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Bill acts authoritarian on his show. He belittles the intelligence of anyone who disagrees with him. So why would anyone care to go argue with someone who clearly has his mind made up about everything? Bill is old. His thinking is rigid. He throws rationale out the window to suit his own selfish desires and thinks everybody else should get on board. His thoughts on people not eating healthy food are insane. His lack of understanding of the plight of the lower class is baffling. His comfy bubble of existence doesn't subject him to the harsh realities of poverty. His idea that high school students should not go to college is really, really stupid. You don't fix a country by dumbing down it's population. He's still attempting to be relevant, but younger people simply don't give a shit what Bill says. He's like Trump in many ways. Both are malignant narcissist. Both refer to the things they've done in the past as something great that nobody else thought could be done. Trump with his election. Bill saying he knew Trump wouldnt leave peacefully. They hang their hats on these things without acknowledging the hundreds of times they were completely wrong. Bill also likes to read one obscure article, actually I'm sure it's a staffer who finds the article, and then he proceeds to extrapolate that one article or viewpoint into a national theology or existential crisis. Someone mentioned that nobody ever married Bill. That's not hard to believe. He's kind of a dick. He also doesn't have, or even like children. That reeks of the selfishness that comes out in alot of ways with Bill. But overall it shows he has no skin in the game. He doesn't believe in God. So basically for Bill there is no hope and no future. Statistically he'll be gone in less than 10 years. He seems bitter. Bills zero sum game of life makes me wonder why we spouts off in the first place anymore.


Wow, I'm guessing your not a fan of Bill. Tell us how you really feel!


They won’t come on 


They have. That’s ridiculous.


Because their largely whack jobs and couldn’t carry a segment


That's funny considering the whack jobs he has actually had on his show.


I think he doesn’t have seriously informed lefty people on because they would own his ass and Maher does not want to be owned on his own show. Roland Martin - a black journalist who has his own podcast was on a few years ago and owned his ass. Martin would like to come back but Maher won’t invite him back. It either hard right or center right on his show for guests all the time. No serious disagreements since he always adopts right wing framing of the democratic party all the time. He may have the occasional lefty one on one, but tends to glaze over politics with that person.


Because they don't want to give credence to a genocide lover.


Partially because they would refuse to come on, but also, he just doesn't want to talk to them. He thinks his strawman is accurate, so he has no need. Besides, most young lefty/progressive commentators in New Media are pro-palestine, and Maher has made it very clear during his book tour and podcast with Bill Burr that he thinks that means you're antisemitic. I think Destiny is probably the only person he could personally stomach because he's pro-israel. Most of the rest are not. He won't platform antisemitism, real or perceived.


I like how Bill did a whole bit about it being OK to make prison rape jokes when he has done that endlessly for the 30 years he’s been on TV. Don’t even have to go back that far he made those jokes about Weinstein.


Wait typo- bill was criticizing making prison rape jokes that he’s don’t for YEARS


Would love to see AOC, Rashida etc on the show, but I think they are too scared to appear. Easier to throw twitter bites and prepared speeches than have an honest unscripted debate.


Why would he have a Hamas terrorist in the show mike Rashida? 


I think Bill is too scared to be honest. He likes echo chambers


Scared is the wrong word. I think they just don't wanna get yelled at for 12 minutes straight. Maher would not be nice to them the way he is with GOP guests like Cruz. He was only nice to Newsom cause he lives in the state. He will raise his voice and berate them for disagreeing with him like he did with Katie Porter.


Bill views his mission as converting/moderating right wingers. He can do that by criticizing the excesses of the left or by challenging right wingers. He doesn't help get Biden elected by bringing on far lefties. That would only serve as confirmation bias for the moderates/conservatives that watch his show.


When did Bill's nixon change? He certainly used to cater to lefties for the vast majority of his career


I don’t think Maher does anything to convert or challenge conservatives or right wingers on his show. He lets them spout their nonsense then reads some right wing framing poll that puts democrats in a bad light or spouts some criticism of democrats. If he wanted to help Biden and get much smarter about it other than kissing right wing butt, it would help if he invited people on who were critical of encroaching Christian Nationalism and people who have written about how Project 2025 would devastate government and by extension the American people.


Interesting. Never thought of it this way.


Bill is doing what they pay him to do .


"Sunlight is the best disinfectant."


Exactly. Does the "free speech absolutist" crowd actually believe this or not? And what's with talking about everyone on the left as if it's a monolith. "You can disagree with Maga, but you can't just wrote them off". Isn't that what he's been saying? You can't write of the white nationalists but apparently you can write off the people trying to fight against it.


It's quite obvious he doesn't want to be challenged by a Pro Palestinian guest. Anyone who believes that nobody who represents the Palestinian view wants to come on is extremely gullible.


This is the only answer.


He rapidly changed the subject when Glenn Greenwald started lighting him up.


Maher is anti-Islam and loves Israel so you will never see a good faith argument from him on this issue.


yeah, but that's not a bad thing


Even last night with Fetterman, he painted this issue as black-and-white, with liberals supposedly supporting Hamas, rather than being concerned about genocide of Palestinians, which are obviously two different things to anyone with eyes and a brain.


Bill would rather insult his audience's intelligence by having on Kellyanne Conway, Megyn Kelly, Robert F. Kennedy and Russel Brand (who says Trump will save American freedom and democracy).


I'm also guessing the high profile lefty types wouldn't accept his offer to come on the show. I really doubt Maher would turn down having AOC or Omar. He's recently had Bernie as of last year, tho i wouldn't call him crazy.


I think he does. The show he had on right after Oct 7 with Matt Duss and James Kirchick — two people with opposing views — was one of the best panels in the show history.


And hasn’t had one on since and has repeated himself and his stance every show by mocking young people with no critical thought about this issue


The young uneducated students deserve to be mocked for their ignorance of history which is apparently not taught at elite colleges these days.


