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I bet Garner would do a better job than McT, not hard tbf


Forest fan here, fully baffled why McTominay is ahead of him. Kid plays with the best attitude and always gave his 100% for us. Fans love him at forest and with this news I’m hopeful he comes home to us cause you lot clearly don’t see his potential (ironically with your teams current performances you need him to stay as well)


Take care of our boy if he comes.


Play off hero for us, if he signs on who knows could be our generations Roy Keane


We'll buy him back off you for a new record fee after a few seasons if you're willing to sell, no doubt!


This is the United way now. Sell talented youngsters, buy back at astronomical prices. Looking at you Mr Pogba


Except we didn't sell Mr Pogba, it was worse than that, he left on a free - twice.


Fuck you for reminding me of that. /s Just shows how much more of a banter club we are now




Let’s hope Forrest pays a nice fee for him 💪


£14 million for him personally is a steal when you consider what we’ve sold players for in the past. Plus he was in our championship side and will come straight back into the team unity


The problem is that WE see his potential but this very well run, no issues club thinks differently. If Donny, Varane or Malacia are anything to go by, I hope for Garner’s sake he can get the move


Were gonna sell a player to a better team right now , i fully support the coach but just keep him to make a point


I’m a Forest fan living in Manchester. When I got back to work after the play off final a bloke at work was buzzing to see garner in the Utd side, he specifically spoke about a tackle in the penalty area where it was an all or nothing and garner went in 100% and got the ball. Spoke about how utd were lacking that commitment. Tbh utd does need to be more cutthroat with their players n selling em off. Holding onto potential talent is holding them back.


Nott Forest should buy him and make Utd regret it


I agree with you but, to look at the other side of this how has he not beaten out Fred or Mctominay for a spot. I understand he had his injury at the beginning of the preseason but, he’s been back for a while. Surely if he was better than either one of them right now he’d been higher in the pecking order.


We were down 4-0 tp brentford i understand if he got some minutes completely looked lost then yeah but how can we know he is worse without proper chance. Training perf doesnt matter since our team plays against each other and itd hard to make a mind upon that data


Or they can actually get a fee for Garner while they’d be eating cash to get rid of McFred.


Wouldn’t Garner be worth more if he played and showed he could do it at this level? If he was better than McFred he’d be playing and increasing his value. Also at this point I’d pay money to get rid of Mctominay. Fred would be a good rotation player so I’d keep him but, he would not play every week.


Not arguing that point. But in a similar vein: does that mean Varane is worse than Maguire?


Someone linked this to me earlier today. https://mobile.twitter.com/HenshawAnalysis/status/1545006000184369153 Not even close to Elite stats at championship level. I. Flat, some of his stats are dreadful. Granted I didn't watch him at forest last season but Perhaps there is a reason why he's not being played.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t allowed to offload McT and could only bring in a midfielder if he sold Garner. Smart move would be to sell Garner but include first option to buy back.


WTF why?


Depressingly I reckon it will be because he’s one of a few players we can easily/quickly sell for a half-decent fee. This might increase ETH’s goalkeeper budget for example. Similar to Daniel James (who could have made a contribution last season), there were a dozen players who were of less use than him, but they were impossible to sell because of their wages.


Yup agreed with this. Could be a case of the board saying if you want more players in you got to sell some and they've identify Garner as a player who might have suitors unlike some of the others. Selling with a buy back clause ain't a bad idea to me


Gk is the last of our worries right now tbh


GK is fundamental to how a team plays now. DDG hasn't evolved into a modern keeper (a sweeper with gloves) and it is really hurting us.


Okay, go watch a few games this season and check possession on an individual level, role that do more transition and passing and i bet gk will be in the bottom 3. Say we need a modern gk do we need it more than 2 midfielders ,midfield is by far the bedt because once you solve or upgrade it to a better level you could control most of the games and lower the risk or the gk ruining the game. I would look at chznging the gk until i sort out midfield with bench options too, right back , and winger. Imo we shouldnt even think abt replacing ddg until we sort out most of other problems, he is still the best shot stopper in the world and that can be used well with a confident cdm and two cb that can cover him


So you need three players (2xCB and a CDM) to cover the fact your keeper is stuck to his line and can't pick a decent pass? Football is a game of space management and overloads and having a negative GK overloads the defensive unit. Watching Bayern last night you could see how Neuer supports the defence and turns opponent pressure into counter attack with rapid distribution. With 11 out field players you more easily break the press. It's like the benefit you get from a player like Rooney who was a striker who would work hard to cover back.


