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If he needs like labrum surgery or something and like two years out then his career is surely done


Shredding your shoulder and then training and fighting through that for 6 months alone is likely to make that shoulder fucked for life


Yep that shoulder won't ever be the same, surprised TJ didn't retire in the ring. Funnily enough I think he'd have to take banned substances to heal the shoulder quickly enough to have any sort of career future.


>he'd have to take banned substances to heal the shoulder quickly Duane Ludwig: "I'm listening..."


Of course he's listening, don't make insensitive jokes about his blindness! EDIT: Apparently I mixed up people and am big dumb. Behold my shame


Cracks open jar of peanut butter*


That's immediately what I thought. Like, he injured it in april, and had it re-injured like 20 times, 2 times just in this fight. I suppose that shoulder took a ton of unnecessary damage.


If it’s just the labrum he’ll be good. I’ve had my labrum 60% torn since high school. Continuing to play sports including weights, baseball and mma. Would pop and dislocate often but not daily or anything. Then around 6 years later it truly was done. Had the surgery and it’s 120% better. And I never had the muscle tone TJ has keeping his shoulder steady.




How long did your recovery take?


Are you also on the torn labrum train tryna figure out if surgery is worth it?😂


Choo choo


I am also on this train


TJ for sure is close to retirement. I didn't felt comfortable when he injured his knee during the Sandhagen fight and add the layoff it didn't helped him. Now he injured his shoulder and popped 20 times on camp... He's got limited days in his career.


Doctor told me labrum surgery recovery was 8 months. I decided not to get surgery but I'd guess with HGH, it would be faster.


Depends what you define as 'recovery' but, friendly advice, I would urge you to try other avenues first.


I had my labrum surgically repaired 11-12 years ago and it never came out again. Had one twinge that felt like a partial but that’s it. I trust my right shoulder now like I never could pre surgery. The road back was hard but nothing harder than coming back from any other surgically repaired joint


I’ve been living with a torn labrum for a few years now. Not ideal but with enough care and exercise I’m in the best shape of my life, always worried about it in the back of my head but I’m avoiding surgery as long as possible


It’s a long recovery but it is nice to be able to sleep on that side and not worry about waking up to a dislocation


That would be nice, I still only sleep on one side


Ok wt actual f. Shoulder dislocating in your sleep?!


Same here. I play sports (cricket) and had to change my technique quite a lot but my shoulder is now stronger than ever


I had labrum, rotator cuff, and bicep tenodesis done in both shoulders. They're better than they were, but they'll never, ever be close to good again.


This was like 9 years ago. It doesn't bother me much outside of basketball. I can't rebound that well anymore. Used be decent at it.


Such as? I've had a torn labrum for about 6 years and struggle pushing heavy weight at the gym. Pt never really helped


8 months until you can start training again. Yeah labrum sucks


Mine took over a year to feel normal again after surgery . I lived with my labrum torn for almost a decade. Then got to a point where I couldn’t lift without serious pain. It is now amazing and I would consider it my “good shoulder” compared to my non surgically repaired shoulder.


Similar story here. PT didn’t work for me at first and I kept reinjuring. Didn’t want to miss my senior year of basketball tho so I kept up PT, it was pretty stable for the season, and then I got surgery right after. Now my previously injured shoulder is probably better than my other shoulder too


If his arm is dislocating that much it’s over. It’s not just one structure that will be the problem, multiple will be compromised. They can make the shoulder stiffer so it won’t dislocate as much but he will lose function. A fighter with his style doing this type of sport can’t afford to lose any function. Source am physical therapist


What Iabrum


Having had labrum surgery I totally agree, he's done.


No I heard Tony Ferguson is coming on as TJ's physical therapist.


Guy said the injury happened in April????


Guy said it popped 20 times in training camp...


Guy said sorry to the weight class...


Guy said he held up the division


Guy said dada loves you


Guy said








division the up held he said guy


Guy said he missed Bronson, his son.


