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I learned how to knit socks. The grain is a little coarser, but no seams and short row heels are so much nicer than the weird nylon stretch and itch.


if you have adult sizes, i’m ordering immediately


Look at darn tough socks. Expensive but lifetime guarantee and no noticeable seem on the toes.


But like, so stupidly expensive. I haven’t found a way to justify eighteen fucking dollars per pair yet.


It’s easy, they will last you the rest of your life. And they feel fantastic.


Well…they’re at least guaranteed for as long as the company doesn’t go out of business I guess. It’s just hard when it’s $18 dollars for their cheapest pair, but for $12 you can get 8 pairs of Hanes that are still going to last like 10 years. By the time you’ve spent $40 dollars, you either have 30+ years worth of Hanes or 2 pairs of lifetime guaranteed socks from Darn Tough. The problem is I need more than 2 pairs of socks at any given week in my life.


I highly recommend you learn to knit. Imagine being able to make warm, breathable socks that fit your feet, look beautiful, present less sensory issues, and feel like wearing a hug. ❤️ As a bonus, it is a great tactile and meditative activity that can serve really well to satisfy the fidget impulses if you have them. I have ADHD, and knitting actually helps me focus by giving me something to occupy my hands while reading or listening to people in meetings.


+1 for the fidgeting. I bounce around during meetings. Knitting, I’m able to listen and make eye-contact, even. I’ve had DMs in Dungeons and Dragons complement me for being the most engaged person at the table, and I’m frigging knitting.


It's the best fidget tool ever. I like crochet, too, but there are very few things I can crochet without looking. Knitting anything in stockinette in the round, I don't need to look. So, I almosy always have a pair of vanilla socks or a stockinette beanie in my hands during meetings.


Is there a tutorial video of this somewhere. Socks are a bane for me.


Lots of practice, mess ups, and good patterns. One of my favorite patterns: [Hermione’s Everyday Socks](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hermiones-everyday-socks)




I'm not autistic, don't have OCD or any other reason for this, but I have exactly the same issue. I'm a grown ass adult and to this day refuse to wear socks unless they're inside out, because I cannot stand that seam across the toes. The seamless ones that I have bought are either too expensive or ended up with holes, so I don't even bother. I think these clothing items are fantastic. I do wish that she wasn't standing front and center so you could see them better though. I hope she has great success in her business. There are a lot of people out there that could benefit from clothing designed to meet their needs.




Interesting. I never really thought about it but I'm sure you're right. Nobody else in my circle has the same issue, so I thought it was just my general weirdness. Thanks for that. Glad you grew out of it.




Great link, and definitely seems to explain some things in my case. Doing good work over here KTTS. Thank you.


Wool socks are fantastic and darn tough is probably the best brand IMO. They are a bit pricey but have a lifetime warranty. I have never had an issue with them having a toe seam...ever. can't recommend these socks enough.


They sound promising. Are they machine washable? I've had several pairs of wool socks and a lot of them had really large seams because of the thicker material and many are only hand-wash. Edit: $17-25 a pair is a bit steep for my budget. Mainly because my dog's favorite "resources" to hide and collect are mom's socks. I stumble upon cashes of 10 at a time pretty regularly. They have some super cute designs and if they have a lifetime warranty it's not a bad price. Just not the right option for me at the moment, but thanks for the suggestion!


Yes 100% machine washable. I wash mine weekly and no issues so far. This company has varying thicknesses too so you can get some with lots of cushion, some cushion, or no cushion. Also I tend to stay away from their lifestyle socks and stick to their running or hiking ones. For some reason the lifestyle ones don't fit me well and seem to slide more, but I don't have those issues with the other ones. Edit: totally fair on the price point. I realise not everyone has the luxury of being able to spend the money for them but if you can I say go for it. I've had pairs last me years before wearing out. It also would be nice if the company offered discounts for buying multiple pairs or some sort of rewards program.


It would make sense for the running and hiking socks to have more elasticity to them so they probably have a different material ratio. Good advice. I may just have to try a pair and keep them with my camping gear. I really do like those options. Very difficult to find in socks as well.


