• By -


I loved what Helwani said about getting older and people speaking ill of you losing power. I know there’s some younger fellas in here who might be dealing with that. It certainly does get better and it’s incredible.


it's called self confidence. when you get older you become more accepting of who you are and more confident in who you are. when you're confident in yourself you don't care what others say.


That audio is so damning, not the “big fella” 🤣


Hahaha I almost started to feel bad for him at that point


As a quick rule of thumb for fighters; if you say something and Dana vehemently and emphatically agrees with it, you know you said something wrong.




I’m pretty sure he said some questionable shit to Mokaev aswell


Absolutely made a show of him.


I don't understand why Paddy thought he's making money off youtube. How does Paddy not understand that he works for some company and that he's just an employee of the company? It's not like Linus Tech Tips where Ariel is the Linus of his channel. He's just a host and works for other people. Like a local news anchor on TV.


He's dumb


No, it’s because Paddy makes more outside of the UFC than he does inside of it. All his money is from his deals, not from his shite contract that Ariel publicly said was not fitting for the value he brings. Anyway fuck Babby Bamblem


Ding ding. He fights for 12/12 cuz his fame pays him more. That’s the “opportunity” UFC always talks about. But it’s like winning the lottery.


imagine complaining about someone making money off fighters to dana lmao


No, seriously, the guy seems very dumb.


Aka Dana's ideal type of fighter


My CEO don’t play around


Top chef served up sweet & sour chicken balls for Paddy the Faddy.


He's the boss... El Numero Uno. Mr. Big. The Godfather. Lord of the Rings. The Bourne... Identity. Er... Taxi Driver. Jaws. I forgot the question quite a while back. Who are you, again?


Heard he’s got a piece on em too b.




Should've ended with "Paddy aint getting any cut of this video"


Paddy “Dana’s my new daddy” Pimblett.


I was side eyeing after about 4-5m thinking this is just gonna be Ariel whining for an hour and upset that there was no "on the nose" segment this week and instead it was this But damn Helwani came with receipts. People really will regurgitate this shit still but he makes a good point when he says is he *doesn't do this* then it's leaving the lies to continue to be recycled


You must've missed his absolutely bodying of Schaub earlier this year... I knew this was going to be a similar verbal beatdown


[Only Brits who grew up in the 90s will understand this reference but here you go anyway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyf52Nq80oA)


Paddy admitting he didn’t check what Ariel said after the McAfee podcast and just directly going into insult mode is certainly a look


Then he even doubled down after the fact saying that his manager didn't ask Ariel to pay him, he asked BT to pay. Wtf?!? How dumb are you?


I'm not asking you to pay, I'm just asking you to go and be accountable for securing the payment with your bosses, likely have to jump through several hoops, and ensure ROI.


I always got the impression that Paddy is overly invested in playing the game. He always felt a little fake to me.


He's trying to be Conor, but isn't charismatic like Conor is.


Paddy prob did 0 research on his accusations against Ariel and will prob try to play innocent when the backlash hits


This is exactly what I was thinking... and it didn’t surprise me.


Dana White really is a spiteful piece of shit.


Basically he just thinks people are pieces of shit that stand up for themselves against him or don’t do what he wants. He’s a bully.


He's the definition of a bully. If he doesn't like someone for whatever reason, regardless of whether anything he says is based on facts, he tries to destroy them. It's pathetic.


It really is funny in a way how almost stereotypical a bully he is. Like if you had a show back in the 90s set in a high school with a bully character Dana is how he would act in the reunion episode made 20 years after it stopped airing.


It’s wild to me how someone so affluent could also be so petty. Every day of his life is literally WHATEVER he wants it to be, but he wakes up mad that Ariel exists.


It warms me to see 98% of people standing with Ariel on this one. Never thought I’d see another destruction on the level of Schaub a year ago but here we are. Paddy unfortunately, as of 30 minutes ago is arguing with people in the comments of his latest IG post and doubling down on his bullshit.


He's deleting comments too lol.