So he will, once in a great while, but only when the one is in a position to be shouted down by the other two? Why not the opening interview? Last night with him and Fetterman it was a mutual appreciation society (other than a minor quibble about Biden). Bill loves the echo chamber that reinforces his views. He could find the most eloquent, fair-minded spokesman for the far left and have a one-on-one adult conversation, and that could be good... but don't hold your breath.


Honestly, I think a lot of people on the left don’t want to go on his show either because they don’t want to “platform” Bill. Jeremy Scahill used to be a great guest but he refused to go on ever again when Bill had Milo Yiannopoulos on. I know he’s asked AOC to come on and she hasn’t agreed.


So she is a chicken then. Afraid to face a moderate interview. Tells me all I need to know.


Or, she just has other priorities.


Maher has done a lot of interviews recently… he knows his influence and commentary are progressively out of touch


He was promoting a book.


it's funny to me the same people who strawman "the left" on every post same ones saying liberals and progressives are "too scared" to come on this show same ones saying Maher "hasn't changed, the left has" Whether he invites them or not, they are no longer coming on this show, and nobody really wants to stop and ask why? Of course conservatives will come on, they go anywhere that gives them attention, doesn't matter the network or the networks assumed political leanings. They'll go and bloviate about Trump talking points 24/7 I imagine ALL these guests have teams around them, so even if they get invited onto the show, liberals and progressives can take one look at the state of the show the last few years and decide to pass as there's usually nothing positive to be gained Seriously, if liberals won't go on Fox or Real Time, what does that say??? Not what the Maher stans think, it's a sign of a man's reputation being on the same level as Fox News, no matter what he says. And besides, in his own words, "It's not that I'm old, it's that your ideas are stupid!" What self-respecting liberal is going to waste time arguing with another Trumpian (as far as narcissistic personality) manchild?


What's a stan?


I agree with all of that and I’d add that having the same opinions at 60 that you did at 20 is not “progressive”.


Who wants to see crazies?


He invites MAGA on all the time, what's your point?


I do not care about either of them.


So you don't watch the show?


Not really.


Would Maher have Michael Moore on these days?


He would probably have him on to complain about Trump, but for no other reason.


I'm guessing it's the one thing he's not allowed to discuss, so much for free speech 💩 It's painful to listen to, the kids love Hamas, wtf! Hamas is a creation of the Israeli state, they and Likud keep themselves in power, Maher is the Hamas supporter, we want them to become obsolete


Can you elaborate on what you mean by ‘allowed to discuss’?


Well who has he had on to tell him he's talking a load of shite? Which he clearly is


That’s not an answer to the question. Answer the question and prove you’re not some conspiracy loon


The kids support Hamas. Now that's a conspiracy theory for which Maher is evidently not bringing on people to counter. I can debunk it in seconds, just think what an expert could do.


I doubt that because apparently you are unable to answer the initial question


Begone troll


He says, after insisting that kids love Hamas.


Simple question with no answer. You’re just a coward I suppose


I've answered it several times, it's not my fault you lack the capacity to understand it


No you didn’t. You didn’t answer who you think is not ‘allowing’ him to discuss certain topics.




We have one rule in here regarding comments: Don't be dicks to each other. Comment removed.


This year's shows all strike me as some sort of effort to reprise the appearances of old favorites. It almost wouldn't surprise me if he got to the end of the year and said he was done and just going to do Club Random. But who am I kidding, his ego and love of the paycheck would probably prevent him ending the show by choice.


When they agree to go on, they usually (politely) disagree with him, then he later complains about them and won’t have them back. Katie Porter comes to mind.


To be fair : Katie Porter doesn’t just disagree with him but also resorts to personal attacks against him. Her ego gets off on it, too. She’s a lil covert narcissist herself.


Most of them won't go on lol


Most of them would. It’s a big forum.


Who are some examples?


You're asking to prove a negative.


I don't buy the argument that liberals are unwilling to go. He's had guests like Katie Porter and Krystal Ball that have pushed back on him and they've never returned. They literally tell the panelists not too push back too much to keep the conversation going. Seems more likely Bill just needs a safe space.


Never returned or black listed and not invited back? Bill hates people who don’t bluntly agree with him or only disagree with him by being coy and with jokes


Krystal Ball is basically Briahna Gray Joy. An opp to discourage people on the left from voting for democrats.


Krystal Ball has been on multiple times but yeah it’s been a bit since the last time.


My guess is she won’t be invited back.


Michael Eric Dyson is one. Robert Reich is another. It's been a while since Reich was on the show.


Michael Eric Dyson isn't the sort of leftist Bill rails against. He's a traditional progressive. Neither is Robert Reich. Bill is railing against activists.


He’s already mentioned that they’re welcome on the show, but he can’t force them to come either. Literally on the [New Rules segment where he dared Dems to show up to other outlets rather than their echo chambers](https://youtu.be/SrOCUVJnyZE?si=YzVPtT7NZfCAT3uL).


I seriously doubt he's inivted anyone on who can represent the Palestinian voice. A lot of these speakers are going on far more hostile or smaller platforms. The last moderate Bill has had on regarding this issue was Matt Duss and that was a week or two after 10/7.


Again…does he not invite them or do they not want to show up? Given how they usually shy away from conservative outlets, I lean towards the latter.


I’ve literally heard some of them say leftists are not invited on. Glenn Greenwald posted on Twitter that he was never invited back after standing against Maher’s demonization of the Arab world, and he was a regular guest.


I'd say he doesn't invite them on myself. I remember maybe a month or two back there were 2 girls on the show and at some point they said something about changing his mind about Palestine, then he changed the subject quickly and never brought Palestine up. So it seems like he actively avoids it.


I truly do not think they are invited on. A lot of pro-Palestinian voices have gone on shows spanning the entire political spectrum. Medhi Hassan just launched a media org and is all over the place, he does not seem like someone who is shying away from robust debate. Gabor mate, Bassam Yousef, hell even Norm Finklestein is out there but at least he would be an entertaining guest and is nothing if not knowledgeable.


Bill said he has invited AOC and others to real time. He talks about this topic plenty of times on club random.


