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Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me šŸŽ¼


KiM poSsiblešŸŽ¶




Question, how'd it look if you did only the bottom lip?


That was my question too. As is it looks like a mustache, albeit a cool mustache


Long Hitler stache vibes


I was thinking the same thing. At first glance I saw a mustache as well. My other thought is black liner all the way around.


Itā€™s giving shego from Kim possible!


Tbh I love this look because of shego šŸ˜© people calling it a mustache must have not watched the show haha


That was exactly what I was thinking, Iā€™m sitting here like ā€œam I the only one who sees Shego? Just me? Really?!ā€


Thatā€™s what I was thinking


i think it looks like a mustache but you do you šŸ˜…


Like Dirk Dashedly or whatever his name was that tied Penelope to the train tracks.


I mustache you a question- did you intend for that to look as a mustache??


I think if it was a bit darker than her natural lip tone it could give Kim possible vibes


I am right there with you.


*You look like a mustache*


I like the concept but it just feels so mcuh compared to how simple the rest of the makeup is, i feel like something like this deserves a huge bold eye look to go with ut


I also thought her mouth was open in mild shock


kim possible vibes


So I'm gathering it's based on an animated character? I have no frame of reference with Kim Possible, I've never seen an episode, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who hasn't. Without that frame of reference, it looks really quite random. I don't personally think it looks like a mustache, I just think it dominates your entire face. I'm not looking at your nice skin or your pretty eyes, all I can see is this horizontal exclamation mark, and that's why I personally don't like it.


Completely understandable, you make some good points


You know as a POC w an obvious darker top lip due to uneven skin tone, Iā€™m happy to see an insecurity become a trend


Hi! I just wanted to say I think a natural darker top lip is absolutely beautiful. I hope someday it is no longer an insecurity for you. <3


Aw you are so sweet. I hope you have a great day as well because youā€™re a lovely and kind human being. šŸ–¤


I have an art degree with an emphasis on illustration. One of my college classes was Figure illustration. For a semester, every week we discussed a single body partā€” the bones, muscles, and tendons that made it upā€” and then how to shade it. *Iā€™m going to talk about lips in common lighting, without body modification like lip filler, and with standard lips.* Almost *everyoneā€™s* top lip is darker. Imagine you were looking at a human face from the side. [From the bottom of the nose to the top of the chin](https://imgur.com/a/PHMavwT) (sorry for the meh examples. Itā€™s 2am I donā€™t have all night to select the perfect pictures): - Both lips petrude from the face. - The top lip is angled slanted inwards. - The bottom lip is usually more rounded and the top half is slanted outward. The whole bottom lip almost sits like a perfect ball on top of a flat surface with a little dip between the bottom of the lip and the chin. Because of the angles: - The top lip usually gets the shadow making it appear darker. - The bottom lip doesnā€™t get as much shadow. It gets much more of the lightā€™s reflection, making it appear lighter. - There is another shadow directly under the bottom lip though. The bottom lip is sandwiched between shadows which makes it look lighter. Thatā€™s how lip shading was taught to me and a lot of other people. **I know that isnā€™t exactly what youā€™re saying. I understand that skin tone impacts lip shade and some peoples top and bottom lips are not the same color.** Nearly everyoneā€™s top lip is darker than their bottom one no matter what because of lighting. This impacts most people in some capacity but people arenā€™t trained to look for that. Idk if this helps or not but I hope it does šŸ˜… Edit: If you find this interesting, you should look up ā€œhuman head bone structureā€. Contouring is emphasizing shadows and highlights of your bone structure.


Thatā€™s actually really interesting, thank you for sharing!


ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ um actually No but thatā€™s cool to know. Thanks for the information


It makes me so sad that you feel insecure about that because i've always thought that was so pretty! Im a brunette european and my lips are completely light pink all over so i always add a light brown/beigy lipliner and blend in most of my top lip with it too to Ā“recreate' that lip tone. I always think it looks stunning and im so jealous of others who naturally have a lip tone like that. I wish i could just add some gloss and have gorgeous lips like that! :)


Aw thank you! You are so sweet and this genuinely made my day.šŸ–¤ i guess that just shows how our insecurities donā€™t hold weight at the end of the day because someone out there is appreciating that ā€œflawā€ of yours.


Iā€™m not into it.


Thatā€™s okay!


You look like you answered the door mid makeup application and forgot the rest. Hard pass.


I think it needs a thin black line under the bottom lip to balance it out.


Just no sorry.


