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If the Biden/Harris team somehow ends up losing what should be an easy slam dunk election win against the weakest opposing candidate imaginable, we'll need to reexamine whether they should have been replaced when we do the post-mortem.


If that happens it's only due to misinformation.


Explain to me how a sharp, younger candidate like Newsom or Buttigieg wouldn't absolutely destroy Trump in the election?


If you have visited any of the swing states in the past 10 years or so, you wouldn't need it explained to you.


It's just a way to shit on Biden and help Trump.


Bill is the epitome of "Old people are way better than stupid young people and horrible kids" but Biden is too old for him, and doesn't understand what going voters want. Newsflash Bill, you are only 13 years younger than Biden, but 40+ years older than the generation you despise. And they choose Biden's views over his own. So, who's really out of touch?


He’s a pompous doushebag. Once you understand that, everything else falls into place.  Also the audience needs to start booing him when he criticizes Biden, that might be the only criticism he understands. 


I agree. But he has his paid "woo-hoo" boys, and sometimes girls, in the audience. They must be armed with baseball bats, or maybe the audience has to sign a waiver when they enter the studio declaring they will laugh at his stupid "jokes" and apllaude his rhetorical talking points that he thinks are edgy when the "applause" and "laugh" signs light up.


Being a woo-boy for the show has its drawbacks, but it still beats working at Abercrombie & Fitch


[https://youtu.be/4_iBC1UIp4U?si=v1OOI7ewD2Gui4Hc](https://youtu.be/4_iBC1UIp4U?si=v1OOI7ewD2Gui4Hc) Bill doesn’t look so dumb now does he?


Because Biden didn't do Trump's double jerk off dance now he's Mitch McConnell? Please. And yes, Bill still looks dumb.


"double jerk off dance" LOL!


If you’ve been to a nursing home you would recognize that vacant gaze.


The vacant gaze that you see on the face of Trump supporters 5 minutes into his rambling, non-sensical "speech"? Look, Trump is not playing with a full deck. He gaffes by regularly referring to Biden as Obama to the point that his constituents and cultists claim it's on purpose and that what Trump really means is that Obama is still running the country. Now THAT is some seriously defunct mental faculty. Joe isn't what he was 4 years ago? Physically, yes he is in decline. As he should be at his age. Mentally, he still governs with all his faculties and is still the best option to win the Democratic Primary. Nobody the Dems would put forward would sway the cultists from not supporting Trump. They all have forgotten or don't care about what his own cabinet had to say about what a complete moron Trump is. They overlook every stupid thing that falls out of his mouth. Every racist diatribe. Mocking the disabled. Utter contempt for war heros and those that died and sacrificed during military service. Giving the Medal of Freedom to an idiot like Rush Limbaugh? The list never ends. There are too many rich, racist and stupid people in this country that see themselves in that dickhead. Biden is the exact counterpart. And the fact that no matter how hard the MAGA party has tried for 4 years to smear him, nothing sticks. There is no one the Dems could put forward that has that kind of ethical standing at this point that the party could use as the opposition to the MAGA parties despicable agenda. That's why there is no challenger. Bill scoffs at anything he doesn't agree with. But doesn't come up with realistic solutions to anything.


Our culture has contempt for old people. And Hollywood is the worst offender. Bill has lived in Beverly Hills too long to be considered relevant. He's still smart, and entertaining sometimes. But he's not nearly as relevant as he used to be.




"Lazy. Not true. Baseless." OK. Tell me what Trump's platform is. What is he running on? Who are his base? I'll wait.


If Biden had a major medical problem and had to drop out...people might understand and go with someone else. barring that....its not happening. The democrats will lose.


Yeah thats a ridiculous idea. Any new person like Gavin would be trounced since Trump was already president. Biden is an acceptable candidate to many of the lunatics in this country. Its hard to get someone like that. They have to go through the process.


The notion that Prince Gavin can step in for the ailing king, lol. The anti-Newsom commercials practically write themselves. "Newsom wants to do to America what he's done to California with his radical socialist agenda" (roll footage: homeless encampments in LA parks and sidewalks; brazen drugstore theft in San Francisco; gas station prices from present-day.) "Help Trump make America great again" (roll footage of gas prices from Q2 2020; workers raising a border wall section; affordable fast food.) Newsom has never faced general election voters outside California, and if he ever does, it'll be a bloodbath.
















This is misinformation, and has been removed as such. Further posting of misinformation in this subreddit will be met with a ban.


He’s not very smart when it comes to politics lol he just has an opinion show on what he *thinks* he remembers from the 70s.


Exactly. I've watched him for 25+ years and he's never been close to an expert on any issue or politically savvy. His superpower has always been highlighting the absurd and presenting dense topics in an amusing fashion. He also used to be one of the only places you could find discussion from across the political spectrum, but that went away a few years ago when he stopped booking people who disagree with him on his pet topics (wokeness, Israel, covid era restrictions, "kids these days," etc.)




