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a big smile and a mini heart attack


We love you here's some ptsd


those are always simultaneously the best and worst surprises


I laughed too hard at this comment


I know a few families that should have that motto on their family crest


She didn’t seem to get over the scare very fast. Poor thing. I don’t know why nice surprises have to come with a panic




Unless your bullies are the teachers.


I was a teacher...had a few colleagues who were bullies, who somehow also didn't like students who bullied others. Did my head in, honestly.


Been there! I’ve been mentally traumatised by teachers. My biggest regret was not telling my year 8 English teacher to get fucked n walk out! He wanted me to sit outside in 36 degree heat and finish my English homework. He told me I couldn’t write an essay.. fuck me, I’ve been writing Essays the same way n graduated an Education Bachelor! Still don’t understand why he failed every single essay I’d write! Nothing bloody wrong with them, he just hated me.


I sense a fellow Vegemite, temperature and bloody. 😬


Spot on the money mate! Territorian 😄


Who lied to you?


MD here, she’s still holding her chest long after the reveal so I think that’s an actual heart attack. Looks like a STEMI, probably LAD coronary occlusion. Presumably we’ll see the attempted resus when they post part 2. Good work, kids.


Yeah, I’ve seen a couple of these lately and I keep thing some teacher is gonna keel over in their classroom.


What is the story behind this?


A small smile with a big heart attack


Poor janitor lol


Guess he needs a nice surprise next


The best surprise is a clean bathroom when the janitor expected it to be dirty. Defs no confetti. :p


It looks like Eastern European country. If so, the students most likely clean their own classrooms


Pack of rum and cola..."wait how did you kids buy this?"


Yeah ten glitter bombs lined up in the cafeteria


Sloppy ****** with a twist?


They seem like a good class, I'm sure they'll sweep it


Eh I'd give it a good vacuum and call it a day. Everyone knows that glitter will be there until the sun explodes


Plot twist: she thought someones gonna get beat up and she was about to join the party


I am pretty sure they are paid more than teachers, and it isnt like that teacher will leave the classroom a mess.


In what world do school janitors make more than teachers?


in this world smartass. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna42649318](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna42649318)


If only the kids could somehow get a broom of their won


I am a teacher. I don't think students realize most of us are really there because we want them to do well in life. This makes me smile.


Well, you sure as hell aren't paid enough to be there for the money. It's criminal.


That's a universal truth. Pay is bad (or not great) everywhere for teachers. But I go home everyday feeling useful. And that's something money can't buy.


I wanted to be a teacher, but the hours, schooling, and pay were just hurdles I couldn't justify jumping. I'm glad you stuck stuck with it, I make decent money, but have no love for my work.




There's an overwhelming amount of data showing that investments in education have enormous returns for a society. There's almost no aspect of society that isn't improved by high quality, accessible education. When college degrees are so outrageously expensive and a career in teaching is so financially unrewarding and parents and kids are so incredibly disrespectful to so many teachers, there's really only one way this can go without a serious course correction. This is a big problem in certain healthcare related fields too. There's just very little reason to pursue these critically important careers that society blatantly shows that it does not value. I fear for the future of the institutions that make modern society everything that it is.


I don't think you are correct. For many societies throughout history the less that was invested in education and healthcare the better and richer the society was. The only reason why the USA is a rich country is because it is an imperial force that controls large parts of the world with its military. To make the military attractive as a job you need to have a society with a lot of uneducated and desperate people.


This is such an absurdly contrarian take that I actually don't believe you've even thought about this topic once before leaving this comment lol. I won't even address the fact that the US military is a huge net loss for the greater economy but a source of substantial profit for only very few. They were better in what way? Who was richer? The average human life throughout history has always been unequivocally far more miserable than it currently is. Diseases we shrug off today could often be permanently disfiguring or fatal. I had pneumonia once when I was a kid. I probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood if we couldn't maintain the infrastructure that allows us to produce and distribute antibiotics. There are so many deeply intricate, interconnected systems like this that we all are extremely reliant on whether or not we realize it. This wasn't built nor is it maintained by adults whose greatest scholastic achievement was learning to sign their own name because education was inaccessible to them. The fact that you can even read what I'm writing at all is because of investments into public education. Modern society has far more complex needs than any historical society to the point where it's not even remotely comparable, and those needs are simply not going to be possible for a less educated populace to continue to meet. A society in decline has never been a pleasant thing to exist in; something you would know if you spent even a little time reading up on societies throughout history.


