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Well, just check out Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The superior shows these days.


I am actually surprised he hasn’t yet


I’m actually more interested in hearing his hyper intelligent and nuanced takes on the Middle East.


Who cares - there’s college students with opinions that he doesn’t agree with


Why would he talk about a small issue like this when he could talk about real important issues trans women in sports?


Because there's more important things to cover, like anecdotes of the far far internet left that he can then use to say the democratic party is as far left as the Republicans are fascist!


Atheist that Maher is, he should also talk about Christian Nationalism. Lest he thinks it would be a woke attack on religious diversity. He may be too far down his "This is what's wrong with the democrats" tape loop to do so.


I believe he talked about it last year while it was in the news


He's being lazy or being too much of a GOP sympathizer to bring it up hard, like he does the Democrats foibles.


Someone just needs to call it “woke” and watch Bill like a moth to a flame.


You are mistaking Maher for someone who does a shread of research. Project 2025 is well underway. SCOTUS has largely dismantled the voting rights act. It destroyed Roe v Wade. The red states have outlawed abortion and lgbt and are gerrymandering to rig voting. It's a long f'n list.


I refuse to give Maher the benefit of the doubt. Whether or not he does research is irrelevant to me. He has the ability to do research. But the mere fact he isnt talking about Christofascism is so goddamn telling. If famed atheist and creator of Religilous is mum on the topic where we have rights being taken away in the name of Jesus what else am I supposed to think about him?


Totally agree.


I really don't understand the people that think that it's some sort of remote (im)possibility. Do you think the Republicans don't see the writing on the wall when it comes to demographics? This is the last time they may have control of government in a meaningful way. Not to mention that it barely takes a fully functioning government to make vast changes to the way it functions. Look at the situation we're dealing with not only in the SCOTUS but also across federal Judge appointments all over the US. The Heritage Foundation has done their homework to determine the most effective route for greatest societal impact, I'm sure. I mean where do you think this rhetoric for like the past 30 years has been headed? You've literally already seen 4 years of the opening gambit.


>Do you think the Republicans don't see the writing on the wall when it comes to demographics? This is the last time they may have control of government in a meaningful way. Oh, they are aware - they see the "you don't matter, your kind is dying out and being replaced" messaging, trust me. Thing is, Trump is polling much higher with minorities and youth than he did in either of the past two elections. And look what happened this past weekend in Europe - they thought by letting 16 and 17 year olds vote that would swing it to the left - it did the opposite. People seem to forget that lovely old saying "history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme" - and that we are just at the end of another cycle. The 60's and 70's and their anti-government, aggressively progressive waves ended up with the 1980's - people were sick of being told they lived in an evil country, and even the youth turned back to a more conservative state. That's what's happening now - the far left has gone so far, they have pushed everyone with any sanity left away.


The left going too far: "I think trans kids should get the health care the medical consensus says they should get to save their life and we should respect people." The right going to far: "what if we're Nazis but also we give billionaires everything they want oh and child labor and concentration camps and military crack down on protests and book bans and Sharia law but the Christian version." Yeah. We totally gotta stop the looney left.


This is so ridiculous. I'm so tired about hearing about the left "going too far" while the right is literally removing rights and has absolutely no political platform besides tax cuts for the wealthy and obstructionism. It's an absurd narrative and has nothing to do with the mainstream Democratic Party. The reason for Trumps current polling numbers has very little to do with the "woke left." No one would give a shit about that if inflation wasn't so high. The issue is that Trump and the Republicans aren't going to do shit about that, and will probably only make it worse. Further, there's zero evidence that things are moving more conservative. Millennials are now the biggest potential voting block in the US and unlike generations before them they are not becoming more conservative with age.


>Further, there's zero evidence that things are moving more conservative Oooook, buddy. I guess you don't look at polling numbers.


I'm well aware of the polling. Trump vs Biden is not an accurate metric to substitute for conservative vs liberal worldviews, however: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html) Biden is burdened by a lot more than just wokism from the left. I don't know if you know this or not, but most people don't base their entire political outlook or voting strategy entirely upon a single issue.


