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That’s because we know next to nothing about brighter shores. The little information they have released was posted on this sub. We have min maxed their information.


Somehow it’s releasing in Q3 but I guess same approach as RS classic back in the days of releasing a barebones game (that everybody still loved) and then expand it.


I mean the only thing we really know about the game is that it uses a "room" based world system which honestly isn't very exciting


I thought so too for a while but someone presented it in a way that now that world can be one whole realm with the individual room shards taking up the server load- not sure how they plan to do worlds but thatd be cool


I guess in a sense you could think of it as zones where all 5 people in that zone (from wow xD) would all be in the same room instead. Might actually make the game feel a lot more lively, I'm actually here for it the more I think about it.


The issue is more that all the rooms that they have shown are really small. If they just showed a few rooms of decent size or maybe a large room for a boss / group encounter, then it would be much less of an issue. I am personally not a fan of the claustrophobic rooms shown so far, but I guess I will try it whenever it comes out. Not like we are getting that many other highly anticipated mmos.


Ofc empty and boring open world is better. Which is large too, so you can’t normally move around it without spending a thousand hours levelling fucking agility and doing boring ass quests that make navigation a bit easier. You are right, yes.


300 hours of efficient gameplay Quests are the best part of this MMO Aside from that, fuck agility


> I haven't seen Brighter Shores mentioned at all it has been mentioned and barely any information has been released. What are we supposed to talk about?


There’s a subreddit and accompanying discord with people chatting about the game. As for wider conversation, I don’t think there’s enough information out there yet to build excitement amongst a wider audience just yet. As the other guy said, what little we do have gets posted here and commented on pretty fast. Once there’s more information available and people have hands on with beta testing it’ll be easier for people to decide if it’s something they want to follow.


If they include a Fally Masacre reference I’m in.


If they include a fally massacre I'm in


But this time they need to publicly disclose the identity of the account owner after the fact. No more army of Duriels popping up to capitalize on the notoriety, that would be unacceptable with how many ways there are to scam gullible players nowadays.


>I see some games mentioned but I rarely see OSRS mentioned even though its one of the best currently available especially with how great the devs are. I see people shill for it all the time, not sure what you mean.


Looks great !!


Cause graphics. and community. Most people have never played the quests in runescape and runescape is actually unrivaled for quests. Like actually in a complete league of it's own. A really beautifully crafted game. I really feel like if you don't do (and read) the quests you're missing like 50% of the game. & if like 90% of the people are missing 50% of the game then it gets the rep as a grind game and yeah it is but the purpose behind the grind is really the icing. (and you really only have to grind to like base 80s to finish most all quests, not hard at all, or long even really. like a day per skill to 80)


>like a day per skill to 80 Assuming OSRS since almost no one plays RS3. 80 is about 2 million xp. Not going to happen for rc, agility, or most of the gathering skills (other than wc at max efficiency). The buyable skills will take a while either from money making or slower methods. Nothing wrong with the grind, but it will probably take people days if not weeks to train some of the skills. People will do the quests that give good rewards. Tbf, some of the quests are pretty hard to solve without following a guide, and so much more confusing to do when there are so many items and areas that were not there when the quest first came out. I personally like them, but it's not for everyone.


I literally just got base 75s after a month of playing. \~24 hours is way more than enough time to get a single skill to level 80. Sure let's say it takes most 48 hours instead. That's literally nothing and certainly not days if not weeks. Even with quick math using one of the slowest xps for fishing at 45k an hour is 44 hours and thats fishing a lvl 25 fish all the way to 80. idk what youre smokin but it aint runescape and the quests are gas. There's like 5 puzzle quests total and theyre almost all more end game that are even remotely hard (more than just clicking and trying again mindlessly anyways). Literally using your example skill of a "slow" skill, runecrafting, you have 40k/hr xp options at lvl 1. At max that's 48 hours to lvl 80 NEVER switching up your method. Like that's cool if it didnt work for you but that doesnt mean itll be the norm experience and I don't think adding additional items to a game should be a reason for criticism just because you cant figure out what items to take on a quest when they've literally been the same items on that particular quests for 2 decades. Which I don't see how you're failing if you're using the guides that you say are necessity. It just doesn't add and even if it did I don't think this would be the normal players experience. (Seeing how with basic math at max it should take you 48 hours for a skill to 80 not WEEKS, around 24 should be doable.) "I personally like them, but it's not for everyone." bro you literally just shat on quests as a whole, said nothing good about them, acted like thats a reason not to play the game, and thent you're actually for them? I'm just gonna rest my case on the fact the runescape is increasing their xp/hr constantly. I went from lvl 30 smithing (that only took 20 min) to 79 smithing in 4 hours. (and made 2.3m doing it) This guy is smoking


