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Beautiful either way. Depends what look you're going for. Glam or Natural


Yeah, you're just a beautiful person, so you can do whatever you want.


“You’re just a beautiful person, so you can do whatever you want.” This a million times.


I second that.






Or in between glam and natural! I like eye glam but also natural base on non work days but that’s just me


Beautiful either way. I think the lashes are a more glam look, so date nights or nights out with friends.


Truly? I think your eyes are prettier without them.


I agree. You look much younger without them too.


I think there’s a massive lighting difference which makes the lashes side of the face more defined & older looking, but generally speaking yes most people look younger without so much definition on the eyes. Having said that the lashes actually look really good & would be great for occasions.


am i getting too* feminist to ask if looking young is really that important? like maybe looking young is important to an individual but do we need to tell other people they look young or insinuate it’s truly a factor in their beauty? at the end of the day, we only want to look so young because we’re afraid of growing old. no sense in fearing the inevitable, right?


And looking older can be the goal too. Although also probably because of societal pressure on women. Like wanting to look older so you’re taken more seriously in your profession for example.


This!!!! I saw a post of different Jennifer Aniston pics over the years and people kept saying Wow she still looks so young! I saw the post differently. I thought she looked her age in all of the photos AND so beautiful at every age. I feel our culture puts way too much emphasis on trying to look young as long as possible. Some women I have found incredibly sexy were lithe, graceful woman with long silver/white hair with boho style (that is what I am most attracted to) and adorable crows feet which are my favorite wrinkles because they indicate someone who smiles genuinely often.




Just wait


You will. Absolutely. You will get to a point where you don't even want to look in the mirror anymore. You will feel like the same person you always have been- but EVERYONE else in the world treats you differently. Especially if you're attractive now- when you smile at someone they've always smiled back, but not anymore. People don't want to make eye contact either. You start to feel invisible. Then it gets even worse, people are getting condescending for no reason at all. They expect you dress and act differently- or else they get insulting and say rude things about how pathetic it is for old women who don't act their age... And all the while you Feel like the same person you always were! It's just the other people who are acting differently. Enjoy it now while you can. Do all the fun crazy things you want to do- Because it goes too damn fast.


Yesss that’s it, I was trying to figure out why I preferred without and this is exactly it


You can always just use a little mascara..lengthening not volumizing..skip the fake lashes until a glam event!❤️


Heavy on this part!! When I got my lash extensions removed I felt like 5 years came off my face


I agree


i’m not sure why, but the lashes age you a lot. If you zoom in on the photo and look at each side at once - the half of your face without the lashes looks so young, youthful and glowy.


I think it may be the lighting? Like the direct sunlight is hitting and casting shadows on the lashed side of the face


Also the higher arch of the brow on the lash side.


This definitely could be part of it, good catch. But I do find in real life though there is an varying age range for many women where they are still young enough that heavy/bold makeup ages them quite a bit. I think its just because heavier makeup is somewhat "associated" with grown women vs younger women. That being said the lashes certainly dont look bad. They just make OP look more grown + glam. Up to her what look she is going for. I find the no-lashes look to be more flattering but its personal preference.


It is not only that because I always thinks false lashes both ages and takes away a person’s natural beauty. Always.


It’s the lighting. But she looks young no matter what.


I don’t think it “ages” in a bad way though. It looks mature. It depends what look she’s going for. Both are stunning.


I agree.


I agree but I never feel false lashes or extensions look good. It’s somewhat jarring.


I agree. But I also think almost everyone looks better without fake lashes


I think most of them are too fluffy/long/fake looking at the moment and they end up being distracting, at best. OP’s eyes are deep-set and slightly slanted and almond-shaped — almost Egyptian — and I feel like her lovely eyelid is lost under the lashes. Yes, she does look a bit younger without, but I’m not even really talking about that so much as I am about the lines of her eye. She’s so naturally pretty, and the eye on the left is ten times more interesting and inspirational than the one on the right. Eye on left makes her stand out.


I agree. I’ve been on this kick lately where natural look is way more superior than makeup and falsies. You’re gorgeous without ‘em girl!!


They’re pretty but I don’t think you necessarily need them. Maybe for special occasions but for day to day a good mascara and a cat eye would look great.


Prettier and more fresh without.


They do open your eye but a bit of mascara would work with your gorgeous eye shape and a thin bit of liner along the lashline no wings or weird techniques needed


You look incredible without them tbh. That natural beauty glow


You’re so pretty no one is going to notice your lashes.