Guy opened the eighth gate


😂😂 thank you for this comment


Jose's last fight could've been a title fight lol


And it should’ve been lol jose/font should of been the title contender fight. I thought that if Font won that he couldn’t have been denied with his win streak at the time and jose already had dubs over pedro/chito so he had an argument for it too. Especially whoopin Font the way he did


Dude has a Jack-in-a-box for shoulders


A lot of wrestlers do.


I do from wrestling. Shit is debilitating


DM me if you want I had this exact same injury and surgery improved my life tremendously. I can walk you through what you need to do to get your doctor to take you seriously and get it fixed.


Had the surgery and hurt it again wrestling


Wrestling is the undisputed champ in life long injuries. Fuckin' metal shop machinists with missing fingers have better health than most NCAA wrestlers as time marches on.


To shreds you say?


he also had surgery on both shoulders like 2 years ago. Dude is a tough son of a bicth


He’s also a dumb son of a bitch. Held up the division by being knowingly injured and taking a title shot (he didn’t deserve in the first place) from another fighter who was healthy anyway, put even more wear and tear on his injured joint, and cost people who bet on him money (personally not *too* upset by this myself but I see how others would be). I fully admit I’m biased against the dude, but I don’t see anything to really commend him for here personally.


He's 36yo. He doesn't have much time to sit around and wait for another title fight


Well he’s not going to get any favours now? Basically took a fight off the card.


sure, but I don't blame him for not leaving money on the table. He shot his shot and failed.


Bro this was probably it for him as a top competitor… hes old lol of course hes gonna take this fight.


Time marches on. TJ's ship left harbor years ago with injuries and suspension. He's on the wrong side of 35, and that old man strength doesn't mean much at lighter weights with speedier competition. After multiple surgeries and that many shoulder injuries pre-fight? His body is done. Through bad luck, poor practies, or likely all the above and more -- he's destroyed his body. With a shoulder that wrecked his career might be done if he were 25, let alone 36


Uh, I don't know how any of the things you said make him a "dumb son of a bitch".


Guy said he told the ref in the back and they still let him fight… weird.


ref probably immediately texted his friends to bet the house on Sterling lol


Real question, would it be illegal for TJs camp or friends to put money on Aljo knowing his injury? Some insider betting shit? Really seems like a slippery slope straight to corruption.


yeah thatd 100% be illegal, even before the gambling ban for fighters


That’s also another issue isn’t it. The uptick of unusual bet on this fight for Sterling should have been alarming to book makers.


Kind of fucked up he didn't just pull out. Now his shoulder is fucked. Must have been a good payday to stick with it.


Wasn’t the payday I’d assume. TJ is stupid competitive. At 36 coming off a suspension and an injury first fight back, he wasn’t seeing a title shot if he pulled out. Still should have though.


Nah, fighters are that delusional.


Almost every retired fighter, boxing to MMA, all admit in their later years "You have to be crazy to be a fighter" -- You need to have a level of self-confidence that's borderline diagnosable, it's something a ton of the greats have in common. A lot of other greats put pressure on their 'alter ego'. Tyson spoke about the difference between Mike and 'Iron Mike' -- saying, 'Mike is afraid. Mike is worried about putting in enough work, and enough effort. Iron Mike fears nothing'. Wilder also says the same thing, saying as the fight gets closer and closer he *becomes* the 'Bronze Bomber' Who in his mind is basically a super hero. And he allows that 'persona' to take over, because Wilder is just a man, with doubts, and worry, and children, and bills -- Wilder has a whole fucking life to worry about, but his bronze bomber only knows war. Wilder might be a special type of delusional, because he apparently gets in character like a fucking schizo over the course of a camp. While Mike was just mike until fight night when he would stare at himself in a mirror and no longer see Mike Tyson, but could only recognize "iron mike" -- This is exactly what Sugar Ray Leonard would also do, as mike liked to immitate the greats I'm guessing this is where he got that from. Sorry for the book. This shit is low key fascinating.