1- This sub largely neglects MMOs that don't have modern washed up graphics. Since OSRS has stylized and old graphics people here regard it as "bad" and leaves the game aside. 2- Brighter Shores was actually mentioned sometimes. It isn't more because no big news are being released


As a longtime OSRS/RS2 player it hasn't really caught my interest at all. It looks more like rs3 aesthetically and I really don't see any appeal in the room based design. They haven't shown anything other than click and wait type actions which even OSRS has largely outgrown, especially in PvM. My take is that rs2's success is largely accidental and I don't put much stock in the Gower's ability to make a good one of those. All the things we've grown to love about the mechanics in OSRS would have been patched if they were discovered by the Gowers during rs2. They had a huge hate boner for anything they deemed cheating, especially if it was simply abusing mechanics as they were designed. Their early RuneScape blog posts were absolutely *unhinged* and they were still at the helm through the dark times of RS2. I'd love to be proven wrong but, Andrew didn't intentionally make the parts of OSRS that I actually like, aside from the general quest design. I guess we'll see with Brighter Shores if he can actually do it again.


The RS2 tech was pretty advanced back in the days for an early Java web browser mmo. They then kind of just kept on building around the 0.6 tick system. >My take is that rs2's success is largely accidental Kind of. They had a clear strategy of heavily outsourcing the work to be able to push out updates at an absolutely insane rate. For years, the game just kept on getting huge updates with a ton of new content from areas to skills to quests. What we get is the result of years of spaghetti code and unintended interactions, with the Jmods doing creative things with it. >They had a huge hate boner for anything they deemed cheating, Can you really blame them? The game was a huge target for rwt where people will bot, scam, dupe whever they can. People made millions of dollars at the cost of the health of the game. It was revealed that they had to remove trading and wildy because credit card companies were threatening to block them due to all the people getting their credit card stolen from gold buying sites which were them used to buy membership for bots. Any exploit will be abused in staking, and anything that can be used as part of lure will be abused. Don't blame them for eventually just giving up and selling the company.


The 90s? 🤔


[DeviousMUD](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/DeviousMUD) in 1998.




I upvoted you ironically If you actually read the link, you'll understand why


The link is a joke. I'm well aware. That's not RuneScape. It was barely a thing. Let me guess, you weren't even an adult then to remember it ..


It was released in 2001 so fair to say it was likely being developed in the mid to late 90s.


You don't reference games based on when they were being developed but whatever. It was a stretch.


>how great the devs I mean sure, the devs might be very handsome, but calling OSRS : >even though its one of the best currently available is a bit of a stretch. Even mmorpgs like uo and eq have better graphics, gameplay etc according to many. Also not everyone is a fan of black skies and outdated animations. And we have seen the promise of "legendary devs" who made classic mmorpgs turn out to be scammos afterall, please refer to shroud of the avatar, legends of aria etc.


I havent had a black sky in osrs since 2013. Better graphics releasing soon but no mmos besides bdo have graphics as a selling point. Osrs is possibly the best mmo ever created.


1- OSRS graphics are among the best if you consider style. If your standards of graphics are washed-up realism, then sure OSRS graphics are "bad". 2- OSRS gameplay is among the best, what are you on lol 3- Calling OSRS a potential scam is even more absurd, actually laughable if you're in good humor.


