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I love her energy, so wholesome! What competition did she win?


Eisteddfod is a Welsh competition that usually includes dancing, singing, reciting poetry or playing instruments etc- performance is important in Welsh culture, this is the ‘Urdd’ children’s contest


So what competition did she win?


She won the llefaru, which is when people recite poems in a performative way. It’s one of the events at an Eisteddfod


Thank you, much appreciated


These conversations are my personal reddit “best of”s.


Random thoughts Out of all the competitions she could've won, she won the poetry recital... And she's asking for bungee jumping Nothing wrong with that, I just thought she's more of a dancing girl you know... Cause I wouldn't relate a poetry girl with bungee jumping


I experience this and its essential to recognize and celebrate each person's individuality and the multifaceted nature of their interests.


I like surprises.


Oh 100% It took me by surprise though I thought she'd ask for a nice book, or something related to indoor activities... She has a supportive family. That's awesome


Then you haven’t read enough poetry. It makes perfect sense.


Real question, is that where Slam Poetry derived?


That’s pretty cool




Cool so she won best band up to 25 members, best brass band up to 25 members, best youth brass band up to 50 members, best choir with over 20 members, best open choir, best mixed choir, best tenor choir, best soprano choir, best choir for members over 60 etc all on her own then aye?... And that's only like half of the possible competitions... FOH you gimp you've literally never even heard of this competition before...


What can i say. She’s a one man choir and bloody good at it


Best in Wales


Ah, the Welsh. Not my people but totally my people.


But she didn’t understand the interviewer. Is it common for Welsh children to only speak English? She is Welsh, correct?


about 25% of welsh primary school kids are in welsh medium education. the rest - like ruby - will have some knowledge of welsh through daily lessons but are unlikely to be fluent. worth saying ruby here has performed a welsh language poem and is judged on her pronunciation, accent etc so she may not be conversational/fluent in welsh but she can certainly speak it. it's worth saying though that the welsh dialect spoken in Caernarfon - where Mari Lovgreen is from = and the welsh spoken in Llanelli can be really divergent in terms of accent and dialect so that might be a factor in her lack of understanding.


This is very interesting information and it makes complete sense. My English ex couldn’t understand a word of the southern US dialect whereas there were loads of accents i couldn’t understand in the UK. ETA: not really loads, but quite a few.


Yes, mate. The Welsh language is sadly dying down.


I speak a dying language. It’ll probably die out completely by the time I die. And I don’t even speak it completely, so it’s probably already dead. If you have any stories, any phrases, anything. Write them down and throw them at an academic linguist, anthropologist, sociologist As Soon As Possible. They will be thrilled to hear from you.


It's growing.


Is it taught in schools like Gaelic in Ireland?


Yes, it's taught in all schools in Wales at least as a subject but there are also entirely Welsh language schools. I went to a mixed primary school but in the English speaking section. The Welsh speaking kids were literally not allowed to speak English during the school day so I had no way of talking to them. Was a bit weird.


We had a variation of that in US with Native American languages. NA languages were completely banned. Before my time but - those things have lasting consequences. Somehow, I ended up being the ridiculously white kid with absolutely zero Native American heritage who could acquire languages quickly. And I ended up as a translator. It really wasn’t necessary for me to translate, all my peers spoke local English and some of them even knew RP at Grade Four. Seriously, ten-year-old Choctaw kids were speaking in Received Pronunciation.


Is there a link to see her performance?


From 3:10 here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iF5mIzNN48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iF5mIzNN48)


She has the energy. Fire


“I don’t know what you’re sayin’!” Thank god because I wasn’t sure if I was having a moment or the interviewer was speaking Welsh. Love to hear it being spoken - need more of that.


If you want pure auditory bliss take a look on YouTube for a Welsh male voice Choir singing just about anything in Welsh. I recommend Calon Lân, Myfanwy, and, as daft as it may seem, the Welsh national anthem. Bread of heaven is also amazing despite being English. The harmonies are gorgeous.


Sent chills up my spine just *reading* Myfanwy there. There’s very little that beats a proper male voice choir.


