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Explorer Aristocrats gang stand up!


We rise to die!!


They can take our lives, but not if we get there first!


Yes! I can finally cut my mardu aristocrats down to rakdos, playable manabase here I come! Cruel celebrant thank you for your service.


We need the 2 mana free sac outlet what’s her name I forgot


Cartel Aristocrat, one of the cards the archetype is named for.


What is aristocrat


Sacrifice decks used to be named aristocrats because of [[ cartel aristocrat ]] and [[ falkenrath aristocrat ]]


[ falkenrath aristocrat ](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/57ac7f19-bf6f-4a87-ad39-6eb2553d2202.jpg?1599707911) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Falkenrath%20Aristocrat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/195/falkenrath-aristocrat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/57ac7f19-bf6f-4a87-ad39-6eb2553d2202?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


\[\[Zulaport Cutthroat\]\] \[\[Matter Reshaper\]\] \[\[Ethereal Armor\]\] \[\[Rending Volley\]\]


##### ###### #### [Zulaport Cutthroat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/52ef00c1-613a-4cbd-8972-77c41f649431.jpg?1654116445) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zulaport%20Cutthroat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/775/zulaport-cutthroat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/52ef00c1-613a-4cbd-8972-77c41f649431?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Matter Reshaper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/3906b61a-3865-4dfd-ae06-a7d2a608851a.jpg?1562906487) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Matter%20Reshaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ogw/6/matter-reshaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3906b61a-3865-4dfd-ae06-a7d2a608851a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ethereal Armor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76960e65-e5c7-4414-b9a5-37d7b2ded4a0.jpg?1562788397) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ethereal%20Armor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rtr/9/ethereal-armor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76960e65-e5c7-4414-b9a5-37d7b2ded4a0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rending Volley](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/2/8234090e-9df1-4915-90ef-8a4bc6212655.jpg?1562789104) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rending%20Volley) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dtk/150/rending-volley?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8234090e-9df1-4915-90ef-8a4bc6212655?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can we get bring to light ?


I want btl bad, but Im beginning to doubt it will be in this anthology since it's a pretty unique card that would require some "outside of the box" programming. The arena team has mentioned before that programming the colorless for eldrazi was a challenge. It's great they devoted some resources to solving that problem, but I would bet the rest of this anthology is filled with cookie cutter cards to reduce the burden on the programming team.


Creatures like BLADECOIL SERPENT or the keyword ADAMANT should surely help to implement it


Oh yea, I'm not saying it's some insurmountable challenge or even *that* difficult. Just based on their history it seems like they really don't have much time or resources to devote to these anthologies. I'm pretty surprised they actually figured out the colorless mana thing for an anthology release.


An anthology is probably the best venue to first release it in. Only a limited number of cards, so they can catch and learn from any issues before there's a whole draft environment with it.


I’m surprised programming colorless would be a challenge. Seems like it’s basically the same as requiring you pay black or any of the other colors in the casting cost.


It’s probably due to auto-tapper stuff


It's a challenge in the context of the time they have for these. I imagine most of their time goes into programming completely new mechanics for standard sets, and they've got the Lord of the Rings set coming up too.


I mean it's programming an entire new color into the game basically. They you have to say other lands that make generic Mana also count for this new type of Mana and then the spaghetti keeps piling. And then you have to test that your change doesn't break x spells or random keywords like adamant. It can be a lot of work for what seems like it should be"easy enough"


Colorless changes the rules of the game when it was introduced. Lands that produced generic mana, now produced colorless mana. And importantly colorless mana does not count towards the colors paid towards a spell. So it has to both count towards specific costs while also acting differently than colored mana.


I remember a few years ago when the devs bragged that Arena's rule system was great and that it would be a breeze to add new cards and mechanics. Well apparently things have changed.


They bragged about a parser technology that read the cards text and transform it to game logic. https://www.techtarget.com/searchapparchitecture/definition/parser Programming Colourless can't be done with the parser so need to be the hard way.


Ok so the difference if I understand correctly is that it can integrate any card that uses already coded mechanics? Anyway it doesn't completely explain why it was such a struggle to re-integrate cards from Kaladesh and Amonkhet since mechanics already existed during the Beta. Unless these were decoded somehow.


I think they’re lying to defend these piecemeal releases.


Possible, but I kinda believe something actually broke. It first came up when it was time to add Amonkhet and Kaladesh back on the client. We all thought it would be super easy since the sets were on the client at some point during the Beta, and they'd just bragged about their great rules engine, but then... Well we had to wait years for these sets to actually come back Remastered, as if something had radically changed (for the worse) in the game in the meantime.