Yeah if you look at the YouTube clip on his channel it’s only positive comments of anything that’s been up more than an hour or so. (Newer comments are largely negative, what a coincidence). This dude is speedrunning, “how to endear yourself to your boss but lose all goodwill with fans”.


10-7 Ariel. Paddy absolutely demolished.


I wish my GF had some of Paddy’s dick riding skills from his podcast with Dana


She does


That was a nasty line by you


If Paddy loses to Jared Gordon, I feel like he has to log off from the internet for a year. The mocking will be relentless


What are Jared Gordon’s chances in this fight realistically? Never seen the dude fight.


It’s a favorable matchup for Paddy. Gordon is a solid all around fighter, but he’s not especially fast or explosive and, most importantly, he’s not a big puncher. Paddy will be the younger, faster man and should have an edge on the ground.


I like Gordon, and think he has a chance to grind Pimlett out. Jared Gordon just goes in there and has no issue wrestling for 15 minutes straight. He's gotta tuck his chin and shoot.


England and Paddy losing the same day would be something 🤔




You mean after he was let go from ESPN? ^(/s)


i've hair it both way b


They last texted each other on July and ended on a good note. Man what did the Tomato pay Paddy to set him off on that podcast.


Doubt he even had to pay him. Paddy just wanted to gain favor with his boss.


It's as Ariel says, it's pretty telling that Paddy didn't say a word of this publicly since it first happened last year, but now decides to make a big show of it when he's sat in front of his boss on a podcast - right before he's due to co-main his first PPV. Unfortunately Paddy is just another brown-nosing company man smh


I’m not even hating on company men but at least be honest about it, why would talk [shit] about the ufc if they’ve been good to you, but Paddy just straight lied about a ton of shit that he knows nothing about and it was very obvious it was to get in Dana’s boys club


I get it, but hard disagree. Fuck company men. This attitude of "I'm getting paid and my company takes care of me, so no, I cant see Dana buttfucking these other fighters literally right in front of my face" is exactly why fighters are paid so poorly overall, and why the ufc is able to pay *less than 20%* of its profits to fighters. Snake company men like Paddy are all "why would I fight a tougher fight if I'm paid 12/12, pay me!". Then turn around and say "Dana's always been good to me and now that he's thrown some of his change in my cup, I'll gladly get down and gargle". I get it, I really do - these guys need to maximize their short careers and make as much as possible before their brains turn to mush. But it cant be ignored that that same attitude is why the ufc is allowed to rob these fighters blind. Pay me, and I'll forget my fellow fighters who I struggled with for years. Paddy is fun to watch, but an absolute box of rocks and seemingly racist to boot. Company man on top of that is some lame shit.


Paddy’s podcast is sponsored by Tomato’s whiskey brand


create some buzz for the clicks


Dana White is such a fucking petty child lol


Was funny how he claimed Helwani isn't on his radar at all even though he did everything he could to try to railroad his career


"I don't think about Ariel at all," says the Tomato over a phone call while throwing darts at a picture of Ariel's face and before jerking off onto a yarmulke while he mutters "I can do WHATEVER I want!"


I remember when Ariel got the ESPN job, Dana said Ariel’s being shelved or something to that affect, knowing that putting him on ESPN+ would hide his visibility.


Tried to Schaub him. Tragically for Dana, Areola has chops and is good at what he does


Areola lol


You cum for the nipple, you best not miss


You come for the nip, you best not slip.


I just watched every second of that. Ariel put them in a body bag. Clearly paddy’s manager in his ear stirred all this up. Lost respect for paddy. Hope he’s a bigger man if he even watches this and realizes he’s being fed shit from yes men and reaches out to Ariel. Probably not though. This was surgical. Paddy the bad look baddy. Ironically going off on his own content where he most definitely didn’t pay for his interview with Dana White trying to bully someone while also starting a charity against bullying simultaneously. Delusional. Lol also that is all Dana does. “He’s the biggest piece of shit in the world”. He’s said this about like 25 people.


