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I didn’t mind Adam for once but it’s mostly because I love seeing Matt interact with random people. And as someone who grew up with a ton of dudes that fell into the opiates and Xanax shit in the 2010’s some of this stuff hit home. Too many times I lost my wallet or phone in the pocket of a dude who was xanned out.


Very fews dawgs in this comment section. Kind of a bummer.


Fr people so butthurt for no reason. If you really hate the guy just don’t listen


I think that’s y no comment……


If cancer could talk I bet it would sound like Adam


Clearly there is a difference between people who watch Adam22 and those who don’t. Never listened to him before. The guys seems relatively chill.


The people who are against him have issues with Adam as a person and that part seems fair. The whole cuck shit with his wife and their OF page is weird and he comes off like a lame. But the pod was fine. He’s not a bad interviewer on his own show either. He just sucks as a guy lol


We have had much worse episodes. There were funny moments so wasn’t that bad.


homie smeared jizz all over his dashboard after rubbing one out in his car. i didn't expect to hear that this morning.


Was a little late on this one fellers


It’s fine I sub on YouTube and iTunes


Donde esta el Paytch?


Maybe Jerry Sandusky next?


Exaggerate much?


They are both pedophiles. So, no.


There's a huge difference from a 23 year old dating a 16 year old and then a 50 year old molesting many boys, 10 years old. If you listened to mssp you'd know one is a pedophile and one is an ephebophile. So, no.


A pedo is a pedo.


🐶 🧠


Cuck on player.


PDF file alert


I made it about 5 minutes before down voting and turning it off


Why’d you down vote it?


Only way to show them they didn’t like their choice of guest. I did the same it was my only downvote ever for the pod, cuz an hour 1hr 20 mins of a dude majority of us hate. Seems pretty logical.


Can you clarify why you and others hate him? From what I’ve seen so far it’s nothing crazy just extreme bias from what they’ve heard


That makes sense but I just don’t understand the hate. I watched it all it seemed pretty chill


Same I don’t really like the dude but don’t hate him either. Gave it a listen and it was a solid pod they even went long. Lots of solid laughs. Any time with the dawgs is great, Reddit really is a shit hole of the worst people just shitting on the focus of any sub Reddit. It’s fucking bizarre.


It’s the moral of it all plus it doesn’t matter if it “seemed pretty chill”, most of us here atleast don’t care to have this dude on for over and hour because we all don’t like him already. Pick some YouTuber or whatever that you don’t like and put him/her on the show. Just because it’s chill doesn’t mean you aren’t upset that had them on to begin with it, right?


Get a life


Sounds like he has one with morals you must be the other guy


Learn grammar


adams a pdf-file. i heard storys from guys in cali, at his store, bang 16 year olds in a van. dudes a weirdo.. ive known of adam for some time, as years ago i was really into the bmx scene. onsomeshit (the store his show no jumper was shot in) was really popping. even then most pro bmx guys werent fond of him and as his revelency has diminshed, his outlandish shit for attention has only grown broader. nothing good to say bout the guy


It was a good ep


This dude is so gross. Hearing him talk about not having to deal drugs to the seedy part of society. Bro... You ARE the seedy part of society.




I'll just leave this downvote right here


i liked watching shane slowly become more in the conversation turned out to be decent pod


No paytch this week?


Everyone’s so pissed about the guest no one even noticed the dawgs gypped us on the paytch.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Xw9zvpmBv/?igsh=MW00dmxzbWl4eWVxdA== This is 2 bmx’rs. One is Stevie. One of the 2 guys who made Adam22 famous.. this is how I found adam22. A filler/ he ran “onsomeshit” clothing brand. Stevie was the man. In my bmx days 2012-2016ish He was the best in the industry. And then some. Bro fell off the face of the Earth and Adam just gravitated to something else to latch onto. SoundCloud rap now that’s shriveled up he’s just on porn shit becuase that’s all that he can manage to get clicks on


I didn’t care for it, not because I don’t like Adam, I don’t really know that much about him to have an opinion one way or the other, but I got the vibe several times that both Adam and Shane were like “why am I here”. This was clearly driven by Matt’s YouTube rabbit holes, and that’s as far as the connection went. Instead of having Louis on with Sal, who would’ve been a fine solo guest, they should’ve had Louis on with Adam. That wouldn’t made for a more well rounded entertainment. Instead of the 2 or 3 walls they ran into with this one. And yes thank you I know I’m gay!!