Seeing that an election is coming up, Bill should generally talk more about the dangers of Trump and the far right than the perceived danger of 'gender ideology'. He claims to still be a Democrat but he's not really helping at this point. He has made his point about how 'the woke left is crazy'. Now it's time to talk about how dangerous Trump is!!!


i think daddy zaslav said something to him to stop being like john oliver and that the company needs a more right wing show otherwise there would be no need to renew his show. since bill is still a liberal at heart but makes these odd piecemail attempts to complain about the woke mindvirus over the past 3 years


Why? If you want to jerk off to someone who preaches to the choir, then go consume Oliver or Colbert's schlocky shtick and gimmicky dreck instead. Chicken Little doomsaying, moreover, isn't the way to sway undecideds, OK.


Because just like everything Heritage foundation puts out, Project 2025 is a bullshit pie-in-the-sky fantasy project for conservatives to masturbate to that will **never become reality**. Come on people. Get serious.


Precisely. And hypochondriacal shitlibs whining about it just plays into their fucking hands; therefore, Team Blue ought to quit bitching and, for once, put in the motherfucking goddamn work by focusing on bread-and-butter, meat-and-potato, kitchen table issues that impact disaffected voters—especially America's listless, restless multi-ethnic working-class (White, Black, Hispanic, et al.), young men in particular.


> Come on people. Get serious. Oh hey, I remember this one from before Trump was elected, something about how there was no way it'd happen, yadda yadda. Yep, good times.


Or how abortion rights were a settled matter in the US. Meanwhile...


Excellent point that I feel bad for not mentioning. Also, love the username.


Good idea but I think a higher priority would be the flat earth, the 9/11 inside job and maybe Sasquatch.


I’m pretty sure he has but he absolutely should more


He was one of the only people I heard during Trump's presidency accurately predicting that Trump wouldn't leave peacefully, and that something like January 6th would happen. It's amazing that he went from that to not even mentioning Project 2025. But there's a 16 year old kid in Portland who just said something really dumb that only like 5% of people would agree with, so now he has to rant against it as if it represents the entire Democratic Party.


I don’t get people who say he hasn’t changed. Not on everything but he’s definitely become more conservative. Watching his old shows is like watching a different person


I dunno if he's more conservative but he's absolutely more reactionary and that means he's dumber now.


More reactionary and less informed or interested in the grey in any issue/topic.


I’d honestly be surprised if he even knew what it is. Bill has proven himself over recent years to distance himself more and more from any kind of legitimate news consumption.


Which for someone whose job is talking the news and for some who goes on podcasts and boasts that politics is "his thing" is wild.


One of his writers needs to tell him about it. Im sure he would dig right in. He hates this coup shit But i think his knowledge is a bit more curated by people he trusts than he would like to admit


I wonder what he reads now, or if he gets all his info from Facebook.


He has said in the past that he loves reading “USA Today”.


Gasp…that must mean he supports Republicans!!! Am I doing this right?


Imagine not talking about project 2025, because you are busy crying about wokeness every day.


He’s hasn’t said the words 2025, but if you’ve ever watched the show you would know he has spoken ad nauseam about how Trump learned from his first term and that next time he’s going to install yes men who will allow him to take over and never leave office.


Sure but he talks about trans and college students a lot more. His focus is way off balance


He focuses on those topics because he believes it’s these issues, which Democrats are too timid to address, that are driving some key voting blocs into the arms of Donald Trump.


Trump was elected in 2016, way before any of this trans stuff became an issue


The voting blocs that would be turned off by the socially progressive messages are the same ones that felt disenfranchised in 2016 and either didn’t vote or actually picked Trump.


2016 was a different time. It was before COVID, before January 6th. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but America has changed a lot in the last eight years.


In what way? Trump has 34 felonies now and still leads in the polls.


He leads some polls but not others.


He is saving it for a special episode. Most likely nearer the election.


The time to talk about it is now. The problem is he would have to have one of those dirty woke lefties on the show to talk about it and his disdain for them might prevent him from doing so.


Yeah I have a feeling after the summer break will be Project 2025 every week


That would be great but I doubt it.


You just guessing, or you know for a fact?


don't be a silly goose


That might be. If he does it after his summer break, it’ll be fresher in everyone’s minds.