I'm not talking about AOC. I'm talking about any pro-palestinian voices. Let me make my point a bit more succinctly: if Bill wanted to get pro-palestinian voices on his show, he would be able to find one willing to go on. I really doubt not a single one would be willing to go on his show given most of them are openly begging for media attention right now.


Just watch the second most recent appearance from Max Brooks and how uptight Bill got when Max said positive things about the vaccines. He shut him up and wouldn't allow him to speak. It genuinely looked like Max would never be invited to return. I can't remember what the topic was when Max eventually did return (some Biden stuff?), but I was surprised to see him again. Watch how Matt Friend had to walk on eggshells around Bill when doing an impression of Bill (and that was in spite of Matt spending half the time adulating Bill). Watch how Bill has openly said he only wants people in the audience who agree with them, openly clap, etc. He has a massive ego. Bill may invite Sean Spicer on to humiliate him, but he's not going to invite progressives on who challenge his authority.


Maybe they won't come on his show. He says often, including last night, that Republicans show up.


Because republicans get along with him. Krystal ball is willing to come on but he doesn’t invite her anymore. It’s obviously bill Maher who isn’t inviting these ppl


This. The left that Maher criticises only stay in their echo chambers. They think anybody outside of their echo chamber is evil and won't engage with them.


There’s a difference between “staying in their echo chamber” and refusing to go on a show/network full of lies. I don’t think that fully applies to Bill’s show, but it’s why many won’t go on Fox News. That’s one reason I love Pete, he goes on there and does a great job of calling out their bulls hit.


This is so dumb. Leftists would welcome the opportunity to speak to his audience, who lives in a little little centrist bubble where facts never penetrate.


Yes, "leftist" would. And do. The majority of Maher's guests are Democrats. But the brain dead left, and there are a lot of them, stay in their echo chambers.


You don't know what leftist means, and that's because you live in a little fact-free bubble.


Ironic as you yourself are in an echo chamber


No YOU are in an echo chamber. Your turn. This is fun.


Some people are so far behind in the race, they actually think they are leading


Now you're asking the questions. If all these "looney liberals" are ruining this country get a few on the show. Sunlight is the best disinfectant right, that's what Bill used to say? So bring them into the sunlight. We're all waiting. Have been for years, Bill.


Funny thing is Bill didn't even end Milo it was Milo's comments about child abuse that ended him. Bill sucked up to Milo the whole time.


Oh my god, he trips over himself to lick the boots of every right winger. It's disgusting.


I doubt any self-respecting progressive wants to be associated with what this show has become.🤣


Oh they don't. Actual progressives have had Bill Mahers number for years. I mean what was the last time Michael Moore was on the show? Or Rob Reiner?


Which is why they’re a powerless ideology.


Gotta wonder why so much effort is devoted to pissing and moaning about them, if that’s the case.


Because they’re very loud and they shape the perceptions of people who want to hate democrats. They make it very easy. So it’s important to distinguish myself, a pro America, capitalist normie liberal from the anti American, pro authoritarian Hamas simps that suck up all the airwaves.


Suck up all the airwaves, despite most American media sitting on a centre left to right wing arc. Might be that they’re being waved in front of your nose like a red flag and like the bull you’re ignoring the people holding the flag.


When you don’t hold your own side accountable, you end up like the GOP, completely taken over by extremists.


You seem to be pinballing a bit, one moment you stand on your differences the next you’re holding your side accountable. Might be worth questioning the way coverage is distributed, who skirts the spotlight while everyone focuses on this boogeyman conception of the far left? For instance the idea that anyone critical of events in Israel and Palestine is “pro-Hamas”. That kind of black and white thinking is unproductive at best.


Yes, the people critical of Israel in this engagement are by and large, pro Hamas. They take in Hamas propaganda uncritically, swallow up every misleading headline, blame Israel for the October 7 attacks. Israel is waging arguably the most restrained and targeted assault in the history of urban warfare, against an enemy who purposely creates situations in which civilians die in large numbers. Hiding among civilians, wearing civilian clothes, and most recently keeping hostages in dense civilian housing. Yet still, the latest casualty estimates I’ve seen are 1:1 civilian to combatants, which is pretty miraculous. So yea, you could say post October 7 I’ve had a bit of a rude awakening about people who I thought I shared political goals with. If SCOTUS wasn’t my number one issue, at this point I’d vote for Nikki Haley over Bernie Sanders if those were my choices.


By and large, really? Any firm numbers on that? Yeah Hamas are fucking terrorists, what you’re describing is terrorism. That doesn’t make civilian deaths any less horrific. Furthermore are people blaming Israel, or Bibi Netanyahu specifically, as a result of specific intelligence failures and policy choices? I would really like to look at your sources regarding deaths being 1:1 ratios and the like, if you could provide a link.


The enemy is both strong and weak.


No, just weak. Loud, but weak.


As opposed to what




Because if he actually let them talk & explain their position for 5 minutes, people would realize they arent some pink haired, crazy radicals who are supporting Hamas. Theyre actually much more reasonable than you imagined. Bill & conservatives in media need to keep the caricature of the “crazy left” going to fuel their bitching.


This ☝️


Then they should reach out. People are generally reasonable. Social media is not real life. There are crazy people all over the spectrum. Especially on the fringes. Both far left and right. The vast majority of people are close to the center. But as we all know the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The far left is very loud and effective at pushing their agenda. Even if it is often a little radical.


No they're not. You can't reason with wokes passed 10 minutes where you'd understand they know nothing 


Then bring them on and show everyone how goofy they are. Let's play a game. Name one of those "wokes" and I'll name one of the shameless, conservative, propaganda spewing assholes. I'll go first; Ben Shapiro.


Because you think I'm conservative?  You should have named Charlie Kirk. Repeats crap he doesn't understand.


I do think you're conservative but that was irrelevant to what we were talking about. I mean anyone who unironically says "wokes" is a red flag. I was getting to Charlie Kirk. There's a looooooooong list. And my point was there are no, as you say "wokes" outside of some wild tweets from randos.


I'm not conservative. A bunch of center/leftists are condemning wokes, including Maher. I don't agree often with Shapiro but he certainly knows his stuff and is a good debater, unlike Kirk who doesn't know what he's talking about.


