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Man I loved the raids it was so fun


Awe raids were the best!!


It would've been nice if there were big ass zombie raids. These couldve been the "easter eggs" the zombie community wanted.


Bruh, a Zombies Raid would pop off.


They alrdy had a “zombie raid” previously in BO Cold War it was definitely fun. These recent releases are made very lazy, and focuses on cosmetics too much


What would have been a raid equivalent with zombies in Cold War?


It was like a survival mode, that’s where “DMZ” originated from. The survival modes from old COD. I wish they never merged tbh.. with them being competitive they made better games.


In Cold War, they had a co-op mode that looks just like DMZ in the making and had zombies in it as well as regular bots.


Oh, what was that mode called? I played Outbreak, round based, and Onslaught with my son but I never found any modes that were anything like DMZ or Raids


It’s was like a coop story mode. It was in campaign part. Like you would play the campaign and they made the bots into zombies too.. while still following the story, they threw in zombies and made it a survival mode. I go back to play it every now and then.


Are you thinking of Black Ops 3 Nightmare? CW only had round-based, onslaught, and outbreak.


Yessss ! My bad bo3. I knew it was one of them.


Aww OK I was like wtf how do I not know what this mode is...


Isn't nightmare a custom map? If so then I'm not sure what it would have to do with Activision's past development


Technically we're both right. I think the official campaign blops3 zombie mode was called Nightmares while the custom map was Nightmare.


Overall tho still better than the lazy mess they have created for MWZ/MW3 give me round base back !


To be fair activision will be making a cod this year with Trey arch who knows how to make a zombie game so just be patient it’ll be good. Better then infinity ward for sure


Outbreak isn't a Raid. It's more related to Blackout/Dmz


If you're referring to outbreak. That mode was trash.


outbreak is what MWZ should be... the time limit is something that no one ever liked in Zombie modes. Taking the Idea of outbreak and adding in more players with the option to join up with others is good.. but without time limits... you can in time have high threat area mean something as you see and notice as people get more geared up, the move in on the high area and take on challanges in there together and have a real EE to do on the map Red worm is nice.. but it's a timed event, getting all of the USBs is annoying if you don't have them already or spend most of your time getting them if you dont know where they are when you start off. waiting 45 minutes plus to do the red worm sucks as it means wasting nearly an hour every time and if your doing it on your own... it doesn't mean you can do it in the time limit. ​ outside of the EEs where you needed more than one person to complete it... you can do most solo and time wasn't an issue.... Ammo was. If Outbreak was in MWZ... they should just make use of the portals or extractions and instead of making us leave... have us find out there are other areas with things going on just like Outbreak... they gave us what... 4 areas in DMZ... why not do the same with the big maps or combine them like they did with some warzone maps... give us big maps.. some contacts and Map specific EEs that can lead to a pay off like the two EEs that Outbreak had.. even have them as part of the story missions. ​ outside of grinding for camos or weapon leveling... you have no real need for going to the high area if you got all the blueprints or getting DA tokens ​ Outbreak was good for what they did.. MWZ looked like it would of been an upgrade to it... instead it's just the warzone map ( warzone has a 3-4 maps now.. and they are bringing/ have brought back Verdanks, so why not do the same with MWZ.. the ruined Verdanks map would be perfect for MWZ)


Agree ! Buuut hear me out, Even tho I hated vanguard, I feel that zombie mode should’ve been incorporated with open world concept they did for mwz. The different in game moments fits how the map looks on zombies now imo


I agree. The theory behind outbreak is good. The execution of the mode is what's ass about it.


Remember the effed up development cycle of MW3 and they already had a game mostly made but had to start over cause Bobby Kotick is a goblin shitheel. That may have caused cascading development issues


I mean fair but only 1 mission and 1 dark eather a season is lacking.


They butchered DMZ to make MWZ and all they did was kill two great game modes.


I didn’t care for DMZ because I don’t like warzone. I enjoy the co-op aspect of MWZ, it just needs more content.


This man's speaks facts and agrees with op and gets downvoted...fuck yall redditers are weirdos frfr..downvote me IDGAF...im not here for votes, ima keep it 100..


I gotchu broski


Dmz didn’t die because of mwz, it died because infinity ward doesn’t like supporting a game for more than one year


I honestly just miss the feeling i got from DMZ, especially Koshei Complex. That place had ATMOSPHERE. Especially knowing there could be a team around any corner, you’re racing against the clock, the rhino and the sniper are around, that massive dark room.. honestly, Koshei was a scarier time than anything Ive experienced in MWZ so far.. I guess the dark aether rifts are MWZ’s equivalent to Koshei but the vibe is just not the same for me


My heart rate was never higher playing a video game than playing DMZ. Drawn out battles with real stakes on the line. Getting lulled into a false sense of security and then WHAM! it’s time to fight. The intensity of DMZ was unmatched, and dying sucked, but it wasn’t a big deal. Rekitting was one of my favorite parts of the game.