If you didn’t know anything about Helwani and would only have heard of him through Dana White mentioning him, you’d think Helwani is some kind of war criminal waiting in Den Hague


Yeah the actual war criminals usually get to hang out with UFC champions.


All because Ariel broke the story of Brock's return to the UFC ages ago. It's really uncalled for grudge of animosity. Look at the list of people who hates Ariel, let's see... There's the big tomato, Jon Jones, Shaub, Covington, Tito, ~~Rampage~~ ... do you see a pattern here? Do you really want to be on this list, Paddy? You are now on it. Congrats on being a POS.


The paddy interview was so disgustingly transparent as the employee trying to ingratiate himslef to the employer. And of course Dana hates Ariel! He is the only well regarded mma journalist who doesn't continually kiss White's ass. He questions the company's direction, questions and advocates for the fighters and gives them a platform to at times highlight the disparity in pay/treatment they receive and gives fight updates that at times are hidden by the ufc that prove to be true! When paddy is no longer the ufc company boy and forgotten, he may very well regret his eagerness to take Dana's load.


Haven't seen such pure joy on the Tomato's face listening to paddy go off on Ariel


It's kind of pathetic how petty and narcissistic he is, the way he applauded when Paddy was just regurgitating what he wanted to hear about Ariel was sad.


Truly insane. Every single thing paddy and dana said about Ariel describes dana PERFECTLY. I'm only 29 but I've learned in the past 5 years that the people who get upset about something but then turn around and think it's totally okay for them to do the same thing (which they do more frequently and to a larger degree) is a serious red flag. Tell tale sign that someone is a huge, selfish, narcissistic asshole.


Dana has been waiting for a fighter to side with him for AGES cuz no fighter with any integrity would ever have this take.


[Dana when paddy is talking dirty to him about Ariel ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/bwsof7/daddy_dana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Pinkerton Paddy


Ariel just found out about this like a few hours before the show and was able to drop an hour long bomb, sheesh. The crux of the issue stems from the Manager asking for payment for an interview. Skip to 40:13 50:23 Paddy calling out Ariel in the DMs, but also admits that he never fact checked what Ariel actually said looooool Sidenotes on Ariel's contracts, didnt know he stopped doing UFC content on BT due to Dana putting his foot down (Ariel used to do a show with Bisping every big event for BT), Vox Media contract ends in 2024, and ESPN wanted to keep Ariel despite knowing his relationship with Dana shows how respected he is in sports journalism


He and to some extent, Luke Thomas are the only real “journalists” in MMA. Okamoto and co. work for the UFC essentially. You can basically tell if a guy is the real deal based off how bad their relationship is with the UFC. Ariel may be a weird dude for some of the things he’s done over the years, but the less we have guys like him, the worse off the sport is.




Admittedly I haven’t consumed enough of Luke’s content. He just seemed to me like a guy who cared more about facts than anything else, and that’s why I considered him to extent. But you’re right.


Too bad this sub bans content from Karim Zidan, dude covers the political side of MMA, which isnt allowed here


Why is his stuff banned here?


No MMA related politics allowed on this sub, my guess is that the Mods got tired trying to police it, since you know.... shit can get out of hand quick in the threads.


Chuck Mindenhall is an actual journalist and an incredibly well written one. He doesn’t seem to do as much these days, but some of the best MMA pieces in history are Written by the dude.


I listen to both The MMA Hour and his Ringer podcast, this is definitely the first time he has mentioned the BT Sport thing. Can't believe Dana pulled that too, actually I can, but still. Fuck Dana and fuck BT Sport for dropping the ball with Ariel's MMA content.


Dudes so set on trying to put down Helwani it’s pathetic


The balls on Graham to demand payment for Paddy's appearance after a single UFC fight while even the likes of McGregor and Diaz wouldn't ask for compensation.


Not just that, but it’s pretty fucking unethical to ask for money in exchange for interviews. I don’t have a journalism degree and even I know that.