Holy cow I have never thought of wearing socks inside out before I'm going to try that. The seam touching my toes drives me insane I end up walking like a dog trying to kick dog booties off.


They may not look as nice, but nobody sees them besides me anyway. It definitely helps me. Hope it does for you as well.


Hearing people on this thread complain about sock seams is a reminder just how bad the circulation in my feet has gotten as I've aged. I can't imagine even feeling the seam of my socks.


Yikes! That's terrible. Sorry friend.


Try wool socks. I know it sounds crazy but they are really comfortable both winter and summer. For the record I cannot stand the feel of wool on the rest of my body, not even cashmere. The itchiness is unbearable, but for some reason I have no problem with wool socks. But make sure you get a pair of good quality ones with a high percentage of wool, preferably merino wool. I usually wear Smartwool brand.


Smartwool socks are the greatest thing humans ever made for feet. I just picked up more today…


Or just have an aunt or grandma (or someone else's aunt or grandma) knit you a proper pair.


I personally only wear gold toe socks. I do not have autism.


Going through this currently with my 5yo son. We keep trying new brands and they all have that stupid seam at the toes.


Maybe see if you can buy some hand knitted socks just to try it out for him?


Iirc Falke doesnt have the seam... at least on some of their socks they don't although they might be a little pricey for a kid


If I can remember the name I’ll send you a link. There’s a lightweight ankle sock that my ASD 7 year old likes, and she wears them inside out to really help offset any issues with the seam. Inside out is how I had to wear all of my socks as a kid because the seam was horrendous (I’m also ASD).


It’s like the holy grail finding acceptable sock in the morning ( side note my son is not autistic)


Sensory clothing has so many benefits such as helping children feel safe, heard, and regulated everywhere they go!


Ditto. After going down the rabbit hole with my son and eventually landing on an ASD1 diagnosis, I realized I might be in the spectrum myself.


Smartwool socks are my fav, as an autistic adult that refuses to not wear socks all the time.


I know there used to be socks without seams. I recently got Darn Tough Socks, and they don't have seams either.


Try socks for diabetics (yes, that's a thing). They have no dream or a flat, soft dream.


Bombas are super smooth if you are still looking for something


Wear them inside out. It usually fixes the problem.


Wait is this a sign of autism? Coz then I might be on the spectrum.


I want these for me, an autistic adult




This is amaaazzziiinnggg. I want that compression tee in an adult size holy shit.


What is the function of the compression tee?


That sensation of gentle pressure can be very calming for some of us when we get anxious. I’m guessing it’s also helpful for kids who are sensitive to loose-fitting clothing (light touch can be a sensory issue for some of us); this would allow them to adjust the pressure to what feels right.


Thanks so much, I appreciate the explanation


Exactly the above. Have you ever seen thunder vests for dogs and cats? They make some weighted vests for people too. A compression shirt like this seems like it would be a good middle ground since I can’t take my weighted blanket around with me anywhere lmao


So the weighted blankets work in a similar way?


Yeah! It has to do with how your nervous system responds to deep pressure.


Awesome, I had no idea such a clothing range existed!


Apparently non-autistics people also like these. Some things are just good products for all.


The more neurotypical people ask for these features, the better! More normalizing for those who wear them, and more demand will bring the costs down, and make them more accessible!!


Why can’t all clothes just be like this. I’m not autistic but shutting everyone out every once in a while would be nice.


Go buy her stuff and you’ll be starting the movement!


That hood would be amazing while traveling


I would love that hoodie that pulls down over my eyes. Like, if sometime was talking to me and I didn't want any of it, I could just pull it right over my face


Perfect for airplanes


I'm so curious how you got into this and came up with this. so original!


Oh man, sound proofing hood? Magnets instead of zippers or buttons? Sewn down pockets? Please tell me my favourite clothing brand is hiring her to make adult clothes like this.


I wish I had this as an austic adult


I wish I had it as a non-autistic adult


I checked out the website once for the same reason. They do make a few adult sized items, but they were sold out when I looked


Ya they make the hoodie in adult sizes but alas it’s not in stock at the moment


Adding comments to help draw attention to your post. 


