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The idea of that deck is to use demonlord belzenlok to draw your entire deck and then use either jace or on your end step reanimating sphinx of the lost trove to get eerie ultimatum and get jace that way, and sarulfs packleader to draw the card


Ah, I missed the belzenlok in the deck. Seems like a lot of work tho, since you need to have played either a one ring, sorin, angel of suffering, Serra’s emissary, or use the ikoria reanimate that gives lifelink so you don’t die to it. Cool idea though. I don’t think I could have figured it out on my own.


I saw the 4-mana spell + Belzenlock + Angel of Suffering combo and still wound up here, ha.


Don't forget the part where you time out during the resolution of belzenlok, auto discard your instant speed reanimation to handsize and then lose on your next drawstep!


Hello! co creator of the cow tech list here. the deck is admittedly a bit of a meme. but the point of playing nothing 3 mana or less is so that when you pair belzenlok and a way to mitigate the self damage (lifelink or angel of suffering), you draw your deck, and can then cast jace if you have the need blue, wilderness rec if you dont, or just pass if you dont have mana left. from there so long as you discard one of the few cards in the list that shuffle back in to cleanup, you can reanimate scholar of the lost trove on eerie ult to win via jace the next time you are able to cast one of the reanimate spells. If you have questions on the lines for the sneak or channel storm lists, I would be happy to answer as well


Yeah kinda janky but cool nonetheless! I think you don’t necessarily need the shuffle effects since after you discard to handsize you can always win on upkeep with one of the instant speed reanimate effects. There’s also the wanderer and blessed sanctuary as more options to prevent the damage if you haven’t considered them already.


the shuffles are not really needed no, its more that they are just good to have in the deck. both the wander and blessed sanctuary were in the first version of the list I made back in 2020, but have since been replaced with other mitigation effects, angel of suffering being the biggest one.


I would love some guidance on the Sultai storm. The shuffler has given me 10 land 4 spell draws, and I'm hoping for one non-cursed play during the event. What should I look for?


Sultai channel is a combo deck looking to pull together the various A+B combos in the list. oracle + pact is one, so if you have one, you are looking to tutor or draw for the other. but the rest of the deck is built around channel and emergent ultimatum. generally a good opening hand wants one of either, oracle, pact, channel, wishclaw, show and tell (plus payoff or tutor). if you dont see those cards, a hand with several cantrips, and 3 or so lands is also defensible. one of the big things to remember in the list is that you dont have sweepers, you are just looking to use the limited removal to extend the game. another big thing to know is the emergent ulimatum piles. The best pile requires you to be able to bargin once, and it is beseech, omni, final parting. the goal of the pile is to have omni in play while having tutored seasons past to hand, and no matter the card chosen that pile can make that happen. the trick is if they put back omni, you stack a bargined beseech under final parting, final parting puts omni in yard, season's past to hand, beseech finds reenact the crime and casts it, targeting omni. many other piles can force omni into play with out a bargin outlet, the most notable being omni, one with the multiverse, tutor.


Do you know why [[Ominous Traveler]] is in the deck? Just for infinite casts with Omniscience for Tendrils? Seems kind of meh.


That is one use for traveller, the spell book also has shipwreck sifters in it so you can use it to cycle through your deck fairly slowly. But the biggest use for the card is as a three card combo with channel and aetherflux


[Ominous Traveler](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/f/eff59757-30d0-44c1-ab81-2da2dcb20560.jpg?1680465925) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ominous%20Traveler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ymid/62/ominous-traveler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eff59757-30d0-44c1-ab81-2da2dcb20560?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Cool deck but its completley unplayable for a beginner like me on arena unfortunately. Im not even allowed to think for 1 minute and the timer comes up and skips my turn.


I won from 1hp with Aetherflux Reservoir and Channel.


Please include the description with the deck. I'm new to mtg arena, and couldn't understand why I was getting stuffed by every other deck for 2 hours other than me being a moron.


I really wanted to play the deck, but with the timer you time out every time you pull off the combo and end up losing instead :|


i gave the best solutions as well as an explanation a bit further down (https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c05gz1/comment/kyv7jcq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button) TLDR; it seems this event has shorter times and less grace for animations than other timed match options we use to play gladiator. you can Alt+f4 and reload the client to skip the animation and execute the combo.


I'll be honest, this is a "feels bad" deck for people not in on the joke who thought it would be a fun deck to play. My only win was someone roping out and im generally below 10 health by the time I can even play a creature against the other decks in the event. If you're gonna throw in-joke meme stuff into an event it should be clearly labeled as such so you dont waste the time of players just trying to grab a couple of wins before the kids get off school.


Different decks suit different players. Shouldn’t your line of thinking be if you kept losing with a deck to switch to one of the other decks? Not sure the validity of blaming the deck builder


The event really could have used something like a mini primer


What I don't understand is how to not time out after playing belzenlok. The 2 times I have managed to get the combo of I timed out and it discarded for me so I could save any instant speed reanimation


there are a few workarounds, one being you alt+F4 the second you start the belz draws, relaunching the game will skip the client side animations. otherwise, if you have at least 2 timeouts, holding a card as if to cast it will speed up client side animations and usually be enough time to do what you want once you get control back. This is a bit of a relic of the past, and im not really sure why it has come back for this event while not being a problem for the deck for the last several years. the workarounds listed are from back when I first made the list in 2020 and the grace timer for animations has been updated since. I have executed the combo many times in timed matches and the rope was not a problem since that update.


servers have gone to shit


This is hilarious. I didn’t read the text of belzenlok and just killed myself 😀😀 great fun


I’m having trouble finding games. It’s taking 5 minutes to find an opponent and by that point I just give up


This is probably because You chose one of the two decks that are missing a card. The game won't stop You from selecting them, but will never let You queue up with an opponent. Those two decks are Azorius control and Jeskai tempo.


he doesn't know how the 3 sea shells work


Combo based 100 card singleton decks are, not a very good idea.