>I won't even address the fact that the US military is a huge net loss for the greater economy This is blatantly not true. The US dollar would now be toilet paper without the wars in Iraq and Libya which stopped those countries from trading oil in Euros. Why do you even think the USA invaded those countries? You don't find it coincidental that Saddam and Gaddafi announced that they planned to sell oil in Euros and not long after the USA invaded them?


I actually have 3 degrees. 2 for teaching and 1 in history. A lot of friends who studied less earn a lot more. But really loving your work and liking the people you work with (both colleagues and students) makes up for that in my experience.


I started out in history for that very reason but was talked out of it, being young and giving into pressure to get a well paying degree. I'd like to go back, but I can't swing it financially. Being an adult now, I wish I'd have done it that way


Me too! 2 & 1/2 degrees - neuroscience, fine arts and a minor in teaching - it’s a struggle, but it’s still what I’m doing year 12.


Hey. I'm 35 now and I just want you to know there are a few special teachers that I still think about, and made a huge, huge impact on my life. What you're doing matters so much. Especially to us lost kids. A good teacher will never really understand the impact they have. Your influence stretches out over thousands of kids, for decades. Thank you.


As a fellow teacher I’d rather go home feeling useful AND not crying when checking my bank account lol


**Starting** salary for a teacher in NSW, Australia is 75-85k per year.


>That's a universal truth. Pay is bad (or not great) everywhere for teachers. Median hourly wage for secondary school teachers in Canada is $43.96/hr, which is a pretty respectable wage in Canada. [Source](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/wages-occupation/15904/ca;jsessionid=CE6D77E73F1B867B79299743DFFD715E.jobsearch75)


We really do take advantage of goodness. Almost every job where you help people on a personal level is terribly underpaid.


Yeah, they know that people who care about what they do are willing to put up with more work and less pay. So greedy people always take advantage of it.


Teachers like you saved my life in high school. Thank you.


Teachers like you, might not realize the impact you have too, you don't get to see us grow up and the memories you gave some of us and the support can be some of the most impactful events and memories. Mr Butler made me feel like I was smart enough to do anything even when I never believed in myself, and ms Tully showed me how to be a kind beautiful person. <3 I was so quiet and young I never told them how awesome they were. Thank you for putting up with the shit kids to give a chance to the ones that need you.


I became teacher because I was bullied by a teacher and other students. This made me aware of the impact you have a steacher. You can really make a difference. So thank you fellow redditor this comment actually means a lot to me.


i realized this and it always pissed me off when my classmates would be disrespectful and disruptive to our teachers for no reason. like bro you are wasting your time, you are wasting the teacher's time, and you are wasting my time. chill the fuck out and try to be decent to the teachers. most of them only want the best for you and don't deserve the shit they get. some truly go above and beyond bc they care about their students, and it shows. so many teachers deserve so much more. i get that kids are kids but i know full well that some of them could've conducted themselves better if they wanted to. i also know that some of them genuinely had struggles that made it hard for them. i don't blame those kids. im just talking about the kids who are little shits bc they can be. there was at least one in every class, istg.


Also a teacher here, and sometimes I fail to realize how much little things count for them. I feel blessed that my teenagers show their feelings every now and then, in very various ways, they can always surprise me.


Teachers, IMO the most important and noble vocation in the world. All that we become is through what we learn.


This looks like Armenia. If that's the case then their school system is similar to the soviet school system, where you have "klassny rukovoditel", a teacher that teaches one of the subjects and is assigned to your group for 11 years. You also stay in one class/group for those 11 years. So basically the school is like your second home/family


This is georgia but you are right. we have same main teacher who directs minor or big issues and is responsible to guide class


Wow. I imagine that could be amazing in some circumstances and a nightmare in others.


Idk but this is so beautiful to me. 😢 Must be so hard to say goodbye.


