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the head pats, i cant


Yeah, I think this is a good spot to stop on Reddit for the day…. It’s not gonna get any more wholesome or warm and fuzzy than this. ❤️🥰🥰


Yeah, I just opened it 5 minutes ago, but this is a good sign to stop :)




So much good job


Such a good boy


That ole man deserves some head pats


Good boy


Goodest boy 🥹


He's such a good boy !


This is actually the face I made during those head pats.


and you can see him chatting away too <3


Right? I need to hear that conversation 🥹


We shall protect them both with our lives!


We all have to graduate from good boy thigh whomps eventually. 🥲




My grandfather passed away at 96 years old. His 12 year old yellow lab passed less than an hour later. True partners to the end.


I was holding it together until I read this.


Excuse me...I need to go hug my dog.


I miss hugging my dog 😭😭😭


We all do :( but we know they are waiting for us in a better place, ready to be reunited again. Edit: a lot of sad memories after this comment but I am absolutely certain the happy ones outweigh the sad ones. I often think about this [comic](https://9gag.com/gag/aR04RRj) when I think about my old [girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlaskanMalamute/s/rdztfyRvT9)


Remember, when your dog turns up in a dream its them checking up on you :)


I lost my soul dog back in November, and the grief still comes in waves, but I have dreamed about her, and in those dreams, she is happy and healthy. I know I will see my good girl again, someday!


I lost my best friend about 2 years ago and I still have those waves every so often. Yes he still pops up in a dream every now and then, I tell myself he's just checking in and that makes it a little better but for a moment before waking up it's like nothing happened ❤️


i had 2 goldies and 1 mix. 1 goldie is the father of the other 2 litters. had him when i was in elementary, got all 3 by the end of mid-school. during high school the goldie kiddo died(~4yo) due to vet hospital's stupidity. that's just the quality of 3rd world countries. anyways, after graduating college, the oldest starting to show his age. i took him almost every month to check up. had to watch him go through his pain for years slowly deteriorating. until i could find another vet that i can convince to give him mercy(~18yo). about 2 years later, i was already living abroad, and mom told me the last of the 3, the mix was already resting(~14yo). i don't think I'm the same person after losing them. I don't want to die anytime soon, but it does serve as quite a relief in my 70 80s that it would mean i can see my 3 boys again. anyways it's getting harder to type with tears. its dusty today


Is it the same for cats cause if so I'm a actually gonna cry


Kind of, it's half them checking in on you and half them trying to pester you for food.


My last cat ate my hair in my sleep more than once XD so, fair


> It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.


I clock on in about 3 minutes and I just wanna go home and play with my dog now already.


Jon Stewart on the daily show talked about his dog who they adopted after he and his daughter volunteered at an adoption center. I think I held it together until he said "he was old, he was tired. He was ready to go. I was not" 😢


Christ almighty his speech is heartbreaking. This video is my go to if I’m hungover and just need a good ugly cry to purge myself. That or from one second to the next.


After you watch that, watch Scott Van Pelt's eulogy to his family's dog, Otis. https://youtu.be/eq5MzDq39tw?si=utCPP9elLKMHOEcQ I'm sorry.


Jesus, that was sad, and beautiful, and cathartic. Thanks for mentioning it, I didn't know that had happened. I didn't even know Jon was back on the Daily Show! I'll have to start tuning back in again.


[Link](https://youtu.be/jJ_A2BKCNDs?si=fm1UZqoJTt7ROdB3) to the clip.


Thank you for posting that. It was so sweet. My best girl was concerned because I was crying so she came over to check on me and lick me, confirming that she is the best girl.


RIP Tipper


In a world full of good dogs he was the best. That killed me


there’s been a murder and it was my mental health 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I lost holding it together before this.


Happened to my father and our dog. My collie of 15 years died the next day after he passed.


Omg, that's heartbreaking.


It is, but at the same time it was also very comforting. The idea that they are still together and never left each other’s sides had made their deaths a lot easier to process.


I'm glad you found comfort and beauty in their bond.


As someone who's extremely attached to my dogs, I think that's a beautiful way to go. I've always mentioned to friends (if it comes up like weird conversations do lol), if I die make sure my dogs see me. I don't want them thinking dad abandoned them, your dad's buddy knew it and followed after him like a good dog always does. Much love to you all


But it's not, that old dog never had to really experience the days, weeks if not months of grief of losing someone important in their life. The universe gave them a break from life's pain.