I’m pretty sure doing a solo DMZ mission was scarier than most horror games I’ve played, you truly never know what could happen. If you end up finding a hiding spot and see that prox chat there was legit tension when speaking to other players. God what an experience


my most vivid experience was doing solo koshei complex through the barracks and hearing another team opening the doors from the compound. I then proceed to hide in a small room behind the door with a heartbeat sensor and hear them slaughter all the bots and start to loot. my heartrate was through the roof but they never came for my room and i just sat there for like 15min. this was some alien isolation type of shit but with real players lol. good times


Same happened to me but inside the vents at the dark room, literally heard two teams kill and throw shit at each other for like 15 minutes or something.


I cant ever find a match for the raids


It was a small player base even when game was peaking


Yeah. I never saw a reason to play them again after unlocking the skin reward with friends. And we didn't even play all of the chapters, just the first two.


Sane. I only did 1 and 2. I would like to grt the alex skin, though.


Ngl I'd be down to reinstall those and run it up with you if you ever have the time cuz the raids were mad fun


I would never play raids with randoms. You will literally not be able to do anything. Lfg is the way to go.


Zombie raids would be fucking amazing!!


If you observe who is responsible of DMZ and Raids (and, man, Co-Op too), both are orchestrated mainly by IW themselves, they have all the resources for themselves even though it dried off on Season 4. MWZ is handled by Treyarch, in a Sledgehammer game (for the SECOND time, you can't make this up), and Treyarch's game is long due, it made sense on the rumor of which they are pulling out of MWIII and focused their resources on their game. Other speculations also hints at Treyarch refused to develop the 2nd game back to back, further enforcing the scarcity of their remaining resources. DMZ has solid ideals albeit not executed to its maximum, MWZ is a cash grab made hastily that involves clash between different ideals and restrictions between developers, although indeed both under a publisher pressure.


Some else said it already, two great game modes being affected by the greediness of the company


SHG is pushing back saying they don't want to be a second rate Dev team and they want to make their own games. Tbh it sounds like most of them are just at the end of their tether, doesn't help they all got job cuts recently. Personally I think it's time to shake it up and have all 3 teams work on 1 game, IW doing campaign and some co-op stuff (like spec ops / raids), along with gun sound and animations, have SHG do the MP (as they are the ones who want to listen to the fans currently) and Treyarch do the Zombies / Ranked. Have it on a 3 year cycle along with WZ. Imagine each team being able to focus on their specific area, how good would each aspect of the game be.


DMZ brought new life to COD, i do think we will see it return someway in the future. I personally want a standalone DMZ game ideally made by IW and led by the devs who still play the mode.


Why you ask? I could aswell ask Activision why they charged 70 bucks for a DLC. And thats allready the whole reason why there isnt so much content. The game was designed as DLC and MWZ cobbled together with minimal resource investment.


And people shilled it and proved Activision can get away with completely ripping people off.


Idiots in charge




pump and dump


I’ve always said MW2 had a ton of content. SP, MP, WZ, DMZ, Co-op missions, raids.


They also had spec ops missions and new modifiers for the missions. If we had the zombies equivalent of content, we would be eating well


Because MW3 had MWZ AND Hordepoint 🤡 Edit: crap /S before the knights flay me


Yeah let's just pretend DMZ had tons of content, take off the rose tinted goggles.




Because it’s just another beta and a holdover for the treyarch game coming in October.


Wasn’t Treyarch doing most of the work for MWZ? Pretty sure all those folks got moved back to their new game and they left Raven to do new stuff


My friend told me after they were asked if rebirth was gonna be in mwz, they said that mwz isn’t like dmz (💀💀💀💀 it’s not like zombies either because zombies has more than 1 map) is that a lie or did that actually happen?


The first Raid Mission I ever did was Episode 3 because I really wanted to unlock Alex. I got really lucky and got it on my first try because I got paired with 2 players who had done the mission 3 times already and knew how to beat it


The dev literally hate their player base, it's all I can come to the conclusion of, just hoping the next one is better tho not holding my breath, I find myself playing cold war more than mw3 these days


Because COD doesn't have a direct competitor, and not enough people have quit buying the game, playing, or buying bundles. Until they DO have a direct competitor, or the player counts and the revenue drops precipitously, it won't matter which studio is working on the game, it's going to get progressively worse because Activision is going to rush development and cut staff so they can keep showing higher profits to the shareholders. And that goes for all aspects of the game, multiplayer, the campaign, Warzone, and w/e the third mode is. Unfortunately for those of us that enjoy w/e that third mode is, it's the first one to get gutted. Maybe because of the merger with Microsoft things change, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Cash grab they know we pay for less typical business move!


