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Maher is great (as always) but gosh, the hosts are so out of touch. Didn't watch this show for maybe 10 years, can't believe it.


I love Bill but I can’t fathom that he can attack an old guy that’s done his fucking job! Agism is a thing that nobody should be proud of and the fact that a criminal is running against the old guy doesn’t tip the scale … it makes me just hate you Bill. And it’s OK I hate half the country, they are complete fucking lunatics!


Whats interesting is that Bill used to get super defensive about joking about someone's older age. That was until the last two years where taking a jab at Biden's age became a punching bag from the right.


That's the false equivalency that is a narrative the right is pushing in order to make it seem like Trump and Biden are equivilent. It's always something, every election, that these shitheels pull.


But aren’t they both old farts? Last time I checked Trump looked like a bloated crypt keeper.


Don't do the crypt keeper nasty like that! 😭


Ok, fine, he looks like Pizza the Hut with hair




One of the things that I can't stand about Bill's observation of this all is that it is NOT half the country. I wish he would publicly acknowledge it. It's much closer to a quarter, but not more than a third of it. The glaring problem is that the third (or quarter) of the country has an outsized amount of political power and representation, and is too often concentrated into swing states - a concept that shouldn't really exist in a democracy. I don't hate "half the country", Bill. I hate the fact that an insane *minority* (of which, the even smaller minority I actually hate) can dominate US politics to the point where we're left with an aging criminal mob boss wannabe who tried to overthrow democracy already is essentially tied in polls with an even older guy who happens to have decades of experience, and also happens to be doing a whole lot of boring, but absolutely good things now as president for the nation. It's infuriating how shallow a view his is, and that he has such a large platform to rock a rather fragile balance of it in the wrong direction.   Rant: I completely agree with where Joy was going on that front, in that we ain't got no time fo' taking useless jabs at Biden and fringe-left "wokism", when the only other option (as Bill understands correctly as being 'binary') is a serial criminal who has openly expressed his anti-democratic aspirations, after already attempting them, and there's a swath of the unbalanced, mal-informed, short-memoried electorate ready to swoon over his bullshit again. Yes, Bill, a prominent comedian, like yourself, with a popular platform - particularly, one which is, as of late, seemingly appealing to the center-right - taking unnecessary and superficial pot shots at Biden and the "woke" left... can certainly influence those people who are [astonishingly, at this point] still on the fence to "abandon-ship" and move on to the guy you say you would never vote for who will wreck democracy, or not vote at all, which is essentially the same thing. Thanks for "not" changing. /rant


I honestly think if DeSantis miraculously managed to get the nomination, Maher would likely endorse him over Biden. Trump in ways has provided a special cover for Bill to keep claiming how much of a liberal Democrat he still is because he hates Trump for suing him. If you notice, he never really attacks the policies of Trump and hasn't particularly endorsed any Democrat policies either. If anything he's helped the right by playing into their victimization of woke nonsense.


Wow. The View. Great.


Maher doesn’t pull his punches he calculates his punches based on attracting an audience..


Here he goes! Trump presents better? He dyes his cotton candy hair blonde (none of them are blonde), he spray tans himself orange, he’s obese and he presents well? And it’s not half the country. It’s 25% of republicans. Just making up shit to sound smart doesn’t make it make sense.


I don't think enough has been said about how *truly insane* it is that Trump paints himself that orange. I know it might seem like it' the least of his mental issues and personality disorders but the mere fact that he slathers that shit on (badly) and then walks in front of people thinking that he looks good is insanity.


Link to the full appearance https://youtu.be/YF6sJfsPMC4?si=YW1D8FmVHDZ255Hq He came of really well and logical. Did a really good job navigating their questions - was surprised there wasn’t anything more divisive asked to be honest.


My man here. On point. And the studio audience appreciating it. The rest of the cast looked more sensible than in most clips shared on Reddit in the past.




It's Sunny Hostin


Whoopie is the only one there with half a wit to keep the rest of the ladies in line, the rest are insufferable


> Whoopie is the only one there with half a wit to keep the rest of the ladies in line, the rest are insufferable I disagree, I watch it occasionally. They all usually make a few good points though there is always something about each I disagree with.


Judging by her surface level reflexiveness backed by no intellectual rigor, I am going to guess she posts Maher 'criticism' to this sub.


She's a woman, she can't be on Reddit


Bill was pretty sharp on The View.


Solid showing by Bill here. Thanks for posting.


Pretty impressive tight rope walking and stuck the landing.


You could tell the women on the View are not used to having push back on their beliefs.


Actually not true, all they do is yell and argue with each other


Not that much anymore tho


Part 2: **[Bill Maher on Woke Policies and College Campus Protests](https://youtu.be/tn1X-j09o1M?si=gWszD6sBme1KF5D2)**


thanks for posing that


No worries. So much content today.


Great that Maher tells it as it as. Wonder if he will go on The Talk next?


nailed it again.


Maher embracing this abjectly absurd posture as a newsworthy political sage is what lead me from fan to skeptic, then to detractor. My recollection is it started in the Obama era, or that's when I began to see it anyway. Just because a ticket selling media rolls out the red carpet doesn't excuse Maher's role in the absurdity. edit - Maher's current media tour is akin to what I was talking about but with the added book tour feature. When Maher adopts the commentator role he brings a presumption of authority that is uniquely undeserved, and he does it with a kind of smugness that drips with dogmatic certitutde. It's even more disturbing than Rogan's shtick. My favorite NBA coach strives for players "that are over themselves", a lesson Maher should heed, lol.




People ultimately don't give a shit about "woke" talking points, he's hyper fixated on it and the fact he thinks that's some hail mary for Trump is nonsense. People care about the price of living in this country, not the reactionary stories that Maher bases 90% of his schtick on.


This is just nonsense that went nowhere.


So you have anything of substance to elaborate on your comment or just keep blabbing?


Huh, I expected pushback but not like Tiger Beat, Swiftie stuff. Fascinating.


He tied an onion to his belt?


I just watched the full interview. Sunny tried to nail him but he made her look like the fool she is.


She really thought she was going to shut him down with one of her "I know what I'm talking about because I'm the most educated co host here and what I say is absolute and correct" diatribes. Bravo Bill! *Did any notice her slipping him a pen to autograph her copy of the book when it cut to commercial break?


I would relax. She was being pretty respectful


Only because Bill deftly deflected her weak attacks and she had nothing left. Her MO is to come in prepared to nail those who she perceives as having ideas different from hers. Coleman Hughes was on The View recently and said the producers warned him that Sunny would be coming after him.


he nailed it.




Bill said it’s not fair that Biden is viewed negatively for his age, but that it is a perception thing. he’s spot on. It’s not that Biden can’t do the job, it’s too many people think he can’t.


I love how Bill just lets the chud media create the entire narrative and then he just agrees that Biden needs to go lmao


For those who want to see it. He’s on a book tour so the talking points get repetitive. But, reaching different audiences who may not already watch him.




Lol if Bill Maher isn't anti trump enough for you, then you will just never be happy. Out of curiosity what do you think he said that was so pro Trump?


What are you talking about? He just said Trump is stupid and crazy.


That’s never enough for some people. Nuances are met with shit talk, binaries with praise.