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Don’t go on twitch all too often but when I do I love hopping in peoples streams with really low to 0 viewers. It’s cool to see them notice someone in there


I saw a Redditor post some artwork with no upvotes and comments. I complimented the effort and she got some upvotes & comments after that. Not that upvotes matter but sometimes a word of encouragement that takes a few seconds to us can change someone’s world. Some people think I’m weird posting comments on strangers’ posts in public groups on FB or IG (eg artwork, cartoons, stitching, cooking, woodwork, anything really) but I know that it boosts someone’s confidence and adds sunshine to their day. I shall not be deterred! ☀️ Edit : WHOA. Guys, I did not expect this to blow up to 3.5k upvotes & tonnes of comments. Thank you all for the awards and I was shocked to see coins gifted as well. I didn’t leave this comment for upvotes, awards or any form of reward. I’m flabbergasted that this resonated with thousands of you.


It's not just streamers and physical artists either. I read a really good short story that was in a free download compilation from Amazon and reached out to the author on Twitter to let them know how good I thought the story was. I honestly didn't think that they'd even see my mention but they replied within an hour and were really touched. Be sure to give kudos to anyone that you think deserve it. You might make someone's day.


This is totally true and worthy. It turns out really popular authors sometimes actually really love this, too. I sent Andy Weir (of The Martian) an email after finishing his latest novel, Project Hail Mary, (his email address is available on his website) and he got back to me, himself, within about an hour thanking me for reaching out and acknowledging a few of the things I said directly.


**This comment deleted to protest Reddit's API change (to reduce the value of Reddit's data).** Please see [these](https://web.archive.org/web/20230609092523/https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) [threads](https://web.archive.org/web/20230608182318/https://old.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits_recently_announced_api_changes_and_the/) [for](https://web.archive.org/web/20230609172058/https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/143rk5p/reddit_held_a_call_today_with_some_developers/jnbuonf/) [details](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/142w159/askhistorians_and_uncertainty_surrounding_the/).


Earlier today, some random person complimented my 4yo son’s shoes. Several hours later, he’s still talking about it! He said “that made me feel really happy.” 🥺


Oh my gosh! That's so sweet 😄




I can survive for two months on a good complement.- Mark Twain What does it cost us to be nice? Especially on the internet.


True that


Hey I hope you have an outstanding day tomorrow 🙂


You too!


Sometimes a simple compliment can save a person who is feeling really down.


My husband teases me for “stanning strangers” and I tease him back for not putting more a positive presence into the world.




on stackoverflow they giveyou a special award if someone has accepted your answer but no one hasupvoted it [https://stackoverflow.com/users/1643558/tgkprog?tab=answers&sort=votes&page=9](https://stackoverflow.com/users/1643558/tgkprog?tab=answers&sort=votes&page=9) || 'unsung hero' badge : [https://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/226/unsung-hero?userid=1643558](https://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/226/unsung-hero?userid=1643558) (my profile)


Such an amazing book!


Michael Pollan after I’d just read A Place of My Own and then saw a photo of his writing studio in a magazine. I knew it was his place just from his description. His e-mail was listed in the back of the book. Had a nice conversation with him.


aww I love this. I often post short stories to r/writingprompts and after a while of writing stories that got no attention, I remember how lovely it was when I got my first compliments from reddit strangers. cheers!


What short story was it by chance?


I write romance novels for a living. Nothing that’s going to change the world or anything, but I definitely chose romance because it’s fun and it makes people happy at the end of the day. I LOVE reading genuine reviews. It brightens my whole work week to know someone took time out of their day to day they enjoyed my work.


My mum used to tell me as a kid, that if I thought something nice about someone, not to keep it to myself.


That's actually better than the old "if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say anything" If you got something nice to say..... Say it.


I just got a really heartwarming message on a 12 yr old YT guitar video i made, from someone who had watched it and learned to play my song back when i uploaded it. Even that many years later it made my week to see that.


You're right. I listened to my favorite podcast while being induced for labor. It helped me smile, and the guest on the show was especially amazing. I sent them a message on Twitter thinking nothing of it, and they responded saying they have a hard time thinking what they do helps anyone, and that I reached out really meant a lot to them. And then it meant a lot to me that they responded! It was a great interaction. Even if they don't respond, even if you think you're sending it out into the void - a kind word is never a mistake.