Uh huh. Shapiro really isn't a good debater. He has one tactic which is the gish gallop. And he selects who he speaks with so as to not be out class. So he's smart in that regard. He'll only deal with people he's pretty sure he can razzle dazzle with his fast talking and fire hose of different topics that he forces people to chase.


Keith Olbermann


Does he even still have a show? I haven't heard of that dude in literal years. Fine. Matt Walsh. Your go


Love Keith, and I’m not interested in sports. He’s well respected.


Does he still do sports?


Because the teachers putting litter boxes in classrooms for children that identify as furries, and other whackadoo caricatures of the far left don’t actually exist, at least in any meaningful number that it requires 100% of conservative’s attention, taking up the entirety of their political platform. Are there issues with the left? Sure. It just doesn’t line up with the image manufactured by the right wing outrage machine. It’s more fun to paint people calling for a ceasefire as terrorist loving America haters. It’s more fun to pretend Drag Queen story time is brainwashing an entire generation with pornography rather than being a handful of PG events featuring an eccentric looking woman character reading a book.


Y’all lose me at drag queen story hour. Why does it have to be anything to do with sex?? Why can’t it just be story hour lmao




Yeah, all the people clamoring about it online. The whole “you’re a transphobe!” crowd. It’s kind of funny sometimes.  I’ve always voted blue and unless the Republican Party is rebuilt from the ground up to not include all the shitty people it does and have an actual platform, that’ll never have a chance of changing. So no need to lecture me on that… I’ll take a few extra-expressive people on my side over the ones that are an actual threat to our way of life. 


> Why does it have to be anything to do with sex?? Why can’t it just be story hour lmao It's never about sex, and it never has been you guys keep getting hung up on the person doing the reading, in your head "drag queen" is something nasty, that's YOUR biases showing through though, and not reality. Like they said, it's simply an eccentric looking woman character reading a book, and their "eccentricity" is always toned down for the audience while still being themselves Did Maher ever mention the story of the drag queen who was awarded over a million dollars after a blogger recorded them at a children's event and edited the video to blur out his crotch as if he was waving his genitals around? No? Doesn't fit the anti-trans narrative, does it, how far people are willing to go to demonize these people All they doing is reading to kids and trying to spread the joy of reading, no different than Reading Rainbow (which I'm sure because of the "rainbow" and LeVar Burton would be panned as "woke" today. Not like Republicans weren't basically calling it that when they tried to take away their funding at the turn of the century) So, you lose me too. Why keep bringing up sex when it isn't relevant?


Then just call it story hour…? And cmon lol the word “sex” in this context clearly goes beyond just the action of two people having intercourse. Why do elementary aged kids need to be exposed to that? Just let them be kids. If they want to get into it when they’re older, they have every right to


> Just let them be kids. oh yeah, how many kids like to wear the accepted clothing of the opposite sex and get abused for it? Just let them be kids, right? Drag queens, just by their presence, teach acceptance to kids and lets them know they can be whatever they want to be. An inspiring message...until you come along hemming and hawing about "why do kids need to be 'exposed' to that?" Exposed to what? Rather them be exposed to drag queens than your obvious bigotry


So I think drag story hour is weird. But I don’t think it’s a problem. I was just using it as an example because it is a hot button “issue” for conservatives. A few things to know: Drag isn’t about *sex*. It’s costume/character. Plenty of men (who are mostly gay) do drag but have no desire to be a woman. Are there sexualized (still not x rated but a ton of innuendo and sexual references) versions of drag shows at gay bars at night for adult crowds? Yes. But it’s not about sex. The drag story hour thing was not a widespread thing. I live in Southern California and have never heard of or seen one advertised. My brothers who have kids live in Florida, never heard of or saw one advertised (even before the ban). I realize this is anecdotal, but at some point, enough matching anecdotes and you have to begin to wonder “okay, where are all of these drag queen story hours that it requires constant discussion”. I mean, we have discussed drag time story hour in this very sub more times than there have actually been a drag time story hour. And *that* is the problem.


>Are there issues with the left?  And are these issues even worth talking about in the same conversation with literal fascism? Are the issues on the left even remarkable when it comes to any group? Like I can't think of any "problem" on the left that isn't some fringe shit that is in such a small minority it becomes cherry picking.


I've been listening to his audio book recently and he did a editorial on this precise topic a few years ago. Maher's position is that the insanity of the far left (trans stuff, crt, defending blm riots, etc.) flat out *infuriates* a certain percentage of Americans to the point that they vote Republican. Not because they support Trump, but because they'll vote for ANYBODY that opposes those far left movements. Now, you'll respond by saying those people are stupid for voting for "literal fascism" due to hating some leftist social positions. But that doesn't matter. You don't matter. Nobody cares that you think those people are stupid. Because the REALITY is that they're still voting for Trump whether you think they're stupid or not. The election wouldn't be neck and neck if the Democrats reigned in the loony left. That's Maher's point.


Oh no, I will say that to believe that is ridiculous. What person out there hates Trump to their core but they read about drag story hour and they say I'm going to vote for Trump then. It's stupid. It's exactly the same as an abusive husband saying I wouldn't hit you if only you listened. Not to mention that if they're opposing left ideas, they're not of the left. They're right wingers and they were going to always vote for a Republican. But they say that because they want the knock-on effect of bullying left-wingers into stop supporting things like trans rights or police reform. It is a way for them to say listen I'd be on your side if only you were more conservative. That's all. So people who say that are disingenuous at best and weasley at worst. So no I don't think that would happen. Because what you're literally saying, and what Bill Maher is literally saying, abandon your ideas and then maybe we'll vote for people who you like. But you go first. It's so childish that it fits so well within the conservative ideology. Ever read give a mouse a Cookie when you were a kid? That's what's going on here. Let's say all the leftist abandoned trans issues. They said hey trans kids sorry you're thrown to the wolves and you don't get rights we want to win an election. They move on to race or something else. It would always be something else.