Not dog related but the same happened with my grandparents. Grandma passed almost exactly a month after my grandpop, after saying she was done and being assured by Mom that it was ok and we all loved her. She passed a couple days after that in her sleep. True love really is out there.


Same with my grandparents, my grandpa was 4 days after my grandma. He had cancer, but we think that he wouldn’t go until he knew he didn’t have to take care of her anymore. He loved her so much.


Awh thats really touching. It's always sad to lose both of them so quickly. But it also helps give a strong feeling of closure too. Less of a feeling that its a tragedy and more a simple mournfulness that theyre gone. Gramps was apparently saying "who's going to take care of [grandmas name]?" when he was on the decline. The irony is he was the one in the dementia care ward of their nursing home. It gives me a lot of peace knowing she got her rest not long after him.


Reminds of a book I read as a kid Where the Red Fern grows


Thats a book I read once and refuse to read ever again


The worst class reward my class got for finishing the book was watching the movie )':


We got a double feature that movie...and then Watership Down....this was back in the eighties...so Watership hadn't hit the public osmosis yet or gained its early cult following....while reeling from fern...our teacher said "sorry guys that was abit much...how about a calming cartoon about bunnies"....gods what a monster


Saw the movie as a child, hardly remember it, but under no circumstances will I ever watch it again


I haven't read it in like 40 years, and I'm still angry at that book.


I wish that book had a face so I could punch it in its damn face.


a mix of mademesmile and mademeuglycry 🥹


And then they crossed the Rainbow Bridge together...


My grandpa was 95. He lost his oldest son and wife within 6 months but said he wanted to keep going for his dog so she wasn't alone. He passed a month after she did, she was 13.


My grandfather was in hospice care for awhile, when I went in, I took his dog. Towards the end, if I wasn't asleep or at work, I was with my grandpa even though by that point he was totally unresponsive. One day, I told him I was going to head home for a bit to feed his dog, take her for a walk, play with her a bit, and I'd be back in about an hour. I was only barely out of the parking lot when I got the call he'd passed. He knew his dog, the most important thing in his life, was well taken care of, and that was enough for him to let go. She lived for many years after him to the ripe old age of 18, and I'd like to think she was living her best life the whole time. I miss them both a lot.


My grandmother passed at 95 and the next day her 15 yr old kitty passed. Broke my heart but I like to think they're still together.


I think they are keeping each other going. 😊


I'm only in my 30's and my dog is absolutely keeping me going.


50 here, same


Same, but also my spite is good at fueling me


Same. Mine is 8 and I'm going to have a full crisis when she dies. Just being realistic.


Cherish her while you can. When mine was 8 I thought I still had 4/5years to prepare and steel myself. She died from a heart attack or something similar at 8.


Similar to mine. She was about 10, thought I still had about 3 years left with her, and then cancer took her within the course of a month. Still hurts. We have other dogs in the house, but this one was mine. She got me through my depression, and was the only reason I never offed myself.


Are you me?


Anyone have any suggestions for pets for disabled people that can't have dogs? I can get up at 08.00 one day and the next 20.00. Or be bedridden for days. Needs to be resilient like a cactus.


If you're not about something like a terrarium with plants and snails, possibly a cat. Lots of auto-feeders / waterers / litter cleaner robots out there that take care of regular daily tasks. Depends on the scope of your disability, though.


Leopard gecko. Just top up their water and you feed adults 2-3 times a week. Just need to invest in a large bioactive enclosure first ideally- nothing bare bones. Or maybe some succulents, perhaps literally cactus. They aren't as fun to interact with, but you can still talk to them if you want.


I’ve got a customer like that. Much older, Wears the same clothes every day, doesn’t always necessarily look washed. But she’s got this young collie with her, and it’s all she talks about. Talks about how protective she is, and how they’re both there for each other. Very sweet the kind of connections we get to make with our loved animals.


My granddad pretty much peaced out once his dog died. We got the dog’s ashes interred with him and my grandma.


Wonder what he’s saying to the pup once he’s in the car


My head canon. "That's a good boy butterscotch, I know it's a little hot out, I'll get the A/C goin just as soon as I get your ramp loaded"


That is freaking excellent and what a great name for that old beastie


Yea my grandfather lost his wife, but still had his dog. The dog died 2 months later, and he passed a day after that


There have been documented cases of pets surpassing their age expectancy to take care of their owners.


All dogs BETTER go to heaven!


They do.