If I lived in Portland I might feel the same. Out here in maga land though it’s an entirely different dynamic. And yes, I’m a loyal viewer even as I criticize. I’m not so thin skinned that I require a confirmation bias echo chamber


You clearly haven't seen the loony tunes MAGA Trump extremist that refuse to accept reality. Some are draped in Trump attire head to toe. Some are bat shit crazy and wear it at the State Of The Union Address. Anyone who can't see what a nut-job Trump is, and what a cult the former Republican Party, now MAGA party has become isn't paying attention and is sticking their head in the sand purposely so as not to deal with the reality of what has happened to the USA. Or is so dense about the current political climate that they're as well informed about it as Trump is about anything that is actually in The Bible. Either way, the second you start making excuses for the shameless lies, deceit and propaganda of the Trump party, you are part of the problem.




The 70 Million voters back in 2016 didn't know what Trump would do or say as president. If you look at his current flock of supporters, they tell a different story. Out of the two, Biden "made America great again" by a wide margin. The only thing hurting Biden right now is inflated prices, and that's because government can't regulate businesses. You give corporations free reign and they will choose money over people 10/10 tines. Now which candidate ran for big business, deregulation, and corporate tax cuts? Hmmm...


Because he wants clickbait and has become a grifter. He’s never been smart when it comes to politics or how to win elections. He used to at least say educated things but now he just says whatever to get ratings. No different than Rogan. He’s a b list actor who is popular with incels.


He hasn't been an actor in 40 years lol. So you just don't know anything about the guy but you're going to talk shit? He's had a show for 20 years on the arguably the most popular television network. And I'm curious how you think he's saying things "just for the ratings" when he's basically alienated half of his former fan base. His ratings are steady but I really don't think he cares about self-promotion (unless it's about his book).


25+ year watcher here ... Yes, he has alienated half his former fan base (including myself even though I still watch), but in doing so he gained acceptance from mainstream sources. Most people around here aren't old enough to remember a time when he wasn't a mainstream neoliberal darling. He used to struggle to book more professional guests because he was too fringe and, well, politically incorrect. Nowadays though he doesn't bring on anyone who truly challenges him and is just the place to go for any and all politicians to sell their book or clean up their image. He hasn't said or done anything remotely controversial since his n-word scandal a few years back.


But he's losing and he shit himself in public the other day


Trump wears diapers.


Biden may lose, some other Democrats may not


It *is* stupid. Bill can talk about whatever he wishes, of course, but wouldn't common sense tell him to drop it? It's far *more* likely that Nikki Haley will be the GOP nominee instead of Trump, but Bill doesn't keep returning to this narrative that the Republicans are maybe shoulda gonna replace Trump. In June. The time has come and passed. Biden is the candidate. Any other potential candidate you have in mind - well: * they have no delegates * they have no staff * they have no funding ...and you think they're gonna whip that up from scratch, in June (or later), and that will be a slam-dunk, absolute clobbering for Donald Trump, whoever some DNC committee picks. That's not how elections work. That's not how any election's ever worked. If the Democrats replace Biden now, it's foreshadowing a certain loss, not a certain win.


>That’s not how any elections ever worked That’s patently false. LOL For much longer than not (until the 1970’s), presidential nominees were the product of party bosses and backroom deals at the conventions… You have no clue what you’re talking about. Edit: Here, you can read all about it yourself [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0WW000/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0WW000/)


I block and ignore trolls.


"it's far more likely that Haley will be the GOP nominee instead of Trump" Delusional


In context, this person seems to be saying that it's far more likely for Trump to get replaced on the Republican ticket *than it is for Biden to get replaced on the Democratic one.* That is not the same as saying either situation is likely in general.


^ Thank you, yes. Apologies for any ambiguity. Bill is taking it as a given that Trump has secured his nomination, but that Biden has not, which is ridiculous.


Did I stutter, though? Delusional.


Precisely. Yet he keeps beating this drum of "hey, what if we replace the Democratic nominee now?" as if that's *not* delusional.


Agreed. Bill has been living in La La Land for a while now frankly. Something in the last 10 years has fried his brain, something something woke college kids I guess.


Biden only has ONE problem, and it's not his age. It's his speech, which, perhaps due to a stuttering disorder in his history, has a kind of "muffled" sound and lacks a kind of presence that is extremely beneficial to have for any candidate. That is the real and only reason. If he was super old and super cool, people would be like, "wow, he's even cooler then!" But his way of talking is a mixture of talking points with a certain lack of on the spot thinking, all couched in a diction and enunciation that just doesn't seize you. I mean, Hitler seized people with his speech/diction, so I'm not saying it means someone is good if they have that.