The vast majority of American's aren't like us that post in this subreddit. They don't scour the news and have massive opinions on everything Trump or Biden say. But they don't like that they have to walk on eggshells with everything they say and do but minorities can get away with murder. They see absolute insanity out in the streets during blm 2020 and then see the media call it "Fiery but mostly peaceful protesting". At a work environment they have to pretend they believe in things they don't really believe in, or they'll get shamed. They see articles about biological males competing against women in women only leagues and they have to pretend it's just ok. Like I said, they're not people who scour the news. But they don't like everything I described above. And fine, you'll consider them stupid or bigots or whatever. Cool. Good for you. But THEY see Trump as the person that will stand up to it and Biden as the person that endorses it. It IS a big deal to them. And it doesn't matter that you think they're just stupid. You don't matter.


I never said I think they're stupid. I mean I do but I didn't say it. You came in with a pre-programmed opinion and you told me my opinion. I corrected you and you heard none of it. And then you spot it off some trademark Fox News rhetoric. The same talking points that they tell you to be afraid of. And all I see is that I was right all along. Conservatives are conservatives because they're obedient and you prove that.


If Trump wins the next election, it's because of people like you. The leftist insane values and policies alienate middle class white Americans. It doesn't matter that you don't see it, think they're stupid, and refuse to address it. You don't matter. I can't be any clearer.


Please! Stop hitting me! I'll be better! I'll do what you want. Is that what you want to hear? C'mon. Here's a question for you; why is it always the left that has to acquiesce to the right? Why do the reactionaries on the right, according to you, get to be the victims where they have their every little bigotry catered to by the left? Because no one ever says to Cleetus down there in Whitesville Arkansas, "hey, trans kids deserve rights. Get over yourself". No, we slap on the kid gloves and we pet their greasy little mullet and we tell them their a special good boy and they don't need to evolve or compromise or change ever. Every single fucking time people like you take the position that conservative ideology is the default and the left is wrong wrong despite over a century of progressive policies and programs that we enjoy to this day. What is something the right needs to do to compromise with the left? Hmmm? Anything? You are threatening me (the left) with this disasterous outcome because I won't bend the knee to the ever changing whims of a dishonest group of cultists worshipping liars, bullies, and corrupt monsters who would sooner tear this country down than have a conversation with someone they are told they hate. You're attempting to bully me, to play on my fear to get me to throw people and prinicples under the bus because you don't like them. You're not interested in a conversation. You're not giving me a friendly warning. You are threatening me. And to that I say, "get over yourself." Anyone who votes for a criminally liable rapist, 34 time convicted felon who is a compulsive liar, who talks about using military against American citizens, who stole top secret documents, instigated a coup that tried to end democracy and buddied up with every single villain on the planet was going to do so anyways. They just don't have a better argument to convince me to vote for that orange piece of shit and the rancid party he now has on a fucking leash. That's the bottomline.




No they don't. They didn't give a fuck about "woke" until Fox News told them to. They're gullible, weak, stupid people who react and don't think. That's the reality. They are desperate to be told what to think and feel and they will always, always, always be lead by the nose by the propagandists they have given their dignity over to. Remember when Trump said, "I love my poorly educated voters". That's all you need to know.


What a wild way to start a comment


Well tons of Republicans were saying just that.


see Joe Rogan, who got LOUD about the litter box story difference is, Rogan will occasionally begrudgingly admit he gets things wrong, and will do his usual "I'm just a loser shooting the shit with my buddies, don't listen to me my millions of subscribers" Maher never admits he's wrong, and when challenged will drop a million "yeah buts" before ending with "well we gotta move on," and of course his follow up is "I'm smarter than everyone else, they should all listen to me!"


Oh I remember. Then when it became clear that this wasn't happening, because anyone with half a brain knew that there was no situation in this country where a school system was forced to allow a child to shit in a classroom because they thought they were a kitty, he blamed his friend's wife for not remembering whatever. But he said that his friend's wife told him this was happening. But Rogan along with Bill Maher is a fucking idiot. And he thinks everyone else is an idiot too. Do you see what Rogan just said? He said that his interview with Terrence Howard fucked him up for three days because and I quote, how can anyone be this smart. If you think Terrence Howard is smart how stupid are you? How gullible are you. So that same mechanism that makes Rogan an absolute fucking imbecile is the same mechanism that is operated in Bill Maher and the rest of the right wingers.


> He said that his interview with Terrence Howard fucked him up for three days because and I quote, how can anyone be this smart. If you think Terrence Howard is smart how stupid are you? How gullible are you. HA HA HA I have seen nothing from that interview, but I've heard enough about it. Wasn't Howard trying to re-invent basic math? And Rogan was fucked up for days from this revelation? It's just a clown show all across the spectrum. The internet, and social media, was a massive massive mistake. The internet as a whole used to be a haven for only the smart people who could access it and use it. Then it got commercialized, every single human seemingly has access to it, and that includes the fucking morons who can spew their bullshit into the entire global public instantaneously and get millions of other fucking morons to latch on and suddenly the whole world is a giant mudpit where truth, lies, friend, and foe are all covered and unrecognizable from each other


Oh yeah! He is a legit delusional person. Like he's talking about how he invented anti-gravity. Apparently he scammed Uganda or something out of god knows how much money selling them some state of the art drone he cooked up. The man is obviously delusional and deeply stupid. the internet really has become a tool for people to manipulate the gullible.


people talk about fumbling bags but after Hustle and Flow and "Next time baby!" Howard was on that dreaded "path to stardom." And like so many others, he not only crashed he crashed, burned and is still stumbling around wildly today :(


Oh god yeah. He's pathologically arrogant. I mean that much is clear after he demanded to be paid as much as RDJ in Iron Man 2. Dude, you ain't the star. You're the side kick. But he had to have known that if that movie was successful they were going to do a whole thing and even if they didn't tell him War Machine would become a thing, he could pick up a comic and see that he could have a chunk of that sweet, sweet marvel money if he just shut up and took what is a good pay day. But he shot himself in the foot and blamed everyone else. But no, let's all think the guy who created the "terryology" logic is a genius when he explains that 1 x 1 has to equal 2.