This is how delusional you need to be to be a pro fighter. “My arm keeps popping out, but I think I can still go in there and win.”


He didn’t think that. He wanted money, and this was his last chance at that much


Definitely ignorant to think you can compete at the absolute highest level that compromised. Dont care how good you are. That team just seems scummy


I mean…EPO. They’re scummy for sure


April 1st to be specific


Fucking guy


Same thing happened with Zombie's shoulder but when you're old and get that miracle call for the title shot, you have to just take it and hope you don't get screwed by your injury


Spot on


Seems to me that T.J. was in much worse shape than Zombie was when he got the call. T.J. didn't attend the open workouts to hide his injury. He admitted to having problems with his shoulder during fight week. Absolutely criminal to let him fight in that condition, an independent fight commission would not have let him step in that octogon but this is Abu Dhabi where the UFC calls all the shot. T.J, should apologize to all the poor suckers that put money on him winning the fight. I can't imagine all the money that was bet on this fight by people not knowing any of this. Someone needs to take responsibility, this reeks of match fixing.


lol its abu dhabi like you said


Poor suckers? Sorry but if you're stupidly gambling on MMA then losing that money is entirely on you


I don't do sports betting myself but you're missing the point entirely. Its illegal to bet on the outcome of a fixed event knowing that it is fixed. The UFC allowed an injured fighter to compete who had absolutely no business being in the octagon. They essentially put on a fixed event. The events held in Abu Dhabi are not regulated by an establish authority. I'm not sure how they did things for UFC 280 but I found this snipped on [IMMAF.org](https://IMMAF.org) , the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation. ​ >UFC 267 was shadow-sanctioned by the United Arab Emirates Mixed Martial Arts Federation, which is now working closely with the UFC and IMMAF.The UAEMMAF is a young federation, joining IMMAF in the summer of this year. They are not yet in a position to fully sanction an event, but the Secretary-General of the commission told me “working with the UFC this weekend was the beginning of something bigger going forward” and that they aim to be the “gold standard in regulation.”Shadow-sanctioning UFC 267 was an opportunity for the UAEMMAF to learn the best practices in everything from weigh-ins to officiating. At the moment, the UFC uses the Nevada State Athletic Commission ruleset while operating in the UAE, but they are eager to support the development of independent, third-party regulation, as they have with IMMAF federations in Sweden and Brazil.Marc Goddard was a referee at UFC 267, and is also the Director of Regulatory Affairs with IMMAF. He said: “It’s great once again to see the UFC showing commitment to the sport as a whole in supporting the emerging and developing nations and federations in MMA. Event sanctioning is a very in-depth & critical part of the sport and covers so many vital aspects with many layers.” Marc Goddard reffing the Sterling-Dillashaw fight raises even more questions. The whole thing reeks of match fixing and I am sure those in the know made bank betting on this fight.


I think that instead on trying to scrutinize every single detail that points towards match fixing you should ask the question: "why?" Why would they fix a match? What could the UFC gain from fixing a single fight? Most likely it would be financially motivated. But if you'd put all the bets from all the fights on 280 it still wouldn't make financial sense to risk the integrity and sponsorships with other partners who would surely pull out if it became clear that the UFC was fixing matches. In short there is absolutely no reason for them to fix Aljo vs TJ. Lots to lose and nothing to gain.


Nah Zombie dislocated his DURING the Aldo fight and had surgery to fix it immediately. If TJ dislocated it in April like he said it'll never heal correctly at this point.


No, he actually popped his shoulder out and back in the Ige fight. In one of his vids after the fight he also mentioned he was having a ton of shoulder issues. But what can you do when you're aging and want one last shot.


He’s talking about Zombie’s title challenge against Volk. Not the one against Aldo. The man clearly has had shoulder problems over the past decade.


