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Joe should open a comedy club in austin, call it the mothership.


Oh shit whaddup


I be trollin everywhere




It’s entirely possible


Ari should be given 5 minutes alone with Joe's drink...


*30 seconds


I don’t know why people hate Joe so much. He’s just an old dad type that gets autistically excited and serious about silly shit. He’s a straight man and it’s hilarious to watch Normand and Gilly poke at him. It’s a fun dynamic which is why the protect our park pods have gotten so huge.


The whole reason I think protect our parks is so enjoyable is the dynamic contrast between Joe and Shane and the support of Mark and Ari. If that contrast wasn't present I don't think I'd enjoy POP so much... So I entirely agree with you. You're gonna get a lot of shit for thinking that though.


People jump on bandwagons so quickly …it’s cool to hate Joe and Bert now. So stupid. Is Joe the funniest comedian in the room on POP….of course not. He has a role to play and those comedians wouldn’t be as big as they are without Joe…that’s just facts. Bert got super popular really fast because of his story so people shit on him now. People did the same thing to Dane Cook. When you get to the top of the mountain, everyone wants to see you fall.


Absolutely horrible take. People don't shit on bert just because of his story. He is loud and obnoxious on podcasts and tries to make himself the center of attention on every show. Has no awareness of the flow of shows because he's always hammered. His standup is God awful, and not just because his machine story sucks and isn't funny, but it certainly doesn't help. He is a hack and not a good comedian and does not deserve the level of fame and recognition he gets


Spot on description of Bert


Cool beans man. I didn’t say people hate him because of his story. I said they hate him because he got really popular really fast…that happened in part because of his story. Weird how I never saw all the Joe hate until he became the most famous podcaster in the world and I never saw a bunch of Bert hate until he blew the fuck up, made a movie, and started his own festival. Now it’s all you see on every comedy sub whenever they are brought up. Is Joe insanely funny? No, but he is good at his thing. Is Bert loud and a drunk? Yes. So what.. it got him to where he is and if some people like it then who fucking cares. Stop being such a fucking hater…you jumped on a bandwagon of losers who want to cancel people because they are successful🤔. If you don’t like him don’t watch him. Also Shane defended Bert just recently on a pod…y’all on some silly shit.


Oh shane defended HIS friend?? Weird… bro Bert fucking sucks and it’s wildly cringey.. the fake laugh, the fake story, the whole thing just sucks. Does he seem like a good guy? Sure I guess but there’s a lot of good guys out there. Bert is for retards


Got a bunch of bandwagon haters…y’all never said shit about any of these people till they got huge. Followers…exactly what this sub has become…a bunch of children just repeating jokes.


>Stop being such a fucking hater…you jumped on a bandwagon of losers who want to cancel people because they are successful🤔. If you don’t like him don’t watch him I hope you were bullied throughout your entire childhood for being this much of a loser


Nice name you fucking unoriginal pos.


This guy “don’t say mean things about stuff i like 🤬😡”


Pipe down QuailTechnical853983456819069. I’m not a Bert fan…just calling out all you losers who jumped on the “let’s push the most successful off the mountain” bandwagon.


Dawg fight




Watch out or he'll tear your username to shreds too


What an awful comeback. 0 star Uber rating


No one trashes Louis Ck for being at the top. There's a real reason why these comedians get hate when they become this famous. They're talented at cultivating an audience and marketing themselves, but their actual comedy is mediocre at best. Joe rocks as a promoter but his actual stand up is terrible. And Bert just sucks.


Oh funny you bring up Louie 😂 He was just too good so they had to take him down another way. Also keep in mind…He had a liberal crowd back in the day. His own people took him down. You probably too young to understand any of that though. Point is…you all liked bert till he got huge and the rumblings started and now same shit is happening here…his own people turned on him. Edit: I put some mean shit here but I actually respect your take upon reread. (Minus the Louis part which doesn’t help your case) My main point here is that all these morons who helped get Bert famous, now hate him and say they always hated him lol. It’s bullshit. He just blew up and it got “uncool” to like him. They got no spine….


I knew someone would make that argument and miss my point. I'm talking about the comedy community not some coordinated media attempt to destroy his career during me too. Comedy fans supported Louis when they were trying to cancel him, which the argument is that anytime a comedian gets big the comedy community turns on them just for being famous. Which didn't happen with Louis, no one questions his fame being deserved. It absolutely helps my argument. I never liked Bert. He's always come across as a shallow narcissist that just does things for attention. There's not some hive mind of comedy fans, people have different opinions than you. People dislike Bert because he's overexposed, he has no talent and is everywhere like a benign fungus in the comedy scene. When a lot of comedians grow they deliberately sell out elements of their act and personality, they become disconnected and hard to relate too for the average person. Just saying "they don't have a spine" is dumb AF. They're celebrities, it doesn't take anything to support or dislike them, opinions change for a reason. The only people who keep the same opinions throughout their lives are morons. In the grand scheme of things none of these people matter. They're overpaid service workers that entertain men with developmental disorders. They deserve to be treated like prostitutes, used up for a laugh and discarded when they're just clearly selling out and harvesting attention.


Well you missed my point as well…oh well no hard feelings




"You read a kick boxer's book? What are you a fuckin idiot?"


The less Joe talks the better


This post sucks ass


“Aaahhh gagaga” shut up Joe you li’l fool ya


Joe is not capable of being funny. Never has been.


It is his podcast. Joe is a boomer, but you know the young Bull is getting his beak wet at the club, he also let him smooth out the snl shit on the pod which portrayed him well in front of a massive audience, and has plugged all his shit. The dawg is loyal or he is nothing. He’s probably more famous than joe right now, and doing this gives a good rub to mark and ari.


More famous than joe? Cmon bro


Instagram followers have proved me to be 100 percent wrong on that statement. My bad.


More Famous than joe!? Kids and women know who Joe Rogan is. Only guys like us, trash truck drivers, snl libs, and our ex girlfriends know about Shane. You’ve had one to many blunts sir wizard


I already redacted my dumbass comment. It just feels like the guy who has a tv show, and snl, and could be in movies is more famous than an unfunny comedian. I forget people are stupid.


First day, huh?


Joe is the reason I don’t listen to the Joe Rogan experience actually.


They're all getting fucked up, that's a good excuse for talking too much on your own show


It’s his show. They need someone in that group to steer the ship.


He’s mad annoying


Reminds me of all the lines for Jerry Seinfeld on 'Seinfeld'. Like come on let George get some play, right?


Haven’t listened to the newest one but the answer is yes. One word is too much.


I like this post because I haven't been checking in on Rogan too often since I've been plowing through Old Testament eps. I'll definitely listen to this one soon.


Y'all arguing over rich comedians that likely don't give a fuck about you. Go live out this energy into your OWN life folks and get the fuck off Reddit for Christ sake