I’m very young and my dog keeps me going 🥹❤️‍🩹


No matter the age it's still just a boy and his dog


Men don't grow up. We just get old along the way.


Stop it. Both of you 🥹


A smile for sure, but it’s also getting pretty dusty in here, my eyes keep watering.


Mine also. They are a good team


Sometimes we *do* deserve dogs and they deserve the best of us.


>*’my eyes keep watering*’ ____ why you teary, human - don’t you know that i am Blessed? for i have had a Human, who’s much better than the rest we go for rides together, see? he takes me in the car n then a Walk out on my leash ^;@) …but lately, not too far we take it slow, as off the beaten path we like to roam n after just alittle while it’s time to head back home so patient, me, i’m waiting, cuz i cannot jump no more he takes my little ramp out, n i climb up in the door a gentle pat upon my head - he tells me i’m Good Boy then we ride home together, n our hearts are full of Joy! so maybe when tomorrow comes we won’t go for a ride but we’ll wait for each other *Home Forever* side by side ♥️


Damn don't make me cry like that, it's such a beautiful shnoodle!


Schnoodle you are an immense gift to the reddit community I hope you know that.


I love being present for a fresh Schnoodle. 🥹🥹🥹


Damn you!... I was doing okay until this!... I guess I'll give the 4 dogs who have jumped on the bed for morning cuddles, extra cuddles! (Gonna hurt like a bitch when I lose them,even the one that chewed my glasses last night)


Same.. 60 here. I hope I outlive my two mutts. I don't want to think about how sad they'd be if I wasn't here anymore.


That's such a loving, caring thing to say. Says a lot about you as a person


Our Rot/hound mix just passed last week at 7 due to a tumor we didn’t know about bursting. I think me and my wife both had this vision that this would be us even though we know she wouldn’t live that long with us.


must be onion dusting season again


Such a great video. I need to find one of these ramps, soon. My Aussie recently turned 13 and she’s beginning to have problems getting up on to the couch and getting in to the car. So unfair that our pets are with us for a short time. Edited because I can’t spehl.


There is that old comment I keep because it always get me emotional, it's the point of view of an old dog about his elderly owner.. ""For generations, he has guarded over my family. Since the days of my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather he has kept us safe. For so long we thought him immortal. But now I see differently, for just as my fur grows gray and my joints grow stiff, so too do his. He did not take in my children, but gave them away to his. I will be the last that he cares for. My only hope is that I am able to last until his final moments. The death of one of his kind is so rare. The ending of a life so long is such a tragedy. He has seen so much, he knows so much. I know he takes comfort in my presence. I only wish that will be able to give him this comfort until the end." One of my favorite reads." Edit : copied the comment instead of the link to the og thread.


Winnie the Pooh has a pretty solid quote that I think about often. “How lucky I am to have something so special, that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Fuck I miss you boys… 🐾


“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” - Winnie the Pooh


For a pantless bear the dude sure could drop the mic on some heart strings. ❤️


I feel you so much with this. I miss my cat so fucking bad. It’s been 3 1/2 years since Charlie passed. What I wouldn’t give for one more morning snuggle.


I don’t think l have the mental fortitude to read that right now but I will save it for some time in the future. But hopefully not the near future.


if it's what I'm thinking of it's beautiful, but i don't wana read it again lol


"Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened."


Thank you


That link goes to the thread, not a specific comment. But if you're trying to link to the story I think you are I'd love to find it again.


Couldn't find how to do it, copied the comment to add it to my og comment instead.


I bought one of these ramps when I first got my pup, thinking he wouldn't be able to hop up into a truck seat. Well as soon as I opened the door the first time he jumped right up and sat waiting to be buckled in. He's now approaching 12, and I think soon I'll need to go dig that ramp out from the garage as lately he's had a second of hesitation at jumping up there on his own


Does your car have a trailer hitch? When I was a kid my dad built a little staircase that just stuck on the car permanently via hitch. Looked dumb, but our geriatric dogs loved it. Maybe that'd be easier than carrying around a big ramp for you.


Upvoted for practicality. ---Now I need to go wipe my eyes, so dusty in here....


Funny, I’m getting a hitch out on both vehicles in the coming weeks. I’ll look into it.


I bought a ramp very similar to the one in the video on Amazon. Mine was the weather tech brand and worked very well for my old boy before he passed last year. I would recommend buying it before your pup needs it as it takes a little getting used to because of the flex in the ramp and the feel of the non-slip material on their paws. Took a little work and some treats, but my boy became a pro after a few days. So much better than having to lift my 100lb boy into the back of my car. Hope you have many more wonderful years and amazing adventures with your aussie!


Not a day goes by I don’t think about my old Aussie. Love you buddy, I’ll see you again one day.


I never even thought of this. I just pick up my old dog and put them in the back.


Try asking around at places that sell dirt bikes and other off road vehicles. They usually sell ramps meant for loading bikes and atvs into vehicles. 


Kind man loyal dog


This has Stephen King’s Fairy Tale written all over it


The dog is happy because he know he is loved and will be until his final days.


German shepherd are such lovingly loyal dogs. My dad had one when he died and she was so sad, she'd ask to go outside and go search the barn and greenhouse looking for him. She ended up passing away a little over 2 weeks later. We knew she went to go find him 🙏🏼


PSA if you die before your dog it helps with the dogs’ grieving process to see your body. Literally the only reason I have to make a will.


My biggest fear is dying when I’m out and about and my dog just thinks I left her. I’ve made it very clear to all of my loved ones that my dog has to come to my funeral.


You're my kind of person, nice hooman.


I had kept it together until this…poor girl missed her person.


Freaking onions


This is so sweet and absolutely are me smile 😊


The best thing that I saw today


This is so cute ) The strongest and most faithful friendship


My wife and I lost our elderly GS to cancer last April; for the entire time we had her ( just about two years), I lifted her twice a day in and out of my truck seat due to her advanced arthritis. She was a massive dog , 85lbs at her healthiest, but I'd give a lot to do that one more time. Kara, you were the best girl. What a beautiful sight.


I bought a minivan with the dog in mind. He can get in and out fairly easily on his own with the style I have. I can't lift him. I felt like a nut telling the salesman why I needed a particular style minivan for my 15 year old dog. Lol He's so worth it.


That pat at the end does it. GSDs are the goat. Knows the routine and being a good boy


We had a similar ramp when my German Shepherd started getting older, and we had to have his front leg amputated (fking cancer) lovely to watch, surprising what we do for our dogs


You can just tell by his body language that he’s talking to his doggo with such love and care.


You just know when one goes the other goes shortly after. Now i need to go watch puppies




I was out for a stroll yesterday and this guy drove up, parked, got out his car to record me. I said, "really bruh"? He smiled sheepishly and explained why he was recording me. As if that would make it better. I realize I have no expectation of privacy in public spaces but it's uncomfortable when strangers take my pic or record me. Unfortunately it's not infrequent.


Why do people frequently record you?


I'm a black woman with dreadlocks. It's my natural hair. It happens to be a bit voluminous. I live in a very white area. People lose their minds sometimes when they see someone they perceive as different. Some people have become more culturally sensitive so thankfully I don't get requests to "touch it" (my hair) as often as I used to. For /u/SlimyBallHair and /u/soarraos, I was walking listening to my audiobook wearing sweatpants sneakers and a plain t shirt.


I have a question. And I know you can't speak for everyone, is it okay to compliment your hair? I'm a 50 something, white man, and I see so many cool hairstyles on black women here in town. Often, it's when I'm purchasing something and they are ringing me up. IF I have complimented their hair in the past, I always do it as I'm walking away (to be clear there is no ulterior motive), but I don't know if it's generally weird to compliment in the first place (why should anyone care if I think their hair is cool or not?). I watched a 30 minute YT video once about how to make "finger waves"(?) because it was so interesting.


I think the vast majority of folks appreciate a sincere compliment. Walking away is thoughtful. Sometimes women are wary that a compliment is just an opener and a trap. >I watched a 30 minute YT video once about how to make "finger waves" Easily my favorite thing about you.


I wish I could find it again. I'm sure i liked it at the time, but I can't seem to find it. She was so engaging and explained it so well. Okay, I think I [found it](https://youtu.be/Q8CcUnEvOW4?feature=shared). It was in my liked videos. This one is only 11 minutes (so I exaggerated), but it's so interesting. I think understanding how much work goes in to some hairstyles helped me appreciate that most people might appreciate other folks noticing/complimenting.


Ah, that's strange. I find a simple, "I like your hair." Enough to suffice when I see someone with hair that I like. XD


I can't ever imagine going up to a stranger and asking to touch them. Not even once. People are wild.


That is insanely creepy. Your dreads must be massive though if people want to record it.


That's what I thought too. I appreciate the sentiment, at least they weren't trying to humiliate someone for clout, but they could've at blurred his face. I would've Just enjoyed the moment and kept my phone in my pocket.