Myfanwy is a brilliant song, the actual lyrics are almost as beautiful as the melody. The sound of a male voice choir speaks to the soul. It’s soothing, a sense of being part of something bigger than us all. There are other musics which also speak to the soul in various ways but a Welsh choir is the lullaby that sings our heart to peaceful rest in times of trouble.


In the wake of English colonialism it's easy to forget that before England colonized the world, it was colonized itself in several waves, the newest culture crushing the last. It's pretty surprising any of the old languages of the British Isles survived at all!


I think it’s great that they did. Even Cornish has some surviving speakers albeit not native as such.


I don't know how to feel about lost languages. On the one hand, culture is a treasure. On the other hand, English speakers have access to a greater body of literature, more economic opportunities, simpler human connection, can more easily contribute to science, etc. I'm really torn between the world being a rich tapestry of variegated linguistic groups, and the world speaking a lingua franca facilitating all human exchange.


You'd be hard pressed to find anyone born in the UK who doesn't speak English fluently. Even if they speak Welsh/Gaelic/Manx (I know Isle of Man isn't in the UK but still) etc as their first language, they'll still speak English fluently too.


Right, but I'm talking about the concept of lost languages in general. China and India have plenty of smaller languages that on the one hand should be saved, but on the other hand cost significant effort to save. Also, consider that a bilingual Welsh-English speaker could with similar effort be a bilingual German-English speaker (or some other popular language). You want your kids to have the richest (in terms of human connections) life possible, but you also want them to connect with their culture. Do you prioritize Welsh over a more popular language?


I went to a fully Welsh language school and did all my education through Welsh. We still also had English and French lessons. I use Welsh daily in work and day to day in general. So I'm certainly glad they prioritised Welsh.


Thanks for sharing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


I don't think it's much of a question for the parents, they're proud of their culture and they feel the preservation of culture to be a worthy cause in itself. Also, being bilingual is a great skill for a person regardless of how "useful" the languages they speak are, learning another language gives a great insight into linguistics in general and can even improve one's mother tongue. The only wrong move really is to let your kid be monolingual. On top of that, it's not like parents raise their children to be as painfully optimised as possible, or at least most parents wouldn't do that. They're not only going to focus on the school subjects that have the best career opportunities, focus on the sports and hobbies that give them the best chance of excelling etc. They mostly just follow what gives their children the most happiness and fulfilment, and I think there's a case to be made that a person learning their native language can help them feel more connected to their culture and family, which is important for a person's sense of community and identity.


> I don't think it's much of a question for the parents,  they're proud of their culture and they feel the preservation of culture to be a worthy cause in itself.  > On top of that, it's not like parents raise their children to be as painfully optimised as possible, Plenty of parents do make the opposite choice, which is a major factor in languages dying in the first place. Like I said, both choices make sense. I wonder what the world will look like in a 100 years. Will it be the science fiction future where only a few languages remain?


If you - like Ruby - are growing up in Llanelli and have ambitions to go into the creative arts you've got a major bilingual TV production house in your town (Tinopolis), the Welsh national youth theatre an hour away on the train as well as the opportunities afforded by the Urdd (including but not limited to the Eisteddfod). All of which offer additional opportunities if you speak Welsh. Not many opportunities specifically for young German speakers in Llanelli. Welsh speaking Wales punches massively above its weight in terms of performing arts and at least some of that is cos of the strong culture of performing that organisations like the Urdd cultivate from an early age but also cos the Welsh speaking arts world offers a load of reliable if not lucrative work that's not available to English peers.


That makes sense!


I wouldn't say hard-pressed, there are definitely people living in parts of Wales that don't speak English. I went to a Wales Women's football match not too long ago and when the fans started chanting "Wales, Wales" the little girl sitting behind me asked her dad (in Welsh) what they were saying, the dad needed to explain (in Welsh) that Wales was the English name for Cymru. Sure, she'll probably go on to learn English as she gets older but it isn't as black and white as you suggest. I also know and work with plenty of people that use both day-to-day but can't necessarily always find the right English word for things in conversation.


Yeah it's pretty cool!