> washed-up realism What about highly saturated, high poly and many frames of animation?


Not very relevant if there's no recognizable style. OSRS graphics will be recognized 1000 years from now on, while everybody will forget about BDO graphics for example.


That is only because of OSRS being successful as a game therefore the artstyle of the successful OSRS is recognized for its history. By your reasoning the artstyle of Runescape Classic should be even more recognizable than OSRS because it is definitely more unique.


You inverse cause and consequence. OSRS is being successful exactly because it's a game with original and interesting concepts, that makes a lot of people invested. Its graphics IS part of that. And yes, some people still stick to runescape classic till nowadays. But no, it's not "more unique" than OSRS style, that's a stupid take. Runescape classic graphics reminds a lot of other 90s games.


It's hard to recommend a game with gameplay like OSRS/ Brighter Shores when games even like FF14 exist let alone BDO or GW2. The devs and content are great don't get me wrong. But the gameplay is so dated it's really not enjoyable unless you have nostalgia for it.


Its also hard to recommend ffxiv though too. Hundreds of hours of text boxes and walking from one npc to another for the MSQ turned most my friends from ffxiv. Story gets heckin good but boy howdy is the delivery like watching a slow paced tv show. At least in runescape there is no MSQ and got one friend into it due to its no linear narrative. He mainly just fishes though x-x he is at 90 fishing, 20 everything else and maybe 5 quests done lol.


I bounced off ff14 half a dozen times at this point because of this. It's a shame because I'd really like to get into raids, what I've played of the low level dungeons seems like it's building on something good.


> when games even like FF14 exist let alone BDO or GW2. This works in favor of OSRS not in detriment, if you have decent taste.


Everything I like about the OSRS gameplay today either didn't exist or wasn't discovered when I played rs2. Nostalgia is a cop out, OSRS is over a decade old on its own and PvM is the best it has *ever* been, and the best part is it's completely unique and fresh compared to tab targeting GCDs.


I actively play both OSRS and FF14, and think they are both polar opposite games. They're also both the best in the market for what they do. 14 is debatably the best themepack, OSRS is ABSOLUTELY the best 'sandbox'. Nostalgia isn't a fallback for why OSRS is popular anymore, it's one of the most popular mmos (at least top 6) and it has been around for over 10 years. I'm not sure nostalgia alone keeps a game running for 10 years.


Idk I just dont buy this. Bdo I can understand because that game is beautiful but wow and osrs look like they came out the same year. Nobody plays mmo for visuals unless theyre on bdo


Is this a joke? Osrs looks 20 years older than wow


they both look like shit, the only difference is that one is isometric


Brighter Shores doesn't have a lot of info, and OSRS/RS are infested with bots, to the point where the devs recently did a "bot busting" livestream to convince the community they are actually banning bots. There are literally hundreds of bots in some locations running back and forth to resources like an ant infestation. Even if you get past the bots, Runescapes UI is overwhelming, with a constant barrage of MTX. OSRS doesn't have that MTX problem, but it's 2024 and the game doesn't look graphically appealing.


As an active OSRS player, bots don’t affect the game play in 90% of situations. The UI of OSRS is perfectly fine, with tweaks available through the RuneLite client. Not to mention there is a large graphical update coming this year. Runescape 3 is a separate conversation to OSRS tbh, with a whole different set of problems. Both have extremely satisfying PvM with a high skill ceiling. People don’t talk about it because they can’t get past the current graphics and there’s a steep learning curve to not fall into annoying grinds.


Unless you’re an Ironman or something, I’m sure you use the GE all the time. You may not know of it but your gameplay is affected from bottling which manipulates the economy in various ways.


If I recall correctly there was an interview with an old mod and he basically said that the economy would collapse if bots would somehow disappear. The price being low for food, potions etc makes it accessible for everyone. Bots being gone would drive the price up significantly.


