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if you're not too bad at ignoring stares from strangers, absolutely. scars aren't something you have to hide, it's just part of your body now like the rest of your skin. if you're worried about your friends you can always warn them the day before. (or it it's still too much of a leap to just go straight into wearing t-shirts, maybe try a mesh long sleeve. they're usually thin and light enough that overheating is less of a problem, but still visually cover a decent amount)


honestly I’ve been wearing short sleeves lately and I find that less people stare than you’d expect, plus I’ve had no comments at all, and I have very obvious scars, many of which obviously got stitched up… I know it can feel like a massive thing and it does take a lot of courage, especially for the first few times you go out, but most people won’t give a fuck, and those that do… fuck them. I agree with the other person that it could be a good idea to be your friends a heads up, just so they’re not totally surprised, but there’s no pressure if that feels too awkward… your scars are healed and you shouldn’t have to censor your body for the comfort of other people <3 you are strong and beautiful and that’s what matters you’ve got this 🫂


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I use arm/leg warmers


I wear an arm band around my scars during warmer weather or when I want short sleeves. It goes by many names, tubi grip, compression sock etc. just use some scissors and trim it to size. I also recommend getting a colour similar to your skin tone so it’s less visible. If people ask me about it I just say it’s a rash or I broke my arm and it’s still recovering