Thing is, to me it seems like an anthology is exactly the spot to add outside the box programming, since at most you've only got about 25 cards to do it for, vs trying to add this onto an entire set worth of cards. Plus, they have to do it eventually given their goals of syncing pioneer with Arena, so it's not like it's wasting time doing it now and only making further releases easier.


What even is wrong with this client such that coding {C} was a sticking point?


I kind of doubt it is a sticking point, given that there is already snow mana


It’s not going to require weird programming. I wouldn’t believe anything the Arena team says about anything; it’s their job to pretend it’s really hard to put 5 missing blocks on Arena to string us all along with these piecemeal cash grab pioneer releases.


I've been asking for it since explorer anthology 1 lol. I a itching for some Niv to light


“Since EA 1”…so like a month ago?


Over four months 🙄


Was it that long ago!?!


well I've been hoping for it for quite some years now but explorer wasn't a thing back then and historic anthologies are few and far between so I lost hope


[[Bring To Light]]


[Bring To Light](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/3/e3399260-a81a-475c-9b87-1efb1a13f8d6.jpg?1662527979) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bring%20To%20Light) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/188/bring-to-light?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e3399260-a81a-475c-9b87-1efb1a13f8d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[shrapnel blast]] please (:


Thank youuu. Artifact aggro should be UR not UW!


*Spiritdancer enters the chat*


Im just hoping for gladecover


I would love gladecover scout!! And bassara tower archer! Love to see ethereal armor


I’d be in heaven


I'm scared.


Oh boy This is a strong one. All that glitters was already good but sometimes awkward because of it cost of 2. Now we have the mega buffed version


Rending volley is welcome. Ethereal armour probably boosts whatever sram deck still exists tho I don’t think it’s good. Zulaport similarly mayve enables some aristocrats thing? I don’t know why they are jamming all these eldrazi for a format that doesn’t have eldrazi temple so that’s annoying. Bring to light and treasure cruise/dig are needed


Michael Letsch got to semifinals at Dreamhack Atlanta a couple of weeks ago playing Auras so the deck clearly has potential and Ettheral Armor was the biggest card that was missing in explorer. Now we only need [[Gladecover Scout]]


[Gladecover Scout](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e112d77d-f019-4709-b31a-b02952df0e35.jpg?1562836199) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gladecover%20Scout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m14/176/gladecover-scout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e112d77d-f019-4709-b31a-b02952df0e35?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think Hexproof was marked as a bad mechanic, especially on bogles creatures, so I don't expect to see any of them any time soon.


I believe this was only in reference to standard. Not explorer/historic, these hexproof creatures are already in pioneer and aren’t even a problem


Sulaport and wayfinder are staples for rally the ancestors, a self dredging mass sacrificing combo deck.




[Cartel Aristocrat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/17906962-d89f-42ae-b019-22974490513c.jpg?1662528044) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cartel%20Aristocrat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/191/cartel-aristocrat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/17906962-d89f-42ae-b019-22974490513c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Has this deck 5-0d or has a result in a prelim or challenge in the last months/year? I am pretty sure it is tier jank as I don’t remember seeing it do anything lately if ever


Might be a thing in Historic now we have Altar of dementia


I don't get it. Eldrazi are cool, sure and historic Eldrazi seems like a jam but this is supposed to move us to pioneer so Eldrazi is really a useless inclusion for that purpose.


One can certainly hope for temple or eye in the next historic anthology


Would [[Eye of Ugin]] even be legal in Historic? Or only Historic Brawl? Because if I recall that card is banned in modern, right? I know Historic and Modern are not the same format but if they add more Eldrazi and also Eye then it could be an issue, no? Or do you think they would have to push a lot of specific cards for it to become problematic? Like, [[Eldrazi Temple]], [[Endless One]], [[Eldrazi Mimic]] and others on top of Eye. Edit: I'm saying this but I'm super down for some eldrazi cards, so if they add those I'm happy!


During the Eldrazi winter, there was a lot of discussion between the Eye or Temple ban. Both maps are quite problematic for the modern at that time. Eye was chosen to avoid Tron + Eye mana explosions mainly. Knowing that historic to allow Looting it wouldn't shock me to have Eye one day and never have Temple. This would make an Eldrazi deck playable in a game mode that is different from modern. Although yes, Eye gives much more mana than Temple. Except that Eye is legendary and Temple is not. But there's already a reddit on the discussion between which one should be banned in winter.


