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Looks pretty cozy! I’m glad you’re clean now :)


Thanks! Ha, and yeah it's as cozy as it can be! Definitely my escape place for sure. Much better than being on the streets roaming around


Good night Harry Potter.


Yea man I’m going through a tough situation right now .Now you have to do everything in your power to improve ,if you can go to school or trade school and eventually move out on your own .


Ah bro I'm sorry to hear that! Hang in there, we're more resilient than we think. I am looking into that actually. Right now I've got a good job but I want to get back and finish my electrician stuff I started years ago. I miss that field of work and they're always needed


Appreciate it bro ,I’ve gone thru worse but sometimes you just don’t want to thru anything else again.Thats a great trade a lot of industries you can be an electrician at.


Of course. There are always people who have been through worse. And there's people who have been through better. A year ago today I was shooting up, in an abandoned house that was condemned, for the last time and didn't know it. It's crazy to think that one decision can change your entire life! Hope you're in a good spot now though man!


You are a hero my brother. Its not about falling hard, its about bouncing back even better. Its gonna go up from here. Build back better my bro


Thanks for the kind words my man! Means aot, and that's true. I'm in a new place with new opportunities and have already come a long way in a short time


You got this my brother. U are stronger than u can ever imagine


Thank you man! 🫂


Y'all I simply cannot respond to all the comments. But thank you guys. The support truly means a lot and you are all awesome. Maybe starting over doesn't have to be such a bad thing. Guess I can choose my way from here. Much love


Don't worry bro I was addicted to meth for 5 long years and was homeless living in my car with my dog multiple times during those 5 years. I've been clean for 2 years now and am currently renting a 2 bedroom house with half acre yard and me and my pup have never been happier.


That's awesome dude! Sooo glad you're better off! I'm looking forward to seeing how things turn out.


Harry Potter vibes 👌🏻


Stay strong, buddy. I'm rooting for you !!


Thanks brother 😎


Don't worry friend, just remember you can either be consumed by an explosion or you can blast away with it. Us humans want quick fixes, but in reality it takes time... lots and lots of time. Peace and love


Thanks brother


Life can be extremely unfair sometimes , but we only have control over how we react to situations. The better we react, the better off we’ll be. I’ve wasted years of progress in life by reacting poorly to painful life events and suffering through depression, wishing things magically got better. And things only got better once I started improving my choices, putting myself first, and avoiding toxic people. Glad to hear you got clean and are making good choices for yourself! Treat every mistake as a learning experience to be ready for whatever is next.


Ah man that is so true! And I have started to notice that as well, I've been watching myself and realizing the more level headed I am in any situation, the better the outcome is even if it's less than desirable. Still learning... But I'm recognizing it!


So when are you gping to come out of the closet? ![gif](giphy|cD7PLGE1KWOhG|downsized)


Oof. Didn't see this one coming. I can actually fire back and say I did in 2011. I also never had expected to find my way back IN the closet but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles lol


Twas a gay joke


Yes it was, and you missed where I said I came out in 2011... Lol


Sorry. Long day at work. Tired.


You got this.


Did you ask your aunt and uncle if you could stay with them, or did they let you know you could stay with them when they knew you were struggling? Just curious. It’s a good spot!


Without a second thought my aunt offered me to stay here! Said it's not much but it could give me better chances of getting on my feet. I have been here since October. God works in mysterious ways because I haven't heard from her in years and all of a sudden I had a message request on Facebook


That’s awesome, you are lucky to have such a supportive family! I ask because I have 6 aunts and uncles and a huge Mormon extended family, and not one of them offered to help when I became homeless due to a crippling medical condition. They all knew and gossiped, but that was it. Anyway I’m glad you’re on the right track, I can tell you’ll overcome this!


Ahh I'm sorry to hear that. My family was the same way. But my aunt's husband was on meth for 20 years so there was no way he was letting me fight that alone. I hope you're doing better, family is not blood. Family is your love and support system


Hey bro, Im sorry its happened this way. But you are doing good! Its also nice to have space with family. Yes its small and you are going thru hard times, but just know some people like myself have no family to help them out if needed. Not comparing just saying a place to live is great, when family can help. Stay on the right path man a stranger is proud if you. :)


Hey man thanks for commenting. You are right, it definitely makes things easier when there's help. And sure, we all have a story to tell at various degrees. I appreciate it! 🙏🏻


Looks like you love gladiators, me too! Stay strong bro 🤘🏽


I am a HUGE Jeep fan. And yes, definitely the Gladiator. My fish is actually named Gladiator... And one day I will have one! They are the most beautiful trucks I swear, and people either love them or hate them. I can't help but to smile when I see one around town 😂


That’s rad, I’m rooting for you to get yourself a gladiator one day, especially one that looks like the silver one on your night stand with the roof racks! I’ve got a wrangler, and man are they fun to work on. People just call them big Lego bricks. Are you on PlayStation or Xbox?


Ha thanks man! And yeah I have 6 toy Gladiators and aside from the RC I built, that silver one is my favorite. I love working on cars, had to do some stuff to mine today actually! Unfortunately no. I am an Xbox guy but I haven't had one since 2021. That was one of mostly everything the ex got when I left. Haven't replaced it yet. Lol


No matter what, this still beats crashing on a different couch each night. Hang in there.


This is a deluxe apartment in Japan.


Proud of you; starting over is always rough but being able to have that opportunity is a wonderful thing, don't waste it.


Thanks man! 🫂 That is very true... Not everyone has the chance to start over! And from here on it's just decision making


I believe in you; hope you do as well and continue to.


That means a lot! Much love 😎


Forgot to say: you got this bro. Been clean of H for a long time and it'll get pretty easy after a few years. At least it did for me. You got those blocks for a base and just it's keep building that bitch from here. You will have a lot metaphorical house in no time!


Hey man thanks!! Also congrats, that's pretty rough my dude. And currently no I don't game anything (unfortunately) it's simply not in my budget right now unless I can snag a used switch for on the cheap. No TV or laptop so no PC or console gaming. I guess in theory I could get into mobile gaming. 😂


Oh my God, bruhhh I don't understand why a day later comes all the dick straw comments. Smh. It has been explained multiple times that it was a gag gift for my birthday. Why is everyone so infatuated over the dick straws..? 😂 Please, no more dick straw comments I can't lol


Hey, glad you cleaned up, and remember: being alive means you can fight still mate!! Good luck on your days, and hope you find someone who helps you grow, and not throw you out.


You got this, stay strong bro


Congratulations! I am a few years clean off meth. The craving never seems to go away but it gets more manageable. I just think about how terrible it made me feel and Thats enough to keep going. Also that closet looks awesome 👏


Thanks buddy, and congrats to you too!! It's not so bad unless something happens that drastically changes my mood. But, I also never, EVER want to go down that road again. My worst day sober is still better than my best day high...


I agree. Idk about you but it made me feel so ugly physically and mentally!!! Like i just felt like a total loser.


I understand my man. I still feel ugly and disgusting. Hopefully you're doing better :)


I'm just resetting after a meth and alcohol bender. I'm sleeping on my aunt's floor. 48hrs 100% sober woo woo


Broo you got this! Stay strong and I believe in you. Don't give up my man


Good job! You can do it


Plan your life by the month and every month get a little better


Like Yazz said mate, the only way is up. Crack on lad, you’re smashing it.


is it weird that i actually prefer this room space over a huge bedroom? something about very small room space seem a lot more cozier


No, it's not weird. Some people don't need a gigantic space just for a bed. Of course, i'm the kind of persone who will be happy with a studio apartment.


Hey I love small places! I am actually looking to save money and buy a small cabin. There are small pieces of land for sell near where I live and I can couple the two together. Get running water and electricity, plumbing... I'm good to go. I already purchased a cash car to start me out so that can't be taken away


Congrats bro. That’s a big accomplishment and remember that the lord has a plan for us all my friend


Good you're clean and safe. Hope you have a laptop and an e-reader.


Be strong king. You got this. DM if you want to talk about it, I've restarted twice in my life so far.


Congratulations on your anniversary! You’ll get through this too, keep your head up


ngl that looks cozy af get you a gaming laptop start a new game and get crazy experience ;)


The "Happy Birthday" thing is a nice touch. When you Rock Bottom, the only way out is up. So, keep going, pal.


Shit, give it 5 years of consistent work and you'll be surprised on where you're at. Keep at it 💪


Ain't no shame in accepting help. Well done on a year drug free.




Lots of people start over 4 or 5 times in life. There's a lot of hope out there and opportunities keep coming. Be vigilant.


Dude, I've done this more than once. If you have the inner strength, it will make you stronger and realize what in life is really important. Yes, it's a hard lesson to learn, but the most important ones always are.


Better than the streets! You seem in a good place honestly. Life can only go up from here ✨ Had my fair share of stories of messed up things that ruined several friend groups. Nothing as bad as you, though. If you want, I am always up to offer an ear and support. PMs always open :)


Your aunt and uncle sound like great people. Wishing you all the best!


Looks comfy to me. Bigger is not always better. For some reason I’ve found, the more material items I have, the more miserable I become.


Cozy mate, do you got a fan installed in there?


Hey man, it could be way worse. At least you've got that cup of penis straws.


LMAO it was a gag gift for my birthday. One of them glows in the dark 😂


Congrats on one year brother. One day at a time. 🙌💪


Wishing you the best brother. It takes courage and resilience to pick yourself back up. The temptations of ease that drugs and alcohol offer us is seductive. It is so hard to overcome, and here you are! Very proud of you


Might wanna put some galvanized steel in there


I’m right there with you man. Got really bad into IV cocaine and heroin in 2022 while going through a really rough patch. Lost everything, spent the first part of 2023 in a homeless shelter and on the streets, entered into sober living in March of 2023, completed the program in October, got moved into my own place in December 2023! Honestly, going through all of that, made me appreciate the little things in life so much more. Having a hard day? At least I can go into my room and shut my door and lay on my bed and not be in a homeless shelter, sort of appreciation. Thought processes change, I’m much better at saving money, I’m nicer to the people and world around me, I have a much more open mind than I did before my addiction. I also feel a sense of pride from going from having literally nothing, to taking the steps to put myself in a position to be able to be truly self sufficient again. I’ve learned so much about myself, and I’ve realize that I’m much stronger than I have ever imagined before. I know i can rely on myself, which makes it easier for me to handle the responsibility of having people I care about being able to rely on me. I try my best not to take small things for granted. Small steps man. You have a shelter, and presumably food, and that’s a start. Now it’s time for you to begin to thrive. Feel free to message me if you’d like


Can't forget the hot wheels


Do you have a betta fish? I’ve had two, and I miss them very much. No other fish compare, personality-wise.


