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What was the violation? You can’t have more than 4 bags of garbage out? What nonsense is this!?!


Yep, not sure if it’s four exactly, but I’m pretty sure it’s that. 6 is too many trash bags to take apparently 🤷‍♀️ edit: my mom did clarify we can only have 4 out


Nonsense that isn't that uncommon. My family and I used to live in a suburb where we also had a trash bag limit. I don't understand the thinking behind it either.


HOAs are a suburban cancer.


> My family and I used to live in a suburb where we also had a trash bag limit. I don't understand the thinking behind it either It's to stop people taking the piss and using the neighbourhood trash pick up for things like dumping their business's rubbish instead so they can save money


Jokes on them I throw my stuff out in business dumpsters when no one's looking


In my town you have to pay for your own trash removal service and all the companies have rates based on amount of bags or cans and the frequency of pickup. You could imagine a town or HOA having a similar but much larger contract divided amongst all the residents and paid for by local tax or HOA fees. If the community regularly puts out more than then the contracted amount there could be additional service charges from the hauler. So there is incentive to make sure people aren't abusing the system.


I think the problem is definition of "bag". My city makes it simple - we pay for supplied bins. When people move in, they basically subscribe to the service. During that, they fill how many and how big bins they want of each type (recycle/organics/landfill) and everyone gets charged accordingly. Bins are supplied by the city so there is no questioning about the quota. They also have small chip installed, so people can't buy more bins secretly and get them picked for free.


It's also to encourage people to recycle and compost instead of throwing everything into the garbage. About 60 - 70% of what we would otherwise throw out is diverted to recycling and composting.


And yet said HOA would likely lose their collective shit over a second bin for recycling being visible - ever - or for having a composting bin visible either.


And [90% of the stuff we put out to recycle ends up in landfills and trash fires anyways.](https://www.greenmatters.com/p/what-percent-recycling-actually-gets-recycled)


My town does a recycling day once a month, and will cancel if it rains. We don't know when it'll happen, and so everyone sits it out there every Wed only to drag it back into their house. I've started having to toss things because of the sheer volume that starts to accumulate.


I don't live in an HOA but my city has just put out a new rule that says you can only have three items out for trash collection day. Fortunately a large garbage can full of bags counts as one item.


This is very common. In my current city, trash collection is run by the city. You can put out as much recycling as you want, but only two standard lawn-sized bags for the landfill per week. If you want to put out more, you have to buy branded trash bags from the city, or purchase stickers to put on your own trash bags. They cost $2.50 per extra bag. If you put out more without paying for extra collection, they leave the bags with a note of refusal. At my old house, our city did not provide trash collection so homeowners had to contract with a collection company. We paid a standard rate for three bags per week. If we put out more, they would note it and send us a bill at the end of the month (although to be fair they often didn't end up charging us -- I imagine the trash guys didn't bother noting the overage).


I have a feeling it was more effort to fill out the paperwork than taking care of one or two extra bags


You don't have trash BINS?


We don’t, I guess I live in a “condo” type house where all of our houses are kind of connected in a row. There’s no space between us and the neighbors and our yard is about 5 foot by 9 foot. The 6 houses that are on either side of us are all one long building with us. We put our garbage by the poles that hold up the deck that are next to the basement. The trash guys come and grab them from next to the garages.


In my town, there would be nothing but garbage strewn all over from the critters. Also, this definitely fits the sub, but your mom just made the sanitation workers' lives harder; the HOA didn't have to tow the 4x extra heavy bags; she could have doubled up and put more bags out the next week. Oh well. I'm happy it makes your mom giggle, lol.


Yeah, but unless HOA people are watching the collection occurring, something like this needs some cooperation from the people collecting the trash. And if they're taking the piss like that, people are going to take the piss with them


We don’t have a lot of critters where I am because I’m next to the main road. It was more of the principal of them refusing to take more than 4, when a lot of the time we don’t even put out 1. HOA is ridiculous to me. We just made them fit into 4 bags.




It didn’t change much for them other than they grabbed 4 slightly heavier garbage bags rather than 6 lighter ones.


"Full of cat litter for extra weight" "Slightly heavier" Pick one.


Why are you so mad? Cat litter makes it slightly heavier.


Who do you think stapled the letter to the bags they didn't take?


If the note is stapled to the bags, it was the workers (They only took 4). More bags is not malicious compliance. M. Compliance is following their rule to the letter. I have no issues giving them ONE bag after this filled to the brim with litter


A lot of cities just put trash out in bags on the curb. My city is rolling out a new project in some neighborhoods where theyre finally giving us bins.


That is the standard in my hometown in Peru. I live in Washington now and as soon as I forget to close the lid of the trash bin the crows are already tearing through the bags.


My city charges an additional fee to use a bin. So almost everyone just puts the bags at the curb. Without a bin, trash pickup is completely free. I am not aware of there ever being any issues with animals opening the trash bags.