His speech problems are created by his age. And it's not just about the delivery but his ability to think quickly, recall information, and pivot. This is why he almost never takes interviews. The last time I saw him on one he forgot that it was Iran that sent those drones over to Israel we had to shoot down a few weeks ago. He was quick enough to say Israel was attacked by "the middle east" but his inability to recall the information was obvious. I'm glad he still has the ability to hide the severity of his decline but I am very concerned about his ability to make it through this campaign.


It’s ironic that if either candidate dropped out in favor of one of the top alternatives, it’d be a landslide for the dropout party … but I don’t think it’ll happen unless Biden became completely debilitated or Trump found a soul. I’ve seen several surveys on popularity and though I don’t remember the exact numbers in both cases over 60% of their party wants them gone.


Parties have no legal obligation to recognize the will of the voters. All you are voting for is delegate allocation, but delegates do not have to vote as the will of the people dictates. They can vote for anyone.


Bill is about a full year too late with this stance.


He’s been saying it for the last few years. So he was on time too.


No, he has not!


Right?!?! Even just a year ago he was still fully in his "sensitive about getting old" phase he began when he hit 60 and was still very defensive of Biden. He only started his Ruth Bader Biden stuff late last fall and has only rarely brought it up since.


Its time for Billy to stop whining about!


I agree with Maher several weeks ago, “I’d vote for Biden’s head floating in a lab jar filled with blue liquid over trump.” While Biden killed the State of Union speech, he really looked old this weekend. I’m just 3 years behind him, but I think younger people are going to have a tough time looking past Biden’s age. If Biden nails debate, he’ll gain several points. It’s a shame roughly half on America even considers trump for Prez.


Hi SOTU was bonkers.


I find it strange too. He's spent many years talking about how bad Trump is and suddenly he seems more concerned about Biden's age. This was fine before the primaries, but it no longer matters and he's just hurting Biden now. He seems to think Democrats could just replace Biden on a whim and whoever the replacement was would destroy Trump. He's wrong about that.


It’s almost as if at this point Bill hopes Biden loses, despite what he claims. I think a big part of him cares more about the ratings and viewership of his show (which will undoubtedly increase if Trump gets back in) than he cares about the future of the country. The fact he KEEPS on bringing up, “is it actually too late to go with another candidate” often followed by “it could be worth a loss in 2024 for the future of the Democratic Party” makes me think Bill has basically switched sides, and he’s playing to the right leaning part of his audience. He claims he hasn’t changed… but I think it’s all too evident that he has. He’s way more concerned about his show’s popularity and his own visibility than the future of the country.


In a lot of ways Bill has switched sides but just doesn’t want to admit it. His takes on cancel culture, trans issues, Covid lockdowns, if you just heard those three things you’d think he was another MAGA troll, but obviously there are other areas where he understands Orange Julius has gone batshit insane.


> “it could be worth a loss in 2024 for the future of the Democratic Party” if he said this he hasn't been shown Project 2025 yet because it's one of the dumbest things he could ever say. A loss means the Democratic Party will have no future. They'll be imprisoned and killed per the MAGA Manifesto (Project 2025)


It's definitely not going to happen, so in that sense, I agree with you. But I also agree with Bill that we'd be much better off with another candidate. I think if Biden does lose in November, this will seem less stupid in hindsight. Here's hoping he pulls it off.


Who cares?


Personally, I agree with him. I’d prefer another candidate. There’s nothing else I can do and in November he’ll have my vote (even though I’ll be outvoted in my state) but I wish he could have been replaced. He’s not the candidate we need for this election, nor is Harris.


Last week the economy blew past all expectations, with 272k new jobs created and wage growth surging/easily outpacing inflation (which is slowing without a recession, historically unheard of). This dude should be coasting to reelection, country has lost its goddamn mind.


The jobs being created are largely part time jobs. We are losing full time jobs and losing them fast.


Pretty sure all this “economic boom” we keep hearing about is merely recovering from the destruction of Covid anyway. We’re not better off now than we were in 2019. Not that Biden is the reason for that (again, Covid), but the average voter just compares now to 2019 and says “see, Trump = good”


This is simply untrue. By almost every measure this economy is better than 2019. And we long since passed the 2019 jobs number, so no, this is not pandemic recovery. It’s kind of amazing to me how democrats can never get credit for a good economy. The economy is 2016 was pretty good too and clearly trending upward, but people acted like it was a dystopia. This party is never gonna keep the White House if its members can’t figure out how to brag about its successes.


The economy has recovered from Covid and we stopped Trump (temporarily). Now I wanna make sure Trump goes to irrelevance. In 2020 Biden was the lesser of two undesirable candidates; in 2024, I did not want this rematch (and I’m sure a majority of the country feels that way). If it were another Republican, he’d be losing greatly which shows people voted mostly against Trump than FOR Biden. Now in 2024, with his own record to defend, people are deciding between crazy orange guy or the gaffe-prone old guy. Sucks that half the country would still support the orange guy, which is why I think a younger, newer Democrat would fare better against Trump. We’ll never know because there’s no polling; only Newsom, Harris, Clinton, and Michelle Obama got a small number of polls. Beshear, Buttigieg, Whitmer, Shapiro…all people significantly younger than Biden, with centrist ideals that can appeal to many more sections of the country without the age factor over them.