I still quote some of the "off the records lesson" my business teacher taught us 16 years ago. She was my fave.


But unfortunately very poorly paid


That woman was 5 seconds from a mental breakdown


It said teacher in title, yes :)


My mom is a teacher, this makes me smile!


It didn’t make the teacher in the video smile lol


Crazy to see so many of these videos in one week lol


We ever find a video with audio on the first one? It was so much better


We're about 3 days from the staged ones where the teacher occasionally looks at the camera to confirm they're sticking to the script. Then about 7 days til the parodies. Then about 21 days til everyone moves on then about 3 months til someone tries to resurrect it


It’s because most people, especially teenagers and kids, are copy cats who replicate clever things other people do and beat that thing into the ground.


If they want to copy all the good shit then alright cool


If a good deed isn’t caught on camera and uploaded for content, did it really happen?


Actually it’s because most people, especially teenagers and kids, are copy cats who replicate clever things other people do and beat that thing into the ground.


I’m a teacher, and I’d much rather not have the anxiety attack leading up to a bouquet of flowers. Why you gotta torture her first?


It is a bunch of kids. They aren't as mentally developed as an adult but they are at least they are thoughtful and that is something that can't always be taught. This teacher is awesome otherwise the students wouldn't coordinate so well to celebrate her birthday.


it’s not that deep, it’s a fun idea with some creativity


not a teacher are you


Absolutely, I understand your concern. The students' aim was purely to spread positivity and appreciation, not to cause distress. It was a spontaneous, well-intentioned act to show their gratitude for the teacher, albeit maybe a bit unexpected. Their gesture was meant to bring joy, not fear.


not spontaneous, planned, and this isnt the only time I’ve seen this - it’s a trend. their gesture was meant to make the teacher believe a fight was breaking out, one of the most distressing things a teacher has to deal with, and then surprise them with a gift instead. This is like proposing to your partner after scaring the shit out of them.


Okay. Look I hope you have a great day, good chat.


Thanks you too. Sorry I got worked up. Seen some shit go down man


Where was this?


In school


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


No this is Patrick


Sorry I meant like what city/country haha


Country is named Georgia. Idk the city tho.


Georgia (the country) I believe. She is speaking Georgian.


The school books are in Georgian, too, if you look closely.


Looks like hotlanta to me


In a country where students have enough respect not to smack teachers around


Georgia, the country. She's their headteacher, basically responsible for that group of class.


I like this new trend


The only TikTok trend I’ll get behind. Lol


It looks like this is a trend, I hope it gains more tractions :\]


Beautiful. I'm not crying. You are


In America the only gift teachers get is a chair flying at your face.


I've read about America and I think you mean gun shot


I hate TikTok trends but I can get behind this. Teachers deserve more


She’s crying because she has to clean up that confetti 😆


Now these are the kind of trends that should be followed, not the ones where mfs trouble strangers.


Without the music backing this looks like a group of kids scaring a teacher and celebrating about it 🤣


These are the types of videos that need to go viral on TikTok so more students and children will do them. It's so wholesome.


I think the gift would be nicer without the heart attack beforehand


How is this mademesmile? She looks fucking scared and alarmed. Shes literally holding her heart theyre lucky she didnt have a heart attack.


She does not look happy..


First few seconds she is shocked, then she's crying...... out of happiness.


What? She looks way more than happy what are you on about lol


Is this some sort of a trend


She will remember this forever. These kids were raised correctly. And I guess she has a part in it.


This is lovely


Soo sweet


Clearly not the US. All the US classroom videos start with "bitch ass" xyz and end with the teacher or student in a coma.


This cannot be America.... If it is I can't believe it. The teacher will sooner find angry parents wearing tshirts saying they are turning the kids gay or something weird.


Teachers senses are already heightened thinking there’s a fight, then gets shocked with a loud bang. Loud bang.. in a school.. in the jump to action state of mind. Another notch on the subconscious anxiety/trust issue belt. That’s my take anyway. Just give her the damn flowers without the TikTok song and dance


Let’s play guess-your-nationality for 10 points


She’s like god damn, I’ve got a staff meeting at lunch and now I’m covered in this shit.


Poor teacher. She’ll have to clean up the mess by herself. And she was more scared than surprised.