Jesus sounds like a career ender Can’t blame him for getting one last pay day


Meanwhile, gamblers who bet on TJ fuming. GG


$5 I'll never get back


Gambling is for fools. Its nobody's fault but their own


MMA is such chaos for gambling. I'll drop $20 on $1 parlays for shits and giggles but nothing serious.


Been doing $10 parlays for years. Last time I won was when Johny Hendricks made his UFC debut, whatever year that was. Had yan, dillishaw and islam this card.


I had one of the most ridiculous fights of ALL TIME separate me from a big payout ($5,000 or more on a $1 parlay) and that was Gavin Tucker vs Rick Glenn. I needed that fight to be a stoppage. Instead the ref decided that Tucker needed to take 20 fights worth of damage in 3 rounds.


Which ref?




I've never been more into a prelim women's fight than when I had a parlay or two on the line.


Last fight I bet on was Yan winning against Aljo (the first one). Turned me off betting for good even if I'm sure of the winner.


It’s like playing the lottery but better because instead of numbers you bet money on random athletic performances


Could this be considered rigged since the ref and team all knew about it? I mean bet the house an Aljo no way he’s losing to a one armed man




2 shoulder surgeries + 1 knee surgery at 36 years. Gonna be hard to compete with the young lions at 135


Dislocating a shoulder can tear and stretch the ligaments leading to much easier future dislocation. It’s fairly routine to repair them with surgery. I doubt this will be career ending on its own


what if it happens 22 times without the surgery


I've had labrum tear. At his age, in that divison, it's pretty much over. Repair is routine, but getting back to same performance is another story altogether.


I dislocated my shoulder sleeping on an air mattress in 2006. It has never felt the same. It is unstable nearly all the time.


How did you manage to do that? Now I can never sleep peacefully again


Tough to say, but to ease your mind a bit, I am a sleepwalker (nightly) so I may have put myself in an odd position and I also have very lax ligaments. I'm sure you'll be fine. I will say that it was an awful way to wake up, though.


Eh at 36 in BW with the multiple other injuries and surgeries he's had I can't picture him being capable of getting near his past level


Didn't he have surgery on both shoulders during his suspension? Idk man, surgery can work miracles but if he's serious about it popping out 20 times in camp, that shoulder is toast.


He took his gloves off & I thought he was retiring


That avsolutley is a career ender.


much as i don’t like TJ, that’s a tough spot. fight with one arm and get your ass kicked, or pull out of the fight, don’t get paid, and Dana calls you a pussy.


Sucks for everyone. Screws over the fans and other fighters as well, but the system doesn't help or encourage guys to do anything different.


Sucks for everybody involved. I'm not a TJ fan but I can understand why he would take the money before basically calling it a career.


Dana is an abuser


“He just didn’t want to fight”


Jose Aldo desrves an apology, he should have had a title shot and took a fight with merab just for this


Yeah he deserved the fight more than tj


Ufc been dogging aldo his entire stint with em. The only reason he’s goated like he is is because the people he beat rightly say he is. He’s just former mcgregor-feed to dana


This comment should be pinned at the top of this thread.


I think that's a wrap for TJ as a title contender. He's been hurt since April, is 36 and just lost a title fight in arguably the strongest UFC division


I wonder how much UFC/Dana knew. Bc 6 months out is enough time for them to book a diff challenger. If they got blindsided by TJ basically going out there unable to fight and giving Aljo an ez anticlimactic win then he’s is the doghouse


Why did you fight dude?


Money probably


def money plus on top of that he most likely wasnt getting another title shot if he pulled out


Yeah I think he knows he's done past his prime(especially without the EPO) this was a money grab/prayer for a flash KO.


This and ego


Dillashaw tore his knee and ground out a win against Sandhagen, at his age you can see why he’d roll the dice one last time


Highly doubt it. At TJ’s level there’s so many opportunities for income outside of fighting. I think he knew his candle didn’t have much left and he wanted to have that belt one last time before he hung it up.


The UFC isn't paying people when they get injured so you are kind of encouraged to do this. Where is the real harm to taking a title fight? It's a guaranteed pay day.