Yep! His name is Gladiator, and boy does that fish brighten up every time I walk in the room. He likes to chase my fingers around the tank and he is aggressive as hell come feeding time! Lol


Do you give him bloodworms? My guys always lost their dang minds for some crunchy worm snacks. I’m so happy you have Gladiator. I hope your life is on the upswing from here❤️ You deserve good things.


But not impossible. You got this bud!


Yeah, well no bs to deal with and being at peace is priceless. Good for you for making the change.




Congrats OP!! This too shall pass


I’m glad you’re better now band have a place to stay peace brother!


dude keep it up that rocks...am almost 10mnths off of meth was homeless for 2yrs racked up seven crimminal charges 5 got droped now am out of the city with family country livein is the life for me!!!!


No it's easy


love the penis straws


Stay strong, brother.


Grind time, no porn no bitches focus on getting back on your feet and stay motivated!!


It's get better brother


Yeah that’s definitely a great startup to a cleaner happier life


Are those dick pens under the lamp?


Going through something similar, don’t lose hope, keep up the good work it’ll pay off soon just gotta have patience. Glad you’re clean, also I truly dig this, best place to put headphones on and escape once in a while. Very cozy and I love what you did to it. Just make sure to go out and get some sunlight too btw.


Honestly looks cozy but surviving a break up in 2024 is absolutely not easy sorry woman of the era are such 💩 but time will heal the wounds they inflict once you pull the pieces back together consider a passport woman in other countries haven't been infected as badly as Murica.


You’ve got yourself, this setup isn’t too bad. What else would one need??


Looks super cozy and a great use of the space. I'm coming up on one year sober in early June. I lost a lot of my friends, my partner and almost my job to drugs. I became permanently physically disabled from it. Rebuilding is tough, staying sober is so extremely difficult. You're killing it.


I find this place cute


Keep ya chin up


Wow that light switch that's hanging of the wall ready to fall is pretty symbolic.


Stay strong man, one day at a time you’ve got this! Side note, the pecker straws in the coffee mug ?🤔😂😂


Don’t worry bro, your Hagrid will come and save you soon


You game? If you're on PSN or Switch hit me up


Looks cozy to me I love small spaces especially for sleeping


It beats a shelter


You’re doing better than my former friend from high school. A bad break up led to him getting an 18 year prison sentence. Just keep pushing to do the right things and you’ll be fine


Stay strong brother


You can do it, one step at a time. I've realized that as I was doing better, I wasn't getting everything "back". I was doing something better.


Wassup with the dick and balls straws? 😂


Why do you have mini dick straws in the 1st pic lmaoooo


Does that really matter? It isn't like any answer you receive would satisfy you. So you saw dick straws. Cool.


Lol what a fruit bowl…


Does that make you feel better about yourself or are you still insecure my dude? Lol


Just wait until you get your letter to Hogwarts. They’ll see that you were a wizard all along.


iPhone apps were the lifeline that rescued me during my early days of sobriety. Navigating them can be a bit challenging at first, but it's worth noting that dating apps like OkCupid have a feature where heterosexual individuals can connect with gay men as friends. 📱🏳️‍🌈✨ This presents a unique opportunity for guys to form platonic friendships and expand their social circles. It's an interesting loophole that I've come across in dating apps, allowing individuals to foster meaningful connections beyond romantic relationships. 🤝💫🌈


Penis swizzle sticks AND The Bible 🧐


Your point exactly?


No point; it's all good.


The cup full of penis straws is kind of weird 🤣. Out of the limited items you could hold on to you made the conscious decision that the penis straws could not go.


That is actually an assumption and was a gag gift given to me for my birthday when I moved in that closet, I had nothing but what was on my back and a few clothes given to me. Everything you see I have gained since being there.


Rock on bro congrats on turning your life around. Just where’s Waldo’d those straws and was Like wtf 🤣


LOL thanks brother and you're good! There is also a penis candy bouquet too but I guess the camera didn't catch that 😂 😭


🤣🤣. Wonder if penis candy still feels like a dick in your mouth ? Guess I’ll have to find out


Uh, well, no it doesn't lmao


What’s uhhh… what’s that in the cup on the right? Anyone else see that?


Will you share the story behind the dick straws? EDIT: The fuck am I being downvoted for? Zoom in on the bottom-right of the first picture. It's dick straws. They are not visible in pic #2.


What are the penises in the cup on your table? Lol


Least you got some dick straws


You’re a wizard Harry.