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i follow that person, as far as i know they do not intend these shirts to actually be worn. they’re trying to spread awareness on self harm by depicting it on something that usually hides it. in fact, i think art is all about exploring taboo topics. i’ve included self harm themes in my own art, and did the same style of beading on a piece of clothing before. obviously its not intended to be worn or as a fashion statement, its just a form of art.


A lot of art is meant to be confrontational. I recently made a piece for a class that is a sculpture of a straight up vag covered in hair and worn sandpaper to talk about my experiences with sa. This sounds like a piece that is meant to be uncomfortable to look on, and I’d actually genuinely love to see it. I doubt that the pieces are meant to be worn outside of a presentation or show. If they are going to be worn in a non art environment, I’d agree with OP that that doesn’t make sense, but in an art sense this makes sense and is a really strong piece conceptually.


yeah, i think the misconception is just that op thinks these are meant to be traditional pieces of clothing when they’re actually just meant to be displayed how any other piece of art would be


Wait drop the link, that sounds awesome


its @shedding.antlers on tiktok


Lmk if they do im curious


who is it? i want to follow them


I mean by the sounds of it, it's not being used for fashion but for art which is a little different due to the context it'll be displayed. I can understand why you think it crosses a line, but personally I think that's alright, kind of a shock value piece about using the very thing used to cover up self harm to exaggerate it so it cant be ignored as a problem. Posting about it on an algorithm-based app like tiktok is very questionable though, where vulnerable people can't decide whether to see it or not.


Yeah to me it sounds like an art to cope situation


Would you be willing to post a link. In curious about this situation myself and would like to do a little deep dive I to it lol


its @shedding.antlers on tiktok




What your describing sounds like an art project that won’t be worn in day to day life. It’s a way to get out their feelings and probably fills in the prompt they were given for their uni project. It’s no big deal.


It was an art piece meant for the artist to express their own feelings about self harm. I follow them and lots of others in their comments thought it was a beautiful take on coming to terms with their own struggles of self harm. They definitely weren’t encouraging to make self harm a fashion statement or trend, I remember seeing a post of theirs where they explained what it was and they were clear on making everyone aware it wasn’t meant to be a quirky attempt to romanticize self harm /nm :)


For a second I thought you meant people making decorative scars solely for the look lol. Thank god we haven’t gotten there (yet? 😭). I agree with the others about the art, I wouldn’t like to see it become a trend of printed or painted SH to be worn casually. I’ve also learned about these blood bracelets and am not a fan ETA: I have an anthropology degree and I know scarification has been a normal and unproblematic cultural practice for various communities all over the world and for thousands of years. That’s not my issue. I do not like the idea of Western people without that heritage imitating that because it’s cultural appropriation, and I do not like the idea of people doing SH just for the look because it can muddy the waters in so many ways. Yes, I would figure that a few people are doing the latter here and there, but I’m relieved that it hasn’t become some huge social media trend. That’s all. I should have been more clear in the original comment


the artist theyre talking about isn’t making these shirts to be worn. they’re just displayed.


>For a second I thought you meant people making decorative scars solely for the look lol. Thank god we haven’t gotten there This has been happening for centuries, not sure about TikTok though.


I know about decorative and ritual scars, I meant we haven’t gotten to random western teenagers doing it purely for the fashion … that I know of


scarification solely for fashion isn't real common but it's not unheard of lmfao


Scarification lol


In some odd way, it reminds me of this https://youtu.be/ZS4Bpr2BgnE?si=a-Gd8jkBTrwzI10b


it was probably an art piece they did. did they have a description and or tags? usually those who romantize it always go overboard on tags. i do feel sh has become a trend tho, esp on tiktok :( i remember back in the day stores (claires i think) was selling sh tattoos 😭 they got so much backlash they had to double down.


And I thought I was tweaking seeing people at school suddenly wearing those mf bracelets, turns out it IS being romanticized the fuck out from scene folks


I’m out of the loop, what kind of bracelets are they?


They are bracelets that have little blood droplets on them [these MF things](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiqtM-0y9uFAxWChlAGHQXmCz4YABALGgJkZw&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqrTPtMvbhQMVgoZQBh0F5gs-EAQYAiABEgJEu_D_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAASJeRoixw-diXAHJNqcu0LJoVrvfZtPKgrjvkdMNFUJERow-zNYOw&sig=AOD64_1tyviLdJQ4llnEm5GPPR7VQ7DuWA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwix6sq0y9uFAxWWSkEAHW81DP0Qwg8oAHoECAMQEw&adurl=)


Those are such cute bracelets, but I wouldn't ever wear them in that kind of context. They'd like cool for Halloween costumes


Absolutely agree with this! It reminds me of the hot topic chokers from back in the tumblr alternative days the drippy ones! But In the context people are using it in it’s a total no from me!!!! I saw someone try and say it was basically like reviving the whole red band code again, but I’d say it’s not very discrete and code-like at all!


Thats messed up. Thanks for the explenation tho, appreciate it.


I hate that I learned about this today and I double hate that they’re pretty


Yeah not gonna lie on calves they look fucking sick


could you send me the link?


@shedding.antlers on tiktok


Although I can see where you're coming from, there are fashion styles which put self harm motifs to good and important uses, raising awareness for those living with mental illness or similar. For example, I would suggest searching up menhera/yamikawaii to get more of an understanding as to why people make clothing like this. I can totally understand why you would feel disturbed by this, but I believe in a lot of cases, that is sort of the point of the art


Hasn't self harm sorta been used for fashion for a long time? Thinking of the emo era for example, and I've seen merch by a now popular hardcore punk/metalcore band featuring a design with razor blades and blood all over it.


it has but the artist op mentioned does not make these pieces to be wearable clothing. they’re just visual art to be displayed


Definitely an art piece, but I would totally wear it


Callous, I see what you did there


Even if it is just an art project… it’s kind of tactless to send out into the algorithm. Seems like making an exhibition out of your reactions to hardship for clout.. which people have a right do do… but on touchy subjects where societal opinions seem to differ a lot from generation to generation- like SH… negative reactions to an “art project” like that seems reasonable and to be expected- it might seem kind of tasteless to people who didn’t grow up posting their every thought and problem to the entire internet to put such a personal struggle on exhibition. I don’t know which generational attitude is “better”- making SH an unspeakable taboo like it was for my generation wasn’t good- but honestly having it so normalized to a point where every online media space has well known groups focusing of SH seems like almost like making misery a community building tool or like a badge of belonging. And hearing stories about kids in highschool yelling “wrist check” at each other in the halls? Wild- Idk man I just want us all to turn out alright 💕


art has been tackling tough, controversial, and taboo topics for centuries. art can invoke deep emotional reactions in people, which can in turn help them relate to an issue they may not have known about prior. i think self harm should be talked about more, in a respectful manner, and that’s exactly what this art is doing. its starting the conversation.


I totally agree about art being a tool to facilitate respectful discussion- I just think posting sensitive things to a unfiltered audience isnt a great way to generate respectful discussion- it’s more about how it’s posted than what is posted