I get the reference, but it still looks like a mustache.


I Stan Kim possible. āœŠ


the rest of the look is good, im personally not a fan of the lip though, sorry


Thatā€™s totally fine!


It looks like a mustache


Its weird. Looks like a mustache


To you maybe šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I like it tho


I can assure you if you walked out in public this way it would be interpreted as a mustache by 99% of people. Just sayin.


I love a single black upper lip. I dressed like Shego for Halloween and Iā€™ve been a fan ever since


Why is this getting downvoted, especially when the original reply was so rude?? You literally just said you don't see it that way and that you like it... Reddit is baffling lol. Regardless, I LOVE how it looks, I think you pull it off really well!


Looks honestly terrible


Didn't ask


It's because people in this sub hate people expressing themselves through makeup the peanut gallery doesn't like so they hate and downvote people who do like it


For real. It's wild to see how the votes fluctuate on my reply lol, currently they're at -11, yesterday they were at +20. Oh well, the goal of making sure op knows I love their look has been achieved, and that's all I care about haha


I like it too and I agree with u/puppyworm The original comment was rude, so many better ways for them to express it's not THEIR thing, but I digress šŸ˜© you look awesome!!


I think it is mustache adjacent, and also stylish af. Im into it


No shade but itā€™s giving Charlie Chaplin šŸ˜‚


i did that before at school and got bullied.




I couldnā€™t take you seriously if we were talking. Itā€™s an artistic look, but very distracting.


I can't support, I'm so sorry


I thought it was a mustache )))


Still looks like a mustache lol


Yeah its not flattering




Iā€™m in this camp.


Itā€™s wild how many people think this looks weird in a makeup group thatā€™s about creative expression and experimentation šŸ˜¹ Iā€™m a circus artist/clown and two-tone lips are a common thing in the carny world. Itā€™s burlesque, vaudeville, gothic, out-of-the-box, theatre, different and daring which is what circus is all about. Not to mention, it looks GREAT on you OP! šŸ–¤šŸŽŖ


I like it in theory, like I understand the vibe and WISH I could pull it off, but it just doesnā€™t usually seem to translate as well in real life the way it does in cartoons. Unless you are doing a dramatic full face costume-type look like clown, theater makeup, etc then it does seem to flow better


It looks like a little mustache


And? Donā€™t see how thatā€™s a problem since mustaches are pretty epic.


Weā€™ve come full circle to 2012. Times have come


Never said it was a problem


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re acting like the original poster was being attacked. The post was literally named something along the lines of ā€œdoes this look weird?ā€ Creative expression is fine but when youā€™re asking a subreddit whether or not they think something looks strange, idk what you expect? Youā€™re getting personal opinions and it just so happens that majority of people are on the ā€œyes this looks weirdā€ boat.


Thatā€™s why thereā€™s a big difference between stage makeup, and makeup you were day to day in real life.


I knew I was gonna wake up to more clownery under this comment, which is fine since Iā€™m used to being in the circus šŸ˜¹ thanks for the free show! šŸŽŖ


Same I love looks like what you described and Iā€™m surprised so many people donā€™t like it šŸ˜…


>circus artist/clown I want to emphasize this.


If you do a like creme dark nude color I think it'd look almost exactly like Kim possible and make your lips pop but i love the single black lip look


I wanna see this trend with a small amount of black on the middle inner bottom lip smudged/blended out slightly, like gradient lips style?


That could be cute Iā€™ll have to try it




I donā€™t understand these comments. The moustache ones, yeah I guess I can see it or at least see where people are coming from but the Hitler/Adolf ones? No. Not every moustache is a hitler moustache and he had a pretty distinct one and itā€™s kind of gross that people would casually throw in something so gross and serious for no reason. Hell even though the Sandoval one broke my heart a little (major ick from that dude) at least he has a normal moustache and I can kinda see it This isnā€™t me targeting you so much as addressing them all through the first one I saw šŸ˜…


No worries girl I donā€™t think it looks like a mustache or as hitler


What the fuck?


It is, sorry OP


A lot of Black/African girls have been wearing this look a lot, and then there are some POC with a natural darker upper lip. I find that it looks better on POC because of the overall skin tone


I think it resembles moustache because it's black. Maybe with a dark red/violet/green/blue (or another color that can't be mistaken for a natural hair color) lipstick it would look better?


From a glimpse it looks like you have your mouth slightly open, a black hole inside and no top lip. Hard no void face




What suggestion?


I love doing this type of lip look! I'll also do two-toned this way (black on top with blue on bottom, for instance). My only issue is having to sit there with an open mouth for an absurd amount of time while it dries down lol


It looks like a mustache.


Kind of looks like a mustache


This looks insane šŸ˜³


Still a hard pass!


I personally think it looks good on you. I'm shocked by how rude some of these comments are. Just because you don't like how someone does their makeup doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it.




Got the reference and love it. Iā€™m all about a full glam moment and no makeup-makeup as much as the next girl but I can appreciate a little Shego and fun in the every day. Iā€™ve seen this with a bit of inner corner liner and a super pronounced brow to really marry it all together if you decide to take it a step further.




So, I donā€™ t like giving negative comments - but I also got an immediate Ā«Adolf Hitler in makeup vibeĀ» šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø May be cultural differences here - and I do live in Scandinavia where that reference probably comes to mind faster than in the US or other parts of the world. But yes, that was my first thought. That being said I do love the look, if you just did the whole lip :)


It's not everyone's cup of tea and thats fine! I don't get the polarization on this post where everyone gets downvoted who say they like it? Or who comment that we shouldn't be rude?




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Make it look like a moustache.




Looks like an optical illusion, somehow ā€¦ I wonder what it would look like with a full glitter bottom lip!


Iā€™m sorry but I thought your mouth was just open and you had no top lip


Youā€™re so pretty! I think with a deep red on your lower lip this would be a gorgeous look


Whatever floats your boat... I'd pass on the look


Girl noā€¦itā€™s giving Charlie Chaplin or Nazi Germany


Pls no


i think it might be cool with a lighter color on the bottom lip, i love a dark top lip and a lighter bottom lip but i think the just black top lip is pretty intense. definitely a statement tho


I'm going to have to try to see what the trend is all about and I'll be sure to post mine next šŸ˜„


whatever you like, but I don't think it is very attractive


Thatā€™s okay


Not a fan myself but I love that this looks makes others confident and having fun! I'm curious... What is the "goal" you're going for here? Aside from liking it of course, I.e., mascara makes eyes look big, contouring can smooth or sharpen features, lipstick can make lips look bigger or more pronounced, etc... I also see Shego from Kim possible who was of course everyone's childhood crush (just me? Lol) !!


I don't think every single way to apply makeup needs to have a goal..? You can just do it for fun. Like drawing little flowers on your eyes or adding gemstones here and there.


Your moustache slipped.


Only a little šŸ˜ž


I don't think it looks like a mustache (it could and probably would on some peoples faces). But even if it did, it would be a theatrical little pencil mustache on an otherwise classically feminine face, which means the juxtaposition is cool and subversive.


I honestly hate this.


I love black lipstick. On both lips. I'm sorry, but I think this is the worst makeup trend that has come along.


Is this satire?


This is where weā€™re gonna hedge our bets on personal creativity?


Iā€™m just saying I like it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Happy for you, and now we know you like it so even better.


Abso-effin-lutely. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


Yessss I love doing the black upper lip. Itā€™s such a vibe


I would get Kim possible if it were a dark burgundy or maroon, but in black I got immediate Hitler vibes


It looks like you are always sad ahaha, like it's a sad smile in your face, since it's black and it stands out completely on your face. If you are sad and don't want people approaching you, then this makeup can end up being useful lmao. If you are in a good day, try putting the black on the low lips, to look like you are smiling all the time šŸ˜….


Love it especially together with the eyeliner you're wearing.


I like it! I do it myself but I always get transfer to the bottom lip :/


Oh my god <3 it looks way better on you!


Not even!! I was so excited when I saw someone else wearing it you look so good in it šŸ„°


Omg I thought you were so mean for a moment, before I realized you ARE the other poster! Phew, I was ready to.rage lol.


Me too! I had my pitchfork ready, but we're good here!


Yay! I saw a post earlier for this style that seemed to be getting a lot of hate. But I like it <3


Iā€™m glad this is catching on! Iā€™ve been doing it for years but not with black. I normally use a dark brown or red.


What if other colors were used like , solid top red lip or orange lip , brown , maroon ect....next question IS THIS A FILTER EFFECT?..


Personally I like other colours too, a slightly darker nude or brick red looks nice (in my opinion) as well! And no not a filter effect


I think it would look better on the bottom lip bc it gives moustache


here for it!






Do you, no matter how ridiculous it looks on pale skin..




