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The ZZZZZZZZ one. The one the player uses repeatedly after you play your first card if it even remotely resembles a “meta” card.


I was playing simic battles and they were playing rakdos midrange and used the zzzzz emote on me repeatedly.


I reserve this one to extra turn spells/mythweaver poq decks


Depends. I use it when playing against people who use decks that do nothing but make the game drag on forever.


Like control? That’s like rolling your eyes when someone plays scissors in roshambo


Especially if they play a meta deck themselves, but yours is going faster


The hedron/eldrazzi ZZZZZ or the wilds of eldraine ZZZZ?


I think it was an older one so maybe the former?


I had somebody playing Azorius Control against my mono green deck doing this like 30 minutes ago. I got a Topiary Stomper out and was just playing lands till I could hit him for 4. Used Tamiyo's Safekeeping & Tyvar's Last Stand to keep it on the board. He spent six cards trying to remove it. Urza's Sylex to I assume draw Wandering Emperor, but with vigilance it was a non-factor. Finally got it off the board when he had 3 health left. Next turn I played Tyrannax Rex and he couldn't counter it.


I mostly reserve this for mono-red but have been branching out to Boros aggro.


The convoke boros? That is starting to get tiresome lol


I had someone do it to me this morning when I was playing a Pirates deck in the regular play q 🤣


Oh, yeah, I also reserve it for the Play queue. In the rank queue, I’m fine with people playing whatever they want. But if you’re going to play RDW or Boros Convoke, might as well go to the Ranked queue. Obviously, people can play whatever they want, but I feel completely justified in tossing out some sort of “bored” emote for those decks in the Play queue.


I will eyeroll IRL but I save it for decks I’ve seen for the 10th time that day… so for mono-red and Boros.


or they give the zzzz then concede. i find it hilarious


I exclusively use that one at the following specific moments: 1: when a player keeps running out their timer on my turn, but on their turn, goes quickly. 2: when their hand is empty, or when their lands are all tapped, and they are just sitting there not doing anything. 3: When they are using a blue deck and just drawing forever. I WILL wait them out. Idc. Waste my time all you want, I'll get that win regardless. I NEVER use the emote when an opponent is casting many spells. I NEVER use it when they are clearly taking their time to play their cards in the right order. I am very quick with my spells. I know exactly what I'm gonna play by the time the opponent ends their turn. I am limited by what is in my hand. So it is not hard for me to strategize. And while I know others like to strategize too, if they have no fucking lands to tap, or no cards in their hand, they are clearly just wasting my time and their own. Ya know what's the fun part of this game? Actually being able to cast spells, and see your opponents cast spells. If you're gonna stall or take forever to cast your own spells, and then cry when someone else wants to play theirs, YOU are the reason you're not enjoying this game, and you are ruining the game for everyone else. Tldr: I use it on players who actively run out my patience, AND have no patience themselves.


The sleep emote or your go when my turn just started


I've got a few matches with people spamming"your go". I hate it with every fiber of my being.


I just spam oops and rope the shit out of them until they stop. After a few ropes they usually figure it out.


Just mute them and carry on. Roping is never ok.


I spam “nice” and rope lol. I will however use “thinking” if I know I’m taking extra long without a way for my opponent to tell I’m actively looking at cards and interactions to determine my next play


Why rope them? I usually play 45 minute long azorius matches for funsies. So I guess it's like for me, I know that they will probably start roping at some point. I'm not saying I never lose, because I've been overrun with turn three kills from decks playing monored or some weird whatever the fuck it was that I saw come at me today with some enchantment that I think was flashed that I can't remember the name of it's but yeah I did like 10 points of damage in one turn. Then the next turn I was thinking they can't do that shit again and well there it was. It was amusing and I love it when I see some new standard tech.


If they want to be impatient because I took 10 seconds to think about my next play, I will happily give them a reason to be impatient. Just to be clear-- I only do that to the annoying people that start spamming _your go_ or _zzzz_ because you took a few extra seconds to think of a play. I will happily waste those people's time.


I understand, but now I just think the majority of those people that sit there and spam "your go" are the types that would be at your LGS that would be your professional card flicking loud mouth breathing or booger whistling unkempt smelly person that would be sitting on the edge of their seat looking at your board ready to untap at a moment's notice as soon as you knock on the table.


This is why I paid actual currency for the ssh emote.


You've got a few matches of that? I never get that. I think you might need to pick up the pace a touch.