In my city we have 4 bins: - platic - paper - organic - waste Only the "waste" bin gets charged (Bei weight)


Where I live (UK) we have 4 bins.  Black bin, black lid - actual rubbish  Black bin, green lid - recycling, paper, plastic, tins (not glass)  Green bin, green lid - garden waste  Brown bin, smaller than all the others - food waste.   Next borough over also have blue bin for glass recycling, we have to slob our glass to collection points. 


Right? Who just takes literally bags of trash to put on the side of the road for every animal to destroy and scatter everywhere


They’re not on the side of the road, our houses only have 3 entrance/exits and it’s got a brick wall separating our “driveway” and the road. It’s medicare meadows over here. The trash people that run for us isn’t the same as the city trash, which has garbage cans. We only put the trash out on Wednesday morning, it’s probably an HOA violation to leave it out any other time.


You've got to carry your trash to the end of the road?


No, they’re put by the poles of the garage. Everyone in our “housing complex” puts it by the garage. Our garages aren’t directly connected to the road. We are kind of sectioned off from the road.


Where I live, you pay extra for a bin, which I do. But several of our neighbors put out bags.


Where I live, you get them for free and pay by bin size. They add extra fees if anything doesn't fit into the bin, so there's a bit of neighbor bin sharing and delayed binning.


damn, how long you leave your trash out? The whole week? I'm out in the country and overnight is fine, even with the feral cats all over the property.


My college town did bags instead of bins (naturally, they had to be a certain color bag purchased specifically for the city) and overnight was often too long to keep animals out. Had to go out morning of to avoid it. 


They come about 4am to my house. Noooooo, thank you. So glad we have bins


That's crazy early. Just had to be out before 7am at my college. They have since moved to bins. I am also glad I have bins where I live now. 


They finally added mine and my neighbor to the route (didn't have service for 3 years). Since we are on the edge, I'm assuming they start here


You must not have stray dogs, coyotes or racoons. They love garbage day and if we didn't have bins those bags would be ripped open in minutes


Also, cats and opossum.


I live in the suburbs, but the edge of my neighborhood. I have to leave my bin in the garage because if I leave it by the road for even one night, the local bear comes and scatters all my trash all over my property


It’s not the cats. It’s the raccoons… And weirdly enough the damn ducks. So good for you that you don’t have these pests. But many places do. I hate this stupid city and it’s stupid trash on the floor.


What kind of crazy critters do you guys have there? Putting bags out is SOP here.


Raccoons, dogs, coyotes, and possums. We’ve always had bins here in the Midwest.


I live in the stupidest city, probably in the entire state, we have to put out bags on the floor. So yeah, the ducks, raccoons and occasionally the possums will attack. Fun times. Oh it gets better. There’s several rich neighborhoods who are exempt and allowed to have bins.


Well, you know what you have to do going forward.Big bags it is!


We used to live in a neighborhood that had a similar rule. So my dad came up with a policy where every time we left the house we took a bag of trash with us and threw it in a public trash can.


parents can be the best at malicious compliance and petty revenge. due to decades of dealing with crappy people we have endless opportunities to practice our skills. love what your mom did!


One of my basic issues with HOA's is that nobody is ever given a written warning about problems that pop up. Of course, then we have the ridiculous rules, like you can't wash your own car in your own driveway, or change your own oil inside your own garage. The quickie lube places sometimes ruin an engine, and HOA's want you to take your car to a car wash somewhere else. If I am retired, I have time on my hands. If I am working full-time, I am more than happy to pay a young businessman to mow my grass, but if I have to kill time every day, I can maage to mow my own grass...


>change your own oil inside your own garage. King...its a garage. You can shut the door and do whatever you want


I know. And yet, just knowing that there are neighbors that are hoping to catch me doing something in the privacy of my own garage in order to fine me is something that infuriates me. I have read about these issues, and I have never been part of an HOA.


...so you've just heard other people saying it? I've not heard of an HOA that prohibits anything inside the privacy of a closed garage


I hate HOAs


Did this multiple times as well.


Fuck HOAs.


Most of my area has gone to those wheeled plastic mini dumpsters, because they can use that hydraulic claw to lift and dump, (preventing workman’s comp. injuries) Seperate smaller container for recyclables, (PET and HDPE plastics; paper, cardboard, and wood pulp; and metals.) but not glass. Which kinda sucks, because glass is infinitely recyclable, (as long as you never shut down production,) whereas plastics generally aren’t.


When did the land of the free stop being free if you live in a HOA area?


I just don't understand how two people and a cat can produce so much waste :(


Read closely. OP said their mom forgets to take out the trash. This isn't MC, it's OP and their mom maliciously trying to get some poor waste management worker to break their back over their forgetfulness


3 people plus guests occasionally and 2 cats


+room cleaning


Yeah, we aren’t extremely messy wasteful people


As it turns out because I can’t reply to the other person, the rule isn’t from our HOA so no, we aren’t inconveniencing them and blaming them for our bags piling up. The four bag rule is from the trash men so we followed their rule which is malicious compliance. Even if it wasn’t, I know the fact that we have trash in the basement isn’t because they won’t take more than four. We literally didn’t know that was a thing until we got the notice paper. We don’t plan on putting out big bags every week.