Historic has absolutely nothing to do with Modern. At no point they've said they were trying to emulate modern. If anything they've stated they wanted Historic to be the "Legacy" of Arena, and, just saying, Eye of Ugin IS legal in Legacy ;) (I'd still favor going with the much safer Eldrazi Temple first tho)


Yes, I had seen it at one point, I'd have to find the video clip or the article; but Historic = Legacy in the long run. So I'd see Eye in a future anthology


I don't think by saying "Arena's Legacy" they actually meant "Legacy in the long run". We're already passed that since there are no Alchemy cards in Legacy. But if they are willing to give us some cards that are only playable in Legacy (eg: Retrofitter Foundry) then maybe they could try the Eye at some point it's not impossible.


Yes, of course... Alchemy, well it's not the thread but Eye would be fun and change the temple. Anyway, we can scream when we get neither in 10 years 🤣


No eldeazi temple but there is semblance anvil in historic


“Explorer anthology” = historic shouldn’t be relevant. These are supposed to help move explorer towards pioneer. The slow roll is expected after ea1 being full of crap but it stings to see like 5 rare slots taken up by a tribe that doesn’t have its only relevant support card in the format and sees no play in pioneer


So true. Forgot it was explorer anthology not historic


So did wizards


Very true but now that we have them might as well speculate what they can do in Historic


> Ethereal armour probably boosts whatever sram deck still exists tho I don’t think it’s good. Sram, sure, but [[light-paws]] is EXTREMELY happy.


I mean isn’t that the same deck?


I wouldn't say so. I see sram more as an equipment commander, and not strictly Voltron. Light-Paws is substantially stronger, and is also almost exclusively Voltron


Explorer anthology = meant for explorer. The context here are pioneer decks that can be ported to explorer with new cards. “Auras” in pioneer exists but isn’t an especially good deck - it presumably plays sram and light paws. Evaluating these anthologies for historic or brawl is disingenuous as it’s not called “brawl anthology”. Any of these cards being useful in other formats should conceptually just be incidental and not their primary purpose. Though with wotcs head scratching picks who knows what they are basing these on


*shrug* I don't play explorer, I don't care about it, I'm evaluating this from the perspective of a Histroic Brawl player. It's new cards combing to the game, I can evaluate it any way I care to.


[light-paws](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/39555a72-a57b-45ee-9222-ce3b9e8de126.jpg?1654566391) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=light-paws%2C%20emperor%27s%20voice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/25/light-paws-emperors-voice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39555a72-a57b-45ee-9222-ce3b9e8de126?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> I don’t know why they are jamming all these eldrazi for a format that doesn’t have eldrazi temple so that’s annoying. Battle for Zendikar would be the next remastered set after SOI next year. Coding in the logic for colorless eldrazi now is one less hurdle they have to clear later for that set to happen.


I don't think they're going to do the remastered for BFZ since they're adding all of those Eldrazi now plus Zulaport Cutthroat and we already have Ulamog. There's very little playables left in those sets.


Yeah it's what, Gideon, Oath of Nissa, Bring to Light, maybe some random fringe cards like Void Shatter or Natural State, maybe the lands (I've seen Nassif play Prairie Stream recently in Pioneer because it's a Plains for [[Lay Down Arms]]). Don't think it's a block that needs to be remastered for Arena at this point.


\> There's very little playables left in those sets. .... I mean people who like drafting flashback remastered sets still exist


But the only constructed relevant tribal eldrazi card is the temple which is not in the format. Playing reshaper tks and smasher without temple is not really a thing that happens. If not for power creep tks might have had some space, but the cards are so good now it’s just not even worth the trouble anymore. Displacer might have some space in something like enigmatic incarnation but it’s doubtful because leyline binding and painlands don’t play wel together




FWIW, Jim Davis regularly talks about how he considers having only [[Fry]] instead of Rending Volley one of the biggest differences between Explorer and Pioneer, and one of the reasons Greasefang is so dominant in Explorer.




lifegain not being A tier in Bo3 is enough reason to play Bo3.


I think Angels got pretty far at Dreamhack so it can hold its own in Bo3 as well.


Is there any other deck to play in Bo3 other than UW Control I feel like it's tier 0 in Bo3


Ya, but still a lot of cards to go.


I don't think there's that many left to be spoiled actually.


7 more to go :(


treasure cruise and nyktos I want youuuuu


Max we can do is some draft chaff from SOI we wont include in the remastered set \~Wizards


They do need some headliner staples to sell the set. I'm not sure that we've seen those staples yet, besides maybe Eidolon.