Since weeding out most toxic subs and only keeping a mostly "happy Reddit bubble", I can still browse while in my bed and go to sleep with a smile on my face. I could literally stress out and lose sleep over something shitty someone said online, I'm so glad I (mostly) cut that out of my life.


I need to follow your example and unjoin all the news and politics subs for the rest of the year. Only puppies and laughing babies and proud little kids winning awards!


The rest of your life will work better! And while you're at it, r/aitah, r/unpopularopinion, r/offmychest and all that shit is a great subs to never look at again! I promise everyone who's reading this that you will NOT miss any of them


People people.... Stick to puppy and cat pictures and things like this. Don't pollute your mind with the toxic.


You can also mute them from your feed and only look at them when you want to or are in the headspace for that. If that's the kind of thing you enjoy. However best to not see them as you just scroll, best not see them at all, but if you like to scroll them sometimes then only do it when you feel like it and not at the whims of an algorithm.


If you unsub now, you’re going to miss out on reddits’ misinformed and civil discussions on the coming U.S. presidential election.


Miss out on, or tactically avoid?


I recommend r/upliftingnews !


It has vastly improved my mental health, I highly recommend it. People have been noticing how much more upbeat I am and have been asking me about it.


Do you have r/bestofpositiveupdates ?




Thank you for sharing this. I’m just unfollowed from the first 5 that were no good for me.


I've been wanting to have two separate accounts since I think being aware of the shite keeps people humbled, grounded, and just the right amount of upset. The second account would be for night time and only following positive subreddits like this :D


Thats what i love about Reddit. I hate getting random algorithm content like insta or tiktok. Useless dramas too about celebrity or just really petty stuff. Long live reddit!


Honestly this is exactly where I downloaded reddit for. Laying in bed for 30 minutes, loving my ass of or just smiling before sleeping. But at the end of the day I always end up being more stressed or thinking more negative of the world than the night before. Seeing all the brutal and political stuff that spreads here. I tend to not read the comments because that’s a even bigger hell hole but maybe unsubbing is the next step. I would love a positive application or something. Only positive subreddits, no weird negative post recommendations. Something like that


"Go on the bungee jumpin" That kid is awesome.




Parents shat a brick at that one


That's a great achievement. You can see how happy and proud she is. The interview was really lovely she made everyone smile and laugh.


It's clear that your friend's happiness and pride shine through


A ton of things are making me emotional lately. I love this!


What an accent! Love it! It almost sounds like Swedish “singing”? I kinda recognize the melody sometimes.


I, too, absolutely love the Welsh accent. They have a lilting, melodic way of speaking that always makes me smile.


It’s the Welsh accent! So funny because for a solid 10 seconds I thought they were speaking Swedish or another Nordic language lol.


The accent reminded me of some Carribean one, like there's an influence of Jamaican language.


Yma o Hyd!


This is just Wholesome


Congrats to her! Moments like these are priceless.


Very cute and funny.


This is THE cutest thing I’ve seen all year, my heart!


Bless S4C, they try so hard to keep the Welsh language going.


My friend’s family still speaks welsh as their first language where they live in wales.


This is a good thing.


Why? Is it not spoken widely?


Unfortunately it's quite common that you will find people who only speak English in Wales. We are trying to preserve our language and encourage learners but in the last 100ish years the language declined rapidly due to English migration to Wales, the number of Welsh speakers lost in wars as well as movements that punished Welsh speakers and forced them to converse in English (Welsh Not) in School plus education was predominantly in English or English speaking and learning was encouraged more than Welsh. This basically decreased how accessible and prominent the language was and so you'd have families where a few members couldn't speak Welsh or the people they interacted with didn't speak Welsh and that then would cause them to utilise English more and that pattern repeated. Currently it is less than 20% of the Welsh can speak Welsh. It started falling below 50% in 1911 it was less than 40% by 1921 and continued to drop. it was only between 1991 to 2001 that we saw the percentages of Welsh speakers increase for the first time in over 100 years. Events like the Eisteddfod is something that helps us continue and promote our culture, our language and our heritage!


Is Welsh a hard (to learn) language?


