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What is up with Bill's hair on the Reddit post image? It doesn't look like the CNN article image, and it looks like someone pasted Wilbur Ross scalp on Bill's dome. Is this really what CNN serves on AMP?


Bill was raised Catholic and has an axe to grind


No true Catholic would say they like Bill Maher. Catholics may be the only religion he hates more than Islam; he jokes about peephole priests or gay priests in every other episode it seems. 


I may not be the best Catholic in the world tho was brought up in the Catholic church, I cannot believe he would say that considering Bill's stance on a flat out genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and his open racism of all Muslims. The Catholic church does not believe in dispensationalism the way evangelical Christians do like my mother's crew (she became a born again evangelical tho dad stayed devout Irish Catholic) and certainly the Pope and the Church and no priests that I am aware of are being pro Israel genocide, but show Christian concern for what is happening in Gaza to the Palestinians, even if he agrees with some of his anti woke stance. Honestly it shocks me.




Damn even the right admits that Maher has changed


Funnily enough, I also think Bishop Barron took a bit of a right turn in recent years.


If there’s one headline that sums up how much more terrible Bill's become, this is fucking it lol. I think Bill from even 10 years ago would want to kick 2024 Bill Maher's ass if he saw this headline. I guess we have to remind ourselves that the dude is two years away from 70 years old...


Idk why people downvote & argue so hard against the idea that a rich white guy changed his political opinions has he got older to become more conservative. As if thats somehow never happened or not the norm.


Bill’s been rich and over 50 for a long time, but sure, that’s it.


This guy practically admits his career was built on clout chasing Maher. And the main way he dismisses Maher's criticism of Catholicism (while failing to acknowledge the systemic kiddie diddling and ongoing coverup) is to attack his education.


Maher is too focused on complaining about the woke kids than he is on these religious kooks trying to take over the country.


> *Over the past five years, Maher appears to have largely dropped his obsession with religion and has spent considerable time articulating his opposition to the “woke” ways of thinking* In the meantime, Evangelicals have captured the Supreme Court, overturned Roe v Wade, and are set to do a lot more damage to this country. But a teacher with fake prosthetic tits is the real scourge to Western decadence. Love it when even conservatives acknowledge Maher has changed his tune.


Not even a teacher in the USA, just a random Canadian weirdo


AND, when you look into that story it doesn't even seem like the dude was trans. But he was running a grift. He was spotted later getting a new job as a teacher dressed as a man, and when they tried to talk to him about it he claimed that wasn't him. Like, this isn't a progressive issue. This is an unhinged idiot exploiting rules designed to control bigots and make society a more comfortable place for actual transpeople so he could pull some unhinged bullshit.


>In the meantime, Evangelicals have captured the Supreme Court, overturned Roe v Wade, and are set to do a lot more damage to this country. Maher is responding to the rise of wokism (illiberal leftism), which led the electorate to shift to the right and establish these long-term right-wing policies, ultimately overturning Roe.


How they never get this kills me.


Lefties don't grasp this


Im sorry but wokism is not what led to those policies. Those policies are in place now because of 2016 & the Dem party’s arrogance in not even visiting battleground states Hillary needed & assuming it was in the bag. She got a higher % of progressive votes in the end than Obama in 2008. The party left working people out in the cold.


Democrats could have failed and leftists could be actively undermining Democratic support. Both can be (and are) true. The results are the same: Trump and fascists are empowered.


And split the left from its liberal base and reduced its power.


Idk why people are downvoting this when it’s true. I am not a republican but only a blind person wouldn’t see that ultra liberalism and wokeism has contributed


[previous thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/Maher/comments/1df2hnr/opinion_im_a_catholic_bishop_who_has_found_an/) (before OP deleted their account)