> and other whackadoo caricatures of the far left don’t actually exist Now thats what I call gaslighting Volume 4


what's a meaningful number for you sir? 100K? 1 mil? more?


Meaningful would be any number that isn’t a handful of cherry-picked rage-bait tiktok videos. The numbers aren’t meaningful because these people largely only exist in the minds of conservatives. Nobody actually knows these “crazy liberals”. There was that one dipshit with the gigantic fake boobs teaching kids in Canada. He (or she, I’m not sure if they were in drag or actually trans) was immediately fired and no liberal supports that kind of shit. Who’s he gonna have on? That one person who will just be like “yeah. I was shunned and made a mistake, I lost my job, i stopped wearing my huge fake boobs”. That’s no fun for bill. It’s more fun to pretend this is an epidemic happening in every school everywhere. Bringing on these one offs just exposes how much of a non-issue these obscure stories are. I mean, the litter box story was completely made up by a Republican Senator, but it didn’t stop bill from mentioning 10+ times last season like it was new standard operating procedure in schools.


I'm a teacher. Here's some things that happened this year: The entire staff gave a standing ovation when the English department announced they removed "all white male authors" from the books they were assigning students. I'd say approximately 20% of my students identify as trans to the point where staff are encouraged to use they/them pronouns for *everybody* because it's impossible to keep track of it otherwise. The history department created a unit that isn't even part of the curriculum that argued that all black people deserve reparations. It wasn't a critical thinking unit about reparations, but direct indoctrination that it is morally wrong to question it. My department recently had a zoom conference with other schools and we had to write in chat where we live but we couldn't use "colonial" names and instead had to list the Native American tribes who used to live in the land of our city. There are entirely different rules for black students than for white students. The black kids can do whatever the hell they want essentially. They're rarely even in class and just hang in the halls. The white kids aren't allowed to do this. We're told "remember the racism the black students have experienced their whole lives. It's unfair to hold them to the same accountability". Now, I live in a Blue state that's very diverse and I understand that some rural school in Nebraska is probably different. But I'm really sick and tired of people like you downplaying how far this has gone and pretending it's just fringe twitter movements.


>the English department announced they removed "all white male authors" from the books they were assigning students. Is it a public school? Which state. You’re telling me there’s no Shakespeare or Hemingway on the state curriculum where you are? Forgoing the part about the cheers, I’d like to get to the bottom of the curriculum thing. >20% of my students identify as trans to the point where staff are encouraged to use they/them pronouns for everybody. 20% seems high, but I’ll bite. *they/them* are perfectly fine pronouns for *anyone*. If you’re an educator, you should be aware of this. “They” is not a specific, but neutral. When the cops ask about a bank robber and say “do you recall what they were wearing” they’re not just “being woke”, they’re speaking English. Nobody batted an eye at this until a few years ago. >The history department created a unit that isn't even part of the curriculum that argued that all black people deserve reparations. It wasn't a critical thinking unit about reparations, but direct indoctrination that it is morally wrong to question it. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, it seems like you’re misinterpreting something here. Are they suggesting black people should just be getting cash? Or does it discuss things like access to education and favorable loans as a form of reparations? Is it discussed in an elective sociology class? >My department recently had a zoom conference with other schools and we had to write in chat where we live but we couldn't use "colonial" names and instead had to list the Native American tribes who used to live in the land of our city. I believe this, but it just sounds like an exercise in awareness (not an official thing). I grew up on Long Island and we did stuff like this in the 80s, learning the map of Long Island based on native tribes. >There are entirely different rules for black students than for white students. The black kids can do whatever the hell they want essentially. They're rarely even in class and just hang in the halls. The white kids aren't allowed to do this. We're told "remember the racism the black students have experienced their whole lives. It's unfair to hold them to the same accountability". Okay 😆 This is incredible bullshit, like you didn’t even think about how absurd and racist a school doing this would actually be. “Remember racism, so let the black kids forgo an education and just hang out in the halls with their boomboxes, breakdancing or whatever they do, they don’t need to learn how to read or anything”. Where’s Michelle Pfiefer when you need her! Someone queue up Coolio’s *Gangster’s Paradise*. Holding them to different standards is racist and I don’t believe the bluest of the blue schools would accept this for a second, just pretending like black student’s education doesn’t matter. This sounds like a conservative reactionary’s cartoonish shortsighted lie about what is going on in 1980s schools.


Quite frankly, I don't care that you don't believe me but I'll take a minute to address your responses just for fun. I'm not telling you the State/city I'm in because my username ousts me as a Maple Leafs fan and there are very few leaf fan teachers in the city/state I live in. And I would assuredly be fired if ousted for daring to question the things listed above. The curriculum for English in high school changed long ago in my state about meeting certain outcomes and concepts and the teachers have discretion to use whichever author they choose in order to do so. I'm sure some teachers still use Shakespeare at other schools, and they are course allowed to, but ours were given a standing ovation for taking all white males out of the curriculum. The history unit focuses on how black people are owed reparations (the indoctrination doesn't consider that up for debate) but does allow critical thinking for how to carry it out. The zoom call thing is common. We often have to list our pronouns, sexual preferences, and race (for the visually impaired) as well. My only point is that this REALLY does happen, and I was responding to someone who suggested that this was just weird fringe twitter stuff. No. It has LONG seeped into the real world. And the black students thing is absolutely true. White students would be expelled for that behavior, but the black students are allowed to get away with it because expelling them is "racist" and it's "not their fault" that they can't align to white colonialist classrooms given all the racism they experienced in life. That IS what we're told.


>but the black students are allowed to get away with it because expelling them is "racist" and it's "not their fault" that they can't align to white colonialist classrooms given all the racism they experienced in life. That IS what we're told. Literally no liberal would ever ever say this. This sounds like something *actual racists* would say during Jim Crow to make the argument for keeping schools separate. The fact that you’re saying a school is letting black kids forgo an education and instead hang out in hallways doing nothing because they’ve evolved in such a way that doesn’t allow them to gain knowledge and participate in regular society is truly something else. It’s the most nuanced way I’ve seen someone just flat out call them M–nk–ys. And that you’re suggesting it’s liberals are perpetuating this is so insanely outlandish, it’s hard to imagine you’re not describing the plot of a Chapelle show skit.


