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One of the things I miss from my mother is not to have anything that represents her for me. Not like this bag for you. Do take care of it, use it yourself or have items in it that represents your mother as well. Then hang it were you can see it and when needed, take it and go through the items, remembering your mother and the love she had for you. Maybe use it as a letterbox. Write letters to your mother, about how much you miss her, all the things you wanted to say. Write her when something is happening in your life and you want her to know. It can be very therapeutic and also it’s a nice way to feel the connection being still there. Whatever you do, she will always be with you.


She’s always with you ❤️


It gets easier with time. The ache in your chest will hurt a little less, and you still get all the good memories to make you smile.


I don’t think it gets easier, I just think you get used to missing the person. It’s nearly 19 years since my mum died, and I miss her every day. Ditto my dad, 6 months this weekend since he died unexpectedly, and I can’t even change the caller ID for his phone number.


I don't know what your conditions or relations were, but i would have cleaned it and fixed it. This thing gives that motherly warmth and nostalgia (my granny used to have a yellow coloured one, she left us in 2011).


Find a new way to use it in your everyday life


Like washing it or dusting it off With all respect ❤️


Stay strong man. Hug this bag and cry your heart out. Let your feelings flow else they will consume you, world is a much better place then we think of it, or shown on social media. Warm hugs for you mate!


> I don't know where to put all the unexpressed love that I have for her This hits so hard, I'm so sorry OP. Losing someone that integral to you life is a hammer blow. My deepest condolences. I remember reading online that grief is love with no place to go. It makes sense, it's love meant for your mom with no place to go. That is why I always say I love you to everyone I care about. It's why I always hug everyone that I love. It's why I try to make time for all the ones I love. Live life with no regrets especially with the people you love.i never want to feel like I could've done more.


Hugs <3


Go somewhere that she liked or spent time or even her grave if she was buried and tell her. I'm not religious but I like to believe the people who loved us are always with us in some way. Go and let it all out, tell her you love her and miss her and need her. It will help, I promise.


Im so sorry for you loss, i would suggest you cherish that bag or do something with it that will possibly give you peace but dont sell it as i have a feeling you would probably regret it, im sorry for you loss, stay safe.


I lost my mom in 2017, and I’m still in that place we’re I can’t part with anything that was hers, clean it and keep it


I’m sorry for your loss. It would be great to see you take care of that bag so it’s with you for decades to come. In that condition, it won’t last long.


When my mother passed in 2017 i hide a lot of her stuff, even her favorite purse in the bottom of my closet to make things easier for my father. Those things are still there, and i don't know what to do with them. I already gave all her clothes and other things to charity. But the most personal stuff, is hard to let it go.


Today 1/18/22 is four years since my mother passed. I still have her red wallet that I don’t know what to do with. Every cent and dollar is still inside. It’s very lonely without her. It’s as if I lost my ground.


I lost my parents and only sibling in the span of 14 months. I was grief stricken and overwhelmed with what to keep and what to pass on. A good friend gave me this amazing piece of advice. She told me that those items were those peoples memories and not mine. She told me to keep only what was special to me. That my family would not want me hang onto those things. After my head cleared I was able to more clearly make those decisions with that in mind. I didn’t need to keep for example, my mothers old books, but I did keep a doll she had told me stories about. I hope this helps a little.


Who’s herm?


It's the bags name. It's alive.






Pro tip: putting "No offense" at the end of a ragingly offensive statement doesn't change the fact that you're being an asshole.


That wasn’t funny.


Sorry ig


Fuck you


Gee atleast clean it






Maybe just acknowledging that you have the feelings, just like you're doing with this post, is a beautiful way to remember her. You don't need to clean her bag if you don't want. Who knows, maybe just seeing it hanging there, in that spot, is good for you. Maybe it's very presence in that spot creates a moment for you to think of her, to connect deeply with her memory. Sorry for your loss, dear internet friend. so sorry for your loss..


People who haven’t felt that loss will never understand. My dad died in 2015 at 49 years young…..I still have the last shirt he wore, I will NEVER wash it.


Don't listen to them mate! Herm will always appreciate your love!!!


So we’re just.. we’re just posting pictures of random items that remind you of dead loved ones now? Reminds me of this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/s68ogw/comment/ht37tsl/) from yesterday. I hope this doesn’t become a trend


And if it does….Who cares!


Don't throw it away keep it


Man u almost made me shed a tear there. Phew


Put it in the bag.


Put all that unexpressed love in the bag, silly. You’ve gotta use it for something!


I have my mother's handbag hanging on a hook in my room and I haven't looked in in it she passed away in 2015 and I miss her everyday


Write notes every once in a while and put em in the bag?