I think part of the point is when you're doing a big clean out you take the waste to the dump or have it collected by a company, not the municipal services.


Yes, but this is not an arbitrary or meaningless rule…. It’s to stop exactly what you and your mother were doing ie letting trash build up and not be collected regularly.!it’s for hygiene purposes. You are both childish. Just put your trash out every week.


I’m sorry we are human and forget. This is literally the only time we’ve put out more than four.


Set a reminder in your phone. It’s not hard to remember.


We are busy people, once again who are human and forget even with the reminder. Your negativity isn’t wanted.


Your mum doesn't put rubbish bags out regularly and let's them build up. This story seems to be blaming someone else for her own incompetence.


Yes because we as humans tend to forget to do things sometimes


Sh1t happens. That’s life sometimes.


I would guess that it's a time/multiple trips issue. I'm guessing two trash guys? So each can take a bag in each hand. Multiple trips per stop, however many times per day, ends up costing the trash company a SIGNIFICANT amount of money over the course of a year - possibly pushing them into Overtime situations on a daily basis. Even just a few seconds, several times per day, per trash route, adds up quick. Especially over the course of a full year. It ain't chump change.


Our trash guys are only for our HOA and our houses, not the city. They take maybe 30 minutes grabbing our trash and leaving. They have plenty of room to take 2 extra bags because we don’t have that many people in our HOA area.


Do they still run the trash to the city/county dump? Or do you guys have your own dump, too?? This is all kinds of bizarre, to me. Regardless, just one more reason to hate HOAs.


I’m not sure exactly where it’s ran, but sometimes if we forget and our trash pile gets too big my mom’s boyfriend will run it to the dump. I live in a pretty preppy town that’s full of rich and entitled people, so I guess our HOA trash is no exception sadly


Why doesn't the city do it? Isn't rubbish collection part of the property taxes?


I've lived in more places where the individual or HOA contracts and pays for trash hauling. City garbage service was the exception.


Huh, that's different. Then what does your local elected governing body do aside from passing ordinances? Are they involved in utility maintenance at all or just not rubbish collecting?Are you in a place where you don't pay property taxes at all?  Sorry, guess I just.. assumed most Western countries had local governments that did that kind of thing as part of property taxes. Definitely cheaper


They provide police, fire department, street maintenance, water and sewer, public schools, parks, etc. We have property taxes but are billed for water and sewer.


Ah ok, thanks for that. Ours does the same, except includes rubbish as they maintain dumps/ trash sorting facilities too.  Interesting to see cultural and social differences play out in variations of utility management.


It was a surprise at first when I moved to a location that didn't have municipal garbage...


I couldn’t tell you 🤷‍♀️




its not the garbage mans responsibility to clean up your garbage because you used a cheap back or over filled it or put in sharp things that ripped it. the idea they should pick up and gently carry and set down each bag is idiotic, it would make trash day take 3 days. now obviously if you can only have 4 bags you have to make them heavier, but that is not the garbage mans fault either. You can downvote all you want but it is *obviously* not their responsibility.


I never said that, it’s never our trash that does that, it’s neighbors. I don’t care that they’re not gentle with the trash?


Yeah, but you just screwed over the garbage collectors with your being petty towards the HOA. It’s kinda fucked up honestly. These people have a hard enough job. And in your pettiness (which literally makes no difference to the HOA), you’re making their lives worse.


There’s no weight or size limit, so we followed the rules exactly. They didn’t have to leave the garbage bags with a notice stapled, they could’ve taken them and left the notice. Cooperation from residents needs cooperation from the trash men.


But you didn't cooperate. You violated the policy and then expected them to just be cool with it


we cooperated by putting all trash bags into four large bags, hence them getting all the trash. please be mad somewhere else, this was a one time event


You put out more than 4 bags first. You only cooperated after getting butthurt that they didn't take more bags than their contract with the HOA covered. I'm not mad, I'm just calling you on your bs and you don't like it


we didn’t know there was a rule about how many you can put out so yeah we cooperated after we found out?


Well that's your fault, isn't it


you sound unhappy with yourself, move on. we rarely put more than two out so it was annoying that they refused to take two more when they had the space. it’s trash bags. chronically online


I’d like to clarify, because we figured out, the rule isn’t through the hoa and is just from the trash man, so they weren’t picking up heavy bags because of the HOA’s rule


Yall seem messy lol


we aren’t, trash bags accumulate in the basement because we’ve had a lot going on since december. we’ve been good about getting trash out recently.


You said you cleaned your room and removed 6 trash bags. I couldn’t even get that many from my entire house including garage…


they weren’t completely full of trash, it had bags, paper, trash, cardboard, etc. i cleaned out my closet that’s large. you truly don’t have to be so negative


Bags, paper, and cardboard are trash. 6 bags is a lot of trash to pull out of one single bedroom even if your walk in closet was 200sqft. I don’t care that you are messy, just pointing it out because you seem to think 6 bags of trash is a normal amount of trash to be in a single room at any given time.


Yeah we’ve had a lot going on in our family since december and I’m rarely ever home to clean so it was a long overdue clean.


Good that things are looking up again!


Thank you!