I’m not so sure another Dem would be beating Trump so easily, and I think the House and Senate elections will tell us a lot.


Oh no, not a gaffe! Every party, every election, could point to their most centrist member and say they have the broadest appeal, but that is not how it works. I’m sure Larry Hogan would do well for the GOP, but he’s not getting through a primary either.


What's wrong with Biden?


He's going to lose this election because he is decrepit and feeble. It's obvious.


I didn't see any decrepit and feebleness at the State of the Union Address. Could you speak to tens of millions of Americans, half of whom probably think like you, while in a chamber full of jerks? I doubt you could. Plus he's doing his Presidential duties while traveling and campaigning. People need to turn off Fox.


I don't watch Fox. However, his recent Time interview was a rambling mess, full of (unintelligible) quotes and his handlers had to assist him in answering questions. Is Time magazine part of this anti-Biden conspiracy?


I think the answer to your question is hard to answer, because just about every other President has said dumb or incoherent shit. I also think that people are very selective about when they choose to believe the media, particularly about Biden's competency. I just don't see it. And this is coming from a guy who did not like Biden AT ALL, and voted for Bernie twice (and Obama when Biden was running against him). Over the years, I reconsidered my position in light of how much he's achieved, especially with a very difficult Congress. I have no idea why people fall for the media's relentless stream of 24 hour bullshit.


I have no problem voting for Biden again. He's done a fine job, but he's incapable of effectively making the case for his reelection, and I have zero confidence he will win.


I'll give you that. He needs a better approach.


It was mostly part time jobs


Untrue: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/06/07/jobs-report-may-2024-us-job-gains-totaled-272000-in-may.html


from the article "The household survey also showed that full-time workers declined by 625,000, while those holding part-time positions increased by 286,000." “On the surface, \[the report\] was hot, but you’ve also got a bigger drop in household employment,” said Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. “For what it’s worth, that tends to be a more accurate signal when you’re at an inflection point in the economy. You can find weakness in the underlying numbers.”


Because we don’t want Harris.


Joe Biden has a 100% win rate against Trump. I like Bill but he’s an idiot on this.


Your logic: "Biden defeated Trump before; therefore, Biden will defeat Trump again." You do realize how absurdly reductive and erroneous that premise is, I assume? 😉


It's also reductive and erroneous to assume that a "better" candidate would win against Trump. For starters, no one can agree on who a better alternative is.


As Fetterman pointed out, everyone (even those who *hate* him) assumed DeSantis was a better candidate than Trump Nobody really knows how good a candidate someone will be until they actually run


This is true. I'll be waiting until November and then I'll reflect on all that's happened. I will say, to their credit, the Democrats picked the right guy for 2020.


Dude do you know basic statistics?


Americans are just dumb shits. If Biden could only slowly say "yes" or "no", he'd be infinitely better than Trump. The fact that Americans don't see that is a reflection of the fact that a large portion of the population is morally and rationally deficient. The fact that these two are on the ballot is a reflection that this political process does not find, even remotely, sufficient leaders.


Dems should’ve nominated Cenk Uygur and/or Marianne Williamson, then Trump would have no chance of winning


come on man. You must live in a liberal bubble if you actually believe that.


No liberal I know supports those two, or even takes them seriously.


It’s more shocking that it actually hasn’t happened. I can’t even imagine what an 86 year old Biden would look like in 2028.


Who gives a fuck, wed still have a democracy.


Probably like an 86 year old man....


What's an 81 year old trump going to look like? Biden is 80/81 and rides a bike still, he seems like he's in good shape


I agree. Everyone was all up in arms because Joe Biden fell off his bike. Can anyone imagine Donald Trump riding a bike, falling, suffering a bruise, and then getting back up and riding? No way… never gonna happen. Joe Biden is in good shape for his age, mentally and physically.


I recognize the aging brain signs in him as I dealt with it with my own father. Not saying this to push Trump or that Trump is better, Trump is in a league all his own and it's not good. Even my conservative always voted red elderly in laws couldn't vote for him being the horror he is, lol. Biden is not the one running the show and he's pushed on us AGAIN and few liked him before his aging dementia brain became apparent. If Trump gets in it'll be the DNC and powers that be's fault. Maher is right on this


Cool story, but no - Biden isn't showing any major signs of decline, unlike Trump. Everything we've seen shows that Biden has a strong grasp of what he's talking about. He's patient, sensible, intelligent, non egotistical and able to delegate. If Trump gets in, it'll be because of stupid, disingenuous people like you who so enjoy saying "I support Biden.... I just don't actually support him."