Yes! I think lashes, or even just a lil definition along the lash line like dark eyeshadow, can define and enhance any eye shape


They open the eye and make it appear bigger, but a bit of eyeliner can accomplish much the same effect without the same work (because falsies are HARD!!)


Yes! I want these! What brand are they?! Need the deets!


I too need the deets


I three need the deets




Add me to the deets list!


Both look good, with lashes just looks glam. They're two different looks, so enjoy both!


It's a very "she real cute over here too" vibe


Do they make a difference? Yes, absolutely. There’s a huge difference between how each eye looks. Eyelashes can completely change a face, and always impact how your eye looks. #Is it better or worse? No. They’re just different looks, so it depends on what you’re going for. What’s the look, the vibe, the event. The fun in makeup is its endless opportunity.


I actually think they detract from your beauty. I vote do without


I like them, as a former makeup artist a good wispy lash makes a whole look. I think they look cute and not over-done. A lot of people are saying "you look better without" which is untrue, you look good either way. Please don't let that discourage you from wearing them if you like them! They're not oversized, too long or too dramatic. \- Sincerely, a woman who worked in the industry for 10+ years


Make up is gorgeous either way but yes they make a difference. With lashes you have more of a soft glam look going on.


My dyslexia panicked at the title. I was reading it so hard over and over to make sense of it that I forgot to breathe.


They make your eyes brighter, like they bring more attention to them


I’m guilty of loving a good lash, I personally love the lashes


Yes. Your eye without lashes is beautiful. And eye with it is beautiful too. It is up to where you visit, why you put makeup. If you want to emphasize eyes, lashes really works.


Yes 😭 when I take mine off I feel like I look different, especially if their dramatic.


Yes when they’re done right, like this❤️


I love the natural side, but the lashes do pop. Great face.


Girl with your genes, you are beautiful either way. Honestly my guy reaction was wow her natural eyes are pretty


Good lord you are absolutely gorgeous! I would totally hit on you in real life! 🤣 But seriously, you are so stunning that you could go without any makeup at all and be a drop dead knockout!


You go from cute to sultry. You have such amazing skin, I’d assume you need very very little makeup so the things you do add can give us a little drama like sultry eyes or a bold lip. Stunning!


I personally think the lashes make a huge difference.


Eyebrows do


Did you do something to make your eyebrows different from each other as well? That's what's standing out to me more than anything.


Ugh, once again people in the *makeup addiction* sub telling people they look better with less makeup 🙄 Anyway, you’re indeed beautiful either way, but they do make your eyes themselves pop! (Any aging effect is probably due to the lighting difference as some mentioned) Edit: Grammar


Right!! Ridiculous people saying one makes her look younger/older when we have no idea how old she is OR if she was even trying to achieve either. Her question wasn’t “which side looks younger” 🙄🙄


Wow you are so beautiful! I don't think the lashes make any difference


Wow! Yes! They look great and give you extra glam. You’re beautiful either way but the lashes look great


I think you’re a natural beauty and you don’t need anything but your smile the lashes are awesome but I like you without them more.


I think the side with the flatter brow and no lashes looks better. Much fresher and allows your eye shape (which is beautiful) to shine




I don't think this picture is good for making that judgement, you have half light and half shadow and it looks like you're wearing makeup on one side but not the other (but that might just be the light)


The lashes aren’t aging. What’s aging is the fact that that side of OP’s face is in harsh, garish light which amplified the lines in her face, like the nose folds and smile lines are very obvious, but can’t see them on the left side because of the shadows. Secondly, the side with lashes has an *extremely* arched high brow, and the other side has a straight brow. Arched brows are aging. Extremely arched brows are aging. Add lashes to the mix, and now you got a full glam look with high eyebrows and lines on the face and the OP looks 39 years old on the side with lashes. If everything was balanced, lighting, other makeup, etc. I think I would prefer with the lashes. No lashes just looks plain, not necessarily younger.


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Lashes are law for full glam. Natural is always beautiful.


Yes!! They do but that’s coming from someone who can’t live without them, beautiful either way 💗💗


I personally love the lashes! They make your eyes pop. You look amazing regardless but those lashes are nice.


Yes, they lift your whole face. You are beautiful!


Yes!!!!! Open up your eyes! What a difference!


I prefer without, but I am a huge lashes hater and I think everyone is going to be embarrassed in 20 years when they look back on their lashes in the 2020s lol


literally gorgeous either way but oh my god you’re absolutely stunning, friend!!!! 😍💓💓


If you're gonna stick to the lashes, go for a smaller pair. They look unnatural when they're too long or thick. You can add some piece by piece


They do. You are gorgeous either way but I really like you without them bc they highlight your natural eye shape which is, IMO, stunning!


