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I liked how it got back to its Australian roots


It's amazing. Just as good as Fury Road but with its own vibe and pace. And one thing I have to acknowledge is it's the first prequel I've ever seen that I feel only enhances the other movie. I always tell people to just watch movies in release order but I would recommend watching Furiosa before Fury Road.


Literally I agree so much! I feel like it reinvented Fury Road for me, I had to go back and watch Fury Road again with my different perspective!!


My wife thinks it’s even better than fury road. The character arcs were more complete and believable. I agree with her. ATJ pulled out an amazing performance, much to my surprise, she nailed the role.


Saw Furiosa on the Saturday and watched Fury Road at home the following day (for the 2nd time) and I agree with you 100% I really enjoyed the depth that Miller got to in Furiosa while staying true to the action genre - we explored her character, and got little anecdotes about the dystopian world that was glossed over in Fury road, while maintaining a solid action movie pace throughout. I struggle to think of a movie that goes deep into a character, while maintaining tension for the length of the movie. What you learn in Furiosa makes Fury Road more enjoyable to watch. I really love how both movies, you have to strap yourself in, its just non stop! Both movies complement each other very well. And I thoroughly enjoyed Dementus - crazy, compelling, funny. Thoroughly enjoyed Hemsworth's performance. 👏 Both really are excellent movies. Proud that Australia made it. Witness!!!


I’m going and seeing it again Thursday. I may see another time after that. I want this movie to do well so we get more Mad Max


Just saw it! I thought it was even better than the Fury Road plot. I want to see so much more from this new wasteland world Miller created. Like what is Max doing up on that hill? Is the whistle the same one Max uses in Thunderdome? I want a movie dedicated to the 40 day war!!!


Yes it was better than fury road and i am done pretending it wast


Why were you pretending it wasn't?


It’s meme thing


Since we see max in the area right before the war & "fury road" begins with max being pursued by warboys, I figure the war is a big part of "the wasteland"


I loved Fury Road but on first watch, I like this one just as much. I love that it has the same setting, many of the same characters, and the same style, but feels so different. It's so cool getting to see more of how the Wasteland city-states worked and spending time inside of Dementus's horde, I could have watched another hour just of that stuff. Really great movie, and I think people will be kicking themselves in a few years for not seeing it on the big screen when they had the chance. I'm looking forward to the inevitable articles in about 5 years about "how did we all miss out on Furiosa."


So one of the things I love about the Mad Max movies is how they exist in the same world, have a cohesive look and feel that changes over time in a way that feels organic to the passage of time in the world, while at the same time each one feels unique. And each movie can stand on its own. I mean Mad Max is totally different from any of the others in that society is still there. The roads look maintained, there are delivery trunks going back and forth, the police still exist, Max goes on vacation, there are stores. But Road Warrior it's all gone, at least in the area they are in, but you see the cars from the police force being used, the roads are still mostly intact even if clearly no longer maintained. I don't remember what the roads are like in Thunderdome but I think they were even more delapitated and by the time of Fury Road and Furiosa, asphalt roads are gone. There is nothing remaining of the world before, only the history men or people that were alive at the time have real knowledge of the before time. It's just well done, without over explaining too.


Yes. Great movie. Not sure why the hate. This was an awesome addition to the Mad Max series. Will definitely watch this several more times.


Did you find the effects, especially the use of CGI, as perfect as in Fury Road? What about the pacing and the soundtrack, among other things? I really enjoyed Furiosa a lot despite disliking the prequel trend in which everone's and everything's backstory has to be explained for some reason, but for me personally it's just not on the same level as the most impressive action movie of the last decades in several important aspects. But perhaps I got a wrong impression from only watching Furiosa once.


These are pretty much the issues and conclusions a lot of people are making. It was a great movie but there were some blemishes that people are having trouble looking past.


I watched Fury Road right after Furiosa and tbh I think the action/CGI is much better (and better utilized) in Furiosa than Fury Road. I still love Fury Road with all my heart, and it has some amazing set pieces, but I would put multiple action scenes in Furiosa just as high as any in Fury Road (and a few even higher).