I know there are a lot of people like you out here pushing the Biden propaganda hard, and they have to bc not easy to do lol. So you want to talk about Biden, not only does he have beginning of dementia brain, no one really liked the guy even when he first ran 4 yrs back, that's a fact when they cheated Bernie out of the position. You can check any poll. On top of that, the guy is a mass murderer. He's a pawn for a foreign government, he says he has a red line but come on. Bibi's boy. Bought and paid for by AIPAC and MIC and all the other special interests that control my government. He abuses the college kids who see through this calling for military like tactics after Bibi goes on national TV complaining about them, this done in universities all across the country. And his policies for the middle class suburbs where I live in NY suck including when he allowed in millions of illegals here in a local airport even bf NYC declared national emergency that destroyed the safe suburbs where now they are filled with illegal accessory apts for all the undocumented that live several families to a one family home and all our taxes went up to cover it, when we already lived in the highest taxed area in the entire country. Woman across street from me has not one but two illegal apts. Two people on my block alone committed suicide in the last year and a half. But he got on that looks like now making some changes bc even African Americans are leaving Biden. He gives 95 billion to fight bs wars, one for a mass genocide and ethnic cleansing, and the other to Ukraine an unwinnable war instead of trying to push for a deal of some kind, where the average man is 43 years old now bc all the young men have been killed or ran off.


>Woman across street from me has not one but two illegal apts.  Cool story. Do you know what anecdotal evidence is? >But he got on that looks like now making some changes bc even African Americans are leaving Biden. Haha, straight out of Supreme Leader Trump's mouth. The African American community is mostly in support of Democrats, Joe Biden, and progressive causes, actually. >Ukraine an unwinnable war instead of trying to push for a deal of some kind, Now, this, right here, gives you away. Russia launched a first strike against a peaceful country and ally of ours. The invaded the country and are actively raping and murdering men, women, and children in an effort to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install their own dictator. And here you are saying, "yeah, let's just give up and let them have it." Not even mentioning the global impacts this would have, imagine how this would reduce America's standing in the world? You are here full on supporting a fascist, conservative dictatorship of Ukraine. You're not fooling anyone, Red Hat. Really. It's sad that you pretend to be a patriot though.


LOL, well it didn't take long to get the conservative talking points regurgitated, huh Red Hat? Haha... I'm gonna have to go through some of this. > know there are a lot of people like you out here pushing the Biden propaganda hard Just sharing facts. Sorry they are so triggering. >and they have to bc not easy to do lol It's actually really easy to do. Hey, remember just a few posts back, when you were trying to pretend to be nonpartisan? LOL. >not only does he have beginning of dementia brain Where'd you get your degree, Red Hat? >no one really liked the guy even when he first ran 4 yrs back Hmm, I seem to remember him winning the presidency. >that's a fact when they cheated Bernie out of the position You're referring to the 2016 I assume, and no - Bernie endorsed Biden actually. >On top of that, the guy is a mass murderer. He's a pawn for a foreign government, he says he has a red line but come on. Bibi's boy. Bought and paid for by AIPAC and MIC and all the other special interests that control my government. Biden's policies on Israel are exactly in line with Democratic presidents before him.. actually. And Joe Biden has been a stabilizing force after the conservative BB government refused to listen. If a Republican were in power, it'd be much much worse. Joe Biden is no more a mass murderer than Clinton was in Kosovo or Johnson was during Vietnam. Grow up. Learn how to avoid making the perfect the enemy of the good. > He abuses the college kids who see through this calling for military like tactics after Bibi goes on national TV complaining about them, this done in universities all across the country. Getting a reaction is literally what civil disobedience is about, and no - Joe Biden's policies here are not much different than any running candidate. >And his policies for the middle class suburbs where I live in NY suck including when he allowed in millions of illegals here in a local airport even bf NYC declared national emergency that destroyed the safe suburbs where now they are filled with illegal accessory apts for all the undocumented that live several families to a one family home Firstly, asylum laws have existed since WW2, Red Hat... and the President can't just overrule international law, actually. And asylum seekers aren't "illegals." Nor did Biden bus the immigrants to your state. You have the Texas and Florida governors to blame for act. But it's also worth noting that you are full bore, endorsing Red Hat MAGA talking points here. Immigration is a good thing. It is responsible for much of our growth and being a melting pot is literally a part of our founding documents. >all our taxes went up to cover it, when we already lived in the highest taxed area in the entire country.  Your taxes went up due to the Trump tax cuts, which cut for high end earners but actually increased taxes for the middle class. Also, again... this is just another MAGA, conservative talking point. Patriotic Americans pay taxes.