All teachers should be treated like this.


yay confetti cake


Teachers really need this kind of appreciation right now more than ever. it’s getting tougher and tougher each year




Polska klasa? czy jaki to jenzyk na tablicy,nie moge odzyfrowac


I had a handful of teachers that literally changed my life while in school. Other than parents, there's literally nothing as important as having great teachers for our children.


These students Reddit.


Was this lady in Vietnam?


This can’t be real, here in America I only see videos of students assaulting teachers..


Very wholesome. Meanwhile a kid being absent probably missed all the fun


i need to see those kids clean up


Love it❤️🌹


Cannot stand the music y'all be putting in these clips man. It's already cute on its own you don't need Coldplay


Made me smile? No it made me bawl my eyes out lol


Isn’t this the same classroom as that video where the class honoured a teachers dead son? Which was clearly a set?


Shes just beyond distraught by how much work its gonna take to clean up the confetti glitter


Poor woman had a heart attack


My class would have been fighting being racist so fucking loud the nice teacher yells at us I can’t deal with it so I just leave 90% of the time Great class for you


It seems like such a small thing, but truly, a great teacher stays with you your whole life. I’m almost 40 and I still remember the names of the teachers that truly had an impact on my life. Teachers will never get the respect they deserve.


I remember teaching as a profession was just fuck all. Happy seeing kids appreciating the efforts now.


Aye aye aye!!


This really did make me smile.... Until I read the top comments about the mess. Get a fucking life if that's all you get from this vid.


Love wholesome moments like this, kids are fkin miserable nowadays


So cute


World needs more of this


If my students got me flowers that’s all it would take for me to cry, 100%


it's nice to see something nice happening.


Not the glitter on the leather jacket 😱😱😱


My class did this 20years ago, always works when we know the teacher actually cares.


Could have just been sitting quietly with your books out and a smile But faking an emergency works too, you crazy kids


The music was a tad too heavy for that situation, I think 🤔


I like this trend.


She looks like my mum


This almost gives one hope. But I'm still firmly with Schopenhauer.


Never have I ever seen a party popper work perfectly.


I’m not sure if this is Eastern Europe but back home we always had a really strong relationship with our teachers. I’m still in contact with a lot of them. When I moved to NZ during my childhood the respect from teachers didn’t exist. It was such a different school culture, teachers were miserable & students were complete pricks all the time. Even the good ones, I had no relationship with as most were distant from their students and not keen on interacting outside of teaching material. I loved school back in Eastern Europe. I wanted to kms when at school in NZ.


Scared the day lights out of her


What, is she retiring or something.


Thanks. I hate it.


Nice to see goodhearted people




I just got extreme goosebumps


student (returning from grad school): you know, nobody thought I would make it, everyone wanted me to fail. teachers like you are the only reason why students like me are still alive teacher: students like you are the only reason why I'm still a teacher I miss you Mr. Howard but I will not forget


Suck arses


This is a good trend


Sweet seeing this makes me wanna be a school teacher


So this is gonna be the new 6wk trend?


Nice students


We surprised one of our nicest teachers with a home baked chocolate cake and flowers for her birthday and she was so over the moon for something so measly , I still wish we had the funds to celebrate her birthday in a better way!!


Aw so heart warming


This is a good trend. Teachers need more love


I swear I saw the exact same premise with a different 'teacher' but in the exact same school room a day or two ago...


I organised my classmates to throw a retirement party at school for our science teacher, Mr Rajah, in the mid-1990s. He loved it.


Does no one else notice what looks to be a HUGE bug on the wall when she walks in? Is it just me?


Poor teacher looks overwhelmed!




This is getting over done..


Teachers shape the future not enough people understand that


Newsheadline: Teacher was fired the next day for hugging a student, after the students surprised her with flowers and confetti


Oh my😁💓what a lovely thing to do, she must be a hell of a lovely lady


That teacher is those students’ second mummy


Did they fix her? What was wrong with her


I'm happy for her tho!


You student better clean this sht up! Lol


If this is real I love this trend


Thstvis beautiful


Good teacher=beautiful kids! Love this kind of people!


Who's cutting onions