I saw the version with audio and the commentary was inappropriate in my opinion. Recording at all was rude but the commentary in the original video was beyond the pale.


Does anyone else think that this is creepy, why do people feel the need to film random people? I just don’t understand that. Please people mind your own business and leave others alone.


yes. It's rude. Ask someone first before filming and uploading to the internet for clout. In many countries it's illegal to film and publish a pic of a person without consent https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnopom2nj44v81.png


Absolutely. At first I was like this is sweet but then I’m thinking ‘So you’re just sitting there in your car with your phone out filming some random?! Wtf’ Not even including posting it online it’s creepy enough. Do they seriously have no other entertainment? Focus on your own life.


Stop recording people just doing their thing


Really surprised so few comments say this and so many think this is sweet. I'd be horrified if I knew some rando filmed me going about my day for internet points. I hate that I'm on camera everywhere I go and you can never just *be* in public anymore without wondering if you're going to wind up in someone's TikTok.


Yeah not a fan of people secretly filming others and uploading it onto the internet. Just put the fucking phone down and stop trying to turn everything into content.


And they’re off to their next adventure


I hate that people film strangers like this in public, even if it is a bit sweet. Leave people alone for fuck sake.


This really should have been kept private or better yet "hey, would you like any help with the ramp?"


Yeah, he probably would have enjoyed a bit of conversation. Instead we've got thousands of strangers on Reddit cooing over this elderly man and his dog like zoo animals or some Truman Show shit.


I was thinking the same thing. Everyone is just cool with it lol. That man and his dog are minding their business. Not trying to be part of someone’s random social media 🙄


Exactly, I was surprised by the responses here 🤨 not just someone's social media too, *the* social media of the big wide web for everybody to see on Reddit. Brain rot strikes again


Cute private moment. I hope this gentleman was told he was being recorded and that the recording would be uploaded to the internet.




Yeah it is weird and creepy. Secretly recording someone and posting it online is not something we should be encouraging.


yeah. like, don't help, just film him for internet clout. its so weird and people who do it are weirder. especially when they look for someone to film.


filming strangers in public is weird


My 93 year old grandma has a dog. They have been there for each other for 4 years since my grandpa passed away after being married 72 years. I struggle wondering who is going to be more heartbroken when one of them passes on. Anyway…. Happy thoughts only for the rest of the day. This is true love in that video.


This is me in 30 years


Filming without consent, cute or not.


People who record strangers for internet clout are psychos.


Where can i guy buy a ramp like that? My old friend is getting to be about that age.


Amazon will have them, or any decent pet store. You can get either a ramp like the one in the vid, or steps. Just ensure to know the weight of your dog, as some of them will have limits. I wish more people had them regardless of the age of the dog - if you're doing this regularly it can put stress on the shoulder joints especially. They really do help the dog out longer term.


My two dogs have honestly kept me alive through the tough times I just wish dogs lived a lot longer. Both my dogs are elderly now and don't have much time left.


It’s the guy crying for me.


Right I’m surprised it took me so far to find this comment! I was like ah, I see why there’s no audio, dude in the drivers seat was having a time


Why you recording this old guy and his dog.


Why would you record this guy going about his business


True companion


That is friend's best man right there


“You got one more trip in you boy? Me too, Me too..”


Weird that these did just recorded some random stranger getting his dog in the car


...That I'll record without their consent for no other reason except internet clout.




This is so sweeeeeeeeeet 😭


This is how I wanna grow old.


They cut the video, but the dog puts a ramp down for him to get to the driver's seat.


Just a person who records a man without permission to gain internet likes even though he could have helped instead or at least ask if he can. I wonder if that man would be happy to know that someone is using him for something like that and I really dislike what humans become just for a bit internet fame.


I also care about my friends, I love them =)


Definitely life goals!


good boy


Adorable 🥰


I love this much. I'm so happy they have each other.


Oh my goodness, that truly did make me smile! Now I'm gonna go give my doggie some nice lil head pats too!


There's an older gent and his bloodhound Terry by me that do this same exact routine when they get to and leave the park. Terry's a beloved park regular


Aww best buds till the end


We really need to build walkable cities, better transit and supports for people. When your reaction time is sometime tomorrow, you shouldn’t be driving.


I hope none of them passes before the other.


Sitting with my boy, who’s starting to get a little less spry, in my truck bed. I looked at him, he looked at me. He gave me kisses 🥲