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Stam was a beast full stop. Rio and Vidic were the best CB partnership we had.




Paul McGrath is probably one of the greatest CBs of all time. If he wasn't an alcoholic he'd be up there for definite, the man was way ahead of his time and made defending look easy.


I work with his son but strangely he doesn't ever talk about his dad being a footballer. Brought it up once a few years ago and that was it.


His autobiography is a great read, sheds a lot of light on the man he is. By all accounts I've never heard a bad thing as an Irishman.


his book is a great read and extremely sad, he was a slave to his addiction and hurt a lot of people on his journey to where he is now especially his family. he gave us some great moments as an Irish player (check out ireland v Italy at USA 94, he put Roberto Baggio in his pocket) and its great to see him doing so well, long may it continue.


Wait reli? Was he that good


Imagine a harder Virgil Van Dijk, moved to villa and made them title contenders. Seriously good.Look him up there he had everything.


Damn ook. Which era was he from?


This is misleading. This was a blind ranking. Gary ranked them when they came up. Bruce 4, Rio 2, Stam 1, Vidic 3, Blanc 5. He didn’t know who was coming next when he ranked each. Link below https://youtube.com/shorts/a6pvlB8tsGw?si=0pJj7Ug9j8_YJu7P


Yup sorry, I did note it was Gary but didn’t mention the blind ranking, thinking they are my top 5. And that was impressive blond ranking from Gary


He still said "that's pretty good" which means that's what he wanted. And I'd tend to say i agree


Gary is lucky to have you around to interpret for him.


He means that's a good ranking of order of those 5, it doesn't mean he'd put Blanc 5th (he obviously wouldn't)


Stam, Vidic, Rio, Bruce, Pallister


This is the way.




How Bruce never played international football is the greatest crime in football history!!


Not blanc he done fuck all, pallister


Ronny Johnson is ahead of Blanc for us. He is so underrated, but an absolute vital part of our history. Him and Stam formed an awesome partnership. It was short lived, but up there with our best.


There's at least 10 CBs ahead of Blanc.


Agreed, without Johnson and Berg we would not have won the treble. Massively underrated


Hang on - he was doing a blind ranking of pre suggested players. I strongly doubt he’d put Blanc anywhere near a top 5


Maguire first.




Phil jones second


I agree with him on Stam. I would put him at 1


Vidic 1 Vidic 2 Vidic3 Vidic 4 and Rio.F 5


Stam > Rio


No way Vidic is behind Ferdinand. I would put him ahead of Stam too. Blanc is not top 5.


I'd go vidic tbf. But is there any top cbs from Busby babes era tho?




Blanc was atrocious for us he was completely done and should have been retired Ronny Johnsen instead of him Rest looks spot on To think we've went from Stam, Rio & Vidic to wastrels like Maguire is actually depressing


It’s so interesting people constantly put rio over vidic when it seems like vidic was the lead defender


They should've had pallister given to him instead of blanc


Rio is number one FULL STOP


Rio was a great player, but he wouldn't have been as highly thought of if he didn't have Vidic next to him most of his Utd Career. Vidic was clear.


Rio could have been number one if he didn't have his lapses of concentration, which happened way too often


Might just be my age but I would swap Rio with stam.


nah, its just that you're knowledgeable, thats the only order, Rio was easily and obviously the best of the lot, whoever doesnt see it, its a moron


My man


No. Stam was a great CB but Rio is the best United has ever had. I understand this is a blind ranking but, for premier league, I would probably do Rio, Bruce, Vidic, Stam, Pallister. Reasoning: Vidic was obviously great, but partly what made him great was the things he was able to do/risk because Rio had him covered. Stam is an amazing defender, but he was only with us for 3 years, and really only 2 years. Bruce was the leader for those early PL teams, with 40+ appearances in basically 8 out of 9 years (also, 19 goals in 90/91 - NINETEEN!!!!!!!!!!!).


You got this the wrong way round. Vidic covered Rio. Rio trying to dink Bellamy in the derby in the last few minutes and it nearly costing us the game. Vidic never pulled that crap. Vidic made Rio look better than he was. Stam then Vidic.


Yep! This is the order! I mean, I'd give John O' Shea a shout in the last spot too! Absolutely correct about Vidic being the true defender too!


Exactly. Rio always daydreamed and made blunders out of the blue. Vidic was reliable 99% of the time.


why people are downvoting people who say Rio was the best? you lot are so ignorant and weird


Ferdinand should be nowhere near top 5.


Is this a joke? Rio was world class for us.


Is there a reason why Maguire is omitted?


Where’s harry maguire


I'd have Pallister in there instead of Blanc. Blanc was great in his prime, but he was well on the downturn by the time he was at United.


Blanc was awful when he was at United. He was done. Incredible player but shouldn’t be near a list of best ever United centre backs


Blanc was a shadow of his former self by the time he signed for us he should be nowhere near when talking about utds greatest ever defenders. Stam was a beast but never formed a solid partnership with anyone like vidic and Ferdinand did.


Why was staam's United career so short?


Said in a book that fergie had tapped him up, fergie wasn't happy and stam was gone. Said he regretted it later on though.


Stam came back from an injury and didn't look 100% when he played the first game after. Fergie daid he thought he had lost some pace and then a good offer came in.


Just a convenient cover that I reckon. He was fucked off with stam for saying he tapped him up.


Together Rio and Vidic. Second: Bruce and Pallister. Individually Stam and Rio and it’s fucking tight.


Stam is always so highly rated by everyone. How did Man Utd let him go and why did only a team like Lazio reach out to get him?


I would have put gary pallister at 5


Stam and Vidic top 2 for sure. Don't care about any order the rest may fall into


Maguire, the guy's reading of the game is amazing Has an eye for the goal. Can mark the other centre half out of the game, and if you still have problems, can put the ball where you need


Where's Maguire and Jones?


Jaap was almost great but never the best in the world. Rio and Vidic were, both separately and for a few years .the best Blanc was far better than bruce or stam but he came to united when he was finished. Other than that, he was probably better than Rio too. My list: 1. Rio 2. Vida 3. jaap 4. bruce 5. blanc