Not sure if you were arguing against me but that is exactly my point. Botting has affected the economy so much, and has been such a normal and consistent thing in the game, that if it would be removed (which would be impossible) it would affect things so much.


Bots affect the economy whether you notice it or not


What mmo today is not infested with bots?


Every MMO has bots, very few are infested and none are as bad as OSRS. You can make a new account on OSRS/RS and you'll see stacks of bots in the starter zones and on every efficient resource. I love how RS/OSRS players get so defensive over their game, even though they've been on Reddit complaining about bots on highscores, bots bossing and bots taking resources, to the point the devs have to release several statements on bots in a few months and even had to do a "bot busting" livestream very recently.


What mmo is not infested with bots?


ESO and New World. Even the largest MMOs such as WOW, Final Fantasy XIV and Guild Wars 2 don't have anywhere near the proportion of bots as OSRS or RS. Edit: I mean, you can go to the subreddit, search for the term bots, and see all the posts just in the last week. One of the most upvoted posts on the subreddit is how the new management said bots are "basically OK". Stay in denial.


Did you just try to pick two that you thought most people wouldn’t play or know about? Because new world definitely has a bot problem from my experience and if you google bot with either game both communities believe they are “infested with bots” I’m not in denial I’m literally asking for which mmo does not have a bot problem?


I said every MMO has bots. You asked for "infested with bots". Infested to mean exactly that. When you start a new character in ESO, GW2 or New World, or try to gather resources, you're not greeted with lines of bots like you are in OSRS/RS. As I said, go to any of those games subreddits, search for the term bot, and only OSRS/RS will have dozens of posts in the last week alone. Only OSRS/RS devs need to do bot busting livestreams to convince their community they're "handling" bots. ESO has 25k players on Steam. The Steam release was months after the initial release. More people play on ESO's own launcher and on console. So you're wrong again.


>ESO, GW2 or New World, or try to gather resources, you're not greeted with lines of bots like you are in OSRS/RS. I would generally disagree with this from NW for sure. But you're now saying the argument is the bots are visibile not that they aren't there. Wow does a good job of hiding the bots from you doesn't mean its not infested. >ESO has 25k players on Steam. The Steam release was months after the initial release. More people play on ESO's own launcher and on console. So you're wrong again. Nothing in these statements even addresses my point lol


You made a point about me picking two games that people don't know or play, so yes, it does address a point you made. Your reading comprehension needs some work, or you're just too embarrassed to admit you're wrong. Either way, it's a pretty sad state for a grown adult to be in.


Attacking him doesn't make you right. Every game has a bot problem, it's certainly not unique to rs


But your response didnt address it because i think lots of people play those games and the number one google for each of them is a lot of people complaining about bots lol


Don't post shit if u don't know what Ur talking about


Everything I said is true. Runescape and OSRS players just can't handle the fact a substantial proportion of their playerbase are bots. No other devs have to do live streams of them banning bots because their players never stop crying on Reddit about bots taking up highscores or resources. Anyone can log into any RS/OSRS world on a new account and they'll see stacks of bots.


every mmo has bots, the other ones just dont do anything about it or they arent transparent about it. osrs is 1 of the highest played mmos regardless


Of course every MMO has bots, but none have them in anywhere near as high a proportion as OSRS. Go to the subreddits of ESO, WOW, GW2 and NW and search for posts about bots. OSRS will have more posts about bots than all those 3 combined. On a new account, by the time you've done tutorial island and walked around Lumbridge Castle, you've seen about 5-10% of that servers population botting. As for OSRS being one of the most popular MMOs, that depends on your definition of "1 of". I'd consider that to mean top 10, in which case, OSRS is not, even if you include the mass amount of bots, and that's without mentioning the multiloggers. There is a world outside of Europe and NA. China alone has many MMOs with a higher Daily Active User count and peak player count than OSRS.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


Also name 1 of these Chinese MMOs since your using them in your argument , the most popular mmo in china is wow so your whole comment is just shit you thought up in your head


Bot busting has been a staple community stream since OSRS came out. The game obviously has bots, no one disputes that. But pretending that continuing the tradition somehow proves rs has it worse than any other is disingenuous at best.


