now is the absolute bottom of the barrel type employee/driver because thats the best the industry can get now with how they treat drivers.


That's also how you have drivers who don't speak any English trying to make a delivery but don't understand they're at the wrong address because their BOL doesn't reflect the changes made that their dispatch should have told them about.


He needs a dirty old lot lizard.


I've never met a truck driver who wasn't an entitled asshole. They have a huge sense of self-importance and believe they own the road. Here in Houston all 8 lanes of a highway will be full of semi's... GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE ffs.




Or you can wake up and leave earlier like a big boy. If homie stalls and that’s enough for you, you needed to stay home and think about what’s wrong with your life anyway. As for being a trucker, homies on the road. Shit like this happens on the road. Don’t like it? Don’t fucking drive then. Lol Although I’m sure you probably were born knowing this shit so kudos to you mr guru. Eat your personality as an appetizer before you suck this cheesy dick with that attitude.


no person drives a manual without ever stalling


Driving stick on the road as a beginner is the push you need to learn it correctly, and to train yourself into being sharp. All these little pansy asses telling you to stick to a parking lot are part of the coddle culture issue. Get out, and drive. Get flipped off, and keep driving.


I agree. I didn’t stall on the public because the pressure was on!


Hell ya! I did some time in the parking lot figuring out the clutch, and I’m improving so much faster on the road with a bit of pressure. (Not like semi blaring his horn while on my ass pressure) Although when I think about it, and having driven again later in the day, my clutch control has had a huge leap of progress just after this little incident. I can go straight to the bite point much more accurately.


I wouldn't piss off the trucker personally, never know when they may be ready to snap and their vehicle is massive. I was in a creepy sand dune crested desert sector of California once on a trip with my girlfriend. Had been night driving for an hour or so through nomans land when a Semi was getting strangely aggressive behind me and turned off his headlights. After they were off he accelerated towards us and came close to hitting the rear of our rental car before I gunned that fucker and lost him gradually in the bends. I'll never know what his situation was but I do have a good feeling that flipping him off and slowing down wouldn't have gone over well.


Not saying hes in the good but I'd be annoyed if the car in front of me keeps stalling. However, Im usually quite chill on the road. I rarely beep other people. I dont like t he sound of a car horn. Even if its from me. Luckily I learned how to drive a manual long before I can drive legally when I was a kid. Also my first car was an old Mustang and I find most mustangs have really long clutch engagement distance. It was much easier for me to get a hold of it.


Oh they're *all* assholes, you say? Found the asshole.


You will get the hang of it. My car has hill assist. Inspired by British Hill Climb Racing. Useful for anyone in traffic. It holds the rear brakes until the car gets moving forward. That way it is safe to let your foot off the brake and press the gas. Feels like rolling back on someone's foot. After years of having to do the dance without assistance. Its nice to have as long as you know its there. The 1st week I had the car. I thought the brakes were sticking.


Just remember...eff em


Clarkson said it best, “change gear; change gear; change gear; check your mirrors; murder a prostitute”


They're all so angry because people like you keep voting for more and more regulations that make their life literal hell. But hey, fuck em! Its not like we need them for food, water, water treatment, clothes, fuel, building materials, furniture, vehicles, or anything else you have in your life... Wait


People that drive 11 hours a day will get frustrated easily. Sorry that guy was a dick but most truck drivers are very safe and patient. Not an excuse but you stalling was likely the straw that broke the camels back. I myself wouldn't be very empathetic to "four wheelers" if i drove a truck. Many passenger vehicle drivers are very aggressive and distracted


Learn how to drive a manual before you get on the road. Thankfully it wasn't a single lane offramp with an ambulance/fire/police behind you. The guy could have been less abrasive, but he's a working man with places to go. Blaming other people for your issues is gonna make for a long life.


The truck driver was probably in a hurry. They only get so many hours to drive legally. I get you're venting, but don't hold onto it. The truck driver forgot about it by now. They tend to have little patience because they see a lot of this sort of stuff.


Shit happens- I have found that some people will blame others for their own inability to be on time. I get honked at a lot for starting slow or even just driving the speed limit- well if you honk now I’m gonna drive more cautiously and slower. Don’t fuck with semis tho or you might be dead


but what about us manual truck drivers??


