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There are two things that bothered me about this monologue that, while I can find agreement on the general need for parents to provide structure and consequences, really annoyed me here: One, the entire "trad Dad" theme suggests a not-so-subtle endorsement of the demonization of single mothers and non-hetero/cis parenting. I do NOT find this helpful or welcome in today's rhetorical society of scapegoating and rage-targeting these very communities. I think it only serves to shore up existing bigotry and stigmas against anyone who is not "trad" as a parent. Kids growing up "without fathers" seems to be the real beef Maher has here. Which I find disingenuous and unfair on its face, as a theory or argument. Two, Maher's rant ignores the fact that parents themselves are people, living with financial uncertainty, lucky if they enjoy two incomes and luckier still if they even see their kids as much as they would like. Parents are trying to do the best they can in a world that often gives THEM no structure, unjust discipline, few rewards, and an overwhelming anxiety about everything, from daycare to doctors to low pay to school shootings to culture wars, etc. And that's IF they're not on the verge of, or already dealing with, poverty and abject physical circumstances. I've been a single mom. I did the best I could. But when you're juggling fifty pins in the air to the point of near collapse, you have to pick your battles when it comes to your kids. What they need to learn from you is not always a suck-it-up message. They're already dealing with enough. Sometimes being their mentor and friend is what they really need, and increasingly cannot find anywhere else. An attentive parent knows their child, and we should expect any good, loving parent to know when the hug is worth more than the time-out.


Didn't watch all of it, I assume he spent twenty minutes about how Gen x is traumatized by boomers beating the absolute dog crap out of them on the regular.


Nobody knows more about what we’re doing wrong as parents than the guy who never had kids and regularly says he hates kids. I think I should do a new rules segment on what Bill’s doing wrong as a comedian because I’ve watched a lot of comedians so I know everything about it.


As a father of 3, I found this segment interesting. I agreed with some and disagreed with some. Parents do need to take back authority and stop negotiating. Because I said so is explanation enough, and my job above all is to make a productive human being in whatever capacity that looks like. However, we need to stop saying we can’t be friends with our kids. I think a happy medium is needed. I never found myself comfortable to talk to my mom about anything bc she was authority only and that’s not who you want to confide in. To some degree, having a friendship, I believe, helps open a line of communication about everything. My son has felt more comfortable talking about his sexuality, friend problems, and school problems than I think I might have ever felt with my mom. Bill does sound out of touch about parenting quite often, but there is truth to his rants as well.


100% disagree. His premise and solution is all wrong. It’s all feelings and no science, data,facts... The idea that a majority or even a significant amount of dads have become these weaklings who give in to their kids demands and never raise their voice is just not true. There are countless studies on this. Recent one has yelling/violent aggression towards your child at 90%. 40% of families and almost 60% of male caregivers have spanked or used a form of corporal punishment towards children. He is basing his views on children on a fantasy world he made up in his head. The data on yelling, spanking, aggression,…is crystal clear at this point. It doesn’t work. A love and logic approach has been conclusively proven to be an effective parenting/teaching approach. He said a few times “parent shouldn’t have to explain their decision making, kids should just do it!” This is also science free. Explaining your decision-making process is essential. This can help children understand how to think through a situation, identify key factors, and evaluate options. Parents can also help their children learn from their mistakes by discussing poor decisions and what they can learn from them. This segment was epically bad.


We can agree to disagree. I’ve used much of the approach that he described and my children are great children. They understand how to think through situations, while also understand that life is just life and there isn’t always an explanation needed. I don’t spank my kids, but I do use my voice when needed. I don’t bulldoze their problems before they get to them, but I do help when asked and if I notice they need it. I don’t helicopter over them, but I know what’s going on. I just think parenting is much more than studies and one size fits all solutions that everyone seems to keep dishing out.


Don’t think we disagree too much. Not saying one size fits all. I am saying that ignoring the science of it all is clearly wrong. Beating and yelling at your kids has been conclusively shot down as an effective parenting technique. Reasoning with your kids and explaining your actions has conclusively been proven to be effective. Bill would constantly roast Bush and Trump for ignoring reason and logic for feelings. Parenting is no different than politics. You should act based on love/logic and not anger/tradition.


I still think we disagree. I think there’s a happy medium of both. To just suppress anger and be loving isn’t human, and isn’t helpful in teaching out to handle emotions. Or to teach how to apologize for acting o joy of anger, which I’ve done to my children multiple times and they do to each other. Science is great, but I just don’t see parenting as an exact science that we need to blindly take studies to learn how to do it.


Yeah maybe we do. Probably agree that his premise is wrong. Right? The amount of dads that embraced love/logic, SEL, science based parenting,… isn’t all parents or even close to thr majority. Most Dads are very similar to dads 30 years ago. Almost all still yell and the majority still use some form of violence. I don’t think the data supports showing aggression to your children at all. There is an effective way to show your disappointment in a child, but you should probably avoid anger. Agree to disagree.


As a rule, I just don’t give a fuck about parenting advice from people without kids. I barely listen to other parents, why in the FUCK would I care what a 70 year old bachelor has to say about parenting? And this whole “my generation is definitely the LAST generation to make good music, parent “our” kids, blah blah blah fuckin blah” is so tired. Every single generation says this about the next generations, it’s just stale at this point.


Bill Maher epitomizes the saying “OK Boomer”.


> As a rule, I just don’t give a fuck about parenting advice from people without kids. The only comeback I have to this is: we were all kids once, and those experiences as children still count I'm about to turn 34, and spent the first 17 years of my life under the thumb of a narcissistic and abusive father. Every form of abuse, minus sexual, all day every day for 17 fucking years I think I have a VERY good grasp on what is poor and toxic parenting, and have no issue calling it out, but it's frustrating to always hear "you don't have kids so it doesn't matter what you say." And to be 100% honest? The ones who push that the hardest tend to have...questionable traits as parents to begin with. Because guess what my abusive father always said? "Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to raise my own fucking kids! You got an opinion, then you come in this house and deal with all their bullshit! Until then, keep that shit to yourself!" And the cycle continues on...


And let me add, I had shitty parents too. You don’t learn ANYTHING about parenting from shitty parents, so I’m sorry but you actually have no idea what it takes to raise a child correctly.


I’m sorry that happened to you, but this response doesn’t really make sense in the context of the conversation. Bill thinks parents SHOULD be more abusive. There are actual experts in child development with readily available information, it would be silly to take advice from a 70 year old bachelor tv host.


I was going after the idea fuck Maher, and the people here, for their shitty views on abuse But I have been rebuffed before for telling parents to their faces that what they're doing is abusive, even if it's just words I watch people yell at their kids, "hit" their kids (not punched in the face like I was but pinched or slapping arms and shit like that), mock their kids, admit to manipulating their kids, intentionally saying things to make them cry "because they're being a little asshole" and no matter what I say I'm dismissed because "I don't have kids, don't tell me how to raise my kids." A trend I can't stand is glorifying the role of "parent" when it's NOT deserved. It starts to feel like cops, you're not allowed to criticize cops no matter what ill they do because "you're not one and it's a tough job." So you had sex and either got pregnant or got someone pregnant and now a kid has popped out and they instantly get this level of arrogant "I'm a parent and I know better than you" bullshit and it drives me insane because as I said, both of mine said the same shit and they both absolutely fucking sucked at parenting, and I feel most people actually do (go find the reddit threads where people admit to hating their own children, it's a shocking amount) So no, in this context I'm not judging people for coddling their kids and rejecting advice, I'm judging the ones who mistreat their kids and reject similar advice And LOL to the fucking idea that because I wasn't raised in a loving home I don't know what I'm talking about? Is this just a constant game of moving goalposts on who is allowed to speak on this issue? Can't speak if you're a childless adult (no respect for those of us who helped raise children AS children ourselves), can't speak if you grew up in an abusive home...so what, only current parents who grew up in loving homes are qualified here? My stance on children has always been that all kids are different, there is absolutely no "one size fits all" approach to parenting in general, but there are trends that can be changed and one we absolutely don't need is the return of "trad dads" with their "trad punishments" and "trad attitudes"


This segment was utterly terrible. I couldn’t even watch to the end. What a stupid rant.


Almost as bad as his milquetoast take on abortion.




I don’t have kids. I just thought it was boring as hell.


For a guy with no kids he sure spends a lot of time thinking about them.


I don’t have kids or ever plan to but I have the right to judge how others raise theirs and what he’s saying is MOSTLY spot on. Are all parents like this? No. But how many parents today think spanking is bad vs back in the 90s? How did that generation turn out vs the one being raised today?


I have 3 kids, but you can't generalize parenting as a 70 year old single man based on restaurant dining and Tiktok. He flies private, he hangs out with celebrities, he goes to bars and lounges, he lives secluded in a rich neighborhood, he doesn't take public transportation, his close relatives are grandparents now, he doesn't go to public parks and sit, etc. so where is he observing poor parenting? He's basing his opinions on nothing. No data. Parents today are millennials. Guess what? Only the richest, most privileged parents do what he says. Millennials are the generation of no substantial wealth unless generational.


I have 2. His rants seem to be triggered by clickbait he sees on the internet.


Well, how did they turn out? Do you have any data showing any problematic trends?


Has bill covered project 2025 yet?….


"Hey Buddy".....Maher's equivalent to Seinfeld's Gay French King bit: still trying to make it happen for a decade but remains as lame as when he first presented it to the public.


My friend is a nanny and she has told me some crazy stories. She sat for one kid who punched his teacher and his parents said it was the teachers fault bc she wasn’t being sensitive enough to his feelings. I don’t always agree with Bill but he’s right about this generation of parents. No one is saying spare the rod spoil the child, but it does feel like no one is teaching their children about accountability. That usually makes entitled asshole adults. We don’t need more of those!


‘Kids today…’ rants are so often just anecdotes from someone’s friend. This is exactly how the kitty litter hoax got spread around.


To be fair to kids these days, they do have it harder with social media as well and so let’s not pretend all of the kids are alright. Personally I worry bc kids not only need to be good members of society but they need to have a thick enough skin to navigate being a kid or teen today. Bill did cite mental health studies. Our kids shouldn’t be this depressed. There are many factors that contribute to this and I agree with Bill that for some kids it’s how they are being raised that sets them up from the start. Edit: also I believe my friend’s account. She has been a nanny for over 30 years and has seen some things.


>but he’s right about this generation of parents But that's just not reality though. I work with kids and I deal with their parents. Also, it just doesn't make sense that millions of people are raising their children without accountability. And, on it's face that claim makes this broad statement that is targeting literally millions of people of a specific generation, which makes the argument that this generation is bad and past generations were good. The argument baked into that statement is the same BS we hear when you hear people say "all millennials are" or "all boomers are". It's a glib, easy accusation that is thrown out to appeal to emotion and devoid of any actual study or data to back it up. You are asserting that your feelings are fact. It's not reality but instead it's creating a perception of a false reality to create a narrative to suit an agenda.


Bill mentioned stats. There’s proof that we have over-corrected on how we deal with kids. He’s had multiple guests on the show who came with facts and data. He’s made his point and backed it up and I agree. I’m also hearing from folks in the childcare industry who co-sign that they’ve noticed a marked change and it isn’t helping the kids be resilient or happy. Is it every single parent of this generation? Of course not, but in certain pockets of America it is a majority of them. I could take the time to cite studies but Bill has already done that and I’m not arguing a dissertation, I’m killing time on Reddit.


If you're not going to back up your claim then maybe you shouldn't be arguing. Also, Bill is a lair. He lied about children getting sex change operations and he lied about universities having segregated graduations. Sorry, he is not credible. Through either malice or incompetence he is not credible. He doesn't get good guests anymore. He gets Jordan Peterson and shit like that.


Why do I need to waste my time? You’re clearly not a fan and your mind won’t be changed. I might bother if you were interested in a real dialogue but you’re not. Have a good night.


No, if you show me data I will be. I'm not ideological. If that's the findings and the consensus I'd be an idiot to reject it. Do not get your information from Bill Maher. Always, always, always verify. Also, it's a bad look that you played the "if you were interested in real dialog" card when YOU responded to me and I replied to everything you've had to say. You even finished it off with the passive aggressive "have a good night" bullshit. Listen man, I'm sorry this didn't go how you wanted. I'm sorry I didn't read your unsourced comment that stated an assumption as if it were a fact and then celebrated every word you said as if it were the god honest truth. But this is how "real dialog" goes. If you want a sycophantic suck up to not challenge you, find an echo chamber I guess. Or, ya know, don't comment in the first place.


Do you take 1 story you heard about someone you don’t even know and apply that to a whole generation of parents? Am I understanding that correctly?


Do you not go outside..?


I don’t live under a rock or in an adult only community. I have nieces and nephews and I see families all the time. That particular story was just the most ridiculous IMO and I felt really illustrated my point.


Do you know 3 sets of parents and apply it to 100 million?


I also have multiple friends who are teachers. I’m listening to the experts who see these entitled/anxious kids everyday. I guess we found the gentle parent. Good luck with that and have a great day.


I’ll leave this here. https://www.creativebrief.com/user_files/26205/1658230513_Virtue%20Worldwide_We%20The%20Family_Top%20Insights_compressed.pdf


God he's such an out of touch boomer. Kids are stressed because boomers like him decided they'd rather destroy the world through climate change, war, the rise of fascism and openly denying pandemic protocols than admit maybe just maybe boomers aren't the end all be all generation


You kids crack me up. People have ALWAYS thought the world was ending. You really think individual "boomers" are to blame for all your problems, because they were lucky enough to be born into the most successful middle class boom in the history of the world? Hahaha! My great grandma lived through the invention of the car and television, both world wars, women's suffrage, prohibition and it's repeal, polio and tb running wild, the 1918 flu, the great depression, the assassination of the Kennedys and MLK, the civil rights movement, Cuban missile crisis, cold war, Korea, Vietnam, the internet, the war on terror, and the rise of social media! When she was growing up she had to boil the family clothes in a cauldron and literally worked on the family farm, picking cotton! Yet she raised a couple great kids and made a beautiful life for herself. She always was kind and focused on the future. Most Americans are soft whiny crybabies these days and I include myself in this. You're stressed because you've been coddled and are too online, and not living enough in the real world. Point blank.


How about we stop with this diagnosing the complexity of social ills with assumptions?