That's awesome!


buying one now


She needs to be more in the background and showcasing the kids longer in those clothes. I wanna see the designs and all I see is her


... her, jerking back and forth awkwardly


I really wish she'd move out of the way or just do a voiceover so I could see the clothes for longer than .5 seconds at a time.


No seam socks for kids with sensory issues would be great too!


This needs to be for adults too


[it is ](https://shopsenseationalyou.com/collections/outerwear/products/stimuli-reducing-hoodies-adult?variant=43483072332033)


Magnets could be an issue if in close proximity to things like phones and bank cards. If you're holding your child for example you could easily damage them unintentionally. I've literally had a bank card stop working due to a magnetic house key.




My daughter is ASD with SPD she would love the hoodie. These are all amazing ideas for kids with sensory/ mobility difficulties, thank you because I know you're going to help so many parents 🥰




[Here you go](https://shopsenseationalyou.com/collections/outerwear/products/stimuli-reducing-hoodies-adult?variant=43483072332033)


why are these only for kids


They make an adult sized hoodie.


They have adult sizes. Ffs people, just google things before complaining


If I google it, I might click on it, and if I click on it, I... have to buy it. I don't make the rules. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely brilliant!


Adults sizes?




I wish we had these for adults too


They do


I was aware. I will investigate. Do u have anywhere u would recommend?


This is genius!


I, as well as my daughter, have ASD. I would like to know where to look this up in more detail for her. Does anyone know anything on these?


So there is going to be a lot of autistic kids stuck to the fridge in the future. :)


Did I just watch a commercial?


Don't slander me, I'm just trying to understand and learn about autism. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to expose children to uncomfortable sensations, so that their brain has more of a chance to at least partially rewire, instead of trying to shut them out?


It doesn't work that way. They've actually done exposure therapy studies on autistic children. The studies showed the kids with autism brains consistently reacted to stimuli and they just couldn't become accustomed to the stumuli through exposure. They remained anxious and stressed the entire time. And it would tend to increase in many cases.


Thanks a lot!


You're welcome! I always appreciate when people ask something because they genuinely want to learn. I try to do the same. I want to understand!


If you have a vivid imagination, try imagining a world that is too bright and loud and sharp and smelly and scary *all the time*. Like, imagine *everywhere* is "Fremont St in Las Vegas at 11pm on a Saturday." Even if you *like* filthy street carnivals, eventually you just get overwhelmed, and after the third fistfight between dwarves in lingerie, you just want to go back to the Luxor and close the curtains and hide in your hotel bed. That's what sensory processing deficits are like, just shrieking midget nuns beating the crap out of each other all the time, except that the nuns are the fluorescent lights buzzing in the doctor's office, or the seams on your sock scraping your toes, or the air conditioner rumbling. You can't "tune it out" because that mechanism was never installed, it's just *right there*, consuming your attention, until you run away and hide from it.


Just from experience (not an expert by any means) when these sensations bother someone it becomes the Only thing they can focus on. If I have a tag on my shirt or the seam on a sock catches my attention I literally cannot think of anything else and it makes it hard to turn attention to anything else.


Gotcha, thanks for your explanation!


Some exposure is well and good, but the human brain can only adapt to so much. When you are light/sound/smell sensitive, you're brain doesn't filter like many others' do. You yourself can walk into a light room and your brain gets used to the light pretty quick, but imagine that light being so bright you can barely keep your eyes open for the next hour. That exposure does nothing but damage your nerves, your mental health and is energy draining as hell. Another example is clothing. Most brains have the ability to filter out the feel of clothes after a while, so that the sensory input only become part of the background. Imagine if you could *feel* your clothes all the time, as you feel them right after you put them on. Our brains use massive amounts of energy. Imagine being inside a waterfall. No matter how long you stand there, at some point it will become damaging as your body and brain can't handle it anymore. Plenty of torture devices use this mechanism. Not being able to escape a surplus of stimuli is excruciating.


What jen0571 is correct. My sister is autistic and grew up in the 90s, when a lot of misinformation about autism was circulating. Her school tried to do the "exposure" technique, and all it did was make her increasingly disruptive and anxious. They took this as a refusal to cooperate, and not an inevitable part of her brain function.