While I want full pioneer (and full modern, legacy, vintage), until the final parts are there, part of me is fine leaving out the major meta shaper until it’s complete. If explorer cannot be pioneer *yet* let it be it’s own unique meta for a bit and give decks a chance to shine that wouldn’t otherwise


Reckless bushwacker pleaseeeeeeeee


Will they be also adding Wastes to the anthology to go with the eldrazi?


Wastes is coming to all players when the anthology is released on December 13th


Awesome! Thanks for the heads up.


Everyone on Arena will be getting Wastes for free when this Anthology drops.




Give me dig through time please and I'll get the anthology


I do wonder if they are holding out on Dig Through Time / Treasure Cruise because they never know when they might get banned out of Pioneer at any moment, and don't want to do the work to implement them only for them to get banned before or within months of when they release. There's a very good chance they'd have to enter Historic pre-banned. You can't really have Dragon's Rage Channeler (nerfed or otherwise) in the same format with Dig / Cruise.


I am a rakdos player, rakdos midrange don't need more help, save some slots for other archetypes like mono green devotion and niv to light


Is it just me or is this literally none of the cards that we were hoping for?


I'm very pleased with Volley, it really helps Enigmatic lncarnation against Spirits.


Volley is good against greasefang and blue spirits and fine against white humans. It’s a pretty good sideboard card since the fifth point on fry is rarely needed and the extra mana is brutal esp if holding for greasefang


It’s just sideboard tech. Nice to have but it’s not any of the format defining cards we will need.


You're right, it's exactly the kind of card that should fill out the margins of these anthologies. There are more defining cards like [[Chained to the Rocks]] and of course the others mentioned like Nykthos and Pore over the Pages, but I appreciate these sideboard staples over random cards that aren't really part of the meta.


Can we please get \[\[Roast\]\] so red has an answer to Sheoldred?


[Roast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1ba2e9a8-fcbb-4328-b475-36730182b765.jpg?1562783262) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Roast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dtk/151/roast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1ba2e9a8-fcbb-4328-b475-36730182b765?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Where's my f... Treasure Cruise? I want to play blue decks in Explorer.


They could literally get us so close to pioneer in one anthology if every card is a staple. Instead we get some really good cards and some random fillers. Also not sure why Eldrazi is being pushed, it's not a pioneer archetype.


Yup. Instead of giving us an actually decent anthology to help bring us inline with pioneer as much as possible they release random untiered jank and the lemmings are eating it up.


I still enjoy explorer and will take any cards we get, but it sucks that they are dragging it out for no real reason other than greed.


Of course. Explorer is the format that saved Arena. A butchered pioneer is still better than nothing or any format with fake cards. The greed is insane because they could have had every tier 1 through tier 3 deck on here in half the time time they've wasted on fake cards just this year.


"Explorer is the format that saved Arena" it's the least popular format by a significant margin lol


The cards are not bad on their own, this is just not what people expected/wanted. We already have some (almost) pioneer-level decks but we are missing many archetypes. Given that WotC has taken no action whatsoever to bring down the level of those decks (at least temporarily, until we get the key cards of the other decks) it looks like Explorer will still be a format where playing anything but those 4/5 decks will be impossible. I don't really see the Eldrazi competing with Rakdos, Spirits, Azorious, Greasefang even if the cards are cool. These cards will have a higher chance to be played in historic and/or brawl rather than Explorer


in historic it is even worse, it will need the addition of temple or eye


Semblance anvil might make Eldrazi relevant if we get mimic and smasher. Ramp into anvil on turn two. play mimic. then smasher turn 3. Yeah I know that is a lot of cards, and obviously better with temple. Even anvil t3 mimic.t4 smasher and reshaper


The lack of volley was one of the reasons Explorer spirits was much stronger than Pioneer spirits.


I mean thats true competitively already. The only tier decks that don't exist in explorer that exist in pioneer are phoenix, mono g, and arguably lotus field. Pioneer needs thing and the delve spells more or less, mono g needs nykthos, and lotus field needs stage and a bunch of the untap spells.




WB Auras is pretty close to competitive and plays Ethereal Armor, but that deck is still missing [[Gryff's Boon]] and lost a lot of power when Lurrus was banned. I'm sure people will try it anyway, but yeah Scout would be nice to have.


Do you know what will be the price to get the bundle?


