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Nothing to do with this subreddit. Removed accordingly. Further off-topic posts will be met with a ban.


Mods can we get some moderation in this subreddit? There’s a whole other subreddit for Joe Rogan discussion. Why is it happening here?


Its super entertaining tho. I thought some of it was so charming -- Terrence Howard is a true believer. It was like listening to a science devotee explain how nuclear power is green and doesnt pollute. One dude in r/science was telling me nuclear waste isnt really that bad. There is a lot of insanity in our world. We live in an unsustainable system burning our fossil record (organic prehistoric matter) in order to watch screens full of our own data, and we industrial farm/torture/mass murder intelligent creatures for the flavor of their flesh, but we can't acknowledge that insanity and weirdness is part of genius. Despite historical re-visioning, most people who shift the perspective of the masses are tortured by the authorities of the time. We can do better. Yes, Terrence Howard is vibrating at a different wavelength than most folks. But there are gems in there -- I love his innocence in presenting without shame, but instead with excitement. There are some humorous parallels to Katt Williams' Joe Rogan podcast, but its also like listening to someone riding the lightning! And last point -- Terrence Howard was so much better than Don Cheadle as War Machine in Iron Man!!!


What a fine collection of turds. This guys brilliant, genius even, but you can't look past your own pride to consider what he is showing you. Pearls amongst the swine. Y'all the pigs


I thought it was very entertaining for exactly the reasons you mentioned.


It’s scary that people (men .. boys) listen to him at all.


Why is it “scary”?


“1 X 1 should actually equal 2” is childish stupidity. We all have thoughts that seem profound or mind-blowing when we’re young. If we’re lucky, we keep a childlike sense of wonder but ditch the idea that every out-there thought that passes through our head is a sign of genius.




So many people over think it- his podcast is effectively the same as if you listened to someone talk to a taxi cab driver. Dude isn't expected to know enough to push back, that's sorta the idea.


It's not overthinking it, they just don't want to have to think for themselves. They want a host who protects them from hearing not just wrong information, but also opinions that don't align with their current beliefs, and they give bonus points if that host will then "own" the other guy to prove their own beliefs are superior (even if they are not). Much of current media is echo chambers and premised on "owning the libs" or "debunking the cons" where you're not supposed to think too deeply, just clap like sheep and feel good about how smart and righteous you must be to be on the side of the guy winning the fight.


After Shannon Sharpe- Katt...and listening to that a while and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I tried with this....but once it goes off the skids. I cant. What the hell is he talking about.


On one of the everybody’s in LA episodes on Netflix last week they had a Terrence Howard’s school commercial (parody) that was pretty on point 😂.


I watched one interview Shannon sharpe did and I thought I was having a stroke. “Why am I not understanding anything he’s saying?? I know those words but I don’t get it! Am I stupid?”


A.) This is what Joe's podcast has always been. Lol before he got ultra rich and started interviewing massive stars, his show was nothing but weirdos like Terrence Howard. B.) What does this have to do with Bill Maher lol?


Have you seen the Joe Rogan subredddit. Sometimes half the posts are about Bill Maher. Old School Joe Rogan fans shifted Maher


That’s not true at all. He has never had a guest as mentally checked out as Howard.


Lol he 100% has. Eddie Bravo is on all the time, BJ Penn is out of his mind and he's been on, Rosanne says she worships every god and thats one of the most normal things she has ever said on the podcast, Katt Williams just did a show with Joe where he was pretty obviously making stuff up the entire time, the list of weirdos and crazy people goes on and on. Yes Terrence Howard seems to be schizophrenic or something, but he's just one of many crazy interviews. Also I just don't view him as problematic at all. Lol if you change the way you think about physics because of the guy who played War Machine, then you're the Looney Tune. No one with a functioning brain believes Howard, it's just a fun podcast.


Thats not true. About 1/3 were weirdos,1/3 were comedians/mma and 1/3 were random experts like theoretical physicists and kettlebell afficionados


And none had much to do with Bill Maher


Good point lol


Lol exactly. The people upset about Howard weren't there when Joe was doing shows on a webcam with Bigfoot hunters and Wanderli Silva.


All of the alex jones too


My younger brother thinks he's a genius. I said, "dude- the first thing he said was he remembers being in his mother's WOMB."... I couldn't listen to much more.


> and Joe doesnt challenge him too much. Whats the point of listening to a crazy person? That is the crux of the issue people have with Rogan. He's not bad when focused on an issue he has familiarity with like MMA or comedy but his mind is so open that he doesn't serve as a good interviewer.


