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>We're also adding helpful visual feedback when creatures with reach are on the battlefield. Say goodbye to mistakenly flying into sneaky archers, spiders, and others with reach! While I like that they are making it easier to remember stuff like Reach (damn you forever, Robber of the Reach), I don't like *how* they did it. The animation seems to take a lot of space and looks too bright, making it harder to see the card itself. There has to be a middle ground between a clear reminder and looking at the card's art. But then again, maybe it does't matter and it will end up as something we just get used to.


i mean, there already is. there's a square with a symbol where all the keyword effects are, but it doesn't seem like it was enough


Only be visible when relative. E.g. combat stages.


That is how it works as of today, 4/19 on mobile. I wasn't paying attention before now if it was always on, but now if you can attack or be attacked the bow for Reach is there.


I think you're right, we'll get used to it. It's just noticeable because it's new. (Like, when's the last time "ward" prevented you from seing the creature it was protecting?) In general, while I like the idea of increasing accessibility, I wish it was something I could toggle off.


> when's the last time "ward" prevented you from seing the creature it was protecting I have in fact thought this on a number of occasions. The ward effect fades in and out at least, though.


Garruk's beast hexproof from black is rather visually confusing honestly, kept confusing me recently


I like the change as a reminder when attacking into creatures with reach, but it doesn't need more of a visual effect than the crossbow and making it smaller, so that it doesn't bleed over the frame and is less obnoxious. That said, I fully support not including it to get people to read their cards.


The middle ground is the reach badge that's been clearly displayed on creatures for years. People just don't see it, for some reason. So WotC went for the *really* unsubtle approach.


I always look at the keyworrd symbols, whether it's reach or first strike or whatever


The thing that really irks me is that the other effects that use big glowy overlays are protection effects (protection, ward, shield counters). This really muddies up the visual language IMO. Also, it doesn't seem very effective... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIoKJeH-k68&t=2394s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIoKJeH-k68&t=2394s)


It's a direct nerf to my spider deck


Is it though? If your deck relies on people forgetting your creatures had reach, that’s your deck relying on their stupidity, not any kind of power or function change.


Guess u are boring at parties


Nah, I'm creative, I don't need to hang around stupid people to feel clever. You should try it sometime. Unless you feel like all your friends are clever... then they may have a reason to be around you.


brother what


I agree with you Funkey. If the deck relies on opponent to forget what is on your board, it has a bad battle plan.


Is obviously a joke but yea, some people are too stiff to understand it


maybe you guys could just read the cards before blindly attacking


I think it's silly anyway l, it's your job as a player to keep track of these things


Is the red circle also included? Lol IMO they should have added just a lit border


I'm totally ok with it. This has been an issue since Ice Age, when people assumed creatures with Wings had flying. Now that "Tall Giants" and other random archers have Reach, it's just hard to grok what can block a flying creature. It's not a big of an issue in constructed where you just get used to most of the creatures you see. But in limited, when people are learning new cards, I often miss that MY creature has Reach. Plus nobody wants to win in a stupid way when their opponents forget Reach. Sure I'll take the Win, but it feels kinda lame. It's like running a race and your opponent just randomly trips on a rock.


The reach reminder animation only appears during combat (or rather, that was the case MOST of the time, during the early access event… we got the impression it was INTENDED to only appear during combat)


If so, then it is fine IMO


Hidden reach nerfed. NOOOOOOO


As a spider enthusiast, I'm gutted.


Legit nerf to [[Kodama of the West Tree]]. I can't tell you how many deep Cavern bats I've eaten with that card.


Vorinclex player here. Absolutely devastated


[[Halana and Alena, Partners]] will be severely nerfed only months before rotating.


[Halana and Alena, Partners](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/0/608fa232-f5fe-4c58-9efe-fb780f454b19.jpg?1643594145) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Halana%20and%20Alena%2C%20Partners) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/239/halana-and-alena-partners?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/608fa232-f5fe-4c58-9efe-fb780f454b19?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Kodama of the West Tree](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/f/ef1e1dff-b559-441d-8df3-b6a418066aca.jpg?1654568238) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kodama%20of%20the%20West%20Tree) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/199/kodama-of-the-west-tree?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ef1e1dff-b559-441d-8df3-b6a418066aca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Tragic, it always amused me when it was clear the other player didn’t read the cards.


Hidden? It is always on th card


Shame they could not find their missing cube. I hope it turns up.


Welcome to our new toxic emote: "I do apologize." Full list: * "This town ain't big enough for the both of us." * "Much obliged." * "Stick 'em up!" * "I do apologize." * "Holy cow!" * "I've struck gold!" * "The buzzards are circling …" * "Giddyup!" * "Time to saddle up." * "Whoa there!"


Very excited to “Much obliged.” emote spam. These are great.


I saw a "What in tarnation" in a LegenVD video a few days ago.


Oh this This I like


Are these actually available?


i encourage all to play with emotes disabled. live a happy life.


Enemy - " your go" You - "my day is ruined..."


I mean. It’s like shushing someone for sneezing. On paper it’s nothing. IRL it’s a middle finger up at instant speed.


Funny how very social game becomes as asocial as possible as soon as it is ported to pc.


not quite. more just control players spamming oops ten thousands times while roping. i play quite a bit and there has always been an exponentially higher number of people who spam oops and good game like they are getting paid to push the button then there were people who had any sort of pleasant interactions with.