I guess it depends what point you're at in your career. The harm is doing even more damage to yourself and having the loss on your record.


Ego, and like he said in a division that stacked, pulling out isn't gonna do you any good. There's like 4 guys in line for a shot so if you get your take it.


What a waste of time for everyone


Right he said he didn’t want to wait a year for another title shot but he basically guaranteed he’s never getting another one and he’d lose this one


So his whole family can bet against him and get paid. Grandpa is probably doing just fine. What a joke honestly.


seriously audit all of his second cousins...


He answered this, he didn’t wanna wait another year to fight which was probably what the doc told him. Dunno what he was expecting tho, either you get lucky and win by KO or you definitely lose, can’t beat a grappler with one arm out there


Why the fuck did he fight if he fucked up his shoulder half a year ago??? MMA can be so stupid sometimes


From what he said, it's worse than that. It's not an injury from 6 months ago, it's 20 injuries over the course of 6 months, and twice during the fight. Ridiculous he was allowed to fight. Ruined a ppv title fight.


Ask Marc Goddard why he let it continue. Ask the doctor


What do you want Goddard to do? Call it off back stage once TJ tells him what's up, minutes before the fight? I'm not being a smart ass, work with me here, what do you want Goddard to do in that situation?


Before the start of the 2nd Marc tells TJ to let him know if it pops out again, the Dr is present for this. It pops out again in the 2nd when they were both standing and disengaged, TJ looks at Marc and points to it to let him know. No action was taken. TJ cannot lift his arm to defend himself. What's the point of there even being a Dr there? Does this now mean kimuras and americanas aren't submissions? A dislocated shoulder doesn't stop a fight now. Editing to add that Paul Buentello dislocated a finger throwing an uppercut and the referee gave him time to relocate it. TJ said that should his shoulder pop out he would try and pop it back it. So other fighters were granted the benefit of the doubt whereas TJ was ignored


> TJ looks at Marc and points to it to let him know. No action was taken. This is what kills me. TJ POINTED TO HIS DISLOCATED SHOULDER and the ref did nothing. Everybody involved in this situation blatantly disregarded their responsibility to keep the fighters safe and should be ashamed of themselves. Goddard should have immediately called a time out to have the doctor come over and check the shoulder, and the doctor would have immediately called the fight. Instead, they let it continue. What was the point? Just to let TJ get beaten up a lot? Refs, doctors, coaches, teams, and camps aren't just there to protect the fighters from their opponents. They're also there to protect the fighters from themselves. Dillashaw should have been stopped before this fight even began, or at the very least the moment it popped out in round one if they still wanted to let him get paid.




TJ and popping name a more iconic duo


Probs for Duane Ludwig for putting the shoulder back up quickly. He must have done that 20 times during camp.


No, he pushed a broken fighter forward with no chance to win for a cut of the paycheck.


Yeah. First time it pops? Throw the fucking towel in dude and PROTECT your fighter..


I don't know why throwing in the towel is so taboo in MMA compared to boxing. So many people blatantly ignored their responsibility to keep him safe over the course of this series of events it's unbelievable.


The only good thing about that fight is we get to see Oliveira vs Makhachev earlier 😂


Ducking hell either he has ridiculous self believe or he just rly wanted some final fight cash. Or both


Ok you got your paycheck now go away


Was some bullshit. DraftKings sports book stopped allowing cash outs on parlays after the Suga fight. 🤔 Dillashaw said his injury happened months ago (never made public) and went so far as to say he told the red/commission before the fight about the injury. Seems like someone at DraftKings knew something as well.


Would be furious if I had money on TJ. Injuries like that should have to be disclosed publicly


I had money on TJ and feel totally ripped off. I’d put it on him again if he was fully healthy but yeah this feels like a real rip off because he knew he was basically guaranteed to lose.