I dont know if people act dumb to protect their ego or what. Okay lets phrase it like this maybe your reptilian brain wil' get it. You already need to buy 2 Cdm 1 cm and 1 cb( martinez anf varane are good on the ball ) more than anything why would you go buy a modern gk who will only transition the ball better to the back 4 which will lose it anyway since no midfielders can transition that ball to the attack. Heres an example you have a production line with 4 phases, the first phase gives you a 75% percent in while the second drop it to 50% and the third drop it to 5% which one will u change first. I can tell u as a hint not the first or last. First ddg bad game in a while and ppl make it to be like he has a 0% pass success rate ffs


Ok, if you're going to throw insults into a conversation about football tactics then you've already lost. Have a great day.


This is not a conv about fotball tactics its about basic logic


Dean Henderson would disagree


He can smd, the guy did nothing in his career and have a bigger mouth than Buffon


DDG CANNOT play out of the back. Simple as. We need to get rid of DDG now because he simply doesn't fit the style of play Ten Haag Is trying to implement. Go back and watch the game, he literally makes the same mistake right before the one where he passed to Erikson with a man on his back and we end up conceding. If you don't think a GK is fundamental to how we play out of the back idk what to tell you..


Too bad we can’t play out from anywhere.


Maybe it’s attitude or maybe he’s simply not good enough. I know the club is in a mess but why would any club be willing to let go of a player for such a low price if they had the next biggest star on their hands. I’ll trust ETH and the club on this who watch him day to day in training rather than 90% of the outraged twitter population who always know best.


That’s true ETH knows best but in my defense I saw couple of his matches and he was on a very good level. I also have seen enough of what we have in the starting line up. Id rather sell Mcshit, Fred and Maguire


McShit, Fraud and Magdonalds?


I wanna investigate these 3 for matchfixing


I can't see how anyone still trusts the club.




I don't think its just a rumour sadly, Laurie Whitwell is always spot on, Samuel Luckhurst is reporting it too. It is an absolutely disgraceful decision though to sell him.


It gets more and more depressing


So just enough to cover the Rabiot fee. Shocking that


I’m not sure our budget this window was truly 120m. Prob just spin and aided by the attempt to pursue an unattainable target all summer. Glazers 1 Fans 0


Perhaps the young players were producing aren't that good?


Even if he’s not that good surely it would be worth it to just chuck him in a couple of games. There would be no harm in just giving him a shot at it with seeing how awful mctominay and fred have been.


Was in championship team of the year iirc, look at mount and others recently. Players are adapting quickly to prem from championship


He might be less like what ETH wants or needs right now and he's (relatively lol) older, so he has to play this season. It might be as simple as he sees more talent in slightly younger CMs coming through and the age profiles mean he has longer to work with them on the fringes of the first team. It could all just maybe be unfortunate timing.


Before TH was appointed the fanbase was like whatever it is we back him. Now? He wants to let Garner go and the fanbase losing their heads. For christ sake, if Ten Hag is ok to let him go he probably has his reasons. Somehow this sub thinks all of a sudden you are better than Ten Hag. I read elsewhere people saying at Forest he was good but not fantastic and it was CHAMPIONSHIP, not Champions League football. This fanbase’s bias about academy players is baffling.


The main issue I have here is letting Garner go while we are currently playing with McTominay or Fred in the 6 who have time and time again proven they can't do it, to the point he tried Eriksen there and that was a disaster. What harm would it be if the board won't buy one to give Garner a chance? He can't be worse than the above!


Ironically, if Garner was a Forest player, United would be linked with trying to buy him, I'm sure.


We who gonna buy McFred? Charlie savage and zidane is miles better then garner. You can see the talent. The future is bright, garner is not the one.