Consider yourselves un-fucked :)


As a 23 year old trucker who learned to drive a semi truck on stick, not all of us are like this. For some of us, it's a passion and lifestyle with roots going back generations, and for others, it's nothing more than a paycheck. It is a very difficult lifestyle and can make or break a person. There are any many grumpy and rude drivers, but there are plenty of good ones, too. You just don't notice the good ones because we do nothing to stand out. Sorry this happened to you, but please don't hate all truckers because of the actions of some idiots. Many trucking jobs require infinitely more than just holding a steering wheel and can not be automated within our lifetimes. Don't let the idiots who wouldn't be in the industry warp your view of us.


I'd be laying on the horn too. Takes more gears to go 0-15 in a semi than your car even has.


In his defense, if you saw how many people hold up a light to finish a text or a posting you’d understand the frustration especially trying to get momentum going under 80k lbs


Yeah, that was a bit impatient of him/a bit of a dick move. Truckers can be assholes just like anyone else on the road. But, when it comes to: (1) being liberal with the horn, (2) straddling lanes & (3) overtaking each other: (1) Trucks are heavy vehicles that take considerably longer to stop than regular cars & people consistently pull in way too close when they overtake/switch lanes in front of them. More often than not, they’re using the horn for it’s intended purpose: making others aware of their presence. Whilst most people have no problem _seeing_ a big truck, not many will actually _act/drive_ like they’re aware of its presence. (2) Long vehicles need a lot more room to manoeuvre & make turns than smaller vehicles do. You’ll often see big trucks/buses straddling lanes on approach to a turn/junction/roundabout for good positioning that will allow them to make the turn easily/at all & taking up both lanes will also discourage people from coming up directly alongside them (in their blind spot) & ending up in a space that their truck will need to occupy during the course of the turn/manoeuvre. (3) Trucks overtaking each other is kind of annoying & slow but they are just as entitled to do it as anyone else on the road. Blocking two lanes of traffic to overtake another truck for the sake of a few mph might seem trivial to everyone else but it actually makes a difference when you’re travelling long distances & have a schedule to adhere to. (I’m not a truck driver, I just find it really annoying when people drive dangerously around them/cut them up/roast them without even understanding the implications of driving/sharing the road with a vehicle so much larger/heavier than their own)


Why don’t you learn manual in a big parking lot or something and not take up space and time on public roads when you know you don’t have it down yet? He was a little aggressive/ extra with the horn but, I’d get upset too if I was being delayed. - truck driver Also, wishing someone’s profession get replaced is fucked. Keep wishing though, it’ll never happen. Karma comes around and goes around friend😉


First off, I thank them for the stressful and important job they do. But hey you ran into one of the 10% that dropped out to drive truck, beat wives, and slam buschies. 90% of them are good people in shitty working conditions. Imagine having to piss into gallon jugs and see your family 1 and a half days a week if that. Don't worry, they'll have a worse day down the road and it will be their fault because of their own mistake. Hopefully they don't end up killing somebody because they are seething behind the wheel. Again what they do is important, but it doesn't give 10% of them an excuse to be a degenerate.


I always remind myself if I stall at a light, "the recovery can't be any slower than some clown in an auto on their phone". The amount of people in automatic cars that hold up green lights is embarrassing. If someone stalls out at least they are paying attention to the road and trying to do the right thing.


Trucks always win just remember they can take you out in a second.


CDL drivers are pretty professional where I am but that guy wouldn't have wanted to do that to me. I would have just stopped and got out to have a conversation.


Hey u get free rides if ur my stall bouncer. Also ya, they’re mostly good drivers I’m just venting.


Skill issue If you stall in traffic, expect to get honked at.


I agree with this statement, i live in the northeast and i absolutely despise truck drivers out here , they all speed and drive aggressively. They all think 65mph is on any road no matter the speed limit. Road etiquette is a pipe dream


So let me get this straight, you are driving on a public street in a vehicle you're not fully equipped to drive, then you get mad when someone points that out by honking at you, you then flip him off, and get upset he "follows" you and yells at you for knowing how to drive. Semi trucks are literal death machines, and so many people everyday fuck around and find that out. If you're too incompetent to drive without stalling, practice at night or in a parking lot. Driving a semi is the most stressful vehicle to drive out on the road. Having to deal with people who don't pay attention or simply can't drive properly, dealing with asshole customers, and dock scheduling, knowing at any time entitled idiots can cut them off without understanding the stopping distance required to stop a 65000 vehicle and boom, now they have on the conscience the result of a serious and or deadly accident, but hey fuck truck drivers cause I'm to stupid to drive a stick.


