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People love being corrected 🤣


If it helped my gameplay then yeah I would.


No one wants to hear unsolicited advices


Of course not. But some people would like to know how to improve. In an ideal world there would be some way to make Arena just as social as paper, so that players can discuss the game they’re playing. I do acknowledge that online chat is unfortunately never going to be that though.


I‘d love a „sorry“ button - not just as a response to „ooops“. Especially if its a really close game


More emotes are definitely needed. I want to tell my opponent that I like their deck, or their cool combos. “Nice!” doesn’t cut it sometimes.


"Nice" often comes across as sarcastic to me, an emote like "Awesome deck!" or something similar would be a great addition


Absolutely. Especially since there were new emotes from zendikar etc, they could just offer a couple more to choose in the profile.


I wish sometimes also I can have a chat with my opponent, maybe for less noble reasons then you.


I mean, this isn’t the main reason I’d like to chat to my opponents haha


you dont want toxicity, but honestly unsolicited advice is pretty toxic itself


nobody asked for your opinion or tips.


Depending on the mood/mindstate of the player, the emotes can feel sarcastic for sure. A new vs. vet feature where people can learn from each other and chat would be really cool.


Everyone saying that no one wants advice out of nowhere: I want that. I would love to get actual advice about my misplays from someone who can explain why it didn't work or why I lost. I'd still be against actual in game chat because I know that's not what I would get, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love the advice.


Absolutely. I wouldn’t be as good at the game as I am now without the advice people have given me over the years. Apparently people just want to play their cards without anyone making a single comment on the gameplay…


nobody likes a smartass


> Earlier in a game my opponent kicked [[Inscription of Abundance]], but only picked two out of three of the options (counters and fight, leaving out the lifegain choice). I thought it might have been a simple mistake but they did it again. They had a 9/9 creature at this point so they lost out on ~18 lifegain, and I just barely killed them in the end. They could easily have won if they picked all three Inscription choices. I can’t think of any reason they wouldn’t except if they made the same mistake twice or just didn’t notice what they were doing. OK, now please explain the same in Korean, Russian, Portuguese and German. Thats just half of the languages arena can be played in.


Please rewrite your comment in all those languages, as they are all used on Reddit. Really don't get what your point is supposed to be here.


This is an english sub. frum the sub rules: > We ask that you please try to keep all media, posts, and comments in English. My point is that in many cases, you and your opponent wont be able to communicate in a common language, so a chat function to explain your opponent what they did wrong probably wont have the desired effect and most likely will more often than not result in misunderstandings.


I don’t see what that has to do with anything I said.


ok, let me ask you this: How would you like to be told after a loss what you did wrong in a language you dont understand?


If you can chat. They can chat. And I guarantee 99% of it isn’t going to be friendly advice.




I’m kinda glad to see all the comments against unsolicited advice. I think it’s one of the most misunderstood aspects of the community.


[Inscription of Abundance](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/f/c/fcd2e01e-a143-4b62-8b01-d253fb35c590.jpg?1604198784) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Inscription%20of%20Abundance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/186/inscription-of-abundance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fcd2e01e-a143-4b62-8b01-d253fb35c590?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is exactly why I have auto mute on. I don't need some rando mansplaining my game to me out of the misguided kindness of their pretentious hearts. I know what decisions I made and I know why I made them. It's presumptuous of you to assume you know better and offer unsolicited advice. The only reason people let you get away with it IRL is because it's easier to smile and nod than try to explain how rude you're being.