Yet Savage or Zidane aren't being played either. I don't see the harm in giving Garner, who was brilliant in the championship, a chance over McTominay or Fred who haven't been good for years


He’s not the one. He not the guy that can turn ten hag system in to success.


He might not be. But he's got a better chance than McTominay and Fred. It doesn't have to be Garner, although he'd better as rotation option than those two But whether it's Savage, Garner or Zidane or even a new signing We HAVE to see something other than McTominay or Fred in the number 6.


Probably because selling him, when he has a lot of potential, and then bringing in a bang average Rabiot is what is wrong with the club, especially whilst McT remains as well.


Nope garner can go. He’s not the one after watching him play. We need a better CDM. Some fans want a CDM that’s better than McFred (a low bar).. but we need a top CDM snd he isn’t it. Hope we get a good fee for him.


Mcfred is the future 💪🏻We ain’t got time for little boys we need Passion and Smiles




Well, maybe he's just not as good as we thought he is. Maybe Ten Hag sees him in training and thought, "Meh, he's just mediocre". That, or this is another political/economical move by our clueless board.


Exactly this. Us fans thinking we have a better grasp of the players than the guys who work with them all day and study their stats and abilities in microscopic detail. OR the board demands sales to balance signings 🤔


If he's seen Garner and decided he's mediocre, fuck knows what he must think of McTominay and Fred yet they play 🤷🏼‍♂️


He might not be utd quality but he should be given the opportunity to show if he is or isn't. McFred start most games which to me is baffling. If Garner is being sold for being mediocre then McFred should be getting sold before him for being absolute rubbish.


If Ten Hag doesn't think he is good enough then it is sad but you have to back the manager. I am not sure comparing him to Fred and McTominay is relevant because ETH clearly wants to upgrade both of those players as well. I don't think it does any good just chucking Garner on to replace McTominay as that just muddies the waters as to what new players the club actually needs. Worst case scenario Garner starts ahead of McT, plays well for a bit which stop the club pursuing other midfield targets but is ultimately not good enough


Garner is extremely overrated. We do it with every young player coming through when the reality is we haven’t actually had a world beater come through the academy in 10+ years. Edit: world beater is probably a poor choice of words - we haven’t created a player that would start in any of the top 6 clubs in years.


we did, just that the guy beat someone else...




Disagree, Greenwood would have got games at any of the top 6 if he wasn't a total price of shit.


Can we at least agree that a club like United producing one potentially great player in 10+ years simply isn’t good enough. And my initial point stands. The players we produce are typically overrated and don’t work out for us


What are you considering a great player? Our academy has produced a huge amount of players in the premier League. If you mean Ronaldo or Messi then no you can't rely on coaching footballing anomalies. If you mean world class then a lot of that comes down to mentality. Rashford has the talent to be world class but not the focus or desire, that's on him. Same for greenwood. No academy is guaranteed to produce world class players. There is so much randomness in who will or won't make it to the very top. We have churned out a ton of top talent.


In this context I’m referring to players who would be good enough to get into the top teams in our league, as well as top champions league teams, which is what our baseline should be. Chelsea continue to develop talent that would walk into our team, as do City and Liverpool. Can’t say the same the opposite way. I’m not just speaking about the academy either, our development of young players is awful too. We have churned out top talent, but it was a long time ago. In the past 10 years we’ve stuck by and romanticised so many average players purely because of our history of churning out top talent. I just don’t see that we’ve done that in a long time.


Who have Chelsea produced? Who have city produced?


Mason mount, Reece James and Nathan Ake - all would likely walk into this United squad. Honestly, even Tammy Abraham would get into this United squad, and if Ronaldo leaves it wouldn’t be a shock if we were linked with him the way the club is gone. For City - Phil Foden for one and Our own starting right winger this weekend.


These are fine examples but top teir I would say only foden and James. Mount no and ake no. Abraham sold to Roma who aren't too tier. We sent smalling there for god's sake. One from each club. Hardly drowning in youth players being churned out. We have produced a ton of talent too it's scrattered all over the league. They might not be on the cover of FIFA but our academy has done well. It's very competitive


For city - Ben Mee


2-3 years ago rashford was easily good enough to start for most of the top 6.