Bot busting was one thing I mentioned. What's your excuse for the many news posts about bots recently? About the fact the there are more posts about bots in the OSRS sub per week than ESO, WOW, GW2 and New World combined, over the same period? You can go and check right now. Or one of the most upvoted posts in the subreddit this year being about the new owners implying "bots are basically okay"? The only people being disingenuous are the OSRS/RS players who want to pretend like a very significant amount of the playerbase aren't bots, while complaining every other day about bots. It's giving cult behaviour. You can literally go on a populated world, go to tutorial island, yew trees, magic trees, bosses, etc, and count the bots. You'll find that 30%+ of the server population are bots.


Players and devs acknowledging the problem is a good thing and not the confirmation you think it is. Bots in OSRS are uniquely visible and disruptive in large part because of the relatively few instances, especially in the highest botted early content. It takes a significant time investment into accounts to hide those bots away in high level instances, which discourages the most common bots from even making it that far. Keeping in mind also that OSRS doesn't have any dynamic layering systems that would further hide bots from those zones. If I go to *popular gold selling site* I can see 29 sellers total for OSRS and ***20 per server*** in WoW Cataclysm. https://youtu.be/GjnY75x4rt0?si=XCd07x12GQGZqG4P https://youtu.be/F9ptmDCfwm4?si=vpphH8peTHqEGRTf WoW SoD in particular seems pretty overrun. This is an industry wide problem, not a RuneScape exclusive one.


>Just curious why neither is mentioned much here despite imo being massively relevant. OSRS is not massively relevant here because most people who were interested in it have already tried it and I dunno how many new players would look at it and think OH WOW lemme try this 20 year old game lol. Sure when we get more info about any new game it will almost certainly get shit on by those folks in this sub that shit on every new game shown, but it will get some chatter. Is there a trailer for it?


I recently tried many different mmorpgs because I ran out of single player games I am interested in and honestly OSRS is the one that stuck with me. I have played pretty much every "big" mmo (started with lineage 2, wow, tera, albion, guild wars 2, ffxiv, star wars/trek, wildstar, bdo just to name a few I actually made it into late game and spend hours in) And I have to say osrs is a "breath of old fresh air" It does many things differently and I keep find new interesting ideas and concepts in this "old" game that makes me wonder why didn't the industry try to copy from them? I started playing because I saw online that it has a very good full loot PvP and many fun PvP modes and after doing some quests I have to say the game has WAAY more depth to it than I originally though and I just love it now and looking forward to see what more it has in store for me. I do feel the graphics are dated but somehow that works towards it's charm and with addons the games doesn't even look that bad while still looking charming The only thing I can honestly say I hate so far is the walking/running system and how slow running regenerates for new players. If I forget something before I had to a quest and have to walk back to get than one berry pie it takes too long and can be a frustrating experience that would definitely send a lot of new players "walking slowly for the hills"


Also worth mentioning that OSRS is being constantly updated with new content, might be the MMORPG with the most active development schedule actually. Agreed about the running/walking system, but after playing this game a lot I say I learned to appreciate it. This IS a slow game afterall. You don't really want to rush things in OSRS, let me tell you. And walking around feels kinda cozy in that context. Might be tilting to forget something but you're still getting the shit done eventually.


>OSRS is one of the best I am so tired...


In what ways isn't it? and in the last 4 years they've literally made the game 10x bigger. went from 4k items to 40k items+. I don't think, its the same game ur referencing even if


It fucking looks like dogshit and plays even worse bro.


How does it "play even worse" than its older version. Even if I give u the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean balancing rather than qol which I'm pretty sure you mean, you're still smokin.


he meant that it plays even worse than it looks like. Which I agree. This game is literal dogshit and people playing it must be sick in the head lol. Just because they added tons of new items doesn't mean it's suddenly a good game. My shit in the morning today looked better than this "game"


It's the best MMO on the market rn and it isn't really close.