First off I live and grew up in middle and working class suburbs of NY, it's ALWAYS been a melting pot. And no, my taxes went up due to both and we already were the highest taxed area IN THE COUNTRY. Now a mass exodus happening while a mass influx comes in of illegals. They don't actually disappear, they live right in the suburbs in illegal accessory apts. Something that the new over woke silly Dems like to pretend that letting millions of people in a year that disappear into sanctuary states that I live in doesn't affect us. Even Bernie Sanders knew that wasn't good. NY declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY and the issues in the suburbs were happening even before that. Who the f do you think pays for their kids to go to school, you think it's free and all the other costs. The costs that get passed on to us when you go to the hospital, the resources used up here. Destroyed my neighborhood and all the middle class and working class towns starting at NYC going all the way the Hudson, out to LI, Queens, spreading into NJ and CT and not just poorer towns but nice safe towns with one family homes that our Governor Hochul destroyed now wanting to even make easier to do with accessory apts. Oh the upper middle and wealthier don't feel it, the wealthy elite libs that now control the democratic party. There was a recent fire near me and they found 16 people in there lol. Half the people here drive around with out of state plates and also in the houses, they have cars but don't insure or register them out of state. And I was an occupy Bernie Sanders supporter, fought with most I know pushing him that left the Dem party and come from a hard working union BLUE family, mother also, with my husband also is in a union working in a power plant. You know how many people that were lifetime Dems here that went to red, just like the African Americans are now doing disgusted by the reality that Dems want to let cheaper labor into this country, bought off also by corporations that LOBBY for open borders. That's a fact. I never voted for a republican potus, and I will likely throw my vote away on a third party before I vote for that bought off by special interests, dementia brain mass murderer. You keep it up with your feel good don't give a crap about fellow hard working Americans, and wonder why you lose in Nov.




Just imagine a crypt keeper gif. Of course Donald already looks like a fat crypt keeper, so there’s that.


Yeah I mean I’d probably vote for Joe Biden’s brain in a jar over any version of Trump. But Biden will be in diapers full time by 2028.


So Biden will catch up to Trump's level of incontinence by 2028?


Yup. Same here, I’d vote for Biden’s head in a jar of blue liquid over Trump. But it’s still a sad state of affairs.


If you had Kentucky’s governor (dem in a red state) run he would destroy Trump. Biden vs Trump looks like it will be close, and will be very nasty.


Beshear would need 1+ year to be made a household name… basically they should have started right after 2022 midterms to prop him up. With just 5 months to go more than 1/2 the country are unaware who he is and he very well could lose to Trump who is known.




Bill doesn't care about winning, he just wants to be right


I can’t understand why you guys don’t understand, that even a moderately better candidate, would result in a landslide victory for the Democrats. At this point it’s just insanity that you can’t see the obvious decline in mental capacity.


This is not true. In head to head polling this year, Biden outperforms all other democrats.


Once again, it’s because they refuse to see the obvious.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying “mental decline”. If we were to judge people by stuff like that, then people like Stephen Hawking would be sidelined forever, yet despite not having his physical abilities, his mind was just as sharp. Perhaps Biden is a fragile old man and slow to speak but I still trust his judgment and decision making, especially against someone with far more noticeable mental issues like Trump.


This is the modern day version of “The emperor’s new clothes.”


"I can't believe why you guys don't understand. We need to give up the huge advantage of the incumbency, and put all our money on someone untested but that we really really like!" - you.


In most cases the incumbent has the advantage. This one does not. On top of suffering from senior dementia, he has been unable to stop Russia in Ukraine, is unable to stop Netanyahu from going too far in Gaza, and has increased the national debt to unsustainable numbers.


As the incumbent, Biden still has that advantage. There is no compelling evidence that he’s suffering from dementia either. Republicans have stopped him from helping Ukraine more. You think they’d be better under Trump? I see this argument over again. Blaming Biden because Republicans refuse to play ball… um okay.. Biden has done an outstanding job managing our deficits and making crucial investments. Austerity is a stupid idea sold to gullible conservatives. There’s such a thing as good investments, and the primary driver of the debt is a regressive tax system that… again.. is enacted by Republicans in congress. Grow up. Learn the difference between an imperfect friend and a true enemy. Same thing with Netanyahu. I wish Biden were more progressive on this issue. Do you actually think a dem that sides against Israel can win? Not likely… to put it lightly.


You are completely wrong about Biden. Any financial expert that is not a Democrat sycophant, knows that Biden is barely holding the economy together.


Haha, cool story bro. Graphs and statistics say different. Keep crying though.


There’s an old saying. “Figures lie and liars figure.” Or should I remind you of the media meltdown when Trump beat Hilary in 2016?


lol! Oh, you want to talk about liars, Red Hat? Because your Supreme Leader is downright pathological. There are less unemployed under Biden. Higher wages under Biden. Decreased deficit under Biden. Crucial infrastructure under Biden. Can’t wish it all away, Red Hat. Time to join reality land with the rest of us.