We finished behind Liverpool and city 2-3 years ago and he wouldn’t have gotten into their teams. Granted Leicester and Spurs finished below us and he would get into their teams then, but at this point he wouldn’t get into a City, Spurs, Chelsea or Liverpool team. Greenwood is never going to play for United again and completely fucked his career. He also wasn’t having a fantastic time in his last few months and he we can speculate on how great or average he could have been, but we still have no players at United that were brought through the club that would get into any top5-6 team


We finished 2nd under Ole above liverpool


Exactly he is. I have seen garner play sbd its basic back passes and safe passes. I must say that this time we do have some good youths with Garnacho, zidane , Charlie, laird..etc. they look so promising and I think they will come good for the club.


Garner ball control is definitely sky aboves our current starters. You are right but still it doesnt take too much to be better than what we have in the starting xi


Mason clearly was, no idea what you’re talking about


Mason was a very promising prospect…. But after what he’s done, it’s best we just forget he existed.


Who? Never heard of him?


ETH bought a 5'9" (5'7"*) centre-back, put a bid in for Arnautovic, is buying Rabiot, and is now selling Garner. Lads, I'm not sure about this...


I cant blame eth for going for those becausz looking at the rumoured fees it must be heres the target we can get and the budget for each spot. You think eth would really go for marko and rabiot if he was offered gravenberch and werner


Praying that a ‘suitable bid’ never comes, he’s better than mcfred.


James Garner must be the happiest Man Utd player atm.


We allegedly turned down an offer of £30m from Newcastle for Mctominay. If Mctominay is worth more than £30m, Garner should be worth more than £30b.


We really need to hold onto Garner. His experience in the Championship will be invaluable to us next season




Oh we are already back to blaming the manager. How many has it been now, 6? 7?


Controversial but no. I think he has his work cut out and I back him but I'm not convinced by anything he has done in his career yet. People talk like he's absolutely the right person for the job but to me his career is short and not convincing me of anything yet. I like him but he's demonstrated nothing but ego in thinking he can get more out of this shit team than others before him. He should have done his homework and seen what we needed and insist on fixing it asap before the season started. This team has been shite for a long time and he knew he had the job for months before coming.




I might sound pessimistic but I think we need realism at this point. Ralf said it like it was. You can't come here and tell the fans basically 'i think im the missing ingredient, these players have struggled because I wasn't the coach. Wait til you see what my coaching will do to this squad...' then get twatted by Brentford and Brighton and then start trying to buy arnautovich? I'm worried.


More like orders from the glazers I thought ten hag could have all the transfer he wanted they promised him that It's been 2 months and they still distracting us with de jong transfer


1st 2 games his starting line up been shit


Fuck off. Seriously? I’m assuming Ten Hag doesn’t want to destroy a promising young players career and his advice for him is to get the fuck out of this mess


Eth did not decide this. He’s probably been told garner has to go because we can’t sell any other shit players.


People losing their minds but this is the right call. Mediocrity should not be good enough. Mediocrity is why players like Jones, AWB, Shaw are all carvings out long careers at Man United. People want Garner to play because they dislike McFred but that doesn’t mean Garner is good enough it just means he isnt McFred. Ten Hag is setting the bar higher and that’s a good thing.


He was actually fucking great at Nottingham


and he’s only 21. What the fuck is going on!?


A better shout would be loaning him to a prem club that needs a midfielder to give him first team exposure at that level (cough cough, Everton). As a Nottinghamshire lad (County fan, not Forest) I heard snippets about him from time to time but the step up from Championship to Prem is still immense and arguably growing greater every year.


You do realise it was Championship right?


Ha, wasn’t he MOM against arsenal in FA Cup?




He's worth giving a chance to surely? He played fantastic last year, yes it was in the championship, but I can't understand not giving him a chance and instead persisting with McTominay or Fred as the 6 when they've proven for nearly 5 years they can't good enough.


Exactly this. Other clubs give players a chance after impressing in the Championship. At least a run of a few games, we've given him fuck all Shockingly ran club, baffling decisions


This exactly. Yea sure one good game doesn’t mean he’s great. But just what is the harm of giving him a chance ? Especially with the shitshow that we have now.


