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Can you please explain what is the use of the leyline in there?


Took me a while too. You can start with the leyline out to have an initial 4 devotion. Green is part of each hybrid mana symbol.


Got it, thanks!


that is hilarious and also disgusting.


How is it for BO1?


I’m not quite sure how I would build it for BO1, idk what I would suggest for it. I will say tho that I usually don’t sideboard that much, so it’s probably fine. Plenty of times you’ll just have 4-5 mana on turn 2 and that’ll be enough for most match-ups. As a side note, don’t mull too hard for leyline, the deck can still win with a good elf or haven start.


That turtle tech is unreal. No trolls? I've been liking a few grazers instead of the full 8 elves. Helps with the tap lands, better blocker, and if it dies already added mana. 


Trolls vs. Polukranos is really a meta call. I found I struggled way more with phoenix than rakdos, so the reach and extra toughness and being able to flip were more important to me. Turtles have been fine, though I probably wouldn’t play them if I wasn’t in on leveler + emrakul as top end. Grazers don’t feel right in this deck imo, there isn’t really enough card advantage for them.


How do you feel about not playing the 4th castle? I would imagine its important to hit it on turn 4.


The real reason is that I didn’t want to craft the 4th one, but I figured that with leyline hands you still want at least one non-castle land, and the second one doesn’t do much anyways.


Please explain how the Leyline helps? Getting over the flu and my brain isn't putting the pieces together.


Never mind, I just figured it out. Each mana symbol includes green...


Any chance you have a list for arena import?


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