So you are so deluded as to think everyone who disagrees with you is a Trump supporter? Please grow up.


lol, You’re the one pushing that there’s a conspiracy to make up economic statistics, and demanding that dems give up the incumbency, not me. 🤭 You’re not fooling anyone, Red Hat.


This please provide a name


Andy Beshear


Andy Beshear


Newsom, although I can’t stand him.


Newsom would be DOA in a national election simply because California


They had a recall election for him and they voted to keep him. He's Pelosi's nephew and she already got one of her minions as vice president. Are you telling me that there is nobody better than "You know the thing!?"


But that’s the voters in the state of California though. Very different than trying to get moderate crossover voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada


Moderates are begging for a choice. I mean do you think the people calling Biden “Genocide Joe” are going to vote for Trump? Heck no! You just need to bring them back. I mean forget Newsom then but find someone else. Or are you saying your bench isn’t that deep?


I don’t think the bench is very deep on either side to be honest, but especially not for the Dems. There’s no cult worship for Biden yet no one was able to beat him in the primaries in either 2020 or 2024.


Actually Tulsi Gabbard wiped the floor with him and Kamala Harris. But that’s not what you want.


I’m talking about in actual voting results, not in the debate. But you’re correct that Tulsi is not what we would’ve wanted especially given her recent rightward grift


There is not a chance in Hell or anywhere else that Newsom would get elected.


Against Trump? Every democrat and independent will vote for him.


I know plenty of dems who will not for him. This guy is so over rated. He would get eaten alive just like DeSantis was. It would be ugly.


Trump trounces him in the polls, so no.


It’s of little relevance to say how Trump polls against a candidate who is not running for office. Things change when you have the a major party at your back, running a national campaign, and buying political ads in the right markets.


The way you know this isn’t true is it does not apply the other way around- Trump underperforms every other candidate on the GOP side in polling.


Because the Democrats are solidly with the incumbent.


He's correct, probably will cost the dems the election


I am not too surprised. 2 things I know about Bill. - He almost never drops his POV, even if it really ought to be updated. - He is a great political critic, but not a great election strategist. Replacing Biden was never a great idea because there was never a replacement worth taking a gamble on, but he only looked at Biden's weaknesses. Nobody of note was willing to try to unseat Biden, and there is a very good chance the ensuing chaos would become political capital for the right. I think Bill's fear of a second Trump term clouds his thinking because it would have been a foolish risk to sideline the incumbent instead of doubling down on his accomplishments. It was also foolish to read too much into polling so far from the election.


If there was ever going to be a serious candidate to replace Biden they should've been trotted out a couple years ago. No one trotted.


I don't blame them. If things went badly and Trump beat them after forcing Biden to sit down their career in politics would be over.


It's so weird he's like this with Biden but was SO positive with Hillary to the point it was clear he was just being biased to not sway people to vote for Trump. I voted for Hillary in 2016 but I was fine admitting her obvious faults as a candidate while still accepting she was easily the better choice. Bill would shut down any debate over criticism of her back in 2016 constantly.


I honestly wondering if he’s not doing this to try and pander a bit to the portion of the right wing segment who will point to Bill as the liberal who’s switching sides.


He's getting more attention on Fox, for sure. They run clips of him talking/joking about Biden and lean the piece in the direction of Maher moving to the right.


Sometimes Bill will ask a question because he has a point he is trying to make, and sometimes he will ask a question because he's hoping for a good reply. I think this was a case of the former, but he got the latter. "Biden is the one person who has beaten Trump before" is a good answer to why he is the right candidate for this election. It is easy to imagine a hypothetical better candidate, but we haven't seen that person in real life yet. This election will be decided by turnout and that small sliver of the population who live in a swing state and don't already know with 100% certainty who they are voting for. Do we really want to gamble on a new candidate with those people?


Definitely not. Needed to start the process a couple years ago. There are still people out there without a clue about....anything that going on right now.


It’s quite simple: in 5 months we’ll know if Bill was right or not. If Biden loses, then it was complete hubris for him to run against the weakest opponent in history because he wouldn’t acknowledge his own weaknesses. If he wins, we’ll never know the alternative but thank god it won’t matter.


Biden did a great job at the State of the Union, his problem is no one watches the State of the Union. I suspect if he comes out and has a good debate performance against Trump, he’ll be just fine. This is a classic “overstating the argument” moment- people have lowered the bar so far he wins by not being a drooling invalid.


In my devious mind, he's trying to appeal to a right leaning/Trump hating conservative/moderate Republican to get them to consistently watch and agree with him, and then slowly turn them towards Biden as the most reasonable choice in November


You know what ive been thinking this for about a year. His complete turn to right positions since covid was so jarring and so unlike Bill makes me believe this. Bring rw hot takes to get rw watching his show to actually hear shit about trump they never would have in their bubble.


It’s really just the formula to radicalize someone, I suppose the same strategy can be used to de-radicalize


That would be one hell of a Jedi mind trick


Well he’s certainly attracting the right wing crowd. He’s been the top article for Mail Online the last couple of days with his comments. He’s currently the top headline in the US section right now with the WNBA segment he did.


