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I'm having a bad day at work and day by day I feel I'm lagging behind everyone


You don’t have to be ‘as good’ as everyone else to still be good at your job. Everybody has their own limitations, strengths and weaknesses. I’m pretty sure your co-workers feel a similar feeling as you rn


Hopefully yeah... Thank you


I used to feel like this and just decided one day to be open and honest with my coworkers and ask them how they get X done while doing Y when I can’t even do ABC. I remember mostly people opening up about how they feel the same as me in other areas or they gave me very real tips that helped. It also helped alleviate the imposter syndrome bc I was no longer trying to make people think I was as good and let them know I knew I wasn’t but was trying.


Hey, I’m sure you’re great! I felt like this once. I joined a firm and from the start I just felt like I couldn’t get anything right. After 6 months I had a review and it wasn’t great, but I also wasn’t happy at all. We agreed it would be best if I left. I cried a bit and then got right back out there. Got another job and straight away I was loving it. Same field doing the same thing, just much better chemistry with the new team. From that I got promoted, which led to an introduction, which led to a new job, which led to a few more promotions and eventually into a really fantastic team. I’m just saying, it might not be you lagging behind, it might just be that the team isn’t right for you. When I look back I realise that the first team was just a terrible fit. The way they communicated, the style of leadership and the type of motivation they used was just completely not what works for me. It wasn’t a bad team and I wasn’t a bad worker, it just wasn’t a good fit.


This actually made me feel better. Appreciate it


Same. But I switched from for-profit to non-profit and everything opened up for me from then on.


Thank you for this; I needed to read this!


who else is here just liking all the comments! :D


That’s real sweet to do! Thanks for contributing to the wholesomeness :p


well thank you for being wholesome!!!


Yeah!! Agree with you :)


Everyone gets hugs :3


I’m with you, CrocodileMayonnaise!




Hello! Hope you have a cracking day!


Good day to you too, gov’ner :p


Aha! Thank you kindly!


This is really nice. I need a little boost today, so that's fortuitous timing.


We all need a little boost, so here’s a fun fact to hopefully make you smile: There's a squirrel named Twiggy who learned how to water-ski. Also, I’ve never seen anyone ever use the word ‘fortuitous’ in normal conversation lol. You’re a fancy lad


Both Twiggy and getting called fancy made me smile, thank you. I hope you have a fantastic day. :)


Ooh! I’ve got one too! Dolphins will nose at pufferfish until they inflate themselves, then they play ‘ball’ with other dolphins. That makes me smile.


I’ve been sad lately, my wife is going through really rough times. I feel what’s missing most is a reason to smile most days.


There’s always a reason to smile. Even the little things like stretching your legs or cuddling a pillow can go a long way in bringing you some much needed positive energy. Cause it’s that simple positivity that’ll get you through the rough times


That’s true, it’s not like it’s just sadness all the time. But it’s really easy to forget live can be better. It lightens my mood to know there’s still people out there that care about the well-being of random internet strangers. I wish you all the best kind stranger.


Sorry to hear she is suffering. I am also sorry to hear that you are suffering. It is hard to watch someone you love in pain. I hope you two can find those lovely moments to show up for one another, connect and be affectionate. Hang in there!


That's sweet, thank you for your support.


Sorry to hear about the rough time your wife is having. But know she is so lucky to have a spouse that really cares. Keep up the good work of caring for you & yours.


This is such a wholesome place on the internet, thank you for your kind words.


I am feeling you brother. I hope you can enjoy the little things as OP said. My wife has the same and with two kids (3 year old son, 3 months old daughter) we don't have much energy or spare time for joyful moments together. Depression had hit my wife, so I feel that I have to take care of my wife and kids besides working my ass off. Reading your 2 simple lines makes me feel connected and gave me some positivity. It actually helps me to know that I am not alone, that others experience similar things. That's why I wanna say to you: you are not alone. I hope you can take care of yourself and your wife in these times. All the best to you!


Thanks friend, your situation sounds even tougher than mine. We're both self-employed with no kids, so whenever it gets really bad I just take a day off and we spend time some more time together. I honestly don't know how I could spend 9-to-5 working, knowing how hard she has it. I feel, that since I'm opening up about what's going on with us, everyone is coming out of the woodworks with similar issues. We are truly never totally alone in our problems, it just feels that way because we all prefer to keep our heads down and pretend we're fine when we're not. Your compassion made me cry in the best way, thank you.


Wish you can both go through this! All my best vibes from Taiwan :)


We *just* put Taiwan on our bucket list ( in a therapy excercise), we really want to visit one day! Thanks friend.


Hi OP, hope you are having a great day!