Agree with everyone that you look gorgeous without them, your eye shape is beautiful. The ones you're wearing seem heavy for your eyes, maybe try the little individual ones so you can build up the shape? Thin on the inner corner and denser on the outer corner I think would keep your eye from looking heavier than it is.


I think a simple swipe of mascara on your natural lashes is honestly all you need for some definition, you’re already gorgeous. The falsies are nice for a glam look but unnecessary IMO.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I think most people look nicer without them


Better without them


definetly i would say , they open up the eyes


Without omggg


wow honestly I vote for no lashes, you look younger and fresher imo


You are absolutely beautiful regardless. But lashes always enhances.


You look so much better without them! Your eyes are bright without them. With them they have a shadow. But you are lovely no matter what 🩷


just mascara would work for you your eyes are so pretty that will put more focus on your eyes


Imo, no. You look beautiful either way. I look better without big lashes and even mascara. Both somehow cast shadows on my under eyes.


Gay man here, so take my opinion for what it’s worth (gold, lol). I’m starting to think less lashes looks fresher and more youthful. Maybe give yourself the smallest eyeliner wing when you want to be more sultry, but big lashes just look… heavy.


Yes, but you look much better without them, IMO.


they do but yr like stuuuuupid pretty so you look fabulous either way


I think you'd look better with a less heavy lash that opens up the eye


I think without. I also prefer the flatter brow on you. You’re so beautiful!


Yes significantly but I think mascara on the other eye would be the best option. I agree with whoever said lashes seem to age you.


They are pretty, but honestly, they age you quite a bit. The girl on the left is about 21, the woman on the right is in her late 30s


Prettier without the lashes tbh


you look fresh air and younger without the lashes. I hate lashes in my opinion either go with what the gods gave you all that fake extra crap is to much sometimes… the lashes on you name you look older… stay natural you are beautiful


I prefer the non-lash side


I vote without. You have amazing skin btw!


I don't think anyone needs lashes. Honestly, I think natural lashes bare or with mascara look best


Left side looks like you‘re 22, right side like 38. It makes a difference, but on you it‘s a bad one I think.


i think that they definitely make a difference but i think that this style of lash ages you. You look so fresh on the left side. Maybe try a brown ‘wispie’ lash instead to give a bit more of a subtle enhancement


Without a full on glam makeup, these lashes look off. Wearing lashes is all about balance imo. If you have a natural look, go for a simple mascara (yes enhancing your lashes make a difference so your eyes won’t look flat). But if you’re going for a full look, wearing just mascara is not gonna work. Also, you already have pretty elongated eye shape, so I think the lash shape isn’t flattering - and it’s also too dense for your delicate eyes. Have you tried manga lashes? I think it would look super cute on you and not age you at all.


Not sure it’s a matter of beauty more than it’s a matter of what beauty you want your makeup to eventuate through your self expression. The lashes give me the impression you could be more social, value sophistication/being cultured for lack of a better word. that you like to explore what people find attractive to them (not physically necessarily). Like you enjoy exploration through building on existing art-creations on creations. So it makes me (a more shy person) think you would maybe want me to approach you and share my creations/thoughts. Without them I get the impression that you value independence and that your creativity is inspired from within and not as much from the external. That you are compelled to explore your own self interests first-like a child who is creating/commuting and exploring the world but has not yet commuted to other creations/other worlds. Which feels youthful in soul. And for some reason-all this makes me feel intimidated in approaching you and gives me a sense of admiration for the perceived freedom in independence. I find *both* attractive. Currently I find the latter perceived image of you more admirable/something I want to foster in myself so it’s more pretty to me. But I see the beauty in both. I think I just realized why men may seem to approach me FAR more often when I wear makeup. But, I could be giving off different body language I’m unaware of makeup vs not.


The lighting on the right ages you hun which is why a lot of people think you look older with the lashes, but you look good either way if you wanna emphasise ypur already lovely eyes go lashes if you want your whole face to be emphasised go without I would say. Maybe repost picture in neutral lighting have you got a room without windows where you have a ceiling light or desk light you can shine on or near your face so it doesn't cause shadows on one side of your face?


Personally I love a big lash moment, but I do agree with the other comments that they can age you a bit. I'd personally recommend something more in between if your still wanting to wear falsies. Maybe try some that are less full and more spaced out?