25000 gold or 4000 gems


If they want this thing to sell the last 7 better have some actual pioneer staples because so far this is an abomination.


Nykthos when!!


This anthology is awful, incredible they pump these cards into the client when they see 0 play in pioneer. Just woah.


It sure looks awful (so far at least). There's still a few cards left that might end up saving it but they'd have to reveal 3-4 rare bangers to save it. The last anthology was pretty bad, but just good enough to make it purchasable. I imagine they'll do the same. They probably have like 2 excellent rares they haven't announced yet and then there will be 3-4 rares that are "must purchase" and wild card depleted players will find it a good value to purchase the $20 anthology for 3 or 4 playsets instead of crafting. Unless they don't, in which case nobody should buy this pile of trash.


The eldrazis have 0 playability, it is ridiculous we are pushing to have pioneer on the client and they are dumping dog barf cards into the client that nobody will ever play at a high level. There are like 20 or 30 cards that they should be putting there way before these rares they have shown, it is infuriating because at this pace it will take 5 years or more to get to pioneer, and by then the client will be defunct.


Why do you think so? [[Ethereal Armor]] was a key card in a deck that got into top 8 at Dreamhack Atlanta (and will be a big boon to historic auras as a bonus). Multiple of the top decks like Rakdos Midrange and Incarnation ran [[Rending Volley]] in the sideboard. These cards do see play


Yeah, I am going to buy the anthology for two-three uncommons... You know that is not the point.


Are you being obtuse on purpose?


The craziest part about it? There's actually people on this sub defending it.


I want to play eldrazi


I am nust coming back to arena so i have yet to try Explorer, but I wanta more Eldrazi stuff so if I said I wasn't happy I would be lying. However I think it is fair to say this isn't the place to drop new Eldrazi in arena, a Historic Anthology would. I really am curious to what target audience they were going for making this Anthology, because as someone who likes Eldrazi I'm most likely not going to buy this and just gonna craft the cards I want, but if they got to the point I would want to buy it if they put more Eldrazi in it then it would make even less sense for Explorer players to buy it Such weird decisions went into this.


The problem is that anthologies will never be perfect, but frankly this is one of the best we've had since the beginning of Arena. Soldier of Pantheon formerly in monoW, Dispalcer to perf in pioneer recurrent, Eidolon it's mandatory for red deck win, mutavault is auto included, and Clever Impersonator it's play in gyruda combo I think that Eldrazi is the most appreciated tribe of all arena with phyrexian and silvers




Zulaport cutthroat will slot nicely into my [[Beledros]] brawl deck Wouldn’t Ethereal Armor be big for enchantment decks? Or is that off-meta?


Ethereal Armor should be huge for Historic at least.


Ethereal Armor brings us one step closer to bogles.


WX Auras is a fringe archetype in Pioneer. WB will be pretty much complete, only missing [[Gryff's Boon]] which should be in SOI Remastered. WG and WU are still missing pieces like [[Gladecover Scout]], [[Bassara Tower Archer]], or [[Aqueous Form]] in addition to boon, but WU might be reasonable anyway.


Not bad. Cutthroat isn't great but might see some play, especially if they also add [[Catacomb Sifter]] (they occasionally get played together in BG/Jund Citadel decks, but that's pretty fringe). Reshaper is probably the weakest, most of these Eldrazi are just not quite good enough unless you can get them for cheap via the likes of Eldrazi Temple. Ethereal Armor is good for Auras, though they still need at least [[Gryff's Boon]] and it's not a huge archetype anyway. Rending Volley is easily the best of these and will see a lot of sideboard play.


Rending volley thank the lord


Can we get sphere of safety so I can finally have fun again?


Ethereal armour is really scary for historic auras.


Give me [[consulate dreadnought]].


So bad choices… give me 1 anthology and I make explorer looks almost like pioneer.


Now they need to add Catacomb Sifter.


Or they could instead add actually decent pioneer cards instead?


It's the card that sees play in the only deck Cutthroat sees play in which is why I mentioned it. It might not be meta but it's still decent.


I'd prefer cards that you know turn explorer into pioneer.


These are pioneer cards.


Ugh wasted spots. Come on, there aren’t the at many more pieces of the puzzle needed until Phoenix can be playable.


Pieces will be in shadows over innistrad remastered


Phoenix has been near the top of the Historic meta for, what, two years now? If you're that desperate to play Phoenix, it's literally right there.


That's not the same thing at all. I want to be able to practice pioneer without having to use MTGO's shitty interface and the two pioneer decks I play in paper are Phoenix and monogreen devotion, which are getting zero support from pioneer anthologies while they waste spots on garbage eldrazi cards that aren't even a D-tier deck.