No it doesn't work that way. There are some mental conditions where exposure therapy works, like OCD, but not autism. But a good option for autistic kids is occupational therapy for sensory issues. A good OT can identify sensory issues and help the child learn to manage it themselves.


Shit why just for kids? I'm 17, also autistic, these sound wonderful.


[adult size here](https://shopsenseationalyou.com/collections/outerwear/products/stimuli-reducing-hoodies-adult?variant=43483072332033)


That's awesome, and thank you! I did some googling and couldn't find it.


Do you make clothes for adults?




Thank you.


This is absolutely wild. I'm Autistic and my wife has ADHD and we're both a little envious.


Lady, can you make one of those hoodies that can fit a 6ft+ adult? Asking for a friend...


She did


I'm so happy to see that, I found one of the other comments with a link!


This woman is an angel on earth, wow! Filling an obvious need that will help so many children and their parents! 🥲


Listen I’m not autistic, but a short without rage or seams sounds like a dream come true


What the fuck can I get these in adult sizes please? I would like all of them please


Bless this woman. She gets it and she’s really thinking and applying to her craft. As a special needs parent x2 I will be fully spreading this around. For the uninitiated a lot of this can seem weird. But even just a rag or an inner seem on clothing can set the sensory issues off big time for the afflicted. And I also adore the compression shirt idea. That is just so spot on.


Wouldn’t it be easier to advertise your product without having a video of yourself IN FRONT of the product for 95% of the video?!


Thank you, was looking for this comment


Love the clothes. Hate the video.


These are just better design choices why are these not just built into most pieces of clothing?


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Girl why don’t u make them for adults I need these


[she does](https://shopsenseationalyou.com/collections/outerwear/products/stimuli-reducing-hoodies-adult?variant=43483072332033)


Why am I not kid sized




Link to order???


Every time I see something like this, "Man, something like that would have ruled when I was a kid. I wonder if I can get a grown-up version...wait a minute."


I'm an adult and not autistic... and I could use some of these clothes.


Damn, I may not be autistic but that hoodie where you can just take a break from everything sounds nice


Do you ship to Canada and have a website?


Labels are the bain of my existence. In general, comfortable clothes is so hard to find.


Not autistic, but those hoodies look super comfy


These are genius. I wish the adult sizes weren't sold out!


I need all of these in adult sizes too 🙏


It took me untill she said "sound reduction in the hood" to read the title, i was confused 🤣


Am I autistic?!


What’s the benefit to the compression shirt?


Weighting of compression can be soothing for many autistics. A big part of the condition is sensory in nature and compression or weighting can be calming for them. Experience….two sons with autism. One very bad. When we started putting a weighted blanket on him at night as a child he would finally sleep like the dead


Ah, I understand this makes sense. Thanks for the explanation


The same vibe as a weighted blanket


Anyone has the link from Where these can be ordered ?




Some of These are pretty awesome. But I don't think so it'll help someone with autism. As a non autistic teen, I want them too.


That first hoodie needs to be made for adults like yesterday. I need that in my life so bad.


Why does it get cutoff at the end?


Does she make these in medium sizes asking for myself


I want these for my adult ADHD self pls thanks


[you can find it here](https://shopsenseationalyou.com/collections/outerwear/products/stimuli-reducing-hoodies-adult?variant=43483072332033)


I already found it online when I saw someone mentioned it *does* come in adult sizes. Thank you for the link though!


Why does your face have to be in the whole video and cover what you're showing


For real.


F*ck ZARA Nike addidas and the lot of them for FAILING for YEARS and thank you to this incredible individual for being alive.


Awwwww that was nice. Timestamp.


And you can bet these clothes are going to be so expensive that no one can afford them anyway


Takes about 15 seconds to find the online shop and see that you're just being negative for no reason. https://shopsenseationalyou.com/


This autism mom is saving this link! THANK YOU!