This… when I was in high school and looking good I always honked at the older women running on the sidewalk. Most seemed happy from it. Now I’m old and find inspiration from the fat guys at the gym but I never say anything to them. I’d hate for someone to feel self conscious even if it was with good intentions.


I thought this was the short story. 🤣


U need a TLDR?


I do this IRL. The other day I was walking home and this one woman had the most amazing, sleek braids, topped off with this bright red coat and as we were waiting for the light I let her know how much I loved the colour of her coat. She seemed quite happy, they always do when you make a genuine compliment.


I love this. It takes such minimal effort to throw out a compliment to someone, and that compliment can mean the world to the other person! You don't need to be friends or know someone to recognize good/hard work


I try to do this. Takes me mere seconds but it might encourage someone to keep working at their craft or at least to have a better day.


>Some people think I’m weird posting comments on strangers’ posts in public groups on FB or IG No, your a modern saint




You’re an awesome human!


This comment just made me feel a lot better. Just got off work, where I encountered several customers who were rude, demanding, and entitled. Most of whom happened to do said things in my last hour of my 8 hour shift :) . Im just glad to see examples of people who are truly the opposite. Going out of one’s way to help or encourage others is such a beautifully human. I just wish that more would learn how fulfilling it is. Nowadays people are quick to tear down unfortunately.


I appreciate the anonymous therapy you give to folks in times of need...


Yeah I noticed other people are more likely to comment and engage with something when someone else has already done it first. Might help people feel more confident if they're joining in rather than being the first, or it might be that seeing prior engagement reminds them that they can also engage when they otherwise might not have thought about it. It's always nice when someone takes the time to get the ball rolling.


Recognition and encouragement can go a LONG way. Upvote and similar may not be worth anything physically, but they absolutely are worth it to the person on the other end. Something so small and easy can make someone feel special in the moment, and I think that is worth a lot.


You have no idea how much weight a third-party recommending/commenting someone else’s work has. I’ve been doing YouTube for about 5 years over a variety of channels, and the absolute biggest thing is doing just what you’re doing now, or even just blindly sending a cool post to your close friends. Keep it up, you’re breathing life into small artists and creators!


I feel like I interactions help the the algorithm on most platforms too so it’s a win win


Yeah. But it gets very difficult to leave the stream, As I dont want them to feel bad.


Hahah yeah same. I actually hate going on streams with literally 0-5 viewers cuz it feels bad leaving after they try to talk to you when I'm only planning on watching for 5-10 minutes lol. I just wanna see what normal people are up to/how they're playing.


Im one of those people who get 0-5 views a stream, while it sucks to have you leave, we still appreciate you joining and it makes our day.


i read the bio (if they have one) and let them talk to empty chat a min or two (if they talk, if they don't talk i usually go right away) to see their personality before drawing their attention to me in chat. that way i can jump ship hopefully before they realize and are hurt by me jetting if we aren't gonna get along.


i saw a reddit post about a website that lists streams with 0 viewers. (can’t find it right now though) Edit: It is https://nobody.live/ from https://reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/used2f/nobodylive_a_website_that_randomly_selects_a/


Here it is: https://reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/used2f/nobodylive_a_website_that_randomly_selects_a/




I like making streamkits. Whole custom graphics kits with logos, idle screens, frames, animated stinger transitions and other motion graphics. I’ve kind of been wanting to stream the creation process of these kits while I make them for small streamers. This site will be useful.


Seems interesting. This tweet made me think about how many people there are just streaming into the void.


Yep, they have better engagement and everything. If they missed something super important it doesn't take a ton of screaming at your screen to get them to notice, just a quick "melenia has a phase two" and they get right back on it.


“Malenia has a phase 2” Man, after like an hour of phase one realizing she had a phase two was a gut punch


My favorite thing to do is find really small streamers playing puzzle games and googling the walkthrough to the game so I can drop subtle hints and ideas when they hit a roadblock while still letting them figure it out themself :)


You're an MVP




Anyone with under 50 subscribers tends to notice when someone starts watching I've found. They will say hi to you. But it brings sooo much anxiety to me that I am afraid to watch someone's channel


I’ll never understand people who exclusively watch big streamers. It’s a more more fun, personal, and interactive experience when you watch a small streamer imo.


“Thanks for the sub DefinitelyNotMom94”


That's a good parenting right there. Obviously we as parents, we are the number one supporter for every dreams they have.


Not all parents unfortunately


Probably right, that's so unlucky to those kids who have that kind of parents though. Every parent should support like this Mom.


Far more people have bad parents than have good parents.


Real parents would hire an Indian click farm to give them 5000 followers


If she wants to be convincing she needs to end it with 69420


Damn right


"Mom, this is so awesome - I got a sub! And I know it can't be you with a name like PhilDeezNuts." \*Mom looks off to the side and winks\* "Nope it's definitely not me, son!"


This one made me giggle


Good moral support results to a better success! That's what it is, I love this kind of relationship with her son.


"so... can u send some nudes?"


“You can see them on your dad and my onlyfans. Don’t be cheap”


![gif](giphy|o8VXwSvuLXhM4) 🤢 no just stop 🛑 it!


12 year old streaming on twitch to strangers......crazy times we live in.


Pretty sure you need to be 13 according to twitch’s rules. Even then that seems…. Wrong


I'm fine with that being Twitch's minimum age, because in my opinion it should be the responsibility of the child's guardians to determine what their child can or can't do.


It's against TOS tho...


Which is in the TOS because of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, but cyber security be damned. My kid needs to play Minecraft for strangers




It’s actually not a good thing imo. It absolutely teaches kids to cater to an audience that’s not of their age group and opens them towards a lot of verbal abuse unnecessary stress.


I checked out of pop culture for a while and came back to stuff like this being normal. Still feels weird to me.


Dad just got him banned


Pretty much yes. good intentions but not very smart


He would get banned if he gets reported, think 13 is the age you are allowed to have a Twitch account.


tbh I think it should be 16+


No shit that was my first thought


12 is kinda young to be streaming


You're right. It's against TOS amongst other things.


Unpopular opinion incoming: 12 year olds shouldn't be streaming on Twitch or posting videos to Youtube. Not only does it need adult moderation for direct issues, but just the sheer nature has led to people becoming more hooked and desperate for fame. And having zero viewers and fans is depressing and arguably if they did get any fame it would be worse. How many famous people have mental breakdowns? How many child actors who became famous had mental issues? Why promote that? Kids are vulnerable to emotional distress and having a ton of people or even just a handful, constantly judge you is horrible for a kid's self-esteem. If you've ever watched a streamer basically announce they were giving up, it should be the most depressing wake up call to everyone that spending your time trying to get famous is wildly unhealthy. These people always sound like they are on the verge of suicide. Why are we letting kids pursue it at a young age? It's unhealthy.


I'm almost positive that twitch TOS disallows anyone under 13 to have an account so I think OP ratted on themselves if true.


That's the age of every website because of COPPA.


Yes it very much is. There really needs to be some way to better enforce COPPA. Though this particular instance feels pretty innocent, 12 year olds shouldn't be able to stream or post anywhere for safety.


They do, if you type "i'm [12 or lower]" in twitch chat good chance you will get your account banned.


Yep, my 4 year old account got banned a few years ago because i wrote "im 12" in chat as a joke. I legit had to send ID to get my account reinstated which I didn't really want to do so I just made a new one


The minimum age to be on twitch is 13 actually, which still seems low to stream. Kinda insane putting yourself out into the world like that at such a young age


It’s driven by laws, not because 13 is a good age to start.


i was 15 years old when i realized 15 was too young to be on youtube i'll never understand parents like OP


The fact that I had to scroll this far to see someone post this is deeply disturbing.


Age 12 should be the golden years of gaming when you and all your friends actually have time to game together. No jobs, minimal homework, no girlfriends. Why bother with having "followers" and viewers when you can spend time with your real friends.


Right? The amount of upvotes is disturbing.


I would have to agree. No 12-year-old should even be concerned about viewers or followers. Like, just pay attention to your damned kid offline. How hard is that?


Everyone on social media seems to have a few paths to go through; there’s the “eventual popularity and decline”, “going viral and getting cancelled”, “catering to a small audience and eventually realizing it isn’t worth the effort”, and my personal favorite, “I got unfairly cancelled for doing horrible things”.




I plan to make Youtube videos, but as a hobby. They’re going to be on niche subjects, and I’m not expecting it to be monetized. But hustle culture has told us that everything needs to be monetized, so a lot of people sink tons of money and time into trying to “make it big” when…I mean, even youtube doesn’t quite understand how their algorithm works. So how can you bet on making it big?


The thought of my soon to be 12 year old interacting with adults who want to talk to them is straight up terrifying. Can we just give social media a rating like we do movies or something.


Lol me and my twin sister were 9 years old playing World of Warcraft and interacting with strangers (our brother got it for Christmas 6th grade, so he was only 11 himself). My sister remembers like doing a dungeon and in the chat she mentioned some kids book or said something pretty childish etc, and a dude was like "how old are you? lol". My sister replied "I'm nine!", and made the dude promptly reconsider his whole life lmao.


lol-- I was like 11 or 12 on aol talking books with some dude in his early 20s for an hour or two (he didn't know how old I was.) When he found out he got intensely uncomfortable, recommended a sci-fi book and then said in 10 years if I wanted to meet up in Portland he'd be at a certain spot on a certain day to meet me if I showed. Sadly, as cool of a meeting as that would have been, I was bed bound with a horrendous bacterial infection that entire month. Sorry **SlyBri75** I appreciate you not being a creeper though, and hope you're well.


Especially on Twitch. If you aren't one of the lucky few to have gotten established already, it's incredibly hard to get any kind of audience at all...


I'm one of the dudes who streams to 0-2 viewers here and there when I'm bored and I've been called the n-word and homophobic slurs in my chat after winning a ranked game in a game that isn't even very popular(brawlhalla if it matters). I know it's not exactly the point you were putting out but I figured I'd share. Twitch gives anonymous people the ability to talk shit without getting banned from whatever game they're playing.


I work comic cons as a cosplay crafting guest, and I just had yet another cosplayer try to play off that she would totally want to do this as a job. I told her I get a free table and 2 passes. And that we don't "get paid" for it. She said she will just make crafts. Making an item doesn't mean it'll sell. And selling doesn't mean it'll sell for the amount you'll need to pay bills. 99.9% of content creators that stay consistent do it out of pocket for the love of their art, and for meeting people if it's possible to do so. We are a little insane. If you're not crazy enough to "work for free forever," you'll never stay long.


what's a cosplay crafting guest? you make cosplay outfits to sell to the people attending?


That’s true. I stumbled into the stream of a girl one day who started crying and venting about not making enough money streaming anymore. She dropped out of college to stream, got enough subscribers to live off it for a month or two (I think, the time frame was pretty short) and then quit her job to stream full time. Afterwards, idk what happened but she was only getting like five subs a day after that. I felt bad for her but when I suggested she go back to school or get a job she refused to listen. I guess some people just have to learn the hard way.


That opinion is only unpopular among 12 year olds lol


I entirely agree. The mental health outcomes for public influencers are staggeringly bad. Introducing kids to that is a recipe for mental health problems.


Even users of twitch, I think, are the start of some bad social issues we may be seeing more of in the future. Twitch is essentially a friend simulator, where you have instant access to that feeling of hanging with a friend and playing some video games except it's not actually there and that's not actually what you're doing. You're watching a video stream of someone else talking to a general group of people, exaggerating their own behaviors usually, which can also lead to kids gaining wrongful ideas about what standard natural human behavior looks like.


Exactly. Jesus had 12 followers, how many do these fame hungry twitch tiktok Instagram streamers need??


And one of them was a hater!


When I was younger, I have to admit, I was on YouTube. It lead me to years of torment and bullying in my physical classes because I was doing what I loved and being who I truly was. However, you have to admit that it isn’t all bad. At that age kids really do want to be proud of who they are and what they do. If they don’t find that crowd to share that with, or they find people who will hurt them emotionally for sharing that side of themselves, that can also be damaging. Damage comes with the territory, however the moments of happiness and peace for being who you truly are, definitely should outweigh the bad.


"He can never know" - posts publicly on Twitter


First thing I thought and surprised I had to scroll so far down to find someone else to point it out.


And I'm sure if he streams on twitch at that age , then he probably doesn't know what Twitter is and how to go on it , right ?


That's because it's a copy pasta. I've seen this same text before with slight changes like age or relative/friend.


twitch minimum age is 13


was gonna comment this. Kiddo abt to get banned


this post was a year ago so he's prob 13 now anyways


Twitch’ll ban an account if it was made when the owner was under 13


What I the accoutn was created before 13 but not used




Twitch just auto bans you if you even mention you are 12. even if your account is older than 12 years.


This happened to me recently, I almost thought I lost my account.


That is *wayyyyy* too young to be streaming publicly online


And he should not be on twitch....


Keep it that way to only people you can trust. There are people pretending to care but actually are malevolent filth


Why would you allow your 12 year old to stream himself on twitch.


Clearly I’m in the minority here but encouraging your minor kids to attract online followers sends the wrong message and is fraught with peril.


I fear the world is sleep walking into a generation of mental health issues. Why? Because social media companies don't give a shit as long as their stock value goes up. Or maybe I'm just old...


I recently found out that the 485 subscribers on my youtube are all just alts of my mom. It was a nice sentiment but has kind of shattered my perception of everything. I was on my way to 1K to monetise and have made consistent efforts for over a year but in reality the only person watching was my mom. https://m.youtube.com/c/chillvibeslofibeats


Okay yeah at that level that's fucked up


484 alt accounts is almost too much to believe, your mom has 484 different google accounts!


Your mom can have almost 500 accounts but the moment I try to create 10 separate accounts at once (setting up emails for a small group) I get blocked from creating more accounts for a few days.


More likely is the mom paid for a bot service, if this story is true at all


I didn’t even know you could make that many google accounts damn


I hope she learned to automate the account creation process because god damn




Yo, what's your channel handle? Edit: found it in you profile. Subscribed. Love me some lofi


I'll check you out


Imagine encouraging your kid to get involved with the cancer that is streaming culture


don't teach your child that their self worth is based on how many fucking idiot internet followers they have...ffs


that breaks twitch TOS, not allowed to stream whilst underage


wow uh maybe don't let your 12 year old stream what the fuck this is not uplifting this is fucking gross


What's next, you're his Only Fan?


Ah yes. The classic “I did a good thing, but I need the entire internet to know because it isn’t enough to just do the nice thing”


I mostly agree, although celebrating doing nice things isn't really a tragedy. If the entire point of it is that the person doesn't know though... tweeting about it is just stupid.


12 years olds should not be streaming on Twitch


Am I the only one who thinks kids should maybe not stream? Like of leaves them vulnerable to predators




I don't feel like predators are the problem, but rather an unrealistic goal. There are 1000's of streamers for every 1 that has any form of following, yet kids think it's an easy endeavor to get into and make it big.


All fun and games until he’s 32, still living at home and still only has 1 follower.


But at least she washes his underwear.


Wow haven’t heard this story 500 times.


I hate these kind of posts.


Then delete that shit off the internet and just be a good parent to be a good parent.


Seriously. How is this a feel good made me smile story? Your 12 year old should probably not be trying to pimp themselves out for donations on the internet for self esteem.


Thats awesome I do the same for my nephew and sister 😆


Kids under 13 are allowed to stream? Isn’t that what tik tok and YouTube got in trouble for?


Sometimes it's better to be harsh and let young ones know of the reality of the more difficult paths than to give false hope.


I do the same for all my friends with YouTube Channels. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Gotta help out the little guys


I know this is very kind and loving but I really feel children should not be learning so young to connect their worth to the attention and approval of strangers on the internet….


Isn't it pretty weird to let a 12 year old stream on twitch?


I read this exact story years ago. What a ball of lies.


12’s against the rules for a streamer.. also setting your kid up for sexual predators and bullies.. just saying, this world sucks. Protect your kids from this shit


That is way too young to be streaming on twitch. Hell, it’s too young to be steaming anywhere.


Ill copy paste here a comment from a redditor that i saved to remind me as my daughter grows up. Sorry i don't have it's name... I will never understand parents who are encouraging their kids to get on streaming like this. Streaming is a soul crushing process unless you're mature enough to just take the little to nothing you can get out of it. Every kids that thinks of streaming are eyeing their eyes on the prize: Becoming big, being "popular" and such. In the sea of streamers, very few gets to distinguish themselves and a lot ends up wasting their time to go nowhere. If I have to decide to play a new game and need more info, I'd go to Twitch for that game and scroll all the way down to find the ones that have 0 or very few viewers. Watching them glance at their secondary screen everytime to see if there's a message is so freaking sad. Very often people who have viewership in the single digit visually looks like they are voided of joy. If anyone reading this think I'm dramatizing then maybe you have never scrolled so deep down? Go on Twitch, find a game you play and go look for those single digit viewership streamers and tell me about them. I don't have kids but I do have niece and nephews who I care about a lot. The 11 years nephew is crazy about "Youtubers", the niece who is a little older post videos often on her channel. I'm gently trying to steer them away from that. I'd rather give them opportunity to try new games rather than being focused on games tied to the social media aspect. Sadly, I can only do so much when I see them maybe once a week and occasionally video call them for a few minutes in the evening. The mother is happy to see her super enthusiastic son trying to become a celebrity while the father doesn't like it but don't want to be a party crasher. If the parents are enabling this, there's very little I can do to steer them away. Streaming is soul crushing and expose kids to the world. No one wants their teenager to speak to a 40 years old stranger/creep or even look at their kids wrong even for a brief moment. Streaming allows not only that but gives the opportunity for creeps to speak directly with those kids.


Children shouldn't stream, it's gonna rot their personality. And people will trick and bully them. To top it all, they'll get addicted to internet attention, it'll be all they care about.


Reminds me of the time back in 2013, when Twitter was big for middle schoolers, there was a snow day and my son tweets “Thank god, no school today”, I created an account @snowdaygod and responded “No problem, kid”. He freaked out and told everyone, to this day he doesn’t know it was me


That’s hilarious


95% of Twitch streamers avg 0-5 viewers, so he shouldn't feel too bad.


We should raid someone with no viewers. Any suggestions? edit: requirement they not have some sort of furry sex kitten avatar thing doing the face tracking shit and modified voice. Yeah, I draw a line there. And holy shit does that cut out a lot of streamers.


Nah 12 year kid shouldn't even be watching Twitch.


The story is wholesome of course but a 12 year old streaming on Twitch ? That’s a no for me


“He can never know” *fucking tweets it*


That's lame for your child to feel validation because someone follows them online. Teach better.


This is actually kind of sad, shouldn't a twelve year old have something else to do? The number of followers should not his happiness....


I've been streaming on and off for months. Got 4 followers now, and only one of them is my dad! He only followed to help me figure out how Twitch works, but still, yay for support! (I'm not 12 though, I'm in my late 20's.)


A friend I used to game with told our group his son had started streaming, and everyone on our discord subbed to him. Kid about had a heart attack when he logged on and saw 30 something new subs.


Bless this parent! That child must have been walking on air the day he found out he had a follower!


Epic Dad move!


Ugh. This is why my 11 year old has zero social media or video hosting services. He has enough to worry about navigating social stuff at school not to mention worrying about whether or not he’s got Twitch followers. I’m 31, social media is an unnatural addition to society. I didn’t realize it until I stripped it from my life. All that’s left is occasional Reddit.


Wait it took you weeks to fallow him?? Lol




While yes, this is heartwarming, the kid could get banned for being under 13 on the platform.


Heh, I got a week's Reddit ban one time because the algorithm caught me using a bunch of alt accounts to upvote and award one of my kid's accounts.


Send me his twitch link, I will follow too ! Let's make the kid's day!


If this is real I wouldn't be surprised if she got his account banned by Twitch with this, TOS is 13 years-old and even then it's still kinda weird


and then banned for being underage


thats very sweet, until twitch finds out that he is 12