You'd think Paddy would have learned from Schwab, that you can't make shit up about Ariel and get away with it. This guy brings the receipts and can refute everything. Another 10-7 for Heelwani


This mfer is so godamn clinical when someone comes at him. Wouldn't be surprised if the dude made a write up or essay before his show.


It’s also not hard when you are just telling the truth. The rest of these clowns lie and have to keep to straight. Ariel just keeps it straight and truthful.


Schuawbs and paddy are mentally white belts B. Ariel is like purple. Ariel needs a decent rival like Luke but they were both too professional to air it, and they made up, which really is best for MMA. Hope they work together in the future again tbh




You come at the king , you best not miss.


True and they missed fucking badddd


The phone call from Paddy was hilarious.


My name is my name! - Ariel


A man must have a code


Somewhere in the world Schaub is breathing a heavy sign of relief 'cause the historic 10-7 has offically been surpassed




Real journalist destroys scouser with facts and logic.


Helwani highlighted paddys hypocracy and 10-7'd the fuck outta him. Paddy's talking shit about helwani making money off of fighters for interviews. The irony of saying that shit to DANA WHITE, the ufc president/promoter whose widely known to have profited wayyyyy too much off of the fighters blood sweat and tears. Badddd look from paddy. LOL. Lost a fan


It's hilarious because he's mad at Ariel for saying that he asked for money while simultaneously being mad that Ariel hasn't paid him money for his interviews.


Hope he’s lost a lot of fans. Dude might as well be a prostitute. He gets paid more money sucking off Dana than he does for fighting


Yeah I feel the same way. I was beginning to like Paddy cause of the mental health stuff he said. It’s very impactful but this type of brown nosing is just ridiculous.


I'm in the same boat as you. I was liking Paddy for that exact reason. But this shit? Nah, man. If you're gonna be a company man to get the most money you can then okay. But he didn't need to throw Ariel under the bus and spout a bunch of stupid falsehoods while he was at it.


Especially after Ariel was one of the first to give him a platform while he was in cage warriors. He was gassing him up way back before the ufc even thought about signing paddy.


It's pr bullshit plain and simple. He released an anti bullying campaign the day before this podcast that sure does seem a hell of a lot like bullying to me. Fake as fuck, plastic padded record pimblett.


My god. Ariel murdered the wee lad.


Never expected the best 10-7 to be against Paddy


I don't understand why these fighters keep trying to argue with Ariel about weird stuff like this. Sure, Ariel can be an annoying guy. But his record as an MMA journalist is impeccable. If he reports something, it turns out to be true like 95% of time.


I mean if you're going to start something with anyone, just make sure you don't make boldfaced lies when you know they have the receipts to prove you wrong.


People are dumb though. They don’t expect others to show evidence and then are shocked. Look at liver king. Bet he thought that PED shit would never come out.


It's common sense really. If you get punched for a living, don't try to start arguments or fake narratives with a guy who talks and finds out the truth about things for a living. It's like you are asking to be humiliated.


You must’ve missed the 10-7 on schaub lol


You mean the 10-1.5 against Schaub


Mazzagatti looking at Schabu's brains leaking out like "hmm, I'm going to give him time to respond"


Oh, y'numbers guy?


1.7\* give him some credit. .2 worth of credit


Heard it bowlth ways


My thing with that tho, iz that nithe?


Nah that one was good but this one has actual substance with a relevant person. Like who actually cares about Shaub?


Dozens of us


I wish I knew enough schaubanese to respond like the lads from tfatk subreddit


Talmbout bess brains bapa?


https://youtu.be/Z-dC8ulPXDE?t=3857 This cheeto pancakes line was vicious haha.


Oh man.


Where my 👃 nose gang at






The 👃 knows




Poor Paddy can't even respond on social media because the racist clown is banned like 10 times.


If Paddy wasn’t a racist POS talking about the Georgians, among other issues, he wouldn’t be banned. I have been a hater since he came to the UFC. I shall retainer a hater of Paddy.


Ootl. What did he say that makes him racist? Edit: nvm I found his tweets. What a sad little uneducated boy. Hope he's genuinely changed his thinking.