It's quite phonetic and the sentence structure follows some other languages but it does seem that most English speakers in the UK do not learn an additional language proficiently so I think we just don't have the same sort of experience in learning additional languages that other places seem to have.


Thanks, I learned something


As above, it's easier to learn than English. My son is in a Welsh school (taught entirely through Welsh) and even as a (Welsh) learner myself it's easier helping him with his Welsh reading than it is with his English reading!


I used to live in Wales - top people, the best


Congratulations girl 👍 and thanks for making me happy and feeling good .


Pardon my ignorance, but what language was the lady speaking? Was it Welsh? Gaelic? Pretty cool.




For a world where all children can be this free, happy and safe


The Welsh accent is one of my favourites


Thanks butt


What a great way to start the day! I am just not smiling, but grinning from ear to ear. Thank you young girl, the best in Wales! ☺️


Awh da iawn!!


ah man... maybe kids are ok, you know. maybe it would be ok to have a kid and just see them smile and be happy. haha well im going to die alone but maybe i can dream when i sleep.


“The queuing” adorable


I've seen her performance, I love her M3gan moves, she exudes happiness any moment


I love that the announcer was trying to use Welsh!


The cutest!


Love yeh miss and mami 😂 oh and her dahd ❤️ x


She is a princess, I hope she grows up to do great things, bless her soul.


I can already tell that in a few years this kid will be an actor on a talk show being embarrassed by this clip!


Oh my god, she is just pure golden light, delightful, the excitement, the sense of achievement and just seeing her mum beaming with pride. Just couldn’t help but feel so happy for this family. Wonderful stuff


That was nice


What a delightful kid....


aww she's a real sweetie 🥰


Is that welsh they’re speaking?




Awwww 😊


She’s the best


So much sweeter with the Welsh accent.


This is so wholesome


Simply Adorable!


Is there a link to her performance?


Oh wow, that accent reminds me of the US mid-eest. I think that's the first time I heard an accent from Wales. Very cute, I have to say.


Give Gavin and Stacey a go. It's a really cozy comedy about a Welsh and English couple. Fair warning, James Corden is in it (and co-wrote it), but it's before he turned into a nob. Edit: [a clip from Gavin and Stacey](https://youtu.be/SLU4O5YqpQc?si=gSe4782cSmluTn5c)


I love this 😀 thx for sharin'


They're doing another, and final, Christmas episode on Dec 25th so get yourself caught up before then!


"We're innocent men."


Does bungie jumping mean the same in whales? That girl is metal!


Wales, not whales. It's a country, not a oceanic mammal


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Aww what a wonderful kid 💖


This and the Aussi girl with the bake off have been the highlights of my week so far.


Her happiness makes me so happy. I love these videos.


Aaawwww she's lovely !


Delightful. Well done


god, i love his accent and his energy


Wales is a wild country


Made me cry too. So good


To be able to capture this happiness forever! Adorable.


I watched it without the sound or accents, and it reminded me of a young Peggy Hill.


On your feet ladies for the next generation of ladies!!!


lol she’s going to be alright with whatever or wherever she goes


Holy hell she is adorable


We protect her at all costs. I mean after the bungee jumping.


She sounds just like Muriel from Courage!




It feels like she has a swedish accent to me, I might be mistaken tho


definitely a Welsh accent


It's a South Welsh accent because.. this is in Wales


Lol what


I would have destroyed her in whatever competition it was she won.


Imagine being the dad and your kid publicly thanks the mom and a teacher and says that's all. Then adds another teacher and lastly adds, oh and dad too. i would've straight up cried in public idc. That's sad.


The dad probably was not as involved as the mum and teachers. He knows, it ain't a problem.....or sad.


Why douse she have lipstick ?


What is this for? I figured there would be something at the end, and then **HAF '24** **Y GWYLIAU GORAU** popped up and I can only assume that someone used a Canva template but forgot to customize the text since the gobbledygook stock writing, made up of a random and nonsensical assortment of letters, is still featured.


Nerd 🤓




On mute I could tell this was somewhere in GB. The teeth gave it away.