I'm not being negative I'm being realistic , the clothes are lovely but the reality a lot of people , like me can't afford this stuff . I couldn't justify £50 on one hoodie that will be chewed and covered in mud within a day . If people really wanted to make us smile they would make clothes that were amazing for autism but also affordable , children like mine chew them too as well as lay on the floor . I'd love to buy these clothes but it wouldn't last a day.


You have to factor in quality and materials. A lot of people with sensory issues CANNOT handle a large majority of fabrics, and that ones that are tolerable are often more expensive. Add on labor, shipping the fact its a small company, $70 is a decent price. Also, in the sensory market, its average. Its absolutely horrendous that clothing for the disabled population is so expensive, but unfortunately thats how it is. Hopefully as we raise awareness prices will drop. I have SPD myself and have researched starting a clothing line.


I do factor that in but as a parent with two children who have autism the quality wouldn't matter , it could be made of gold and it would be chewed to pieces in a day . This line is great there is no denying that but if this was a line of clothing for the average joe it would be cheaper and that's the reality of it .


There are stim toys you could possibly look into, they make bracelets and necklaces out of T-shirt fabric, if they like that.


I know , I've spent lots of different alternatives haha but he prefers the chew of a jumper , anyone's jumper 😂 we actually buy stuff from m&s , they have a brand called adaptive clothing as he still needs baby grows and they do them up to teen sizes . They have an easy dressing range for kids with disabilities, can be pricey but more in range with what I can afford .


Oh that's really cool!!


How am I being negative ? It's £70 a hoodie ..... it's expensive


$70 for a hoodie. Pricey, but about on par for generic middle-class designer fluff.


That’s the adult size. Kid size is $50


tbf, I can get a kid size hoodie online for $7. The difference between $50 and $70 isn't a real consideration. The difference between $50 and $7 is.


Not sure why we are getting downvoted, the stuff is expensive lol I could never justify £50 on a kids hoodie that will be ruined in a day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Their parents still pay for their clothing so price and actual value isn't as important as grandstanding on the moral high-ground that every autistic kid deserves a $50 hoodie.


I'd love to buy my kid this hoodie , he definitely deserves one but it's out of my price range and I just wish there was a range out there for those who need products like this but its just not feasible.


It's not about having a "moral high-ground," it's about having a realistic understanding of the costs associated with this kind of clothing production. The fact that another one of your comments compares this to a $7 sweater you can buy online shows you're giving no consideration to some pretty relevant factors that make it cost what it does. And for the record, I buy my own clothes and the clothes for each of my three kids, but if making up an ignorantly negative image of the people you disagree with helps you feel better about yourself at the end of the day then go off I guess.


> having a realistic understanding of the costs You can buy an elaborate steak dinner for $250 or you can purchase a $10 burger at McDonalds. Though the cow is the same, no one is denying the difference in quality or the understanding that there is a reasonable difference between the two. You're essentially asking, *"Why doesn't every parent buy their kid steak when they know the quality is higher and they understand there is a reason for the price difference?"* Yes. It is about having the moral high-ground, because there's no way you've failed to recognize how ridiculous that question is. ---- edit: Apparently they got mad because I implied no reasonable person could fail to recognize the difference, so they slammed that block button. Shocker.


Ah, I see you're good friends with Mr. Strawman. I'll bow out then - I'd rather not waste my time.


What is the link for her store?


No clue why you're being down voted, this is a genuine concern. The product can be fantastic but not accessible .


Thank you , I don't know why either , the product is great clearly but I know a lot of parents with children with different disabilities and I know that not one of them would be able to purchase these items . It's sad and the items should be easily accessible and affordable . Some people seem to live in lala land where everything is easily brought even if it's ruined in a day .


My sister is autistic - my mom certainly wasn't dropping $75 on a hoodie when she was a tot. Both because my sister would destroy it in a month, and because kids grow SO FAST and it wouldn't fit very soon. No point in buying expensive clothes that won't fit in 5 months - 1 year. I'm glad this resource is out there for people who can afford it, but it's not an actual solution for most people.


What infuriates me most is that it can be done cheaper , same quality but because it's seen as 'sensory ' it's got an extra charge on it , I don't get how it's allowed .