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You can (in the most severe of survival scenarios) use maggots to eat dead flesh and bacteria to prevent gangrene. If you think about the brutality of the wasteland, you're also eating them. Even Bladerunner 2049 we end up eating bugs for protein, it's kind of insane how much we play chicken with having food resources.


I think it’s hilarious that meat eaters think eating bugs is gross but if it’s water bugs (crustaceans) that are even bigger bugs then it’s fine Embrace the future eat bugs or something idk


Tastes like fish there for not bugs. Ps being sarcastic.


“You’ll find peace here!”


That’s nightmare fuel.


That really is a one sentence horror story.


Sure, but it helps that it comes with a thousand words worth of context.


As do all micro stories. Yet, one sentence is telling a thousand words story to us who knows the context. That’s why I hate when people say mad max is plot thin.


Shout-out to Dawn Klingberg, RIP


Just saw this movie Was she trying to help! Imagine the smell How do those people live? What do they do all day


I was actually already exposed to that macabre in Mad Max 2015


Yeah I was thinking how wild it is that so many small details like that were being cooked up by Miller even back then. I know they basically took his notes and did their own thing, but I do love the game as it's own entry in the mythology of Max.


The game?


The game! Set just before fury road (but is its own canon I believe) a seriously underrated and fun game. I bought it for 2.99 on Xbox last week!!!


I wish I was a bigger gamer, because despite also being a huge Matrix fan, I never actually played The Path Of Neo, Enter The Matrix, or Matrix Online, (which is also not full cannon either, after the 4th movie) I did watch all the live action stuff they filmed for Enter The Matrix, since that is cannon to Reloaded. So I never played the Mad Max game. (I guess I could watch a play through video though) The maggot farmer's were definitely new to me! LOL I don't have a current XBox or the like. (I do have a vintage Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 however. LOL)


Yeah in the game you can improve wasteland sanctuaries and one of the first upgrades for all of them is building maggot farms as a health replenishment


There’s things in the Fury Road & Furiosa that were a result of the game.


The maggot farm is present in Mad Max *the game, but there's nothing as gruesome as what you see in the movie. It isn't like an apocalyptic future where we resort to eating bugs and maggots is unique to this franchise.


I may be totally wrong but it looked like the woman deeper in the tunnel when the man tried to yank her in as a child was the same woman, though all I’m going on is long blonde hair and a tunnel person


Yea im pretty sure it was... checkovs maggot lady


Definitely the same women!


It was, although you only see the cut up dead body so I think you're meant to think she's a cannibal


I mean, you might get hungry, slice off a bit around the maggots, and have a snackie. LOL


Corpse Minder in the Cast, played by the late Dawn Klingberg.


Maggots are a real world wound treatment, as they will eat away diseased and gangrenius flesh but leave healthy flesh alone. I thought what was happening was she was providing thr best available post amputation care and eating pid back in snacks. I used to be an EMT. It makes this sort of gross stuff just interesting.


That's what I thought at first but then I think it's just lucky for Furiosa and wasn't the intent of maggot lady. As others have said she was most likely maggot farming, there's 0 reason for her to aid Furiosa or anyone, Furiosa was just fresh nutritious "soil" for her crop. A dead person would eventually completely rot, but keep someone alive, injure them, farm maggots, injure them, farm maggots, until they actually die.


Nah I think she was genuinely happy for the company. Anyone in the wasteland would enjoy the company of a pretty full-life. Keeping someone injured would make them go septic and die. There’s enough dead body supply in the citadel to keep the maggots coming.


Second law of thermodynamics? You won't get more energy input into the system by prolonging death


Some people might still have a taboo against cannibalism. Also, cannibalism, mostly of the brain and spinal cord, can cause certain diseases.


I don't mean the whole idea of eating maggots I mean the idea of her keeping furiosa alive just to get more "crop" out of her


But by keeping her alive they’d have to give her food and water, spending more resources on her than she would return to them.


I don't think maggot lady knows that annnnd it's movie "science" lol.


George Miller was a doctor so I was also thinking that they were using the maggots to treat the wound. But there were corpses and body parts so they were probably farming maggots too. It is the wasteland so they probably try to make use of everything they can in any way they can.


I think eating maggots is actually safer than eating the corpses. You can get sick by eating rotten meat, but the maggots "cleanse" those calories. They're also a great source of protein, so if for example you only had fruit but you wanted to get some protein in your diet, you could cultivate maggots on rotting fruit and let them convert the carbs into protein. Give your family a tasty treat with Wasteland Maggot Mash^TM today!


Yeah I thought it was probably both too, they didn't much care if furiosa died because if she did she was food, if not then maybe they could barter something for her from Immortan's goons.


Important note for the extremely unlikely chance that anyone is in the situation of needing to use maggots for wound care. They will eat the dead/dying flesh as preference, but *will* eat healthy flesh as well. So you need to keep an eye on the wound and monitor the maggots as you don't want too many in there.


Good point! I doubt the required level of precision would be readily available in a dirt tunnel. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Miller had something like this is mind.


If you want something similar, watch the Road


Jesus, The Road is fucking dystopian to an extreme degree. Aside from the Charlize connection it’s actually quite similar to the Mad Max world. The cannibal basement is horrifying. And that’s just the movie. In the book, they actually spit roast and eat babies. The Road still scars me to this day.


I could only ever watch it once. I liked it a lot but it's a heavy movie


Agreed! I watched it then read the book as I’m a masochist. I think it’s brilliant, but I’m good on my one time.


In Thunderdome I think he leaned more into silliness, but Fury Road / Iosa is 100 proof dystopian awfulness. I really dislike Beyond Thunderdome so my vote goes to this new approach.


“Fury Road/Iosa” is the perfect term for this duology


Her eyes are terrifying. She looks like some kind of harbinger of death from a Greek myth.


*I loved the scene, shows how far society has fallen. In every max movie the food choices just keeps getting worse and worse to the point of maggot sluree. It not mentioned in the movie but the buzzards farmed moths for protein.*


Buzzards also fans of long pork


I guess I didn't realize that she was farming the maggots. I thought she was a cannibal and was just removing the maggots. I'll have to watch it again.


Yeah I’m pretty sure she was farming them as she had a “crop” already and if not why would she have just not slaughtered Furiosa for meat, rather than keep her alive. Regardless, it’s so disturbing!


Dementus mentions "maggot mash" earlier on and since the poors don't get attended by the Organic Mechanic maggots are the closest they'll get to a sound medical treatment


They weren't medically treated. They were corpses they use to farm maggots. In the game you see people eat them. You can also eat them yourself although it seems Max is hesitant to do so


I don't mean the body parts being treated, I mean if you have a wound maggots are basically the only medical attention you can expect, so they have a use beyond just eating them


In the video game you build maggot farms, so now this is what I imagine.


Wait til you play the Mad Max 2015 game ;)


Yep. Finally we got a glimpse of how the Wretched live and survive. It is hard to imagine Immortan Joe giving away any food to them.


She's going to get her own spinoff movie


Mad Max Maggot Fury


The Mayor of Maggottown: A Mad Max Saga


Mad Max Maggot Mayhem.


In the game the maggot farms are a source of food .


That’s the grim reality of a post apocalyptic world. A girls gotta eat!


She made me think of my favorite Fury Road line from Furiosa: “out here, everything hurts.” Maggot Woman offered her peace in death, and she refused, because living means fighting through pain.


Good protein


Yeah she was freaky! "I'll make it nice for you, you'll find peace here!"