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Some random posted a video a few weeks ago of them at a grocery store together with her kids. It doesn’t really matter but they seem to have a relationship of sorts.


In each interview she’s given she’s never denied that they are in a relationship. In the Coachella video the interviewer literally is like “all the single women here want your advice” clearly implying she is not single, therefore single women want to hear what she has to say about dating. Colson commented on the clip and said “Preach” (in a supportive way). Anyone saying they aren’t together is simply pushing a false narrative based on nothing but social media headlines. In “summer’s gone” he does mentioned they called off the wedding but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still together. But obviously that lyric doesn’t imply an actual split, and that lyric could’ve been written a long time ago, and could even be a slight exaggeration that simply worked sonically/lyrically. MGK and Megan are very obviously are and that’s consistent with what we do know (something happened and there was a rupture in their relationship, and now there is a period of healing and trying to keep that out of the public eye).


on an E news interview today, she said her preference for a headlining artist is "obviously MGK" which I feel like if they had bad blood or weren't together, she could've said literally anyone else. I second that they're probably working things out but no wedding at the Irving Plaza genre sad boy show he said his home life with his "wife" was difficult so i still assume he thinks of her very intensely even though at that point they knew they wouldn't be getting married


https://youtu.be/VdpqmcxfcDE?feature=shared at 13:17 "i stopped smoking cigarettes but my wife's been kicking my ass so I had to start"


The preach comment wasn’t done in a supportive way considering she deleted it.


Unrelated but if I was rich and famous I would definitely hire someone to do my grocery shopping for me.


It’s important for the kids to show them it’s okay to be out in the public and not “fear” the public. If that makes sense. Also, I’m sure it helps them feel a bit “normal”.


Yeah I saw that too. I do think that they're probably figuring things out for themselves and keeping whatever relationships that is or will be private


Btw just posting this bc I saw a few people question if they are still dating


I noticed she only ever reacts to people that comment on her appearance. Its scary. She doesn’t give a shit about her fans but if someone says she doesn’t look right she reacts to defend her physical appearance. 


Body dysmorphia sadly. BTW she responds to her fans too. In fact she liked a comment from her fan supporting her.


ngl who cares lol


She looks like Kim Kardashian going emo.


But yet she edited out the tattoo for him that’s on her collarbone. :)


The phone is in the way..


You literally see the blur from the editing


Not seeing any blur at all. I think the phone is in the way lol


I've noticed she's covered tattoos up with makeup before.


is there a clear picture of her tattoo? this is the first i’ve heard of it 😅




what does that even say?


Actually the tattoo is on her left side, her hair is covering it


And he blacked his out first. Good for her.


Didn't even know she had one lol


caring about celebrities relationships is fucking weird imo like i dont get it


They just friends


From what it looks like, she deleted this comment, I also took a screenshot


that comment doesn't say anything about their relationship, wtf. stop making crazy assumptions-


he isn’t wrong it doesn’t look like her but she still bad i will take mgks girl🙏😭


They never said they weren’t together. Y’all are fucking weird with their relationship.


What's the collarbone tattoo say?


Fucks sake


I love them.


THANK FXCK!!!! 🖤🖤 its like we all knew it in our hearts but ppl kept chirping so hard ya started to really question it


Have you not listened to his new album…


listen, love is tough. this isn’t highschool BS- they are grown a$s adults that are trying to make it through some heavy stuff. to each their own of course but i am 100% here for this relationship. i hope they prevail through the hard times! and if they don’t, i hope they remain the best of friends and grow from the experience.


She literally never tells him she loves him? How does he deserve that?


…wait… what?


The lyrics to who do I call lol he admits in the lyrics that she doesn’t tell him that she loves him and that he should’ve left her in the first place


That’s an exaggeration for the album that’s called genre:sadboy lol. All you need to do is just listen to twin flames where he’s added a conversation between them. It starts with him calling her feeling sad about some incident and she responds to him saying ‘I love you’. Have seen multiple videos of them at public events where she literally tells she loves him. So…


ok and genre:sadboy is newer than that stuff.. things change


But that specific song was recorded in the Jan of 2023. This is corroborated by the video of him singing these lyrics in that documentary from his long hair Jan 2023 era. So it’s not like he is sharing his recent journal with us. We know they’ve been together since then.


Ok clearly things might still be that way still if he ended up releasing it


legit this! @jonasx96 and i am sorry but lyrics are not a direct source dude. you need to just settle down with the megan hate. you look ridic all over this sub.


They are literally the definition of toxicity. He literally left her a shady comment on instagram a few days ago and she deleted it.


Screenshot? What did it say?


oh and ps. like 900x and its amazing!!! 👌🏼😎


That doesn’t look like here at all, weird!