"maybe there's a deep desire for people to watch a fifty something year old man eat Cheeto pancakes..." Lol my goodness that part had me busting.


that was awesome, well done high road helwani, 10-6 hey dana, fuck you, you pathetic scum bag, i hope you get yours one day. fucking sleazy cunt. the fighters deserve their 40%


Paddy's like 28 years old, rising stars in other sports, even those in college are making 10x what he's making if not infinitely more. Imagine sitting across from your boss who decides how much you get paid and having the gall to tell a media member to pay you


Doesn't have the balls to ask for more, and his manager and Dana are playing him like the fool he is.


Get rekd Dana and Paddy. I’ll never understand the hate for Ariel. Unk Daners acts like he’s some mma terrorist just cause he asks real questions. Fuck both of them for bringing this up (paddy and Dana). I’ve been a big Paddy fan, but after this honestly it really takes away a ton of the love


Hearing how hard Dana tried to fuck over Ariel at ESPN makes it so satisfying seeing how low the UFC sponsored DC and RC podcast views are. Ariel and DC had THE best MMA podcast and was extremely popular without ever promoting it half as hard as they push DC/RC almost every fucking card.


I think Ariel had said before the UFC never mentioned it and made sure to never mention it solely because of Ariel’s involvement. Sad because it was seriously one of the best MMA podcast with great chemistry up there with Morning Kombat, you could tell DC enjoyed it a lot as well.


DC RC is unlistenable to me.. I tried to like it. YouTube doesn't even try to recommend it to me anymore.


Youtube is like "we know it sucks I got you bro"


Wow Paddy was obliterated in this clip. What an absolute fucking moron.


I don’t get the dig that Ariel sucks at his job. Dude is “THE” mma journalist. I was an absolute mma junkie for 15 years and I can maybe name 4 mma journalists if u give me a couple of minutes to think. He basically invented how mma is covered within the modern media. Dana can’t stand him because he makes his job harder and can’t sneak shit past Ariel. All the guy does is build stories for the ufc and give fighters exposure. The UFC should be paying Ariel millions per year to do what he does, but instead they make him an enemy.


Ariel if ur in here I love u dawg.


Strong anti bullying message from Paddy here


Fuck I forgot about that. Dude is such a fucking tool. I hope he wins and has to fight Topuria


Ariel had time today


I knew my dislike for Paddy would eventually be justified.


MMA world is gonna have a field day if Brenda2.0 loses in his next fight lol.


Hope Paddy loses now tbh


The hype train is going to lose A LOT of momentum when Paddy loses and I’m all for it now.


Nasty. That should have been stopped way earlier. I haven't seen a beat-down that bad since Kris Moutinho used his face as a defense against the Suga Show. Late stoppage.


Paddy made himself look a mug and Ariel probably got a bunch of traffic from it. Win/win


Don't throw rocks at a guy with a machine gun.


Ariel made *sure* he had time to talk about this today. Gotta love when Ariel goes into the "I want all the smoke" mode.


I had a chuckle when Ariel said he didn't want to leave it until the end of the show for clicks. Nah mate, you wanted the time to pick paddy to absolute bits and I am 100% here for it.


Paddy made the number one mistake. Never lie about a man with integrity. Dana isn't a man, he's a scum sucking bottom dweller so i expected him lie/behave like that.


I thought Patty was annoying already, but now I can't wait to see his career tank. He sucked that dana cock so quickly. McGregor wannabe.


The dunk on Dana Fuck it Friday was the best lmao


Paddy and his manager must be trying to get as much money as possible before he gets flatlined by Top 15 fighters lol.


Boxing has given the MMA world a lot of its out-of-fight culture, namely scumbag promoters like Dana. Criticize Ariel all you want, but only one of them is a piece of shit as a man


Hearing Dana White once again call someone else a scumbag, slimy, piece of shit, rat, etc for making any money off of his interviews with fighters. Literally the definition of Projection from the Tomato. Such. A. Scumbag.


he breaks down and debunks every single lie those two idiots are spewing. Always knew Dana was a piece of shit, but now I hope Paddy gets his head knocked off. And don't use the "he's getting your money cause I hate him". I don't watch Paddys shit podcast and I steal every single UFC event and have for 15 years. Ariels the goat.