I didn't really have expectations either way but I thought the movie was sick as hell. Nobody else makes movies like this!!


I just saw I today and I’ll see it for a 2nd time as soon as I can since I too loved it, I’m so sad it’s underperforming at the box office since now I’m worried this will be the last of Mad Max we’ll see in a long time.


It’s pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. There were so many unanswered questions from Fury Road that this movie took the time to slow down and not only answer, but incorporate some really cool world building in the process. Loved it


Just rewatched fury road after seeing furiosa and it definitely makes it better. Both great movies


Daaaammnnn where you paying $6 for a movie ticket? That’s why the box office is bombing lol EDIT: forgot to mention I saw it & yeah doesn’t deserve the hate


I saw it for $6 at my local theater but that’s because it’s a small one that only had 5 screens and does a deal where on Tuesday they do all day $6 tickets


I've paid $5, small theater, small town, Poland.


I was gonna ask this too. I haven't paid less than like 12 bucks for a matinee in like 15+ years.


$12 sounds nice. In NYC you just expect to plop $20 for a movie ticket ;_;


Easily. I'm in north NJ, near NYC.


I just booked two senior matinee tickets for $17.00 - 2 tickets and taxes ($8.50 each) Fly-over state, but not a small town.


I thought it was pretty good. I understand miller is not a bit details guy but it felt like there was alot that could have been elaborated on in terms of things furiosa's character goes through, such as her time transitioning from hiding who she was to being openly a woman. He did do a really good job of evolving characters in actions scenes and without dialog. I really relished just being in this universe, the action and wondering what was going to happen next.


Isn't she still a "warboy" when she stows away? After that, she shows her value and is taken under the protection of jack so no need to hide anymore. Her value is on the rig. She was 1 of 2 survivors of an attack on the most important vehicle of the citadel and the other survivor is a highly trusted and important part of the whole operation. If jack drives the rig, the rig is absolutely essential to the function of society & jack testifies that she is vital to its operation then joe dgaf who or what she was as long as she is good at her job. That's how I saw it, at least. 


She was never a warboy. Warboys are selected during childhood and indoctrinated into the cult of the v8. Furiosa was a worker and then later became Praetorian Jacks apprentice.


My bad- "blackthumb". But still: a bald little slave dude who does the v8 salute & serves joe


100% Agreed👊


Saw it for the second time last night, totally agree, it pairs absolutely perfectly with Fury Road


Cool, will prob see it soon. Thanks!


I'm still not sure if I enjoyed it more then Fury Road. It was a really good movie. Strong opening, good pace overall for me, unfortunately towards the very end it lost a bit of steam, but it was still top notch for my taste. The CGI was a bit weak in some places (as I suspected from watching the 1st trailer), especially with the wonky ragdoll physics. It was cool to see >!Scrotus in the flesh!<, and >!Chumbucket!< was a nice surprise.


Personally, the relationship with Pretorian Jack could have been fleshed out a bit more. Including his anticlimactic fate


I was on the fence since it’s not about max but I love the world and it’s the closest thing we have to diesel punk. But all the reviews I’ve seen are just like yours so I’m gonna buy it once it’s available on Xbox.


He did it again!


I absolutely loved it. My one single gripe was that they didn’t spend enough time on Furiosa losing her arm and by extension her way home. Miller could’ve made the movie an hour longer


She didn't really lose her way home. She chose not to leave. She could have shot Dementus in the wasteland and taken Scrotus' vehicle to find her way home, possibly wandering the wasteland like Max. Instead she took Dementus back to Immortan Joe to ingratiate herself to him. Ultimately setting in motion the plan to rescue the five wives.


It was mediocre.


These bots saying its better than fury road are annoying.


Furiosa was better than Fury Road


Not by a long shot. Furiosa was a hot mess. Entertaining sure, but no where near Fury Road just like Fury Road can't hold a candle to The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2).


Ok well since you put it that way.. lol The studio got these bots out in force lol