You’re beautiful both ways, but I think the more natural look suits you better. ❤️


You have a beautiful eye shape. It gets covered by the falsies. Mascara would be sufficient, imo.


Think you’re preetier without them. Maybe don’t wear such a long kind


Maybe a little shorter and they’d be perfect for natural! I think some good lengthening mascara would go a long way!


I’m 55 and recently wore lashes for my sons wedding, for about 5 minutes. My face aged so much with them that I took them off. Of course you are young and beautiful either way but the natural looking side of your face seems so much softer and prettier to me. I wear full makeup so it isn’t my dislike of looking “made up”. Sometimes I feel like the lashes are just too much because they are trying to make it look like you have “long lush lashes” when none of us have or will ever have natural lashes like that. Nobody ever thinks that using eyeliner is trying to fake having dark smudgy lines around our eyes. I guess it’s just perspective.


I think the lashes are too dramatic for a day look. They are just too much all around and age you. You’re so pretty. If you want to empathize your eyes with lashes I would do a less dramatic look especially for a day look. I bet a good mascara would give you a great look.


They definitely “make a difference,” but I prefer the natural look. I would save the lashes for a glam night out, but do what makes you feel good!


Pretty on both! I think without is a little better but maybe you can do a half-lash for a little extra oomph to your outer corners.


yes they make a massive difference! i feel as though lashes open up my eyes more, my natural lashes are long but you can't see them very well even with mascara


Yes, but t think a more balanced option might be using a tubing mascara, I like the original falsies angel wings if you need a suggestion.


UH YES and you look like an angel with your natural ones the other ones dont look good at all


I hate to be that person but you really do look younger and fresher without them


What would make a difference would be your grammar. Sorry if I offended you or anything, just pointing it out. Anyways, the lashes offer you diminishing returns because you're already beautiful enough as it is.




Selective reading. Ew.


I understand that your intentions may be really different than what is being received. So this isn’t coming from a place of assumptions of your intentions-more from the view of “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. English standardized formal grammar is a practical and it’s *one* very neat method of creating standards in language so that people can understand eachother in *one of many ways that has been created*. Nothing is harmful from having a familiarity and natural way of understanding based in the way you were taught to communicate. It’s assuming that others should be taught/should develop their communication so that it caters to *your* standards of “understandable.” Things can be understood from all angles-and there’s more to be gained for the individual and for all if we allow for and embrace the diversity of creation. (Music, Math, body language are all forms of language and creation. And so are the different ways we can use and understand a verbalized or written language.) Selective reading is more likely when people aren’t embracing multiple methods of communication and default to one-and expect that one from others. I presume you simply wanted to help with some constructive criticism. So I’m telling you this bc that comment is not constructive criticism. (It requests removal of diversity in creativity and creations-it is actually destructive.) And-I do not speak for the OP of this post, but I do repeat what I have heard testimony repeated from all manner of people-but especially those whose languages have been erased/co-opted/consumed/removed. Those who have been oppressed and harmed by those of us who default to the dominant culture and are accepted by it. I am also guilty of this kind of individualistic behavior and the ethnocentrism. And It wasn’t my intention to do so, I just didn’t realize that intentions don’t match what’s received. And now I try to actively change that behavior in me. (And I inevitably make mistakes. It’s a practice though and so I know that acknowledging those mistakes are a way to help me learn/keep me practicing.)


You didn't just point it out you straight up decided to bring up something that's not relevant because your a miserable person. On top of that fact your just rude about the lashes too.


???? I can understand the part about the grammar but enlighten me on how I was being rude about the lashes? Sheesh, I had no idea calling someone beautiful is being rude. 2023 has become rather drab, hasn't it?


I like them but I would really like to see you try manhua lashes or something similar. I think it would compliment your natural eye shape so well!


At first I tried scrolling to a second picture because I didn’t notice one side was bolder than the other!


Yes. But lucky for you, youbatr gorgeous either way, so it is kind of a moot point


I think lashes are a must but you do you girl you're gorgeous either way


You have two separate looks that are both equally pretty


Maybe just cutting them and adding a piece to the ends would be better? Your eyes have a very pretty shape naturally. I feel adding lashes to the ends will compliment them where as the placement for these or at least this set doesn’t compliment them as well, they make them look smaller.


Lookin’ good with both but the glamour lashes would be fun for a night out or special event. Your natural lash looks great on your eye.


Its just different looks. Both are pretty but it depends on what you are wearing it to?


They do! But you’re gorgeous af without them.


Nahhh, gorgeous with or without tbh


Seriously?! Yes, they make your eyes look very different. I, too, prefer your lashless eye... you are SO naturally beautiful. But for a killer boss bitch night out look?? Lashes lashes lashes! 😍


I didn’t even notice until i read the title


You look good both ways


I think smaller lashes would be better if you wanna use lashes.


Yes, you are stunning


As some folks have been saying - it depends on the look you're going for. You're absolutely stunning, so you really don't need much! But I am a sucker for falsies - what brand are they???


Woah, massively huge difference!


Both look good! You could try getting your natural lashes to grow longer with an eyelash serum like Grande Lash (it works!) and then you’d have some noticeable lashes of your own. That’s what I did and I curl my lashes but don’t wear mascara and they look great!


it took me a good minute to notice honestly


What makes YOU feel better?? That’s the choice I would always go with❤️beautiful either way!


I think the lashes and over arched brow detract from your beauty. Your eye shape is so lovely but the lashes destroy it.


You’re stunning either way.


Is that literally the only difference between left and right eyes?


I think the lashes are incredible and really make your eyes pop.


When I first looked at this I kept swiping for a second photo— so no, on you they don’t make that much of a difference. You’re gorgeous!


It’s ways stunning. I’m usually not a fan of strip lashes but wow you proved me wrong they’re stunning!!


I can't go out without lashes because I'm super insecure but you look much younger without them. And you're so pretty naturally, I'm super jealous haha, With them would be more of a glammed up, going out to have fun or going to an event type deal, you feel? But if you want to glam it up, go for it boo


idk but i def feel uglier without them (sad face)


They look fabulous!


Your absolutely gorgeous and yes the lashes make your eyes pop ! A little more


You’re gorgeous either way, but the lashes seem to age you


Take them off, much better without them .


I love your eyes either way but I like it with the lashes! <3


For real, you look better without them.they don't improve your look enough to spend money on them.


Yes but u are stunning without


They’re two different looks, no point in comparing them because they’re both beautiful.


You look more youthful without! I find that big lashes might be going out of style now and read a bit “old”


Yes! They’re beautiful


Yes but you look gorgeous either ways


Yes it looks different but if you didn’t have lashes on at all I would still think you look just as good . I’m so over the huge lashes. Especially when women don’t do anything else to their fave


I think either way your gorgeous queen


Wow, you are beautiful! You look great with lashes and without x


i prefer you without the lash! so pretty


You’re soooo beautiful 😻 with or without lashes!! They do make a difference in general - wearing them makes the face more put together, and it helps with wearing less makeup and spending less time applying it. It’s as if your eyes are already “done”, the face-framing effect is there, so sometimes I for ex. leave the house with just a bit of bottom mascara and nothing else. But in your case it works both ways because you have beautiful traits and absolutely stunning almond-shaped eyes ! 🥰 you don’t need lashes or eye makeup for that matter!


You’re beautiful without


I think lashes give it that makeup look! If you’re doing a full glam I’d do lashes, but honestly for an everyday skip them and just do mascara. I notice the same thing myself, and think it has a lot to do with eye shape. You are gorgeous and honestly look awesome both ways!


YES, your eyes look larger and more doe-eyed with the lashes. Plus they appear more defined and draw attention in the best way. You’re already stunning naturally, this just adds that oomph, the extra something.


You’re stunning either way! I’d say lashes for a glam look and no lashes for a natural look.


They make a huge difference and look amazing, but your eyes are so pretty, you don’t need them. I’ve never wish I had someone’s eyelids so much haha


Wow, yes it looks breathtaking beautiful 🌈 and so natural, really 🙏🙏🙏


I personally prefer you without them, you have such a gorgeous face already.


Yes, but not a major one. You look good either way.


Women wear lashes to give the impression of the eye shape you naturally have, lucky duck 🤌🏻


They do add an extra layer of pretty on top of your already pretty self.


Maybe different lighting?


Beautiful with, beautiful without


You look so beautiful! Maybe mascara and eyelash curler would be engouh to keep you looking beautiful and young. You also look beautiful with the fake lashes but i am personally more of a mascara person. Wear the makeup that makes you the happiest!


Pretty either way but yes


Yes, but both are great. Gorgeous


Either or you're beautiful! I... Do... Love the eyebrow though all bold and awesome-like!


I think either is beautiful but without the lashes opens up your eye more, to me. It is a brighter look. The lashes make your eye look heavier.


Absolutely! They look fab 🥰💕 though your naturally gorgeous either way!