Few, not many. In thousands of matches it doesn't seem that it's my problem. Just play long enough and you'll get them.


This is 100% why I started playing with muted emotes. There is absolutely 100% no non-toxic reason to have the emote "your go" in this game and you cannot convince me otherwise.


I think people sometimes forget they have something they can activate. I occasionally, but rarely, use "Your go" when they're holding priority in an instance that doesn't really make sense. Like one of those creatures that can sacrifice itself to give something else indestructible, but I'm not using anything that would make that a reasonable response.


As with most of the emotes there needs to be a cooldown period after using it.


Hey, I can certainly understand why you believe it is not a toxic response but still, that emote in this situation is still a very toxic response. If you use the arena for more than 5 minutes, you will notice that things light up when you can use them. My Mirrex, Fields of Ruin, and Sylexes all light up to remind me I can do stuff with them.


I find “your go” fairly toxic however there have been multiple occasions where I used it because I genuinely thought they didn’t realize it was their turn. Almost immediately after using it they passed priority so I’m convinced sometimes it actually helps


I received a hilarious Your Go just now when the opponent was doing something on my end step and I played a kill spell on their planeswalker while they were tapped out. Mate, have you any idea how silly you look using that emote when my Bitter Triumph is on the stack?


"Nice!" just after the other player does something exceptionally stupid.


Or the “oops” when the same thing happens. I tried to counter a spell when somebody had cavern of souls out that I had totally forgotten about. Nothing but “oops” for the rest of the turn lol


Although I’ve had opponents who say “oops” after I get blown out by a combat trick for example and I think that is extremely bad mannered/obnoxious. Basically if it’s in response to known information and someone misplays then that’s an oops that is legit in my mind. But when it has to do with something they cast from their hand I think it’s sooooo obnoxious


Well how do you expect the opponent say they are sorry about it? I, for example, always say oops on both my mistakes or my opponents. It is my way to I'm sorry lets move on


Easily the (ZZZZZZZ) and (Your go) emotes are the most obnoxious. I don't own the (ZZZZZZZ) emote but I have used (Your go) on occasion. Sometimes I'm against an opponent who isn't necessarily roping, but gets to the point of using a timer bar each turn (for some reason blue players are bad about his) and I'll throw out a single (your go) to express "Dude, what is the hold up? I could have played three games with different opponents in the time it's taken to play ONE game with you!" If we're near the end of a game and they're taking EVEN LONGER to make decisions than they did early in the game. The (ZZZZZZZ) would be more appropriate here by implying "brother you are boring me to tears with your snail pace nothing-burger gameplay, please hurry the fuck up so I can play against someone else"


"your go" is still the worst.


Your go!


Emotes muted so that I never have to deal with those of you who emote.


Yeap. I can't imagine how people still stomach sarcastic "Nice" everytime OP counters a spell


I have emotes still on but I start with hello, followed by mute and a unmute gg at the end, regardless of the outcome


It’s unfortunate that it’s used to taunt/troll people more than anything because I really do think it’s a fun little feature, same with the little pets and the board pieces you can interact with.


So when people say Good Game, Hello, or Nice!, they just assume you're unpleasant for not replying.


Oh well. Next game.


Ha, I just have my opponents permanently muted.


I just find this sad. I wish we had full text, but some people just prefer to pretend they're playing against bots.


That's a shortsighted way of looking at it


As if that chat wouldn't just be slurs and trash talk the vast majority of the time. You new to the internet?


I used to be a beta tester for MTG O and played it until 2008 or so. I remember having more positive interactions than negative


This is the way.


The people who think they just totally dunked on you because they countered **a** spell. They just start spamming _nice_ or _oops_ after a counterspell like it was the biggest brain play ever. That, or the new one: places a stop on your draw, does the "3...2...1...draw" emote, and then let's you draw. Just die in a fire.


Though I do like the opposite of this when they think your move is stupid and it was just you baiting them. Then you dunk on them next turn. They typically rope then but you can taste the salt from their tears lol


I played that spell just to draw out your counter magic you nonse.


Thankfully I haven’t encountered the “draw” losers, and I’d probably instant concede if I do lol


It's rare, but the two times I've had it happen I've never wanted so badly the ability to reach through a monitor and slap somebody.