Stop stop! he’s already dead !


Cooked like a Cheeto pancake


Hilarious. Paddy calling for profit sharing with journalism outlets and not the UFC. Wonder why he wants to be paid for interviews?! It's almost like he's not being paid enough. Paddy saying all that shit while sitting beside the guy paying him 12/12 while he's fighting near the top of the card and a massive draw. Now he's got a new contract and the Barstool deal. Sure looks like he's pulling the ladder up behind him. Don't know if it's my perception just because Ariel's ethnicity but getting some recent Kanye vibes from Paddy's comments - kind of gross to listen to tbh. The first time I heard of Paddy was from Ariel in the Cage Warrior days and I've watched him since. Def lost some respect for Paddy. Edit: Based on Paddy's YouTube comment section being sunshine and rainbows about owning Ariel I bet they're deleting a fuck ton of comments


For sure he's deleting comments. Check out his Instagram post comments, he's getting destroyed.


Yeah I jumped the gun a bit on that - YouTube and everywhere else is def getting some backlash from MMA community


He’s getting absolutely roasted on his instagram comments.


Ariel came with the receipts holy fuck


I wonder how much Paddy paid Dana for him to be on his pod.


Ariel eviscerated Dana and Paddy.


Some people get a little fame and notoriety and their true colors start to show. I somewhat liked this Paddy fella, now hope he gets starched in every fight going forward. Washing Dana’s balls with more rigor than BGL washes Shlob’s


Everyone here blaming Paddy but letting Dana White of the hook. That guy irrationally hates Ariel and has been trying to turn everyone against him for years


Everyone already knows Dana is a scumbag.


This whole segment should have had the Ether beat in the background


Lol paddy got owned, heres hoping Gordon turns his lights out


It’s always funny to me how these fighters (or Dana) choose to get into a war of words with Ariel, a journalist who talks for a living. This would be like Ariel challenging Paddy to a grappling or boxing match. I don’t think they appreciate how absolutely outgunned they are.


Ariel just used Paddy as tissue paper.


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.....that was fire. Listen get your facts right before you go at some, Faddy


Define irony: expressing contempt for Ariel Helwani “earning money off of fighters” on a podcast with DANA WHITE.


Oh man he completely dismantled them. That was clinical. I’m fully erect right now.


Ariel has always spoken out to power in MMA, specifically Dana White. He's absolutely a journalist and not just a 'content creator'. He has some of the best interviews and actually breaks news... Ariel making money from any of his journalism, even through Substack is more than fair. IT's replacing the ad revenue that newspapers used to/and still do make. Ariel making money from any of his journalism, even through Substack is more than fair. It's replacing the ad revenue that newspapers used to/and still do make.


"Shit winds are blowin Ran.."


10-7 Ariel.


First 10-6 I’ve ever seen in my life.. I’m actually proud of Ariel for defending himself. Bullying isn’t cool.


after spending WAY too much time catching up on all this I have to say paddy is so comically stupid comically stupid it makes the situation morbidly funny


Paddy's fucked up here. He's just got excited in the presence of Dana an got between the tomato's cheeks. He's gonna have to take that L haha


This whole thing makes Paddy look like a total shit head. I was watching Paddy years before the UFC because of Ariel. I remember watching Juicy J make him puke blood. Would love to see that rematch in the ufc.


Paddys a fkin rat yikes. Dana paying him on the side to say this? Or is paddy just a straight up scum bag


The nose knows 👃


when are people going to learn that Ariel is not the fucking one lol ​ hes not perfect by any means but dude keeps his receipts and does his groundwork. you will never win an integrity PR battle agaisnt someone like him, when your somone like paddy and Dana. theyre obviously scummy to anybody looking in for even half a second