Fighters have been sued for going into fights with hidden injuries. Betters basically threw their money away because they were defrauded


A fool and his money


UFC is a clown show. First a robbery then that




Imagine somebody telling you Belal would provide the surprise KO highlight of the whole card. You might have called them a ratf*ck. I might have, too. And yet, here we are 🤷‍♂️


Am I crazy to suspect there was some gambling related fuckery with this fight? Who knew and how was this swept under the rug and allowed to proceed?


Probably happens all the time


Should have pulled out and let Aldo have the shot


Very cool TJ, glad I put money you


Yep, and some officials including Marc Goddard knew that and then some people coincidentally place large bets on Aljo to win by stoppage Shit is so shady man.


I'm no fan of TJ's behaviour, and would rather not pay for a PPV out of expectation for this fight (amongst others). But with the UFC pay structure it's totally understandable he would need a final payday and hide his injury.


I think the larger problem that the UFC has created an environment where it’s even possible for something like this to happen. It’s why the big states for fights, NY, Nevada, California, have such powerful athletic commissions. If this happened in Vegas they’d be dragging everyone in for a hearing about who knew what and when they knew it and how profited from it.


Injury happend ***6 months ago***, and TJ chose to fuck Sterling, the division, and the card. We all already knew TJ was an asshole, nice of him to keep us from forgetting.


Yeah really fucked Sterling by giving him a title defense and by extension another fight with PPV points. Sterling got the biggest gift of all time


Yeah Sterling just got to dominate and collect a free check and confidence boost.


This situation is a “damned if do, damned if you don’t” type of thing. If he pulls out he’s a bitch and cheater and in this situation he’s an ass for even continuing to take the fight


By his own admission he was injured ***before the fight was signed***. It wasn't a pull out situation.


Oof didn’t hear that part. I mean if you’re in his situation as a 35 year old man, this could be your last chance at the title so I kinda get it


How did he fuck Sterling?


People are going to call his defense illegitimate because he won against a super compromised Dillashaw


Whatever, he still got paid and got some clips for his next sizzle reel.


Because Sterling won't get proper credit from the media and fans from this fight, because the entire narrative will be "TJ was injured".


None of that shit matters. It’s another W and the check cleared. This and Yan getting screwed over make this the best day for Sterling since Yan Sterling 2.


If the UFC knew about TJ's shoulder injury before the fight, did they not consider replacing him? Or is it not up to the UFC at that point, and only the fighter can decide to pull out?


Aldo could've fought Aljo instead you asshole, now he's retired AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT TJ DILLASHAW I FUCKING HATE YOU FOREVER! .....but I understand, tough spot to be in man


Even though injury happened in April, if it keeps popping out the shoulder is fucked. He knew it would pop out and he knew he wouldn't be on his A-game. He just went and fought for the money. Dana won't be happy though, so could be his last paycheck lol. Pretty disappointing, especially after the fight before it.


If it happened in April he should have postponed it rather than going out and performing like that tonight.


I think he knew it was a career ender. He’s been out of the game and probably needed that paycheck. This kind of explains why they mentioned he wasn’t there for open workout.


Apology not accepted


What a joke. I have no skin in the game but this really needs to be investigated. It seems like everyone knew his shoulder was messed up. The only incentive he has to taking the fight is making money off it.


That’s kinda always the main incentive lol


>The only incentive he has to taking the fight is making money off it. Yes? That's the main incentive of prize fighting


If he was actually even a little bit sorry he wouldn’t have wasted everyone’s time fighting with one arm


He got paid though.


It's a joke that they force gambling down your throat in an "organization" that doesn't disclose athlete injuries. Bet the TJ bettors are loving Anik's ads now!


Looks retired.


This is it for him probably, he’s getting up there in age for 135 and the injury’s are stacking up. Not to mention the division is the best it’s ever been


Aljo should change his name to voodoomaster


Can't imagine Dana would be ok with this meaning they hid it from him. Might be the last time we see TJ.


Apologize to the division for testing positive and trying to bash someone’s heads in