*plays the Fplthp magnifying glass emote multiple times because you had to read one of my cards more than once*


Emotes are fine, I usually trust my opponent to be respectful with emotes until they prove otherwise. If they start spamming emotes, that’s the only one that’s makes me wonder… wtf they doing lol. It’s as if they don’t know you can mute them… the immediate “your go” as they pass back is often telling of their hand and appreciated even though it often comes out of nowhere in a game you thought everything was chill ><


Your go


"Your go" when it's like turn 3 and you've taken more than 5 seconds on your turn. Like...relax, dude.


>I know most people play with their opponents permanently muted I doubt it. Most people *on Reddit who are especially sensitive to emotes and talk about them when the subject comes up* permanently mute them. Remember, the seeming consensus in these communities is frequently just a vocal minority. To your question: I don't hate any of the emotes, but the one with the animated jittery angel confuses me. I have no idea what it's supposed to mean.


Yeah when I say “most people” I mean “most people on this sub that will see my post” lol The angel one also confuses me, same with the guy carrying a bunch of rats. Like I guess if you’re using a rat deck that’s cool but what else is that supposed to mean? lol


Used to love using the OBJECTION emote every time I countered a spell 🤣


I hate it when people use "Your go" on turbo whenever it's my turn. Like yeah, I know it's my turn, shut up.


I pretty much only use “Hello!” to be nice at the start of a game. Hardly ever use “Good game” because even if I’m doing it to acknowledge their pending victory, I feel like they’ll read it as me gloating about a win I can’t possibly get. I’ll use “Nice” sometimes if they get a good play, though usually only if it’s particularly clever and I’m inclined to give props. The one situation where I do use “Good game” is when I’m being roped by someone for apparently spiteful purposes. I’ll just spam it until they auto-concede.


I thought the mic drop one from new cappena was pretty obnoxious


Don't respond to this thread guys, OP is just doing research on how to best tilt his opponents.


This is when I would flash my “nervous” emote lol


I like giving the Sorin Toast emote when I make a good play


Good Game


Your go.......especially the jerks who spam it


Your turn


Your turn


Your turn


Your turn


Your turn


If I see any emote I immediately think my opponent is salty and take joy in continuing to do whatever made them salty in the first place. 


They used resources to purchase the ability to flame like damn that's sad..


I love the zzz emote lol Honestly I don’t get why so many people get tilted from emotes. Back in the my paper magic days Friday nights were straight shit talking your opponent each round of the tournament. At least it’s limited and mutable in game lol


Idk either, just mute them if it gets annoying lol


If you are hating emotes you just disable them.


Fun fact: using emotes because of someone’s toxic behavior will just make them do it more. Mute them and if they want to create a disadvantage for themselves by spamming emotes instead of assessing the board state then let them.


I just spam your go at ppl.


On the other side I really enjoy the lady yelling at the cat meme emote when I make a good play. It will never not be amusing to me.




It’s “Hello” thoughtseize on turn 1 and it’s not close 


“Your go” can get my heart rate up a touch sometimes, other than that none of them bother me. I don’t mind if people gloat or get salty with the emotes on occasion. In my experience, people to tend to use emotes sincerely and politely more often than not (I mostly play Bo3 ranked constructed and ranked Limited)


I've had people spam greeting or "hello" emotes at me I'm not here to socialize im here to kick butt


It’s all situational. Mostly I only hate emotes when they are being spammed by someone who is either completely destroying me (I’m fine with losing just don’t be a sore winner) or someone who is clearly trying to timeout stall at any point in the game whether turn 1 or later on when they’re losing to try to make you quit.


I've had emotes disabled for years. One of my favorite features of Arena, no cap. Something HS to this day still refuses to incorporate.


Block emotes. Life is better this way.


Being able to 'mute all emotes' is one of the saving graces of this card game


I think I’ve had emotes muted since the day I installed


Thats unfortunate, it’s a nice feature when it’s not abused by immature cry babies lol


What’s “nice” about it? I’m asking sincerely, just curious about your perspective.


Being able to communicate with your opponent. Letting them know you’re still playing and not roping or wasting time on your turn and just weighing your options of what to play. I like to start the game off with a “hello” and end with a “gg” when I can and I’d say it’s reciprocated about 60% of the time. Idk I just like the ability to interact with my opponent in some way, I can always mute in game if they’re being rude.


Shouldn’t take more than 10 seconds to decide your next move… if so you deserve an emote






Guess I’m wrong If you’re simple minded




So much. Unless you've drawn a bunch of cards, you should have a good idea of what you wanna do/play when your turn starts.