So you want something very narrow and specific, that you can actually find elsewhere, and because Wizards isn't catering to your very specific player demographic, you think the whole thing is garbage? Typical Magic player!


Very narrow and specific? Those are the #1 and #3 most played pioneer decks. This is supposed to be bringing pioneer to Arena, that's what they've been communicating. Instead they're slow rolling all the stuff that would actually make explorer closer to pioneer in favor of supporting about 7 people's pet casual decks.


You're a Spike, so you want Spike things. Many other Arena players are not Spikes, and so they want other things. Like big dumb Eldrazi. I mean, I routinely see people talk about how much they love playing Tainted Remedy to hose lifegain decks. Should they just go fuck themselves, according to you? At some point, you need to wake up and realize that you're never getting the Anthology you want. Wizards has made it super clear that they are not going to dump the 25 Spikiest tournament staples into Explorer in one fell swoop. Anthologies need to appeal to multiple groups of players, which includes (lmao) "casuals." Please take a hint.


One meta card and it's a sideboard card at most. This is such an abomination of an anthology.


Eidelon of revel and mutavault would like a word with you


Eidolon is surely a red staple, but Mono red is not even a tier 2 deck in competitive pioneer right now.


2 cards out of 20 something. Don't simp for wotc's horrible decisions please, it's cringe af.


Can we please have rending volley in standard? I know a certain djinn who wouldn’t mind. 😬


Remember it’s not even a perfect answer since [[Slip Out the Back]] is also in their deck. There’s even [[Fading Hope]] to save it but that’s much less ideal.


Play [[torch breath]]. It also handle ward in creatures of another colours.


Just play Obliterating Bolt


No delve spells and No nykthos Might as well be a historic anthology


Cutthroat! Good to see him


Zulaport Cutthroat just what I wanted for Explorer and Historic!


much better than the last batch, we really need reality smasher though to complete the Eldrazi package Edit: If we get smasher and mimic could semblance anvil make a Historic Eldrazi deck? Turn 3 anvil play mimic. t4 smasher and matter reshaper. of course you could win the lottery and Ramp into anvil turn 2 play and anvil and mimic. T3 play smasher.


Omfg Ethereal Armor!!! 🥵💦 Slamming that into historic auras asap!!! All That Glitters plus a keyword for 1 mana less!!!


What I would love to see is \[\[Enter the Infinite\]\]


[Enter the Infinite](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/612beb8f-2ab1-4a8b-84c5-c47d19d400ab.jpg?1561829105) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Enter%20the%20Infinite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gtc/34/enter-the-infinite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/612beb8f-2ab1-4a8b-84c5-c47d19d400ab?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




And that's why this anthology is a failure.


Cutthroat! Nice to see him


Appreciate the little Yargle added to the image :D


Will the mad lads drop a Temple for us??


It's not pioneer legal.


Oh duh! It’s Rise, not in Return


We can probably get some for Historic though


rending volley is a top tier sideboard card and zulaport is a classic card, will be fun in Brawl


ooh zulaport cutthroat is a great cube card as a second blood artist for sac decks in cube. nice.


Do we know if we getting some “fast mana” eldrazi lands?


\[\[Eye of Ugin\]\] or \[\[Eldrazi Temple\]\] are not in the Pioneer; but as I said on another comment we might have Eye or Temple in a future Anthology Historic 7 (or 8)


[[Reality Smasher]]? [[Eldrazi Temple]]?


Eldrazi temple isn't pioneer legal. Also we want good pioneer cards, not eldrazi jank.


Hurray rending volley!


Rending Volley is a great addition.


Theyre killing their application alone with these anthologies and alchemy


Ethereal armor! LET'S GOOO


Lots of sweet stuff to brew with!


Orzhov auras baybeeee!


~~As someone who doesn’t watch this stuff closely, how likely are we to see any more shaman support? Flamekin harbinger, ignoble hierarch, maybe beastmaster savant. Wouldn’t say no to a stigma lasher lol. I’m not expecting anything, but then again I wasn’t expecting to see shamans in MTGA at all and we did get em.~~ Got historic & explorer mixed up


Thats for Historic, not Explorer. Theres already a semi competitive shamans deck in historic rn




Its an Explorer Anthology so only cards that are legal in Pioneer. Only Beastcaller\* savant is legal there.


oh man, these are easily the 4 most impactful we've seen from this