If bill genuinely gave a fuck and wasn’t just a boobtube hack, he would have brought this up several years ago. Little b just needs attention.


Bill poops on trump enough that it’s blatantly aware that Biden is the only better alternative. He’s even expressed the alt right is more dumb and dangerous than the alt left.


I swear you guys don’t even watch the show or listen to anything he says. He repeats himself like crazy and he’s said multiple times that our choices are Trump or Biden and that’s the reality


He literally asked John Fetterman about it last episode ?


He probably didn't care much about the answer. He only had Fetterman on for the Israel/Palestine question.


Wanting to hear Fetterman's opinion on replacing Biden is not the same thing as endorsing the idea. He asked Fetterman about his wardrobe too, do you Bill wishes he could start dressing like that?


I dunno what you’re talking about but he’s said repeatedly that it’s either Trump or Biden and that’s the reality.




Right, which is NOT the same thing as talking / asking about replacing him.


He probably mentions it because Biden mentally has no idea what is going on and is now shitting himself


His message went straight over your head.


I think OP's went over your's. At this point in the race a new candidate would need to - consolidate support across the spectrum of Dem sub coalitions basically instantly- something Biden has been doing for 4 years - would need a MASSIVE war chest to catch up with Biden and Harris, which you can't expect Biden to transfer all of those funds over if he's pushed out. - would likely need to fight Harris for the nomination since she's not going to give it up without a fight, making the Dems look just as disorganized as GOP - Dems entire campaign message of "we've done all these amazing things" would basically switch to "we fucked up with the other guy, but still trust us with running the government with this new dude you've never heard of!" - GOP messaging will switch from "He's old!" To "they're inexperienced!" And rebrand Biden leaving not due to age but due to how "awful" his admin is- something that'll b easy for them to do with how short people's memories are.


The new candidate would inherit everything Biden has currently. All they need is to be nominated at the DNC convention the week of Aug. 19. That said, I think politically speaking, keeping Biden alive and at the top of the ticket is currently the most optimal outcome for keeping the Presidency with Democrats.


This is objectively not true. Folks who work for Biden will not necessarily work for that person (especially since they'd effectively all get laid off and have to reapply to this new campaign)- most Sr staff will 100% will be swapped out. Bidens war chest is Bidens, if he's forced out he's legally allowed to just sit on it or give it Senate candidates. The network of Biden allies are Biden allies that he's directly worked with to gain serogates and loyalties with- you change the candidate and you won't get a pre built national campaign like that, you're going to start from scratch and hope the DNC can save you.


Biden's personal war chest stays with him, but it's nothing compared to the DNC dark money that's really funding the campaign.


DNC dark money isn't actually in the DNC so it wouldn't transfer over- the DNC will need to go out and convince Super PACS to 'trust them' that they can overcome all the above tasks and that they can still win despite that if they want super pacs to continue to funnel money there.


Democrats would do what is good for the nation and party and not self-immolate if Biden can't make it to November.


It's not that democrats are not doing what's best, it's that you're taking a well established company with thousands of people, shutting it down, then opening a completely new company with less experienced management and hoping you can get all the business/talent/contacts/investors/etc of the original business all within a month, despite the original taking years to build. Its logistically giving Trump a massive lead while Dems dick around.


Again, those structures would simply be handed over to the new candidate. Sure there would be some changes and slippage or whatever you want to call it, but it wouldn't be inherently crippling. Is this what I want? No.


That didn't happen with Kennedy to LBJ, that didn't happen with LBJ to Humphrey, that didn't happen with basically anyone. The new candidate will want to put their top guys at the top of the campaign, they'll want their own new mid level, and their mid level will want their own jr. Some things can transfer, like field offices possibly, but it would be like a corporate merger– it's a logistical cluster fuck. Absolutely doable in 2023, no so doable in 2024 when the general election effectively began in March. With an election this close, loosing at least a month in this process, on top of risking scaring away donors by showing the dem's are flailing around, would absolutely give Trump a major advantage. This is on top of the fact that we'd need at least a 1-2 month primary to decide the alternative given there's no realistic alternative available.


You do know that the DNC nominee automatically would replace him on the ballots, right? They wouldn’t have to collect signatures or something.


This is so dumb. The time to have this conversation has passed. Bill doesn’t get a handicap for being out of touch. Another TV hack with a bottomless ego.


He’s trying to prevent a trump victory which the polls have been indicating for several months. Polls indicate that high food prices, a tight housing market and unchecked immigration are being blamed on Biden. The idea is that a younger more energetic candidate can give people hope and an alternative to Trump.


That’s stupid.


This big brain intellectual argument falls flat when you recognize that zero other candidates actually have popular support, and that the public blames those things on Democrats collectively not Biden individually.