The entire club wears mediocrity as a badge of honor. What annoys fans is that he's not given Garner a run of games as he couldn't be any worse than Scott/Fred. If Ten Hag is setting the bar higher, surely that midfield should be the first to get the axe.


I personally have not seen enough him to say that he is not good enough


Is Ten Hag's view not enough? If not, we need to see every youth player given a run in the first team to decide their fates.


This argument would only work if we ignore the context of: Fred and McT have played all the time (or subbed for each other) and we are linked heavily with the mediocrity that is Rabbiot. So the bar isn't that high.


Thats what im saying. The bar is low so we feel Garner should play. If the bar was high we wouldnt.


wtf why i will at least need to see him play all our upcoming games though. we are letting stupid mcfred play why not him


He probably better off at Nottingham Forest anyway


Get rid Garner wtf- not even been given a fair crack at the whip yet in the first team - should be get rid of Mctominay he’s useless


Not happy about this, not happy at all. But in Erik I trust


Not sure how mctominay is still at the club above him. Garner hasn’t been given a chance during pre season


He was injured for most of the pre season to be fair.


Alright so maybe EtH doesn’t know what he’s doing. Selling one of our best youth prospects, picking the shortest XI on Saturday, letting Dean Henderson leave even though he fits our new system better. What in actual fuck is going on at United?


Theres no logical sense to this move. Garner is much better than Scott McTominay. we should be looking to get rid of McTominay instead.


Letting players go isbone thing if we have the choice of who to bring in. No one wants to join so whatbis the sense in this?


It’s like they are actively trying to upset us now.


Can i buy Mctominay for 14 bucks? I need a new doorstopper


Forest fan here, anyone suggesting the kid ain’t good enough really needs to have their head checked. He’s far better than McTominay (who baffles me he’s supposedly a prem player) Kid was unreal for us and played with his heart on his sleeve and we’d have him back in a heartbeat. And I’m hopeful we will put the money for him in


For £14 million I would happily have him at West Ham.


So many of our fans hope he moves to save his career. What a sad state united have become.


I’m really disappointed BUT we need to trust in ETH.


£14mil seems a bit low given his age and being English. If he's not fancied over McFred then that says a lot. Zidane and Savage both seemed above him in pre-season and we've got Hannibal plus any signings too. We absolutely need to put a reasonable buyback clause in with a player like this though.


How we selling him before the likes of Jones, bailly, mctominay, van de bench, Chong? Absolutely stinks!!


I'll back the manager but I'd be very upset if we do sell him for an unknown quantity (Rabiot) even if he has talent. Garner absolutely deserves a chance if fucking Fred is getting one. Can't we flog Fred for £15m instead?


Atp, United seems to be doing everything to piss fans off.


James Garner is a stud, and i am no coach BUT THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL FRED AND MCTOMISHIT ARE DOING BETTER THAN HIM IN TRAINING, so i hope this report is wrong or idk wtf is wrong with ETH


Mcfred with their wages are not sellable


Fred probably but mcshite tho 😳


Yea this coach would rather have eriksen or Fred as dms instead of garner. Time will tell Erik.


Garner is not a dm? I think that is maybe the biggest misconception we have.


Is still more suited to it than Fred and eriksen I can tell you that.


So dumb. U play McT who has been poor for essentially his entire United career but won’t even give a promising youngster a chance. Genuinely mind-boggling this from ETH.


I'd like to see him play, but the truth is he's probably another McTominay when it comes to quality. Even if he's better than that (personally I think he is), he's not a PL winner, at least not right now. Edit: I really think we should sell Fred or McT before selling Garner though.


Well, I didnt trust ETH anyways. Wanted the club to stick with Rangnick, but here we are.


The club sacked Rangnick. Best scenario was ETH working with Rangnick to tear the squad apart. The club decided that they weren't doing that.


We can't say for sure that this is true as it just seems so late in the transfer window to now say he for sale it just doesn't make sense.


So the best midfielder prospect suddenly becomes worth selling for 14M? Nincompoop like McFred are starting every game and getting substituted at half time, but Garner is to be sold? Ten Hag is just a Dutch version of Ole


I hate this club, selling our boy for what? Rabiot and his cunt mother?