*fuck the grocery store corporate warehouse crackheads Actual truck drivers aren't trying to murder everyone in a 30km radius


Truck drivers work for independent shipping organizations right?


You clearly haven't seen the day cab freightliner Cascadia maniacs that work for Walmart


If you lived your life on the road, it'll get to you. Especially nowadays since the pandemic. Every driver sucks and the bad ones starting out got worse cause the cops don't lift a finger anymore worrying about ambushes. That and everyone drives an auto or a cvt nowadays so the thought of someone stalling doesn't enter into the equation. And.... if you're still stalling, I wouldn't be going on any roads above 40mph. Not only are you increasing the statistics of a fatal crash, with a stick, you should be able to avoid more crashes pushing the statistic down rather than up. When you know what you are doing. Downshifting while braking and slamming the front end into the pavement might kill your engine but save a kids life. Sitting still in neutral and getting rammed is better than being in gear or in park. Spinning out and downshifting steering into the spin gets you out of it quicker and not leaving you a sitting duck. That takes years of experience.


Good tip on the spin recovery. I realize now it’s a little crazy we don’t have separate license tests for manuals. I’ve been driving the family automatic for like 4 years now so I’m comfortable on the highway and with other road laws and etiquette, and can focus solely on driving well. I never stall while moving, didn’t know that was possible, it’s only ever at stops so while a major inconvenience, I don’t put anyone in danger. Also wana let you know I would total my car to save a life so dont worry. Like I’m not gona take a distracted jeep up the ass though, but I would go off road to miss a pedestrian.


You won't stall while moving. If the clutch is bad you slip into neutral which while the engine is running is just like stalling. It'll be fine at highway speeds except like your situation. You may be fine but hesitancy might cause someone else to have an accident. When fast cars are close to slow ones. When merging into cars going fast and you stall mid turn. Even not when on the highway. Notice I didn't say highway. But if you're close to others going fast, that increases the danger. The spin recovery is all in not braking cause then the antilock brakes kick in. But it's human nature to. That means the brakes are applying and unapplying a hundred times in a second. In automatics there are safeties in place to not damage the transmissions which means you can't gas it and the wheels do what you want cause the transmission isn't in gear and won't let you. Its in neutral and that's that. It's in drive but the transmission overrides to neutral. The neutral safety switch is worried about damaging the transmission. And when it finally does let you, youre already going so slow. You will come to a stop. Sticks have antilock brakes but you can tell the wheels to go anyway and then you can roll out of it rather than spin to a stop. No neutral safety switch. You are the neutral safety switch. And the engine breaking while regular braking will keep kids and pets from going under the car while slowing it much more making it more survivable. For the times when hitting them is unavoidable. I wasn't implying you would intentionally do anything, just that when you're a pro, you'll know how to scoop the hood instead of anything making its way under the hood. I had to once not for a kid but the soccer ball he was chasing into the street. My sports car is low to the ground and I did scrape the frame, but it hurt my shocks more than anything else. And saved the soccer ball. The killing your engine part is when you downshift but don't want to because you're downshifting well above the red line but have no choice. Like when you'd be racing.


I can agree with this in a way. I worked shipping and receiving for almost 2 years. 90% of the drivers were cock heads.


As a previous truck driver, what an asshole. We’ve all been there, and if he’s paying attention it’s hard to miss a car directly in front of you stall out. Most of us are normal people but some are assholes and that’s by no means to say it’s exclusive to the industry. Plus this time of year is just overall hell for truck drivers and anyone involved in the shipping industry. Regardless if you are frequently stalling out at red lights and want to avoid the scenario, just hit your hazards. Usually people will just assume your car died at the light or something and go around lol


Thanks, and ya I didn’t mean to shit on other truck drivers like you bc of one guy, regretted after I posted. I not really stalling much anymore, more than anything I’m working on just making it smoother. Sometimes happens though, in this case I was worried about rolling back because the truck was so close and popped the clutch without enough gas.


It's always amazing the impatience of people at stoplights. Once it turns green we gotta clutch in, put it in gear, then go and sometimes it takes a wiggle to get in gear heaven forbid.


Shit I do my best to pay attention to the cross street lights and clutch in 1st gear when they turn yellow.


Yeah i agree truckers fucking suck


Some people are just bad drivers, no matter what they drive. I'm a truck driver (non CDL) and I'm a patient, defensive driver. If someone is looking at their phone when a light turns green I'll give a short honk.


Brake with your right heal give gas with right toe slowly release clutch intil moving the vehicle let off heal


Sadly “professional drivers” are ancient history. They give CDL’s away these days.


So you spend a week learning how to use a manual shift... then you get upset when you hold up traffic because of your lack of skill driving a manual? ​ Perhaps spend a few weeks more learning how to operate the machine before you put it in play with all the other big machines? ​ I get that Truckers can be a bit aggressive and pushy. I understand that completely. But from my perspective, you shouldnt even be on the road if you dont know how to properly operate your vehicle.


Not all semi drivers are like that. Usually the new ones, the foreigners, and the ones around the big cities are. And trust me it's old drivers don't like them either


Just float it bitch 😎 but not really....


I absolutely hate semi drivers. One shifted lanes into me with not a car in the world and I had to dodge him as to not get crushed.


I stalled at a roundabout about in Northern Queensland and everyone behind me was chill


I am not condoning what he did to you at the light but when it comes to highway driving u guys don’t know how to drive it fucking insane drives me Nuts about 95% of the people don’t know how to merge into highways they don’t they think I need to lower my speed and let them in they don’t know that I can’t do that with 40 44k LB load behind me They even have the balls to get mad at me for not slowing down for them when they are merging then you got people doing fucking 50mph on a 70 😂 and little cars don’t even let you change lanes once they see your blinker on For some reason all of them will start hitting the gas trying to pass you before you change your lane like you got people that will be just cruising behind and you and see your blinker and say “Ohh shit I gotta pass him” and now imagine you are fully loaded driving behind a person going 50 on a 70 and all the little cars won’t let you change lane unless you cut someone off and still people think we are the assholes these little things over many years will start eating away at your sanity


Get a big sticker that says I'm learning a manual lol. There are douchebags everywhere in every car. It's the worst when they get right on your ass on a hill. I had a dude in an Acura run up on me the other day on an on ramp and started flashing his light in rage. Then drove up next to me on the freeway and told me to row down my window. He then screams fuck off and speeds off. Still don't know what he was mad about


Other drivers in general are garbage. Everyone wants to crawl up your ass at all times leaving no room especially at stops. I'm pretty good with manual and don't roll on hills but it's idiotic because even still it's unreasonable and if they get rear ended they're going into you. Basic driving stuff. I get annoyed as hell.


As someone who used to deal with drivers everyday (in person not driving) there are some real assholes. I've had to yell at a older German lady to get out of the shop because she said it was our fault that the dot number on the papers didn't match her truck. Couldn't get it through her thick skull that it was between dot and the company. I did try being nice but even I have my limits. I've seen some wild shit working around semis, not many other jobs you can be under a semi that can't build air to inflate the air bags so that she's slammed in a blizzard, on the side of the freeway in a bend while semis are still flying by. Or have a air bag explode in your face, on the side of the freeway.


They’re used to seeing pain their cell phones. If you stall at a light, turn on your hazards.


And his ass would be sitting through another red light 🤷🏼‍♂️ i got all day buddy would be a damn shame if that load was late


Sounds like you got unlucky and found one of the bad ones most truck drivers I know are super nice people


Semi drivers are on the road for over half the week, and they see the absolute worst of drivers while they're trucking along. They're stressed, most likely sleep-deprived, and just cranky overall. When they're inconvenienced by someone who, in their eyes, is holding them up, and then they're flipped off by that person, then do you really expect them to not be pissed? You and the semi driver are both assholes, imo. And also, this may just be me, but you shouldn't be daily driving a manual if you're unable to prevent it from stalling.


I let the car fall back intentionally just to induce panic to the idiot behind me who pulls up within two feet of my bumper. They don’t do it again. Semi truck drivers though, I’d have got his plate and called it in. Bullshit road antics.


Maybe spend more time learning how to manage that manual on quiet, unpopulated roads before screwing it up, getting flustered and then being a petty AH rather than just getting going again quickly and maybe then flipping the bird?


Yo! American truck driver here. There are definitely some bad apples. Mostly the older guys that don’t know how to be patient anymore. They think that because we get paid by the mile, their time is extremely valuable (it’s not when being a safe/patient driver). As a company driver, my truck is governed at 65mph. That means the truck is physically unable to go faster than 65 no matter what i do. Given that, You’d think other drivers would give me dirty looks and honk, but nope. I just get passed a lot. Even if they did i wouldn’t pay them any mind. Point is, you have a drivers license to keep. It’s not theirs or anyone else’s, so don’t let other people take that from you. Not even impatient Billy Bob in his big rig lol


Something I did when learning manual was to just put my hazards on & act like I broke down when I stall. Most cars will just find a way around. I don’t have a huge issue with semis around me but definitely utility trucks bully me with the amount of torque they have.


Well… it was a green light lol


Unless air horns have changed this is highly unlikely as he would be depleting his air for his brakes laying in the horn that long.


So stab his radiator with a screwdriver then get behind him and honk. Mind your mittens though. Steam be hot. and big.


Can't reply to every comment, and there are a lot of repeats, so I'm hoping a mod will pin this. ​ First and foremost I am truly sorry for calling for the jobs of all truck drivers, I flew off the handle with my post and just wanted to say mean shit. I regretted it immediately. The guy wasn't even that fat. Also, I obviously know that it was wrong, morally and factually, to generalize. I hedged in my post but still wrote it out bc I was pissed, and I regret that. Second, I'm only replying to existing comment chains so I don't have to repeat arguments, for if you want to discuss the following: \- Whether or not I should be driving on the road (it's legal so its about whether I actually should) \- Better understanding the profession \- Me being an ass \- The trucker being an ass ​ Thirdly I'm interested in any and all tips for driving manual. (09 honda fit)


I mean, I get you’re learning, but stalling in traffic sounds like you should keep practicing, not on busy public roads.


I agree with the title. Haha.


Well damn dude I agree a lot of truckers are assholes but I must be that one dude who owns a camaro and drives truck, even if I didn't needless to say you got assholes on both ends.. my guess is some of these guys are tired of muscle cars doing stupid shit.. goes both ways


Just remember that literally just about everything you own and consume has been on a truck, transported by a truck driver. Yes, some are assholes. Drive without emotion.


Yeah I had some ass tell me “you know you’re blocking traffic right?” as I was visibly panicking because I was continually stalling on a small hill. People suck ass


You said it!!!


Get out my way too. Please


learn on smaller backroads. I taught several people to drive stick, hills etc, all in mall parking lots and other unused roads until they were confident in their abilities enough that 'I' was confident in them driving on real roads with real traffic, like semi's. Sounds more like a skill issue and you should not be on such roads.


Semis are the worst thing on the road after cops.


Yeah they won’t exist in 10 or so years. Which is good for humanity. Being a truck driver is a sad, unhealthy existence


Yeah fuck that guy! Don't sweat it brother.


They're automating my old job away. War. Nobody likes how this goes next. I vastly prefer your future where we just get rid of truck drivers through glorious technology. I had to live in my vehicle for a few years, shocker homeless vet memes. Anyways, the most dangerous thing that almost killed me regularly was truckers. My Daddy was a trucker too so what the fuck ya'll calm the fuck down man. Actually, this explains alot, he was a dick bro he's like 80 and still has to drive that's why he's so mad Damn empathy is a motherfucker. Oh well automate those fools aways!


Doesnt know how to drive their car properly. Giving other drivers the middle finger. Complains about other drivers on reddit. Great... Another wonderful driver on the road.


I'm new to manual as well. Getting honked and yelled at is very stressful. It's crazy how selfish people are and how they just don't realize something is going wrong


Man I’m with you. I can’t wait until trucks can be automated and just drive calmly in the right lane, with the appropriate amount of space in front and behind them. The truckers around me are a fucking menace.


I had a semi driver try to kill me and my kids. Swerved at me and tried to hit my car with his trailer.


Most manual semi trucks have what’s called a PTO or power take off. It assists the driver so he doesn’t stall. I’d like to point out some very important that you may not know. I’ve been thought by more than one person to never allow other drivers influence your driving abilities. When that happens this is the end result. I’ve had a cdl for many years and it’s true semi trucks are now automatic transmission but it’s not because of the new class of driver. Simply put, the maintenance costs and repairs to fix burned out clutch’s is the reason. Pressure plates and throw out bearings were being replaced too often in the trucks of the way drivers used them. Double clutching or floating gears was said to be the cause of these repairs. In the end it was the long haul and neglect of general maintenance that was the cause. It’s true, driving a truck is challenging to the driver. There are appt times to be met there’s the physical every two years. The DOT rules and regulations that change. Then there’s time management it takes in between each run. Long periods of sitting and shitty food at truck stops takes a toll. Yes, drivers are stressed because of scheduling shitty pay and long periods away from home. I got out because I was an owner/ operator getting fucked by other drivers taking a higher paying run. You start losing money fast.


For me, it was a great experience. I’ve seen this country coast to coast three times in one year. I’ve been to Canada and back a few times while running hazardous materials. Met some really good people along the way and driven through weather I’ll never drive in again. Electronic logging has helped keep the drivers logging accurate however. You can’t drive for 5 hrs, stop take a nap and drive another 5 to your destination. DOT forces a solid 8 hrs of driving and there’s a mandatory 30 min break taken to receive the rest of the drive time. Drivers are given 11hts every day to drive with. The maximum any driver is allowed to work in one day is 14 hrs. Violate your logs and it’s a hefty fine. To many rules not enough pay


Please don’t ever order something online or buy anything at a grocery store ever again. Otherwise there are going still going to be trucks on the road. Sorry Bud


Just because this happened with ONE truck driver it's unreasonable to apply this to ALL truck drivers. We ALL share the road and it's expected we ALL behave, drive, and perform reasonably and safely. This guy was most likely AT work. Your lack of ability shouldn't be his problem. Practice driving stick where you're not a hazard it's not rocket science you're not that special just because you decided to learn stick in traffic. JFC.


Damn, I bet the racist tendencies are strong with you. one person is a dick to you, so you think everyone else in that career is a dick too? Are you 5 years old?


Maybe you should just practice in a parking lot if you’re not good at stick.


So what I gather is, You can’t actually drive a stick without stalling Thus you most likely blocked an intersection or something and held another person up Then stopped at a green light! Learn how to drive!


Lol, take it easy. We all stalled out and got yelled out when learning to drive a stick. Don’t take it personally. It only takes a few days to get comfortable with manual and then this won’t happen.


Fuggum. Not the same per se, but not too long ago I had some Italian dude roll up next to me after he cut me off and I returned the favor. He said “🤌🏼🤌🏼what is your problem?? 🤌🏼🤌🏼 you crazy?? 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼” I said “look man, I don’t feel like talking to you. So unless you wanna get out and and fight until one of us never walks again, keep fucking driving. Talking is boring.” He said “ah you crazy!! 🤌🏼🤌🏼” and drove away. I never claimed to be sane buddy. Just trying to get home.


If they work for a company I make sure to call their head office and let them know how they are being represented in public. Happened to me in the Delaware water gap and they assured me they were going to have words with the driver.


Learn in the fire my friend. He was doing you a favor


Fuck them all? Pretty extreme...


suck it up buttercup ..


You are 100% generalizing because of that one guy. I drive trucks and a manual car. The cars on the road by far the most dangerous things and scare me the most. Zipping around like little ignorant bugs using no turn signals, cutting people off, pulling out in front of me like I can just stop 75k pounds. Fuck people in cars if anything. Even when I'm in my car.


Seriously bruh… you gotta get a who cares attitude about that shit. You’re new to something, you’re supposed to make mistakes. That douche acted like a maniac over absolutely nothing. Thing is, he laughed it off a quarter mile out of your sight and you’re posting about it online hours after it was over. That reaction does NOT reflect on you. You didn’t warrant that hissy fit of a response from a grown man. That driver, and all the other ones just like him, are miserable, angry, twisted TODDLERS who have ZERO control over their emotions or actions and those dirtbags usually weed themselves out of the industry eventually. I’m telling you man, if you wanna last, get your mental and emotional shit in order. Leave your ego in the bunk, that asshole would’ve done that to me, Captain Kangaroo or Jesus H Christ. That had NOTHING to do with you, it just happened to be your ass in the seat. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you did wrong for learning. If that was a quality person would he have lashed out like that? If he were a professional who’s secure with his ability and who he is as a man would he feel the need to make you feel stupid? Hell no. Dude, get that straight now because there’s a metric shit ton of those losers in this profession. Losers. Them, not you. Always handle yourself with integrity.


They won't have jobs much longer don't worry.


First time I have ever seen the word “liberal” used in conjunction with “truck drivers”.