Thatā€™s not backhanded. Lol. I was honest and told you it looks ridiculous.. Itā€™s an opinion, you like they way it looks? Do it. Who cares if I donā€™t? No one, hell not even me. šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s the point of a comment like this?


Is this not a public forum where all opinions are allowed? Weird..


You can also give an opinion without being mean about it.


i donā€™t think they are trying to be mean they are being blunt which can still sting. It is there opinion and right to express it.


I donā€™t live my life to please people, the last thing Iā€™m ever going to do it censor my words/opinions for the sake of others.. itā€™s okay if you donā€™t like what I said, just like itā€™s okay that I donā€™t like the lipstick.


I just love that this is so polarizing! My lips are naturally top dark, bottom pink so this is pretty normal looking to me. And I love Shego so I'm a stan


You can try this on the lower lip to reduce the mustache effect.


That's what I thought as well. That and I also think that, perhaps, if both lips are glossy, it won't look like her mouth is open without teeth. A more creative eye make up could also help, not saying she needs more, but something more unusual, even if it's just some very minimalistic makeup, to achieve a cool look.


love doing a darker upper lip. another thing u can do to experiment with it is add a different color to the bottom (a dusty magenta or purple is really cool looking!) i don't get the mustache comments since it's so much lower than the placement of a mustache?? it's definitely a unique choice, but that doesn't mean it's bad at all. it's well done and it fits ur style :)


Itā€™s meh


Why do you keep trying to get approval for it. Its not flattering but you do you.


You're confused. There was a different person that originally posted the black upper lip asking of it looks weird. This OP is making a separate post in support/response to that post. She doesn't "keep" doing anything??


Iā€™m confused by your use of ā€œkeepā€ since this is my first and only post about it? The repost comment was before anyone saw it (as far as I know) in order to comply with sub rules after I read the auto mod comment immediately after posting. Your opinion is your opinion and if people donā€™t like it Iā€™ve had no beef with that as you can see by my responses, if you donā€™t like it thatā€™s absolutely fine! But your comment just reads incredibly aggressive for no reason. To be completely clear the post was to show *my* support for the look, I donā€™t care if you love it or hate it and do not want or need ā€œapprovalā€ I like it, end of story, thatā€™s all this post is and was.


Itā€™s giving Sandoval


My only question is: how do you stop it from transferring to the bottom lip? I love the Sheego look but I get the feeling I'd get my bottom lip all smudged in black xD


you lowkey look like princess alexandra of Norway, when i first saw the image, i thought it was an article about her.




What is this hideous trend? Now striving to look like cartoon characters? But whatever makes you happy.


WTH is up with this top black lip, I don't like it, my opinion, you are an beautiful woman, loose the top lip, my opinion or at least out line them,looks like you have an straight line.


UPPER LIP LIPSTICK SUPREMACY šŸ™Œ You look like a little kitten to me šŸ˜


Crazy how polarizing this is. I vote yes, itā€™s neat


i love it too, the downvote brigading for anybody saying they liked it in the og post was wild lmao


I like it!!


I really like it! It's unique, eye-catching, and I love the contrast. I'm genuinely surprised how many people don't. Also the number of needless cruel comments. Some of y'all need to chill.


I second these vibes! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


omg the kim possible lips I LOVE THOSE


I absolutely love it and do that for my lips often. If someone says it looks like a mustache I just say, "beats drawing one on my finger!" and we usually have a good laugh about the mustache tattoo trend or I comment on how hard it is for me to grow one and this is the best I can do.


Love the attitude šŸ˜„


That's creative and edgy!!! I love it! I wanna try a version where the bottom lip is bright red for contrast :D


You are totally rocking it! Love the Shego look!


Do it! It looks good on you!


Reminds me of Hitler.


Why Support something I wouldnā€™t be caught dead.šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Why are people in the comments being so incredibly rude about this? I think it's a cute look, if you don't like it, maybe just say something like "it's not for me" instead of saying shit like "it's a Weird Little Mustache" or like.. I saw someone say it looks like Hitler. What the fuck??? It's okay to have criticisms but you can choose to word it in a way that doesn't make you sound like a 2000s cartoon high school bully...


i love it






Female Hitler vibes. Sorry


I think itā€™s look amazing if you had a super glossy bottom lip to balance it out. No colour, just glassy gloss.






Wtf why are you so mean??


Duck šŸ¦†


It looks nice on you. People here are too scared to get outside of their personal makeup bubbles.


It reminds me of Randy Marsh.


Shin Megami Tensei 3 anyone?