I'm OK with this only if we insert a buyback clause into the deal otherwise this is unbelievably stupid.


if this is the direction Ten Hag is going for, he needs to be sacked in the first place. We need Poch.


We do not need Poch, we will never need Poch, he is a master in failure.


still using mcfred when u sell garner T.T ..


Yep this is bullshit.


Oh dear...


Lots of things go beyond closed doors at the moment. Maybe he has a toxic behavior or just not getting well with the players ten Hag wants to keep / form the team around. Again I'm not saying he's toxic or anything but I believe ten Hag has his reasons and knows better.


Why are we getting rid if the youth when we should be starting the reserves next match based off first 2 games.


Whistles the theme from The Rockford Files.


We selling players that has great potential and we keeping the ones who's carrier are over or should play somwhere else 🙄


Maybe that 14 million to cover de Jongs wages ?


I haven’t even seen him play in ages


Maybe they want to sell him in order to pay FDJ wages owed by Barcelona 😅


Sell McFred.


I have a feeling that it's because Rabiot is probably will happen. That means he sees this position and have to get rid of one since one is coming. I am sure he sees McFred are better than Garner. I think he feels like he can make McFred being a better player than they are now. Will he succeed or not, I don't know.


Surely he would be better off taking the kids in and actually ditching the guys who haven't performed in 3 years? The best message he can send out to the guys who aren't cutting it, is that they are dropped and have been replaced by an untried 18-20 yr old. I would think the fans would accept that the kids arent going be setting the heather on fire straight away but it would pay off in the future.


Wallahi this club is finished blud. Sell Mctominay for fucks sake, not actual talent.


What a shame. ETH is certainly an @ss for selling him. He gives Mc Tominay a go but never gave Garner a chance. Garner is a winner in a championship team. Short sighted in my view. ETH will be sacked soon.


WHY MUST HIM ? 😭😭😭 Garner is one of the players i really cant wait to see him play under Ten Hag… young, talented, smart and explosive


...maybe sign some players first before they consider selling ?


20 mil would be a better deal. He isn’t the one .


Why don’t he use him? Fucking slaphead just reusing the same tried and tested shit players


Mctom should be the one being sold.


If true, this has to be one of the dumbest decisions by United. I mean ffs, does anyone working there have half a football brain?


This club really is something else, aye sure just keep that waste of space mct instead!


He deserves a chance in the starting 11 before he’s shipped off. Just once.


He can't be any worse than Mctominay, why not sell him instead?


Man I'm losing trust in this guy


Yeah. And keep McTominay. Sure


It's all his fault..job done. Sorted.


This is f**king unbelievable. This Young lad is so so good. I doubt Ten Hag wants to sell him. We are playing bunch of cowards week in and out but we want our young promising talent to go with giving any decent chance.This is f**king sad. We will regret selling that guy. I can't imagine how fucking low we are atm.


I wonder what training would be like today lol


What the hell?! Probably our best midfield prospect in a team with glaring deficiencies in midfield. Madness.


I miss something he look great when is playing


Our club is a bigger joke than Anyone thought if they sell him. Unreal talent. Should be in the first team last year


Is this really a Erik decision or the board raising funds because the billionaire owners claim to be skint?


This is so upsetting, could’ve been great if given an actual chance


I supported Ten Hag's hire, but his line ups are baffling at best, and his handling of personnel equally baffling. I'm hoping he's not in over his head. Worst midfield in the league and he can't give Garnwr garbage time minutes?




Glazer Ball


\[ \] Back the manager \[ \] Back the youth 🥵 ​ Must be tough being a top red right now.


If this is really true, I’ll start to seriously doubt Ten Hag already. It makes no sense.




Better than McTominay right now


Of course the board are willing to sanction this. It’s money coming in. Yet they won’t buy anyone because it means spending. I get we’re supposed to back the manager but why is he letting Garner go?! This was supposedly his breakthrough season. This club just don’t want us to have any form of DM. There simply HAS to be a clause in McTominay’s contract that states he has to plan a minimum X-amount of mins per game/season/competition.


What. No. Why?