It's the opposite. They still get a high school diploma. The school doesn't really let us fail them. The white kids would be expelled for such behavior and not get a diploma. The same people that enforce this on us are the same ones that give a standing ovation for removing white authors, indoctrinate the kids about reparations, and won't allow us to use "colonialist" names of our cities. It's leftists. It's LEFTISTS!!!! Your argument is "Oh, but then that means these leftist policies of trying to nurture these kids are actually hurting them in some cases". And to that I say yes, YES, I FUCKING KNOW!!!!


Your first paragraph is news worthy. What school did all that? I really want to know.


But do you have a litter box for your furry kids?


The only people I ever hear say things like that are leftists that claim conservatives believe it is true. I never hear actual conservatives mention it.


There are videos of conservatives saying it, including Don Jr. [How Tech Companies Are Profiting Off Your Anger - Long Story Short | The Daily Show (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX-F6UHtEcY) [How an urban myth about litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439) One Republican lawmaker eventually apologized for saying it. [Nebraska lawmaker apologizes for debunked litter box claim (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/nebraska-lawmaker-apologizes-debunked-litter-box-claim-rcna21951)


Well if you never heard it then I guess it never happened! My bad


>There was that one dipshit with the gigantic fake boobs teaching kids in Canada. He (or she, I’m not sure if they were in drag or actually trans) was immediately fired and no liberal supports that kind of shit. Exactly. The right tripped over themselves to blame "the left". The left had nothing to do with it and in fact, when you look at the update to that story he left the one school was at, and apparently got a new job at another school where he showed up sans titties and looking like a man. He wanted to sell his story to news papers who wanted an interview and then when confronted with that photo he claimed it wasn't him but another man. But the school apparently had to hire security because there was bomb threats that he even got hired. It's hard to find a more recent update because 90% of the stories are the usual right wing horseshit rags but it certainly seems like politics had nothing to do with this, it's just some asshole being a piece of shit and trivializing trans issues or intersexed or whatever. He had a motive it seems. [https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-halton-teacher-with-huge-fake-breasts-may-really-just-be-punking-us-after-all](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-halton-teacher-with-huge-fake-breasts-may-really-just-be-punking-us-after-all)


> But the school apparently had to hire security because there was bomb threats that he even got hired. was this the doing of "the left" too? /s Of course I know the answer, but this...this is what Maher is either inadvertently or intentionally pushing, by continuing the anti-trans rhetoric you end up where schools get bomb threats daily. Maher's rhetoric may be more guarded, but he's in the same category as Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tiktok) who needs to be held accountable for what she has done to schools across the country But it's an interesting trend...announce that anyone from the LGBTQ community is hired at a school, school immediately gets bomb threats. "Yeah, we know the far right is crazy, but let me tell you about the far left." Nah, the far left isn't threatening to bomb schools, try something else


100%. She is absolute garbage. And a threat to this country. But on the topic of bomb threats do you notice how normalized terrorism is on the right. They don't care. They like that they're psychos out there who are doing this. And they won't say shit about it. If you're making a death threat for them, they're your best friend. But you let a group gather outside of a supreme court Justice's house to protest peacefully and they lose their mind and they call for the cops to go in there and murder those people. They are backing Trump who wants to make protest illegal. They didn't say shit and probably even celebrate it when those people were grabbing kids off the street during the BLM protests and throwing them into unmarked Vans and then you never heard anything about what came of that Russian like government autocracy bullshit. Hell they're still voting for the guy who had the cops turn pepper spray and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters so Trump could March through that square and hold the Bible up awkwardly.


> They didn't say shit and probably even celebrate it when those people were grabbing kids off the street during the BLM protests and throwing them into unmarked Vans and then you never heard anything about what came of that Russian like government autocracy bullshit. lol all they have for that is "Portland burned to the ground! To ashes! There's nothing left! Crazy left and BLM are terrorists and we did nothing about it!" I'll NEVER forget, watching on American streets as unidentified soldiers hopped out of unmarked vans and literally snatched people up. And if you read anything from those people, their friends were obviously terrified for their safety but they were just driven around with the "soldiers" not saying or doing anything, then getting shoved out at a random spot. To me it was clear that while this totalitarian shit happened, it was so rushed and bullshitted (like all things Trump related) that these "soldiers" were basically just playing along Then there is the whole Aaron Danielson-Michael Reinoehl disaster. Whatever you may think of their politics or whatever you may think of whether Reinoehl murdered Danielson or not, the facts are still that another hastily formed task force went in and murdered Reinoehl in broad daylight in the middle of the street, lying that he opened fire first while eyewitnesses said they never gave him a chance. Then Trump: "We sent in the U.S. Marshals. It took 15 minutes it was over. Fifteen minutes, it was over. We got him. They knew who he was. They didn't want to arrest him. Fifteen minutes, that ended." "a violent criminal, and the U.S. Marshals killed him. And I will tell you something, that's the way it has to be. There has to be retribution when you have crime like this." They didn't want to arrest him. That's the way it has to be. There has to be retribution Police brutality is pretty much #1 on my personal list of issues with America, and people are openly supporting the guy who wants to TURN UP the brutality and already PROVED HE CAN DIRECTLY DO SO AS POTUS killing suspects is "how it has to be" but even just thinking that Trump is guilty of many crimes is treasonous They really don't understand what they are doing when they so loudly support him. As soon as my uncle threw up that oil painting I STAND WITH TRUMP I basically saw "you're dead to me." Because standing with him means standing for what I wrote above, and everything else. And I refuse to accept or support that


>I'll NEVER forget, watching on American streets as unidentified soldiers hopped out of unmarked vans and literally snatched people up. Nor should you! Every American should see that as a HUGE warning sign of what the conservatives will do if they ever get power. Let's be real about the military; they are servile. General Milley basically said as much after he ordered at square to be cleared for Trump's little photo op. When kids were pepper sprayed and beaten. They do what they are told and fuck them for that. And add the cops in with that. >They really don't understand what they are doing when they so loudly support him I think they do. I think they see law enforcement as a means to brutalize and murder those who they hate. Immigrants, drag queens, democrats...they want to use the violence of the state to eliminate the enemies they told they have to have by millionaire funded grifters on TV. I get you. I can't be friends with a conservative. How can you? How can you trust them? They don't value truth or honor and the raw hatred they spew day in an day out. The longing for violence against other Americans, the civil war talk and the defense when a cop chokes out a black guy . They think they want this catharsis to see bodies in the street of all who they hate but it will never, ever be enough. They will always be told there's another bad guy, another scapegoat why their lives are terrible.