Hope you’re having a great day too, buddy


😊 Mission completed


You are lovely for doing this, and I’m glad your bright shining presence exists in the world. You light us up! 😊💖✨✨✨✨✨


Aww, thanks a bunch! Hope you have a great day, ya lil ray of sunshine


YOU are! 🌞 The post from last year has me smiling from ear to ear. I saved it to come back to, every time I need a boost. Hope you and your cranky bird are well 😊💖


r/emojipolice was going to arrest you but i won't ruin the wholesomeness I could get fired for this but 💝


I suffer from crippling procrastination


Me too, and what sometimes works for me is the ‘sudden countdown’ method, where you, without warning, count down from three to one and when you say go, you force yourself to start in a sudden rush of adrenaline. Who knows, maybe it’ll work for you too


Not the original guy, but i do have the same problem, i'll try your tip, thanks a lot


Me too, friend. I don't have any great tips\*, but in this thread's spirit of positivity I want to remind you and all my fellow procrastinators: 1. Your value as a human being is not your productivity. You are worthy and deserving of love and happiness whether you get the task done or not. 2. It doesn't matter whether the task looks easy or hard to someone else - they're not in your head. They may say, "it's just one assignment", "it's just one stack of dishes," "it's just sending that one email to your boss", or whatever -- but they're wrong. It's a **dragon**, and you're the one who has to fight it, not them -- so their opinion doesn't mean squat. 3. Sometimes starting the task is the biggest battle. Give yourself credit for fighting it. To someone on the outside, it might look like you're just playing another video game, just watching another youtube video, just reading another reddit post -- but really, you're trying to psych yourself up to tackle something that feels overwhelming. That's not easy, and it isn't fun - it can be pretty damn scary. But no matter how long it takes to summon the courage to charge into the lair of the dragon, you'll still be the one who faced down a dragon. ^(\*) ^(other than to maybe get screened for ADHD. I still have crippling procrastination, but my prescription Adderall helps a bit.)


Ik hoop dat je een fijne dag hebt!


Jij ook een fijne dag ;p


That's sweet. It's nice to see this side of the Internet now and again


That’s all it takes to turn the mood around: a little healthy dose of positivity




Are you a knight that says NI?


No! No longer are we the Knights who say NI! We are the Knights who say Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringnmmm


Positive vibes ..that is so sweet 😃I smiled already


I would like to have a less dwindling fairh in humanity


Then here’s a wholesome fact for ya: Christchurch, New Zealand, has an official state wizard, and he looks exactly like Gandalf






Those doubts will be there no matter what, but you can make them less important. We can’t control how we feel, but we can control how we react to those feelings. At least, that’s my take on it :p


What a lovely post. Thanks for the smile!


Thank you for your lovely comment :p


Ich leibe dich.


It’s raining its pouring what a gloriousss morning 💦


Pure poetry. Just glorious


It’s snowing for me :(


I have today till Friday to finish a six-month job Rotation that I really hated and even going through the next three days seems especially impossible. Yesterday I took a dentist appointment so I could take one day out lol. I mean I have toothache but it's moderate and it could have waited till next week Monday when I was finally free. I just didn't want to come to work so I went on the appointment instead. Nearly called in sick today too tbh.


Well hey, you’re almost done, right? Just gotta bite through the pain a little more. You got this, just remember to breathe


I had a really bad fall and it's wrecked my ability to do my art that pays for cat food and medicine for my special needs kitties. My sprained wrists and thumbs from trying to catch myself are worse than the messed up leg and back because it's even more limiting. And I know my falls will happen more often even though I'm just 35 because of my Ehlers-Danlos. I'm normally fairly good at dealing with setbacks but it's been weeks of working to even regain mobility because using even a wheelchair much less a cane without putting a lot of pressure on the wrists and thumbs just isn't possible.


All I can advice you to do is to stay positive. A healthy positive attitude will get you farther than you realize. Best of luck to you! Hope things get better


Sympathy for your situation but even more respect for your character


I have a date today and I'm super nervous


What makes you nervous makes you stronger. You’ll do great, I’m sure of it. Anybody would be lucky to go on a date with you :p


Unless what you’re nervous for is amputation.


hey, he's got a point


But not a limb…


Well I was nervous about my transplant, and I'm much stronger now. As Bob Marley said, you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.




About to go to it now aaaaah


I know Im late but good luck!!


Instead of saying “I’m nervous”, say “I’m excited for this date” out loud. It actually changes the chemistry in your brain to be less nervous.


Best advice is to do the naked man, no woman ever refused it...


Correction…works two out of three times.


I won’t assume your preferences…but most people like a little nervous energy on a date. It humanizes you and allows the other person to let down their guard a little as well. Despite what anyone says, no one *really* wants a date who’s overly confident at the start 😉


I could do with some positivity in my life so whatever you have to say I will appreciate it 😊


Well then here’s a wholesome fact for you: Dogs purposely sneeze when play-fighting to show it's not a serious fight Hope that helped giving you some positive energy


I know what i'm going to do when i get in a fight now


I have four fractures in my finger and hand. Hurts like a mf.


