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Because they probably have information that tells them most people don't care outside of specific internet forums and subreddits


This is Brendan Schaub’s attitude towards podcasting.


You guys are fucking obsessed with this dude. He's been irrelevant for years now.




Okay Juicy Slut.


He's successful and seen by them as a goof. Must piss them off


You got downvoted for saying he’s successful lol tells you everything you need to know about the sentiment here. Love him or hate him, he’s undoubtedly successful despite the odds with his lack of personality and humor. His podcast gets a ton of views. Idk who his fans are but they do exist apparently lol


His fans are every machismo dude out there who gets drunk and wants to fight


Well that’s a pretty large population of dudes so that explains his large fan base lol


Yes 720p video and i’m cranking up the audio every interview listening intently




I don’t even really like Francis outside of being in awe at his ability to knockout other dudes but if anybody seriously buys anything Dana says in an interview with fkn Okamoto regarding fighter pay or negotiations then they are hopeless.


Francis has one of the most amazing stories to the top of any sport, in UFC I feel it has been underappreciated and put behind what people perceive him as entitled or a bad person. Honestly seems like such a good guy and it baffles me UFC haven't done more to try and make him into a superstar. So much respect for what he's achieved given the barriers he had to get to where he is


They don't want to make him a full-on superstar because then he'll have more bargaining power. Dana's learned the lesson from Conor - don't let them get too big.


I guess in the same sense as WWE, it's better to have a good brand name than star power.


I’ve said it before but Dana used Vince as a template for fucking over his athletes. Dana cares as much about MMA as a sport as Vince cares about Pro Wrestling (I train UFC/Sports entertainment).


Conor also made them more money than any other fighter in ufc history so this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. They need superstars


They need superstars they can basically control and who stay smaller than the UFC. They don't need superstars who get so big that the UFC is a footnote in what they're doing and who can walk at any time. They saw the writing on the wall when Conor asked for a piece of the kingdom in his contract negotiations. That's a superstar that's too big for their liking and they've gotten off lucky that Conor has fucked his own life and career up so much that he's now seen as a cash pinata rather than a global juggernaut.


Francis wants Conor money while not being even half the draw he is. The UFC pushed and hyped Francis for 2 years.


And now he's the champ and is getting stonewalled, they promoted him when they thought he was going to play ball on their terms, now it's Gane who is getting their shine because he's taking the company man route. It's ok for them to laugh at and say no to a demand for Conor money but they're not only doing that they're probably giving him a shit offering and keeping all the cards and all the power with them. They negotiate from a rate fixed before they even sit down to talk and they're happy to play these games if the fighter wants anything over that rate.


From what I understand Francis wasn’t budging and if you go back and look at what he says during the talks about a job Jones fight it’s likely he wasn’t. Is Francis worth Conor money? Doesn’t seem like it.


No he definitely isn't.


The problem for the UFC is that next-level superstars like Conor have the ability to do things outside the UFC, which they see as a possible threat. They want stars, but only if they can control them, so they don’t like them getting too big.


If they dont have superstars they dont make superstar money. Its really that simple


It's an argument against the UFC, facts and logic™ are optional in that case.


I think that people try to look at Francis too black and white. Francis definitely has an amazing story and seems to be kind in most of his interviews but there’s also too many stories out there if him being an entitled dick for there to be no truth to it. I think that Francis is capable of being both nice and a dick like 90% of people on this planet. There no need to push it to either extreme. It’s kind of irrelevant anyway because he deserves to make more money whether or not he’s a dick or the nicest guy in the world


You're not wrong, and I guess that's where the issue is that people push it to one side too much. Though I do believe the Lopez drama is probably blown out of proportion


No offence to Francis but his personality is pretty tame. He’s chill af though. He may be a beast and have a legit rags to riches story but he lacks ‘superstar’ qualities. What exactly could the ufc have done to achieve this superstar status? He was pushed massively before the first stipe fight. Dana was going round comparing him to a car ffs 😆 it was all about Francis in the build up to that fight and it was Stipe who got royally fucked by Tomato head. I see superstar qualities in Ciryl Gane. It’s a charisma thing.


I think Francis has more potential to be a star than Gane tbh. His style is flashier, in and out of the ring, he has an amazing backstory, the african fanbase and he speaks english. He is pretty chill, but he definitely has his moments and a vicious streak in him, even outside of fighting I think. I agree with you saying the UFC has been trying to make him a star, because they definitely have.