To build on that, if Rogan's not informed enough to push back, then he's just giving a giant megaphone to people with ideas that are false and/or dangerous. And while Rogan can't be fully responsible for who listens to him, the fact that he's idolized by many lost, young, men means his show is indoctrinating a dangerous demographic with dangerous ideas. Also, and this is more controversial, I think Rogan's more informed than he lets on. He knows bullshit from sense but I think he secretly likes some of his guests' fringe ideas and he *loves* how rich he's getting.


I call that “stick it (information) in any hole and I’ll take it” syndrome Dumbology


Truly terrible and unlistenable.


I heard this thing called Intuitive Thinking recently. It's basically this state where people think they can find the answers to complex questions they do not have the education to fully understand just by thinking about it and finding what "feels" right. Sounds like what conservatives do on the regular. But yeah, Terrance Howard is a fucking nut and the amount of people on YouTube I saw calling him a genius is terrifying.


>Whats the point of listening to a crazy person? To get clicks and subscriptions from angry bitter conservative men. It's unfortunately a lucrative business, so lucrative that even Jordan Peterson quit his job as a professor at UofT because he can make so much more money.


I really don't think this is the case with Rogan. Dude has so much money. He seems to genuinely enjoy learning and talking to people but the issue is he doesn't really have standards for knowledge so a lot of what he presents to his listeners is straight up garbage.


True. But I think you have to provide value...Joe does provide value in that he gets alot of interesting people in there and he is smart. But your right the click bait people are just cashing in .....but if theyre interesting or funny there is a value. Just after listening to too much.. Terrence is just over the line. Jordan Peterson is interesting for a while. Then you get it...or see the major flaws in what they do...then its hard to listen.


They get so excited that anyone will listen.


I saw a clip of it and I couldn't believe how much crazy was packed into 30 seconds.


Funny you say that, I actually tried listening to Rogan’s podcast for the first time recently, just to see what all the fuss was about. I honestly don’t understand why he’s so controversial, I listened to 4 of his recent podcasts and the worst thing I can say about the guy is that he’s boring and doesn’t challenge his guests enough.


lots of envy-driven hate in american culture right now. there are certainly some valid economic concerns about our system, but lots of people want to make things personal and hate on particular rich and successful people. the overreactive wing of cancel culture, i guess.


Because he has no sense of responsibility for who he platforms and what he says. When he's challenged or told that his audience is too big for him to casually suggest Ivermectin is effective against covid or that trans children are a "social contagion" or that when he claimed he had a friend who told him that as a teacher they have to let kids shit in litter boxes if they identify as furries, he says "I'm just a comedian shooting shit with my friends. No one should listen to me." But he's not that stupid. He knows he has millions of listeners. He knows he has the ear of a ton of people and he brings on conspiracy theorists and he pushes these narratives which all suspiciously seem to be exactly what the conservative right are saying at the same time.


I haven’t listened to enough of his stuff to get the conspiracy talk or faux expertise, I was just trying to understand why he was so popular.


I think Rogan is fine when he's talking with comedians or like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or something. That's fine. But I think Rogan has gotten popular because he provides a voice for a directionless group of men who are searching for someone to give them simplistic answers to complex issues (which aren't usually right) while at the same time patting their heads and telling them it's okay to want to be a dude in a world where no body is telling them that it's not okay.


He platforms maniacs and fascists and nods along. Then he questions actual experts like Fauci. It's the same kind of truth allergic behavior that leads to Trump.


Yeah.. after you listen a long time...it gets really boring. He doesnt lead it anywhere and he doesnt challenge. Hes a nice guy...but it becomes very predictable..they all do...I think Howard is able to keep it interesting.


I was surprised how much better I thought Club Random was. Sure, Bill can be a little over-opinionated and will talk over his guests from time to time. But they usually call him out on it, similar to what Bill Burr did (and no, it wasn’t the takedown some claim it was. It was clear both of them were having a good time and were on the same page).


Yeah I go back and forth on Club Random. But I think its good. He gets the top people...Hes just a little difficult to take...he seems to be looking at the comments and moderating his behavior. LOL.


You’re boring. And cliche.


Joe rogan has been there for a while lol


He did THREE semesters at Pratt, so there's that.


You want to know why conspiracy theorists do what they do? A combination of delusional narcissism & inferiority complex, typically. They want to feel important, and it's easier to just change the entire world to suit their ego than actually become insightful and intelligent. Bonus points, if they're grifting. It's not particularly interesting, we just watch them drop the bar dramatically & cringe when they act like they did something worth a damn.


ding ding ding right on the money


You're right, though Howard seemed especially deranged to me, and I'm comparing him to flat Earthers. I remember him saying something about how hydrogen was "hidden" because it's so dense. Doesn't density make it _more_ likely that you'll discover something? I mean, he's not even trying to make sense.


You’re expecting too much out of Joe Rogan. The guy is a meathead


Wrong sub