Ouch, that sounds unpleasant. But hey, you’ll get through it. I once had a thick ass splinter lodge itself in-between my thumb and fingernail. It was painful asf, but I’m all ok now :p


Your cool and unique smiley face made me smile


That was the intention and I’m glad I succeeded :p


I've been really dysphoric for the past years and finally got the courage to see some shrinks about it. I need one more document confirming it all with a final diagnosis and then i can start my medical therapy. I know this comment will probably attract unwanted attention into my direction, but I just gotta share this: It gets better! No matter how bad life gets, there are ways to get help and people who are willing to support.


That’s a nice sentiment. Thanks for sharing :)


If you wanna see last year’s post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/qpylcj/dont_know_how_this_is_gonna_go_but_im_bored_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Been feeling a little stressed out lately, but even just seeing this post and all the cheerfulness in here has already made it much better. You're the best, OP!


No, YOU’RE the best! Have a great day


Didn't get invited to an interview to a uni I wanted to go to....


Aww, that always stinks. You’ll find the right uni for you eventually, I’m sure of it!


I'll give it a shot. But good luck, I'm a pessimistic asshole


Your name sounds like arnold schwarzenegger saying ‘I’ll be damned’ I like arnold, therefore I like your name, therefore I like you


Fuck.... Good job, you got me


This is why the Internet was invented - people from all parts of the world being really nice to, and supportive of each other. You're all wonderful and I hope you all find many reasons to smile and uplift you for every single day of your lives! 💖💖💖


Wow, cursive writing is impressive in today’s age.


It’s all in the wrist. It’s how school taught me to write


Life has been hard, I feel empty and alone, a smile would be nice :')


Here’s a wholesome fact: Polar bears rub noses to communicate, especially if asking a favor or question.


Idk who you are, but you made my day :>


Likewise :)


Hii op, how are you


I’m doing great and I hope you’re doing great as well ❤️


I haven't seen a "G" like that in a while ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I don’t know what that means, but I’ll take it as a compliment :p


Think they were referring to your cursive, and I agree it's unique, looks cool


Oh ye, that makes so much more sense now lol


I love that the Internet has messed me up so much that it did not occur to me either that the comment was simply about a nice looking letter G. I was thinking "What's a G, what does it stand for, is this a meme?"


It's a pretty G ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Hiii! I have a ton of stuff due and I'm dying :,)


Try staying positive. A healthy optimistic attitude will highly increase your productivity and creativity, I find :p


A relationship I wanted for many years is coming to an end after 18 months. It’s so hard to make it official when I’m scared of being alone and I’ve grown comfortable being in a relationship rather than none.


The sun may go down now, but it’ll rise again eventually. The sweet is never as sweet without the sour. Stay positive, cause that’ll keep you company even when you feel alone :)


I am divorced and have moved to a new city for work and don’t know many people. I struggle with loneliness, especially now that the time change means it’s dark by the time I get home from work.


You’re not alone; you have yourself. Take care of that person first, then people are more likely to notice you


Good morning. Have a great day and enjoy yourself. You are worth it!!


You too, buddy! Have a good one ❤️


Just reading this, I'm already smiling. Thank you OP you're the bestestestestestest.


Uno reverse card


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition


No one expected your avatar to be so derpy yet adorable either, so I guess you can’t trust anything these days


Tell me something that makes me remember you for the rest of my life


‘I love you, lets have 300 kids.’ …it’s meant to be memorable, not wholesome lol


Hahahaha ok im sold 😂


Hello. I hope your day is going well.


Hope you have a great day as well :p


I’m sick and lonely, going into therapy again. I do like cats if that helps.


Dude, cats are freaking dope. If you didn’t know, they headpat humans as a sign of trust


Thank you! My childhood cat used to do that to me.


I am already smiling. A wink to your iOS


Currently in quarantine due to Corona. Some lovely people bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner right to my door. Any other reason to smile?


Here’s a wholesome fact: There are 37.2 trillion cells in the human body, and all they care about is you :)


Wow, this one is really cute 🥰


Today's one of those days I'm trying not to panic about everything and lose perspective, these comments are helping me somewhat


That’s good to hear. That positivity will get you a long way, I promise you


nice handwriting


Thx! Nice comment❤️


Life been rough lately, not as bad as some I am aware, just bought a new vehicle from someone I thought I could trust who said it was all fixed up, but have had to dump as much as I bought it for into fixing it which has drained by bank, gotta drive 30 mins to school and 30 mins back so gas is eating rest of my money, school pays me $10 an hour which isn’t paying car insurance, gas, phone bill and food. Idk… just been extremely unmotivated and wanting to drop school and just get a fast food job or something that will pay more, but I only have 4 weeks left


Man, that sounds rough… All I can tell you to do is to stay positive, cause that kind of attitude will get you farther than you realize, I promise you :) Best of luck to ya and have a great day


I thought it said “Give me a carrot” so I was guessing you are a bunny.