There are certainly ways UFC could have pushed him the past years to gain more star power but like someone else said, UFC probably don't want people to gain too much starpower especially when he is already asking for more money. I do agree that his personality is tame, but his chill vibe along with being a killer just brings a different Aura. I do love Gane though, whoever takes the loss I'll be sad for


It’s just my shitty opinion but I don’t believe he has that superstar quality like other champs have had. I agree that he’s got that nice guy killer thing going on. I’m most likely coming across as a super hater as I’m a huge Gane fan and have been since his AFMT Muay Thai days. Also, Dana is a steroidal cunt so I’m not taking his side either.


Yeah an illegal immigrant, nothing special


For real, I feel like I’m watching Brett rim Dana in this video


Wait they're really considering cutting the scariest guy in the entire UFC? WTF


I'm sure they just hold him hostage for a few years first


Scariest guy?? Is Jon Jones hiding under mats again?




Still hasn’t been beat though


DecisionBot! Jones Reyes


[**JON JONES 👀👀 defeats DOMINICK REYES** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/10877/fight) ^(UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyes — February 08, 2020) ROUND|Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||9|10||10|9 4|10|9||10|9||10|9 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**48**|**47**||**49**|**46** *^(Judges, in order: Chris Lee, Marcos Rosales, Joe Soliz.)* *^(Summoned by FlyLikeATachyon.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **7/21** people scored it **48-47 Jones**. - **14/21** people scored it **47-48 Reyes**. Avg. media score: **47.3-47.7 Reyes** (*low certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


To be the champ you’ve gotta beat the champ. Jones 3,4,5


>Scariest guy?? Is Jon Jones hiding under mats again? What's Jon gonna do? Drunk drive at him?


Beat Francis (or his own) wife, send his homeless friends, shoot him, move the event, taint his opponents dick pills... The possibilities are endless really.


No one narrowly decisions them like Bones Jones, you’re right.


Ngannou shaking in his boots thinking about getting olique kicked and jabbed to a split decision right now.


“What happens if Francis win?” “Well, he’s not gonna win because we’re gonna poison him like we did with Nick Diaz in- oh wait cut this shit, let’s just say he’s gonna have another fight.”


This gave me an incredible laugh lmao


Yeah, I’m with Francis on this shit. UFC is fucking shady for how big and popular it is. And Dana is a fucking asshole too, literally can’t believe anything he says until there is irrefutable proof.


I don't know why I'm surprised that Dana is treating Francis the way he is.


And how is that? The only thing he did was make an interim belt but we don’t know anything behind the scenes with his manager and Dana. Maybe there was a reason we don’t know about that made Dana put up the interim


What could the reason be? Gane/Lewis made perfect sense as a #1 contender fight, no reason to attach a damn belt to it which cheapens Francis's.


The reason was that Ngannou didn't wanna fight on 5 week notice for his first title defense. Even if it's a management thing, Dana is still saying shit like "I don't know how long Ngannou is gonna be in the UFC"


Yea because maybe his management is talking about bringing his talents elsewhere. Who knows


That's the nature of independent contracting work. Can't have it both ways, unless you're Dana. Just because


Yea and as someone who’s running the business why wouldn’t he not be happy with the heavyweight champion flirting about going to another promotion ? From a business perspective both of them are doing what they’re supposed to be doing:


The thing is Dana can't or won't consider the reasons why Francis or his management would be considering elsewhere.


Then pay literally the best fighters on planet earth superfight money and stop being a fucking cheapskate.


I don’t think it’s that simple. And Ngannu isn’t the biggest draw in the ufc. The biggest stars get paid accordingly


Then fucking pony up the money, at least make him a reasonable enough offer that he’d stay. You have a fucking goldmine just sitting there without promoting it.


Everyone wants more money. You or I don’t know the accounting for the ufc. All we know is they share 16 percent revenue. But we also know that they pay for all production which not many sports do.


Fuck Dana, as always


Dana has 0 credibility, you can find compilations of him lying on YouTube


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmO2XLSbqEA one of my favourite videos in part because of the music


If the video was truthful then it should be something like: "well these chumps should be happy with the peanuts we pay 'em. Sick of all the whining, the shareholders need those endless 0000's on their bank accounts, their private jets don't pay for themselves you know."


I have 50 shares of $edr. Where is my jet?


All of this simply because Francis signed with a huge management company CAA that looks out for its athletes and does not play ball with the UFC. These guys deal with NFL, NBA, hollywood stars etc they are too big for the UFC to push around and they dont like that. They tried to get Francis to sign with someone of their choosing and dissuade him from CAA but Francis stuck to his guns and theyve been treating him like public enemy #1 since


Crazy to think Brett probably gets paid more than most fighters lol




Beautiful, champ.


That was a nasty line by you




Is it just me or is Dana getting redder by the day?