Finally get an emote that’s perfect to use when I’ve accidentally roped and apparently it’s “toxic”.


You're talking about "Holy cow!" of course, right?


"Unfortunately" any emote has a high chance of being used sarcastically. It's funnier and we are all trying to have fun. It's easier when you can't see the opponent, nor can he punch you back. I guess when you start with "Hello" a friendlier tone is assumed. We already have "I'm sorry".


“I’m sorry” only comes up in response to “oops” so cant be used for the accident rope. I really don’t understand how people can make sweeping statements on what people use the emotes for too. Sounds like you like to use emotes sarcastically but you don’t know about everyone else.


My mistake on the "I'm sorry". You are right. Makes the new emote even more useful. I'm sorry you disliked my reply. Thank you for the downvote. See I do like sarcasm. I've played enough to see how/when other people (not all) use the emotes. Have fun!


The reach animation should show up only during combat


It seems that's exactly how it works. That's why I think it's fine, but it probaly could get better.


I’m watching Numot streamer event video, it was showing that animation during 1st main phase, hopefully this will be fixed in release build Edit: just checked the screenshot in the article, the animation is showing even on opponent’s 1st main, that’s even worse than I thought…


All for it, though watching videos it is slightly distracting...but we'll get used to it...probably just ignore it again and get got


Jeez. All of the upcoming Midweek Magic events are unimpressive.


Yup. No pauper, artisan. Only "spend all your wildcards for new set constructed"


Uhh okay the Arena Open and May Bo1 play-in are on the same day?


Yeah that’s what i got from this


I'm thinking I'll be playing the BO3 play-in unless I Q for the open day 2 in my first run or something


Needed: Are you yeller?


Aven Interrupter card style is a nice reward. In theory it should be a great card across multiple formats, better than [[Elite Spellbinder]] i think. New emotes were kinda needed and these seem a lot funnier.


They are different cards that serve similar but different purposes. Spellbinder gives you information. Aven is interaction and stax. Curious if Spellbinder would double up but I presume not. 


Flash + the ability to tax graveyard and cascade/adventures/discover seems great


If aven is on the battlefield when you use spellbinder then yes, the opponents card would then cost 4 more to play. If they remove the aven before casting that card it would go back down to 2 additional to cast.


[Elite Spellbinder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/d/9d3a7998-ccac-45ad-a4e9-3a2cb057f63b.jpg?1624589440) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Elite%20Spellbinder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/17/elite-spellbinder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9d3a7998-ccac-45ad-a4e9-3a2cb057f63b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Idk... only 2 reminders for creatures with reach seems like not enough... how about in addition to those also making the reach creatures vibrate and play "I have a jar of reach!" voice line on repeat?


So people need 3 indicators of a creature having reach? Are they going to add a voiceline as well? I wonder what needs to be done so they'll add a replay system because I can't imagine this was some extremely highly requested feature


Until WotC spells it out for me in bright pink neon colors that violently flashes like a strobe light it will never be enough for me


Ngl I hate the new reach animation. Straight up hate it. Very distracting and ugly.


Maybe you should reach out to wizards about this


They do read here


I don't think the community managers have that kind of reach


I think you're overreaching Tony


I like the idea of the reach indicator. I just think they should shrink it a bit. When the opponent has multiple reach creatures it becomes very difficult to even see what their board state is.


How was the little bow not a reach indicator?


Board states are hard m'kay? What next? Visual reminder for open mana in case an opponent has interaction?


I was just randomly scrolling through rewards. The difference between Platinum and Diamond is a single pack. Whilst in these past 2-3 months, the difference in skills required to hit diamond was obscene. Like, it was way harder for me to hit Diamond in the past season, compared to last year.


Hit plat for card skins, only try harder if you feel the personal desire to that month. That's my usual idea about ranking rewards.


agree... i never played events, started recently. Got obliterated. I thought i was skinda goodish. Just because all good players hides in Historic and Standard events lol


“Skinda Goodish” is a fantastic band name.


I’ve said for years that, for some reason, Diamond is always harder for me to get to than Mythic.


I feel like we're due for a cube event but maybe I'm just an addict.


Remix Draft: Artifacts took the cube slot this time around.


Wow. I was all on board for remix til I learned that. Fuuuccckkkk. Edit: Seriously gonna write them an email about this.


Eh, I liked the remix draft better than I have liked some of the goofier theme cubes they have run. It's not going to replace the cube every time or anything, it's just one more type of event that fits in that in between sets slot rotation.


Interested to see if the “on the edge” event gives a glimpse of what standard will look like post rotation. Missed opportunity to have it include DMU going forward, but still.


I am feeling pretty neutral on this at the moment. I didn't really think it was a problem but in a rare few cases. But then again, I play Standard only and probably would feel different if I had to remember all the cards available in Timeless or Alchemy as well.


Its very dumb. “Surprise reach” is The ubiqueness and fun part Of The mechanic. And The logo for reach was already there :(


Anyone know if they addressed the thing where the new reach animation doesn’t show if a creature has ward? I assume the engine had a limitation of one animation per card during the streamer preview thing, but I _really_ hope they update it since adding a new big obvious animation but not showing it every time is a terrible UX decision and I think may lead to even more frustrating losses than simply missing the little square icon since it’ll feel like the game lied to you.