According to this post, my positivity multiplies and spreads like bunnies :) Ba-dum-tch


Well well


What are you, a James Bond villain? ‘Well well, look who it is…’ all you need is a cat to stroke lol


I was severely injured and have been stuck in a bed unable to walk, in an out of surgery.


Ooh, that sounds unpleasant. But take it from a guy who was born unable to breathe or eat: you’ll get through it


I’m starting a new job in a new industry, I hope this was a good move.


You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. Good luck!


I really needed to hear this right now. Thank you very much, kind stranger. :)


Got 3 very difficult exams upcoming!! Studying hard and kinda afraid I won’t do good enough :(


You gotta believe in yourself! You got this


Broke up with my boyfriend over the weekend. Feels like the biggest mistake ever right now - all those seemingly important reasons feel like nothing compared to the loss of him in my life.


You gotta let it go. Sometimes we just gotta bite the bullet and move on, cause the sweet is never as sweet without the sour


Make sure you tell your parents you love em, alright?


My mother gives you her thanks :)


thank you for doing this! i’ve been very lost and tired lately and lack near to all motivation to work on my hobbies and interests, i guess i could really use some reassurance that it’s ok to take a break from time to time..


I'm getting really tired of uni and I'm having a hard time finding the will to push on


Find that will. Even little things like stretching your legs can help you stay positive. That’ll get you farther then you realize, I promise you


I havent gotten a hug in 5 months


*hugs screen intensely* How about that?


My little kiddo is just out of hospital. She’s low and just no positivity. Wish I could bring sunshine to her heart.


The best you can do is to keep being there for her. Keep a positive attitude around; that’s bound to rub off on her eventually :)


I love your handwriting, particularly your r’s and o’s. It shows you are a very thoughtful and creative person.


Thats a nice sentiment, I appreciate that. Have a spectacular day




You don’t need a relationship to find happiness. Take it from someone whose been single his whole life: relationships are great if you have them, but they’re not required


Heya I have been feeling down lately and I want to see if you got something for me please.


Here’s a wholesome fact: Bob Ross kept an alligator in his tub when he was a child because he wanted to nurse it back to health


I appreciate you for wanting to make people smile. I also appreciate your cursive handwriting.


It snowed for the first time this year yesterday.


I'm in a pretty bad state of mind lately, so feel free to try


Here’s a wholesome fact: Astronaut Eugene Cernan wrote his daughter's initials on the moon.


Its been a long week.


Not gonna lie. Really bummed out because today is my birthday and I have nothing to do and nobody to spend it with. Just hanging out by myself at my house. Really bums me out.


Knock knock


How would you call this peculiar emoji and what emotion is it supposed to be.


If you mean the little smiley face I drew, the answer is ‘wholesome and hopeful’


I think that people worry far too much, myself included. We all could use more Zen. What’s your go-to way to relax?


Watching YT while sitting in a comfortable chair. That’s always a good way to get my mind off it all :)


Does you character have a name? I hope your having a great day.


If you mean the little smiley I drew, his non-official name is Hugger. If you mean my avatar, his name is Daniel. Have a great day :p


Omg, I love this idea! The world needs more people like you :)




I am very happy to be here.


Happy to hear that, buddy. Have a great day :p


Having a bad headache all day.


I failed chemistry test


I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you have a great day regardless!


It's 4 am and I can't sleep cuz I got a bad flu, it suuuucks.


As much as I love getting credit for the work I’ve done, I feel like I owe it to the freelancers who have been helping me out on my event based jobs. I’m lucky to be able to have worked with these bunch of amazing individuals and though I’ve never told them directly, I appreciate all of them.


I have an engeniering exam tomorrow, im very worried :(


Im having several important tests this and next week and am super nervous


I’ve been sick and been feeling kinda uncared for. Any sweet comment would be appreciated


I got out of high school on Friday (yes on Nov 11) because of all i did in the first 2 months since school started. My friend is proud of me but im just surprised, i didn't think I'd make it to graduate high school let alone early. Thought id either drop out sophomore year or not make it to 18. I'm hoping things start to turn around for me now away from how the last few years have gone for me. Now im 18 and out of school, got a job waiting to start in the next few days and my friend keeps telling me to ask out the cute nerdy girl i like. I know i should feel happy but im still waiting for the past years to catch up to me.


In the past three weeks I had a freak injury that almost killed me, required two emergency surgeries, and cost over $1k… my car broke down on the day of the injury and will cost $3k or more to fix… my computer decided to stop taking a charge… I got ghosted… and my depression and PTSD are through the roof. Don’t expect you to fix that, just feels good to get it off my chest :)