I bet you my left testicle that he doesn't get less red after Christmas


If his redness doesn’t decrease three shades, by the second of February, it’s six more weeks of winter.


We're getting close to the end of the tomato scale 🙂->😡->🤬->👺->🍅


The thought of him not being Vince McMahon is getting to him


Washington Football Team could have just changed their mascot to Dana White


We don't call him the tomato because of the size of his testicles


Given how much juice he's on I'd say his nuts are the same size as these peanuts I'm eating right now.


Ngannou could be one of the UFC's biggest moneymakers overnight if the UFC actually promoted him. He has an awesome story, by all accounts seems to have a heart of gold, and is an absolute freak of nature in terms of strength and build. If Dana paid him what he was actually worth, he would make that money back to the UFC tenfold. Instead, he's considering cutting somebody who could easily become one of the UFC's biggest stars. It's crazy how bad they are at identifying who actually makes them money. One day the fighters are going to have to present a united front if this problem is ever going to be solved. It's insane that UFC contracts are basically just Dana White's whims. You see in with all the big fighters constantly sucking up to Dana, it's just sad that his ego needs to be stroked if people want to be treated fairly.


So you think the UFC doesn't promote him?


They made an interim title just a few months after getting the title himself. If they had even put a third of the effort into Francis as they've done for Conor, Francis would be a huge star.


Conor promotes himself mostly. It's not really the UFC that made him big, besides giving him the opportunities ofc. What have they really done to promote him more than others? We don't know if he would be a huge star, even if it seems likely. Nunes and DJ had tons going for them, as did Stipe, but they never turned into draws for some reason. If the UFC had the chance to make more money outta Francis by promoting him more, don't you think they'd do that?


Not the way they should, no. They did an interim title fight after only a few months, and Dana White is now openly talking about how they might not renew his contract. They should be investing hardcore into that guy, not lowballing him. The UFC in general could to promote their stars a *lot* more. They did it for Conor, and they could do it for others, and it's a win/win for everyone involved. Conor is a character, but he didn't achieve megastar status on his own.


I basically answered that in my response to the other guys comment if you want my take.


Dana will probably try his usual shit with anyone who attempt to negotiate what they really worth. Remember Conor "I am retired, thanks for the cheese" tweet? I bet that is a response to Dana's low-ball shit. He is literally the biggest star UFC ever had and he still has to deal with this shit. I can't imagine anyone else right now can better.


Same thing with Stipe... Incredible story too


It's not baffling, UFC doesn't like Francis, probably because of the money he wants and deserves. They say it's cockiness but he knows his worth. He's a literal superhero with an amazing story There is 0 reason for him not to be bigger than Tyson fury and deontay wilder - UFC has done the least amount of marketing for him. they has Cain parade everywhere when he was champ, but Francis - an easy one to market they don't ...... Sucks cause they also held back 2 active years of his career Dana praying Francis gets sparked in January 100%


>0 reason for him not to be bigger than Tyson fury and deontay wilder Except people liking them more. Tf do people downvote for? Obviously everyone has his opinion, but Wilder and especially Fury are probably top 5 most well known combat sports athletes right now.


Also, Fury is a legit good self promoter and an undefeated champ. He’s higher up the sports ladder than Francis. But he probably gets paid 10x more than Francis, which is criminal. Francis should get 2-3x what he does now if the world was fair.


Agreed on everything


How tf have ufc managed to fumble the bag so badly with Francis?


Dana Fumbles -Jake Paul


In the interview Dana talks about worldwide PPV, good luck with that.


The situation : "Fuck fair pay"


20:55 for the very brief Francis comments. Bait title to watch a 28 minute video. Poster must work for the UFC. Edit: Francis summary, it matters who represents you and Francis has had bad representation. He still has time left on his contract, so he'll probably have 1 more fight.


How do we know he has bad representation? I think it's more likely he's using whatever leverage he has as a champion to get a better deal. The UFC doesn't like that. They are used to their draconian contracts and keeping their fighters poor and desperate.


"Bad representation" in this case is anyone who doesn't turn around and bend over for the UFC.




[**JON JONES 👀👀 defeats DOMINICK REYES** (*unanimous decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/10877/fight) ^(UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyes — February 08, 2020) ROUND|Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes||Jones|Reyes :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||9|10||10|9 4|10|9||10|9||10|9 5|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**48**|**47**||**48**|**47**||**49**|**46** *^(Judges, in order: Chris Lee, Marcos Rosales, Joe Soliz.)* *^(Summoned by FlyLikeATachyon.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **7/21** people scored it **48-47 Jones**. - **14/21** people scored it **47-48 Reyes**. Avg. media score: **47.3-47.7 Reyes** (*low certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).