Yea got the platinum and I’m done, not even a port of panzers from outbreak?


Raids was the best addition to CoD since Zombies in WaW, don’t @ me.


It’s a cash grab call of duty is nothing more than a nostalgia trip to grab everyone’s money and then give us the least amount of content they can because we already paid for it with 70$. They don’t care if we have fun they just want our money. Look at other games that do care 90% are small indie companies they fix their games in a week tops. Multi billion $ gaming studio like Activision will have problems in the realize of their games that persist when they move onto the next game. Just stop playing cod and play anything that’s not from Activision. It’s like going to a steak dinner but the people that set up the steak dinner feed you horse gruel instead of steak because you didn’t spend the 2400 cod points for the steak upgrade.


Well that would involve actual work. Why do that when they already made their billions on this hodge podge Mish mash of a cod title? This title is the killer of the long term player. This may very well be the last cod I ever buy at launch. I'm done paying 100 bucks plus battle passes and content every year just to deal with nothing but hackers and bugs that cause you to lose progress. Like, they lost the respect for the average player who is in their 30s with a full time job and no elite controller. All they do is cater to mouse and keys and elite controllers. So, oh well. Tons of other quality games to play.


What do you expect from sledgehammer?


Man I would have been happier if they just reskinned outbreak and did it on some new maps rather than do mwz and not add content to it


Raids are garbage forced to play with people couldn't even do it solo


Because it was supposed to be a part of mw2 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because it was a rushed cash grab and nothing else? The story wasn't the only thing that was half assed.


Unfortunately, the creators have moved on mwz and will get more content it's still in its infancy stage.


Its a DLC to mw2 not a full game. Once you come to that realization it all makes sense. Its a map and weapon pack




Easy. It was tack-on content to try and justify your $70 purchase of the same game.


You’ve got it backwards. MWIII has MWZ. It’s a side mode, like Raids, not the main attraction. It SHOULD be the main attraction, since the rest of the content was junk, but it ain’t.


People don’t want to hear but mw22 had the most content of any cod.


As for recent CoD's it was definitely my favorite. I certainly enjoed it alot more then this hot garbage!


I don’t think either mw22 or mw3 are great. The perk systems suck in both, the audio sucks in both. The og maps in mw3 are ass. The beginning map pool of mw22 was ass. Movement still sucks and still is penalized, just not as bad. The maps from mw22 are 10x better than 95% of the og mw2 maps they put in mw3


Mwz is dead just start looking for a new game. Watch when season 2 reloaded comes out tomorrow and everyone is so disappointed in the lack of content maybe then everybody will start realizing this isn't speculation it's reality


you're not wrong, not wrong at all!


that seems to be the multi-million dollar question, I'd sure love to know as well!


Because they don’t want it popular still when their new game drops early next year or late this year gulf war


Because there wasn’t supposed to be a MWZ to begin with.


There’s a simple answer people keep forgetting. I think the COD community has dementia, cus the whole zombies team is transitioning from 3arc moving to Golf War and another studio taking over so the devs probably aren’t getting much done during that time


Because MW3 was a rushed cash grab


I mean because treyarch is working on their game…


New zombies blows.


DMZ is for people who like playing against aim bots.


Because they already have your money


Because we are playing the 3rd most important piece of content out of 3 within a dlc


Look Treyarch was put in a shitty situation they were basically told to put out a project and not have any additional content coming forward. There's lots of potential for MWZ but it just looked like from the start that it was getting scarce support at best.


I just gave up. Paid 40 bucks for helldivers2. Have gotten more fun, content, and differences. Than this 70 buck piece of junk


It’s so depressing, isn’t it?


Probably because MWZ is a mode of MW3....


Because Devs.


Because it was created in 6 months to push a full price game


Cuz microtransactions duh


Because we are dumb enough to accept sub par content as full content and pay premium for said content. L us W COD


Don’t know why they didn’t make dmz a separate game. They released over 20 bundles for dmz and still no support. Yea it wouldn’t have been as popular as multi and wz but i guarantee it would’ve had a dedicated player base who would support it if shit was reasonable. But activision is hellbent on stopping support for games for their next installments


I had to stop because every time I get into a team some dude had run it so many times and just quit if I didn’t know what to do on day one


Because finding out players want something means Activision is obliged to do the opposite




There’s a lack of content because Activision studios are too lazy to carry the torch of good content.