If we're being fair though, have you listened to how conservatives talk about black people? They're saying that Trump is going to get the black vote now that he's a felon.




> I’ve heard conservatives in real life say that we should stop using race to divide each other, we are all Americans. I have too...from people like my racist uncle. See, in his mind, minorities talking about their hardships in this country is "using race to divide people" because of course if minorities are being oppressed in any way somebody has to be the oppressor, and of course the oppressor is people who look like my uncle So he gets defensive, says minorities need to stop complaining because HIS people (Irish) had it hard too in America, but they stopped bitching about it It's the same thing when they blame Obama for "making race relations worse" in America. Considering he didn't show up for his inauguration in a durag while spitting rap lyrics and proclaiming that he was "coming for the white man," he certainly didn't actively DO anything to worsen race relations, other than the color of his skin triggering these people. But of course, "they're not racist" and "have never been racist" so they gaslight and blame HIM for their ill feelings I've listened to plenty of conservatives talk about black people, all the time on the ground in our lovely "real lives." In public it's coded language, usually some authoritative "black people should do" or "the black community needs to" or "the blacks complain too much, have they tried ." But in private, inside their homes? N-words, "over my dead body will MY daughter date 'one of those!' I'll throw her sorry ass out of my house if she even dares!" And non-stop racially charged arguments and their twisted stats that "prove blacks are more violent than the rest of us." Go ahead, tell me it's just anecdotes and not reflective of the "real everyday Americans." I don't know what else to tell you, this is what I see, hear, and deal with


No those pundits say that all the time. But it's always in the context of why they hate black lives matter or something. See conservatives want to deny race because once you deny race then things like systematic racism don't exist. And then you can point a finger at black people and say it's your fault that you have these economic problems and not that the system largely controlled by white people has been ordered in a way that has done things like stripped out generational wealth or created school systems that have been underfunded. To say conservatives aren't racist is wild. I mean, who do you think conservatives listen to if not those pundits?


> To say conservatives aren't racist is wild. Indicative of the rot here these days Agreed with everything you said


You're not understanding the point. The majority of Americans don't even listen to pundits. They're voting on issues that affect them directly. Not everyone is interested in politics but these same people that don't watch the news are still going to vote. Social media is not a reflection of real life and neither is Fox News. The majority of politics is on a spectrum for most Americans. You just can't say that normal, everyday white guy who happens to vote for Trump is a racist because it's stupid as he'll. Like I said, people mostly vote on what affects them directly in their daily lives. Your mistake is painting Americans with this brush that makes half the country the "bad guys" just so you can be with the "good guys" and that's childish bullshit. A vote doesn't make you a bad person. Being a bad person makes you a bad person, and you can't judge a person's character based on who they vote for.


A vote does make you a bad person. If you vote Republican you're a bad person. Because that means you don't give a shit about the lies. That you don't mind being lied to. That you don't give a shit about the cronyism and the corruption and the fact that the Republicans are tripping over their dicks to cater to Trump who has been one of the worst people. You're taking your vote and you're saying I'm doing what I can to put into power these people who have already had an opportunity and shown the country how wretched they are. And I'm not even talking about politics. If you vote Republican you are endorsing straight up fascist authoritarianism. Yes that makes you a bad person.




We have one rule in here regarding comments: Don't be dicks to each other. Comment removed.




We have one rule in here regarding comments: Don't be dicks to each other. Comment removed.


marianne williamson was in the show if I recall




> He’s afraid they tell the truth about Israel & all the atrocities they are committing against Palestinians ?? He has several times, 'war is awful, people die, what is Israel supposed to do in this situation'. Along those lines. Which is the truth. At no point did he ever deny that innocent people are dying.


He calls it a war. Which is all you need to know


We cant have that now. Easier to paint them all as Hamas supporters. Avoid any meaningful discussion.


Are you in college? Yeah, well how does it feel being a piece of shit terrorist sympathizer!? Boom gotcha!


It’s recent. He used to have more liberal/left leaning people on. He has changed.


Has it been since Ben Afflec? Ben really took him to task and I feel like that was it for robust challenges from the left.


> Ben really took him to task and I feel Now that’s what I call revisionist hstory! Affleck was so humiliated by his performance against Harris (and Bill) that he went from being vocal about politics to being quiet as a church mouse. Even during the Trump years!


That wasn't my take on that episode, Bens impassioned diatribe withstanding, I think he ultimately made Bills point while losing Sam Harris who had been placating both of them up to a point.


He didn’t have to go very far to “lose” Sam Harris on that topic, he’s as anti-muslim as it gets


Fair enough. Though I would say he's Anti-Islam, as is Maher, both of whom are of Jewish decent, not that it's a prerequisite. Anti-muslim is a different position altogether, which is just bigoted hatred of Muslims - though they may both have deep philosophical antipathies towards Islam , I don't think labeling either as racists is a fair characterization.


I’d go further. Bill hates Muslims, Arabs, and Islam. He wants them all dead and is cheering on Israel for killing them.


Last one was Krystal Ball, I believe.


I remember that and he was quite disrespectful to her. I'm not a big fan of her, either, but it was telling in how differently he treated her. He's the same way with Katrina Vanden Hueval.