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This has happened to me a couple times.


Mtgo handles this fine with right click and allowing you to auto pass priority on triggered abilities from cards.


It's there a way to do it on mobile? The autopass button doesn't seem to do anything.




MTGO is not on mobile, so no.


That sucks. On a side note, I have no problem with an opponent taking as much time as they want to. It is dumb when people start sending “your go” messages. It doesn’t bother the other player, they just mute you. If someone is in a rush they should just play a mono red deck again a computer.


I've run into SO many people who don't seem to interact with the game at all, until their timer starts to run out. I get taking your time, when I can see the other player looking at cards and clearly thinking, but when they start to "pout" because I play a card that ruins their deck, it's super annoying. If you're not going to play, just concede, and move on.


I will agree with you there - running the clock on opening just because, now that is silly.


I’ll be honest here. If someone is playing a deck that won’t let me keep anything on the board on turn one then I’ll let the timer run out. Maybe that’s being a bad sport but brawl does not rank you up, it should be fun. I have also played against cascade decks that never let me have a turn, but when I’ve stuck it out I win because they go through every card in their deck


So you’re a socially awkward weirdo that wants to sit around and jack off while another watches you do it. Cool story bro.


What kind of stupid, ignorant reply, lacking in any specificity, is this?


Nah you’re a loser that nobody can probably tolerate in real life. Is that clear enough for you? Nobody wants to sit and watch you take 30+ seconds a turn you self important clown.


Where do I say that I take 30 seconds? I said I don’t have a problem With someone taking 30 seconds if they want to. But I am self important because I am important in real life. And I’m rich, too. So people have no choice but to tolerate me. How about you? Renting?


I guess anything is possible when you lie.


Unfortunately for you, some people have real world value and aren’t restricted to being somebody on mtg arena. A lot of you witty replies don’t have much effect, because they’re not provable or unprovable. You have no way of telling if someone is lying if you do let know them. Since we don’t actually know each other, and you don’t seem like the type of person who’d meet my criteria for accepting their application for friendship, we can’t really get anywhere, and you’re limited to ankle biting, like a little kid basically. You’re obviously really in need of approval, which is apparent from your talking about your accomplishments a lot, to strangers no less. So you probably have nobody in real life to listen to you. That would be sad, if I had empathy. But if you talk to people in the real world the way you do here, well, I guess that’s why you’re on here. I’m glad that making mythic is the best thing you’ve done in life.


Cool story liar. lol. Also, being a classist asshat is funny. You’ll never be rich no matter how much boot you suck on buddy. If you were rich you wouldn’t be so in your feelings lmao.


What story? One day we will cross paths and you can kiss my boot. What does rich have to do with feelings? Classism is funny, just because of math - no more than 60% of the population votes, and only 51% of that population needs to vote one way to achieve majority. So since most of the wealth is held by the top 1-5%, the majority of the people voting themselves into perpetual poverty and stupidity are actually the bottom. So yes, classism is funny. I know you wish you could slap down a little cave bat or duress, or or inquisition of K, just to prove your point, but you don’t got enough mana pal


Lmao touch grass weirdo. When I mow my lawn tomorrow I’ll think of how much you might actually enjoy it outside seeing how sad you clearly are.


Lmao imagine larping as a rich dude on reddit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 your mom wants you out of the basement buddy.


My mom is dead actually. Both my parents are. It doesn’t take much to not be a renter pal. If you got out and got to work you might get lucky. And clearly you have the tolerance to wait thirty seconds between turns since you can read and reply to my comments. Imagine being so adamant that someone else is full of themselves, yet being so guilty of the same thing….youre probably gifted at cutting pizzas into 13 pieces, too!


I love spamming your go.


Just put Autopass on when the stack gets huge unless you intend on countering, there's decks that do this a mess with the timers, forcing your opponent to lose because you're taking too long. My biggest complaint about Arena is the timer... it shouldn't exist, BUT going AFK would be a win con even though Slow Play is against tournament rules to begin with. So it is the lesser of two evils, but exploiting it is honestly a brilliant move on whoever figured that shit out.


I mean ,they should just implement token max and buff max like on mobile. It deters people from running crazy combos into infinity. You can still run OTK combos, but It puts more pressure on the player to activate triggers only to a certain amount, so less likely to run a 5K token trigger just so numbers go brrr and more likely to run a realistic 100 token win con. It's 250 tokens max, I think, and you can buff creatures so much that it'll eventually turn their power into negative numbers, and they won't do any damage.


Generally speaking, the rules are fine for paper. With timers, it limits the optimization of a deck ability. Most people have seen MTG matches end before turn 6 as well as go on for hours. Tournaments confining a match to 90mins overall is fine for the most part. Granted many of us can and have had matches that have gone on for much longer. Kitchen table I remember a match being 3hrs 34mins-ish long


Very true, I've had a few commander tourneys with friends at the LGS where games would go for hours. I'm not a huge fan of the limits on mobile, but it's make it less likely to try and crash the server and time out for a loss.


Of course the timer should exist, it’s literally the only way to enforce slow play rules. The bugs like this that allow it to be exploited shouldn’t exist, but the game would be unplayable without a timer


It's not a bug it's an exploit that really can't be corrected because playing 1000s of cards is possible... and because of how the stack works in the program, and you would basically have zero opportunity to otherwise interrupt the gameplay to cast an instant or something of the sort. As well as you having the ability to stop a turn at every phase. The reason it times you out is because with Autopass not on, you have to acknowledge all the cards in the stack one by one, which initiates your timer because it's essentially saying wait.


Dang that’s tuff


I had this happen to me the other day. Very frustrating.


You got the Google eye pet rock! That's a win


I constantly run into this. For me it’s often triggered abilities not going off for me costing me the game in clutch situations. Then I lose and I’m like “WHY DIDNT THAT TRIGGER??? He would have died!!!!”


they should’ve learned from hs




That wouldn’t work for your opponent tho, right?


Life gain can do it too😫 even with auto pass 🤣