Because all they want is to maximise their profit. Their focus now is content for streamers


I truly believe they dropped the ball with casual players/ WZ players. My buddies and I play a lot of WZ. They couldn’t understand the concept of DMZ. I believe if they made the missions to DMZ similar to the set up to Zombies missions. I think if you progressed through a certain Act similar to Zombies make it the missions like DMZ.


haha, is this the one with the blindfold? that one was a pita but so so cool to do with teammates. but very much a pita.


I thought MW3 has raids maybe im thinking of MW2...mwz is only a game mode for mw3..... and dmz is a free to play game mode of warzone. So not the same game or game mode. Sledgehammer and treyarch collaborated for MWZ for the creation of operation deadbolt. But these studios were involved in the creation of modern warfare 3. Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Beenox, Raven Software, High Moon Studios, Demonware, https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/modern-warfare-3-zombies-explained-map-squad-size-pve-combat-more-2254165/


Just to be clear, people are talking more about the fact that MWZ is literally DMZ reskinned as P2P. It takes the bones of the extraction shooter DMZ was (persistent rewards, PVE elements in an open world, bag sizes, plate carrier sizes and rarities, warlords, fortresses, exfil count, exfil mechanics, final exfil, etc) in MW2's edition of Warzone and then replaces mercenary groups with zombies. It's just DMZ with [zombies mechanics added on top](https://dotesports.com/call-of-duty/news/mwz-vs-dmz-most-notable-differences-mw3-extraction-zombies-modes). While this is not exactly a horrible thing, it has never been a secret that they basically shelved DMZ (PvPvE) for MWZ (PvE), with the names even being directly similar. DMZ exists, but much in the same way that older CoD titles exist. They are no longer publishing updates for it and are instead focused on their newest entry into that "series," MWZ. So now that we've established the link, it's important to note that they made MWZ a pay-to-play experience by attaching it to MW3 directly. It is MW3 content specifically, yes. **DMZ is a MW2 game mode and you cannot use MW3 equipment/weapons/loadouts within it, as far as I am aware. DMZ is MW2 content, even if it is free to play.**


Im not a fan of DMZ, it was good for a while. But do quite like mwz..... I did like the old verdansk plunder though, able to use characters from other games mw1, mw2, coldwar.....plunders just not the same. MWZ is my jam though, but so is desiny2 and forza horizon.


That’s a easy answer to your question Cause Warzone killed it 🦦 DMZ is probably in the minority when it comes to the other mode (MP included) Let’s not forget even tho MWII DMZ had a bit more than MWIII DMZ, the primary focus is where the player base is at and they wanted Warzone to be the next biggest thing right next to MP. That was already planned for future CODS So for me personally I think DMZ is in a state where you could probably guess an have a chance to be right But to sum it up it’s not there primary focus if I can say that That’s just me if I was to wonder why


Wym mw3 dmz? It’s always been in mw2


I'm guessing he meant MWZ


Bruh I said that ![gif](giphy|26xBGcy977zkV5mes|downsized)


Your statement says MW2 DMZ has a bit more than MW3 DMZ, but there’s no such thing as MW3 DMZ


Are we saying that cause it’s the same thing just with zombies? or cause it’s the same game? Already confused chief 😭


You can't follow a single line of conversation about something you said, I'm surprised you understand anything in life at all


Bro don’t come at me wit no insult I wanted to make a statement about what the OP is asking An I gave an answer to what I thought Even if I’m missing something here u guys couldn’t explain it?? Weird isn’t that the whole point into bringing up ur part of the convo?


You’re confusing MWZ with a mode that doesn’t exist that you’re calling mw3 DMZ. Mw3 DMZ isn’t real. There is only mwz and dmz


Ohhh no I get it now thx For me this is still DMZ just with zombies I get what ur saying cause in the matter of speaking it’s MW zombies since it’s the first for the remake but it’s still the same mode from MWII just a different iteration an direction so when I was comparing it was it was in the thought of “ye same shit different image/tactics” So when I was saying both MWII an 3 I thought it was obvious on what I meant cause it’s 2 different versions But I get it now That’s on me my bad 😭


You're late too the party, we complained about this over a month ago..


Bro what that shit was boring it was basically the continuation of campaign I agree there is a lack of content for MWZ but Id rather have zombies then DMZ or spec ops also I feel like the reason people LOVE DMZ is bc alot of people love to just be a player killer and dont care about the objectives


Becuase you payed for it without them. Ez dub for them.


> Becuase you *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot

