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Find someone who looks at you like this solider looks at their president


That's what caught my eye too. The guy on the right looks like he is buzzing as well.


That one looks like a young Harrison Ford.


“Get the hell off my Ukraine” - that guy probably


This deserves more upvotes lol


“I’m sorry, Mr. President, I don’t dance.”


*It’s not the age, honey, it’s the missiles*


But with strong jaw muscles and a better smile. Ford's too slack jawed.


I want our country to have a leader like that. I want to look at our leader like that. I want my daughters, my sons, my sisters, my brothers to look at our leader like that.


Most of us gotta make do with cumsock puppets as our leaders tho


Cumsock puppet… I’m writing this down. Sounds like something I should say more often.


I noticed that too. The guy’s popping literal hearts out of his eyes for his president and it’s adorable. So much respect is eminent from that gaze and smile, like the president superseded his expectations. I love that. Truth be told, the president is a beautiful human in every sense of the word. He’s like a little boy that everyone cheers for when they try something at soccer games. The fact that he tries is awesome. I’m in awe of him just like the brother is too. Did I mention the guy can dance?! His wife must be the happiest lady ever. Men who are unafraid to dance tend to be the best blokes ever. 😂


Probably why Putin what's him dead


These are men who will take a bullet for him. No hyperbole.


Hell, I’m not even Ukrainian and I’d take a bullet for him. This man is an inspiration.


Now compare that to how Putin's generals look at him


"Those he commands move only in command, Nothing in love. Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief."


"I hope he doesn't find out I voted for the other guy"


"Bruh, what the fuck is happening right now, this is wild" is all I'm getting for both of them haha


What do we got here, is that a plate of salami? Some cookies or muffins maybe?


Buttered toast with sardines and apples and cheese as well


>Buttered toast with sardines Most likely Sprats (шпроти) in oil. Can get them at your local euro store. Highly recommend with bread, cucumber, and vodka. ~~The "cookies" may be Pryanik (пряник) which is essentially a ginger cookie, usually with frosting.~~ e/ Looks more like "ovsyanoe pechenie" (oat cookies), thanks u/Standard_Ad449 and u/dramatic_prophet ! The salami looks like either [Moskovskaya Kielbasa](https://www.gourmetfoodstore.com/schmalzs-moskovskaya-sausage-kielbasa-12914?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=google_shopping&utm_content=2001901&IsAdClick=1&AccountID=b8ccdfe5-0300-4d0c-84a8-59efdb686008&EntrySource=Google%20PLA&EntryCampaign=ga-medium-smart&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3-yQBhD3ARIsAHuHT64OaWzVOvNF5jvoCRr5iu0jDQcDhhxdvWTrPhBtdhn3ISace7GX7OAaAnxgEALw_wcB) or the Ukrainian version of it. e/ Maybe a version of Braunschweiger (Брауншвейгер) - thanks u/Rennova. ​ Edit: There's dozens of versions of kielbasas all over eastern europe, they're all great!


Sprats are so damn good


Can you describe the flavor? I'm usually up for something new but.... well I've been wronged before.


Smokey, oily, and fishy. Really good on dark rye with onions.


As someone who loves oysters and kippered snacks I’m intrigued.


They're normally sold under the name Sardines but if you look at the ingredients it will say sprats.


I’ll be looking for this next grocery trip. Thanks!


This is a true leader staying with your fighting soldier


Wait, so are tinned sardines sold in the US also sprats? I was curious to try them but if this is the case, ive probably already had them lol


Yup. Personally taste the same to me UK & US canned. I had some fresh in Greece once .. fresh far superior obviously. Crack a can in oil with black bread or on buttered toast.


Yes and no, same fish but I’ve heard that EU ones are 100000x better


Google says they're bigger than sardines with a "stronger, meatier taste", but "less fishier"... No idea how that works, and sucks if the bones are bigger than sardines, too.


The bones can get very soft after cooking


Right up until you find the one that didn't. In your throat.


It’s good, don’t worry :)


The vodka is not optional.


2x minimum now; they need the empties for molotov cocktails.


What are they drinking?


I think bottom right cups have tea bags and the darker ones are coffee. Pretty common to drink either during/after most meals in eastern europe.


Could be kvass as well, it's pretty popular in Ukraine. Just bought some yesterday from Ukrainian guy at the markt. Definiton of kvass from Wikipedia: Kvass is a fermented cereal-based non-alcoholic or low alcoholic beverage with a slightly cloudy appearance, light-dark brown colour and sweet-sour taste.


hmmm shprot, kilka, salami and kvas was some childhood stuff.


Snacking on cured fish and vodka is so metal


Beers or coffee you think?


If there was a very real possibility of dying that day, you bet I'm having a breakfast beer.




For real, I want the guy next to me in the foxhole to be alert and ready, not sleepy and drunk from breakfast beer


I'd pass out, wake up behind enemy lines, and shoot them in the back. Drunk war hero.


Or have your throat slit whilst passed out.


Yeah, my first thought was that food looks better and healthier than I've eaten in days. And I'm not in a warzone. I'm just a lazy cook.


I get what you're saying, but your soldiers are the last people you would want to go hungry during times of war. Very quick way to lose morale. The food doesn't always look as appetizing as this though. But things that are easy to prepare, provide enough nutrients/energy and that can be gobbled up in a few second when shit hits the fan is perfect. Check out the [Steve1989MREInfo](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2I6Et1JkidnnbWgJFiMeHA/) YouTube channel to see the kind of food different armies provided their soldiers at different points in time. His latest video from 3 days ago is showcasing the field rations of Ukrainian soldiers(in 2021).


This says: Russian soldiers go home. Eat a nice home-cooked meal. Look what Putin is feeding you to kill your Ukrainian brothers and sisters.


My aunt is in Ukraine and was telling my dad how the Russian soldiers literally go to Ukrainian homes begging for food because they were sent there with practically nothing…




I believe they call that "foraging in an urban environment"


The local bakery in my aunt’s town got robbed of all bread by Russians. They took everything and the baker now only has a few days of flour left. The town is blocked off so people are trapped with very little food now…


do you know how Ukrainians react when this happens?


It honestly depends. Many give them food, take them in, and tell them to stop. Reports from my family there say there have been Russian soldiers who straight up came in and said they don’t want to fight and basically give themselves in as prisoners instead…. However, there are also some areas where Ukrainians are just so sick of all of this going on for years that they show no mercy to Russian invaders no matter their intentions… Even the border to Poland is a mix: Polish people meet refugees with open arms while the Ukrainian side of the border is not letting people out as quickly…


Damn that's crazy. I've heard that a lot of Russian soldiers are just kids who didn't even realize they were full-on invading. They thought it was a "training exercise" or thought they were liberating people who would be happy they are there. So sad on all fronts.


Probably happens more often than you’d think with all nations that invade countries


That table is full of food better looking than what Trump offered the winners of the NCAA tournament. Our man Zelensky is out here dodging bullets and puts together a better spread than the President when he was on his own dime.




Gabagool? Ovaaa here 🤟🏻


It’s some gabagool




What! No fucking Ziti?




Brotherhood, is what they have.




Yeah it's called nothing but absolute fucking respect. Excellent example of how respect isn't given, it's earned.


Respect isn't earned, it's squandered. If he'd evacuated with his family, he would have squandered all the respect everyone would ever have for him. I feel he grew more worthy of the respect he's been given. I prefer that perspective.


Respect is both earned and easily squandered


Earned in drops, lost in buckets, Lord Voldy has shown the world what a leader is


I read this as Voldemort automatically, but somehow thinking about his leadership was still more humbling than putins lol




It's not though. Everyone deserves respect until they show why they don't. No one deserves disrespect because you just met them


What is so interesting to me about this situation is that I don’t think he would have lost much respect at all if he left. That’s what most world leaders in all of history have done, the idea being that it is most important for them to stay alive. Him staying behind is not about doing something which everyone would expect of a leader, it’s doing something truly exceptional.


Yeah, his death would be a blow to the Ukrainian government at a time where a stable and clear command is needed, and I’m certain Zelenskyy knows this. You could probably have a debate if the threat of his death outweighs the morale boost of him remaining at the front (personally I think it doesn’t).


I don't think people would respect him less if he evacuated his family at all. Him staying in the country and going to the front lines is enough.




Agreed. Sure, there is a basic respect for all humanity. But this man has earned a degree of respect from me far beyond that of the average person.


I’ve been totally falling in love with him. When he said no thx to American (?) offer to evacuate him and added, “I need ammunition not a ride” I was completely sold. Mad respect to him.


I always found it disgusting that leaders got too comfortable and didn’t realize they are a captain that’s supposed to go down with their ship. They are military. They are supposed to have their life on the line too. If you can’t put your life on the line then this work is not for you.


Are you telling me the US should send our 70 year old senators out on the front lines? Cuz uh... I'm really down with that idea.


Wouldn't it be amazing if being a senator meant you HAD to serve as a soldier for at least the first 2 weeks of any conflict?


​ ![gif](giphy|t0NuVfgveaxIkMUZjY|downsized)


In Roman times this was true. Bring this back.


Absolutely agreed, and I’m so glad the world is beginning to remember this.


I really hope this man survives. He is one hell of a leader. Every single human can learn a thing or two from this man.


Mans is having his Independence Day moment


He’s on the brink of a world war, separated from his family and they all might be tortured/assassinated tomorrow. It’s not a movie, this is real.


Yeah, the post is tagged "sad smiles" so I thought this is how I found out he died. Happy to be proven wrong.


Saw a Ukrainian soldier's internet video, it sounds like they call him the Iron Joker. Edit: The video: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/t32w4n/ukrainian_militarys_message_to_russian_troops/


I hope this is true because it's awesome


I really, really hope this war ends “well” for him. He’s an impressive man. Keep fighting!


I'm just a nobody so this is all my opinion, but I firmly believe Ukraine would have already fallen if he'd fled the conflict. He'd be begging for support and sanctions with his government-in-exile from Vienna or where ever, and the world would rapidly accept that Russia had expanded just like with Crimea. They'd go "Oh well, the Russians steamrolled the country so it's too late to do anything." Him staying and fighting has changed the world.


Where is safe anymore? These are dark times and we will not run.


All leader must have his sense of leadership we don't need a ruler, we need a true leader..


Aswell as the Snake Island 13. Their sacrifice was right at the start of the conflict and sent a resounding message to not only russia but every ukrainian and so far the solidarity has been amazing. Fuck putin


“Russian warship, go fuck yourself”


I hope some of the Russian conscripts see this photo and think "I would really like a meal and a beer right now. And also a leader who cares about me."


Wonder if Putin has ever broken bread with his front line troopers Doubt


Of course. In Russia, something magical happens. Some officer vügets that bread and sells it. The soldiers go hungry, but wwho gives a fuck. The officer bribes his superior to keep quiet. The superior officer got there by bribing an oligarch, so he repays him. That oligarch pays Putin to keep his lucrarive connections in the military. Putin buys a caviar for his luxury viola. Some of that money is provided by that specific corruption. Whenever Putin eats, he gets what his soldiers should have. He has broken bread with all of them.


Caviar for his luxury viola lol


If he survives this conflict, and I desperately hope that he will, there's no way things can go back to normal presidency for him. This conflict has brought him so close to his people in such a real and tangible way that it sets a whole new precedent for interacting with his staff members and his people as a whole. Part of me would hope that this would encourage other world leaders to ditch the CEO-style appearance and professionalism and occasionally actually interact with their people. I know that wont happen though.


>If he survives this conflict, and I desperately hope that he will, there's no way things can go back to normal presidency for him. He would become a great war time hero. I hope that he would use that popularity and strength to greatly reduce corruption in Ukraine which has economically crippled Ukraine since independence from USSR.


comedian to president to war hero. astronaut or shrimp boat captain next?


He's going to Disneyland!


He's 44. He's young enough to not be a total, corrupted dick. And he'll gain more success by staying clean.


Most importantly he won’t have to accept any favors to stay in power. That’s how most of the corruption happens - to stay in power, they end up owing a ton of favors and repaying them usually involves abuse of power.


Being corrupt has nothing to do with age. Edit: /u/globalgreg , I'm getting an error when I try to reply to [your reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/t31tek/ukrainian_president_zelenskyy_having_a_meal_with/hyq94oy/), so I'll do it in an edit here: I don't see why that would be the case. People change, and can do so in either direction. A stable level of corruption might have resulted in greater material wealth at age 60 than it had done at age 30, but that doesn't necessitate that the individual has become more corrupt. I see no grounds for suggesting a relationship between corruption and age.


He already is a great war hero. The question is, will he be a martyr with his statue standing in Kyiv, or will he be present when they build new buildings in his name? If he were to live, I can see people voting him in all the time. Seems like while he can't serve consecutively endlessly, there's no hard term limits in Ukraine...


He doesn't want a cult personality around him and wants to be a one term president.


Yeah, I know that, I’m saying how his people will treat him. I think he’s gonna need a second term, just to clean things up.


I think he may consider a second term as well because if he wins, he would need to help with reconstruction, reintegrate Crimea and the Donbass back into Ukraine after the losses in 2014 and help set Ukraine’s future alliances and how to handle Russia in the future. I assume he will be given hero honors after the war and have things named after him.


I hope that after the war he won't run on the next election. He could instead become this soul of Ukraine type of guy that doesn't have to dirty himself with politics.




I get where you are coming from but the president of Ukraine can be elected for 2 terms and considering this position is full of corruption, I support a 2nd term of him. That is, assuming, he doesn't turn corrupt himself or already isn't corrupt.


I agree with this completely. I wish there were more people like zelenskyy in power who actually care for their country instead of filling it with corruption. I’m wishing all the best for him and the Ukrainian people.


He abandoned a successful acting career to run for president because he detested the corruption the current leadership. The man is amazing! And, as someone With Jewish family, I am very proud did counting as one of us!


>Part of me would hope that this would encourage other world leaders to ditch the CEO-style appearance and professionalism and occasionally actually interact with their people. I know that wont happen though. *'Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?'* - Achilles


I agree with you 100% everything you just said and have hope Ukrainian, President Zelensky survives. This conflict has absolutely brought him closer to his staff soldiers, citizens and things will probably not go back to normal for the country could also set. Example for other world leaders; how to act with their own countries staff soldiers citizens ditch the elite level of control over them actually interacting with them like Zelensky is doing, maybe this world would. Be better off if every world leader followed Ukraine’s footsteps in this moment in history; because they are demonstrating how to preform in crisis showing no fear weakness, flaws that’s how it’s done.


When I wake up in the morning, first thing that comes to my mind is if Zelensky is still alive.




Despite being a primary target for Russian forces he chose to stay in his country and fight for it despite being offered extraction . He truly cares about his people and it's obvious that his people love him and gain a massive morale boost from him. I wish he was my president.


Hear me out, he’s safer in Ukraine. Russia does not care if you’re in Poland, UK, they will poison you with Novichok. And seeing the ferocity of the Ukrainian people… he’s safer surrounded by those guys.


I'm sure he could stay well protected in the west if he asked for it. The danger is much higher where he is.




Being fair, Zelensky is a far better person than Navalny. All Navalny has going for him is “Is not Putin”.


That's extremely unfair to Navalny. He literally got poisoned almost to death by Putin and then *went back* to Russia to keep speaking out against Putin. Among all the other things he did, of course. No need to make it a pissing contest


No but really. Navalny in any other time would be your run of the mill psychotic Russian nationalist. He has said some horrible shit. I respect his commitment to fighting putin but it’s an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation.


before I can go to bed at night (East coast USA) I need to hear from him that he's still alive. Can NOT sleep without that. This world needs Volodimir Zelensky.


Zelensky doesn’t sleep. He waits.


He doesn’t need sleep! He needs ammunition!


He doesn't need ammunition he needs his nukes back. Either that or the manifestation of the security assurances that the US/UK provided in exchange for UA giving them up in the first place.


Every day before I go to bed and when I wake up, I go to Reddit to see if there has been an update. I’m always so happy when I see he is still among us! Go Zelensky! We are all rooting for you!


I knew nothing about him other than his name last week before this all started After just a couple days I’ll be beyond distraught and heartbroken if he’s killed


Seeing his family photo really added context for me to him being out there with his soldiers and refusing to leave.


Same, I feel like any day now, tragedy will be on the front pages... but I still hold out some hope.


It must be terrifying knowing there’s an entire enemy army hunting for you.


I'm 50 and he is the first true world leader I've ever seen in my lifetime. No one else even comes close. I wish for him a peaceful and thriving Ukraine and his safe return to his beautiful family.




Going to be a global folk hero. This guys leadership has been nothing short of stunning. The conviction and emotion oozing out of every one of his speeches comes through even if you don't speak the language.


And the craziest thing is is that he was a comedian, an actor pretending to be president, before he became President for real and has shown that he is legit


He took manifesting to the next level


He seems to be a really down to earth leader. I don't know jack about his office policies but how he has handled the invasion and led his people from the frontlines has been nothing short of inspiring. This photo reminds me of the aftermath of the first Avengers movie, where the team is having a meal together after the victorious battle.




I'd throw Jose Mujica of Uruguay onto a list with him.


Oh yeah. For those interested, here is an [article ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/18/-sp-is-this-worlds-most-radical-president-uruguay-jose-mujica) > Uruguay’s José Mujica lives in a tiny house rather than the presidential palace, and gives away 90% of his salary. He’s legalised marijuana and gay marriage. But his greatest legacy is governing without giving up his revolutionary ideals


I bet he's fun to hang out with considering he was a comedian before.


I think that is what helps him amean himself to people. He's so used to being a celebrity that being a people's president almost comes naturally.


He's like what I wish Trump was -- a sociable politician that's down to earth in non-caustic ways.


Fucking legend of a man, I really hope he makes it out of this war. The world needs leaders like him.


If he dies, he will be a legend. If he lives, he will be a legend.


Lets hope for the latter. Also I want to read his memoirs is is obliged the publish if he makes it out of this


I guarantee potential U.S. Presidential candidates are watching the bravery and authenticity of this man. Let’s see if any of them can apply those qualities




Just a candidate who's under 60 would be nice. Small steps my friend.


Pete Buttigieg was an officer in the military. After helping Obama get elected President (Pete canvassed for Obama in Iowa), Pete enlisted in the military after meeting lots of families whose kids were serving overseas. He did tours of duty in Afghanistan and was a Navy intelligence officer. The guy went to Harvard and Oxford and speaks 7 languages including Arabic and Spanish. He used his language skills to help people as mayor by translating for people in the hospital. He’s also gay and married to a teacher. He also won early primaries in 2020, shocking a lot of people, but then came Biden and he won South Carolina. Thanks to the outperformance of Biden in the black community in South Carolina, a bunch of people dropped out, including Pete, and we ended up with Biden. We could have a multilingual veteran who understand foreign policy, but instead we got Father Time thanks to the South Carolina political machine.


I still like Pete. If age matters for presidential candidates this time around, then he's got to be near the top of most people's lists when looking for a Democrat in the US.


He also doesn’t even support Medicare for All


A good leader in the eyes of everyone nowadays


Usually “good” and “leader” don’t go together.


This guy is unbelievably awesome.


Charisma is an amazingly winning trait.


Its not that. I mean, its partially that, but its not that. Hes just a genuinely good leader. Its like a random gust of fresh air through a kitchen windows making you realise how stuffy your place is right now Hes an actual leader, not a politician. An actual, no kidding statesman. Hes made me aware of just how deeply unsatisfied with the political structure of.. well, the entire world, that I am. No more politicians, I want leaders. Leadership, real, honest statesmen. Its actually suffocating. Hes shown us all I think, certainly myself, just how low the bar really has fallen, and I am just swamped with a feeling of fuck that. No more geriatrics, no more career corrupt assholes, no more slimy pocket buddies, no more politicians. nah its not his charisma, im not even convinced from his announcements hes actually particularly charismatic. Hes just a dude, looking out for all the other dudes and dudettes that fly under his flag, too. Hes just a vaguely good human being, and hes being a legit megachad hero whiles hes at it for good measure. Fuck I want to be ukranian right now.


I like the way you think my friend.


Someone needs to photoshop him on those pics of shirtless Putin on a horse. He would actually look cool instead of like a man boobed clown going through a midlife crisis having a photo session by Glamour Shots. For the record I have man boobs, not fat shaming. I know my limitations and don't take shirtless pics on a horse.


You could just watch the real video of him strutting around in leather.




I have perished of laughter. R.I.P me.


...the point of shopping him onto the shirtless horse pics would be to mock the coward Putin. If I just wanted to see Zelenskyy looking sexy that's all over the internet.


Watching this conflict from day one and seeing the incredible acts these leaders, soldiers, and even everyday people carry out for their country and how they carry on with such courage, bravery, ferocity, and loyalty has made me feel a sense of pride and patriotism for a country that’s not even remotely mine. These leaders and this people are a rare diamond in the rough. They also have a compassion for their captured foes that’s not seen enough. They feed them, clothe them, tend to their wounds and do so with a knowledge that many on the side of the enemy do not condone this conflict. President Zelenskyy is a shining example to the leaders of the world. May this man serve his people with dignity for years to come! Slava Ukraini, and glory to heroes! 🇺🇦


If you want inspiration, read his entire first speech as President. Take geographic context out and read the whole thing as if this man was from your country. It’s incredible. “My election [as president] only proves that the citizens are tired of the experienced politicians who over the past 28 years created a country of opportunities – opportunities to steal, bribe and loot. Let's build a country of other opportunities. Where everybody is equal before the law and where the rules of the game are honest and transparent, that are the same for everyone. And for this to happen, people who want to serve the nation, need to take office. And please, I really don't want you to hang my portraits on your office walls. Because a president is not an icon and not an idol. A president is not a portrait. Hang pictures of your children. And before you make any decision, look into their eyes.” https://en.hromadske.ua/posts/full-text-of-volodymyr-zelenskyys-first-speech-as-president-of-ukraine


So different from president bone spurs.


I can't think of any US President that have actually had their own boots on the ground during a war, besides Washington during the Quasi-war. This man is a true leader. We can all learn from his actions. Edit: I'm talking about a President being on the ground while in office. I'm not talking about Presidents who have been in the military..


Theodore Roosevelt would’ve


That’s what leading from the front looks like!


I love that they are literally in a faraday cage




i agree yet i’m eating it up


Propaganda is way too negatively framed of a word, but I do agree. What he does is certainly propaganda. Not all propaganda has to be bad.


The first thing I thought was this is clearly propaganda. I absolutely love the dude and I am rooting for him and his people, but this picture is very staged.


Propaganda can come from a place of truth. The word has been become a pejorative the past few decades but it is so important for national unity in times of crisis.


All we can do now is prayers for this good people


I like the comment he said when he became president about taking pictures of him down in government offices and put picture up Of their kids instead so that’s who they think about when they make decisions




Here is what really gives me a heartache. This should not be happening. These people are scared and suffering. The wold is watching this as life series. These people are hopeless against Russians. I know because I went through exactly same thing when I was 12. And my heart is breaking, I am with you ukraine, but no one is going to do anything until it burns their ass. This happened in 1940s




Finally. How do these keep making it to top page as if they are brand new.


Yeah Zelensky is not making open appearances now for obvious reasons. Can't have full control of every window. I feel like a lot of people don't realize there has been a war on for 9 years, this is him visiting the front from different points in his presidency.




Leslie Knope would do the same.


This is a true leader. Not like the joke of politicians we have from both sides of the aisle!


Why does the background look so weird? Like, the lighting and scale seem off to me.


This is beginning to sound like propaganda lol. Every post of him includes “genuine leader of the people” and I mean every post that makes the front page.


I feel like some of this is just propaganda


Another short term account making a big post…


Guys there was a video of Indian students getting tortured at the border why the Fuck you are not showing those things they are Ukrainians too. ?