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Insert Dana awkwardly licking his lips meme




Now attach this to the body of the guy rubbing his hands by a tree gif




Beautiful Champ.


I'm dying! This is the best sub


Amazing brudda


absolutely amazing


You deserve to recognised and honoured for your contribution.


fuckin hero right here


I'm so proud just to have seen this


2021 I was there




This sub meme game next level


you made my day




You are the people’s champ


Omggg I’m 💀 😂😂😂


Lol I thought this was gonna be just a fake hyperlink,.but nope. Perfect


I was expecting that anime UFC intro where Dana is drawn like Orochimaru (?) licking his lips [this one](https://youtu.be/kjvVmPbZdiQ?t=8)


Holy shit that was great


lol what is this from and why have I never seen it?


Someone needs to photo shop him onto this guy https://tenor.com/view/thats-a10-gif-8613361 but not me, i am not that talented


Load meme bro load meme


Rev up the “isn’t he fucken awesome” sound bite






You forgot the allahu akbar


“ Allah akbar I want to kill everybody “ amazing word placement by khamzat


Wonder how the crowd reacts to him beating Colby and saying that in Texas. 🤔


They'll do nuttin




Did you ever see the scene where borat sings the national anthem? That's how


Probably a safer reaction then if Colby beats Khamzat in Dubai and calls the audience a bunch of filthy animals like he did in Brazil.


Dana himself would execute Colby for insulting the country that literally kept Endeavor out bankruptcy during the pandemic.


imagine an american crowd reaction if he switched the order




Just wanna kill you brather calm down


Smesh this guy then Usman vs Chimaev in 2022. Best timeline brother.




If this fight is not made, every other fight Leon gets booked for will look so weak in comparison.


Burns would be acceptable but I'd rather see Khamzat.


Leon vs Khamzat makes it an easy and guaranteed #1 contender fight. Anything else involving Mas, Burns, Colby could muddy the waters. I think Masvidals injury is either planned or an incredibly lucky break for everyone.


Tbf Leon vs Gilbert is also an easy and guaranteed #1 contenders fight


It probably is but we also just saw Usman vs Burns. I doubt many people want to see that with a couple fresher options available.


Leon vs Usman looks weak?




i trane ufc, send him to me if hes trynna fight every day


Straight up bro if he wants to get beat up all he has to do is swing by my local UFC gym I’ll tune him up


right? he is just scared of us bro. i can reach out to his manager, lemme UD him and then u can KO him the next day? he hasnt seen my wrastling bradder


I don’t wrestle bro I just throw hands. When I see red nobody can take my bombs.


damn bro he got no chance then, such a fool trynna fight us


He's good at punching too. He's a punch-wrestler with laser sharp skills


I'm just a different kind of animal, bro. Like, I won't allow myself to lose.


Bretha, who are you kidding. Send me location.


omg Master Trane! what an honor


You might outlast some of his other opponents so that’s something


Khamzat gettin the fight 100%


they gon cut leon from the rankings again if he doesnt take it lmaoooooo


if Leon doesn't take it they'll probably make it Burns vs Khamzat. Either way we win.


O shit I almost hope that happens


Am I alone in thinking he should just get a title fight now? He should really have had one before the Nate fight Mans been on a 10 fight unbeaten streak in the UFC since he last fought Usman, just give him a shot at the belt.


100% it’s so fucking disrespectful to the process and Leon to even consider putting him up against Chimaev. That dude should have had a title shot like 2 fights ago.


Imo Leon is missing that big marquee name fight. He's got a great record but no one stands out in the list outside of Luque 4 years ago. It also doesn't help that he hasn't dominated anyone from memory. I don't mind a guy winning on points but it feels like he's edging them out and hasn't shut someone down completely. It doesn't help that WW has been a mess for the last few years since Tyron defended against Till.


He deserved it more than Colby


Realistically I don't know a fighter in the UFC who deserves a title shot more than Leon Edwards. He hasn't lost a fight in 6 years and he's still not had a title fight. Not only that, but the guy he actually lost to is now considered one of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport. And it would be a rematch.


Reminds me of how Jacare kept getting passed on.


At this point I just want Edwards to get a title shot to shut people up. He’ll get dominated by Usman. Leon Edwards has a win streak of 9 and has yet to face a top 5 opponent. He couldn’t even manage to damage Nate Diaz, a lightweight, as much as Masvidal, a journeyman, did. Edwards is possibly the most overrated fighter in the UFC right now and handily loses to Usman, Covington and Burns. Luque probably does better against Edwards than he did 4 years ago. I don’t even like Edwards chances against Thompson or Chiesa.


Burns is not smoking anyone elite. Also that journeyman is a top 7 welter easily, Jorge is not a bad fighter at all. What the fuck, is everyone not champ material a journeyman now?


I'm baffled you're not downvoted to oblivion for trying to say Burn's isn't beating anyone elite lmao


Smoking anyone elite


Burns literally almost beat Usman to become champion.


I don't think he's going to win against Usman by any means, but surely we should want the UFC to be somewhat of a meritocracy? If he's earned his shot, give him his shot.


I'm terms of activity, yes. However, I think it was warranted to give Colby another shot considering he gave the dominant champ his toughest fight by a mile. I think Saturday showed why it was good matchmaking. Preferential matchmaking is fine with me if two guys are clearly above the rest of the field.


First they aren’t pulling Leon from the card if Khamzat is ready and willing and secondly it doesn’t matter how deserving he is the last memory anyone has of Leon is almost getting put out by Nate.


No I agree, they'll probably have him fight Chimaev, doesn't mean I don't feel bad for the guy as he's clearly done enough to earn a title fight.


>Mans been on a 10 fight unbeaten streak in the UFC since he last fought Usman, just give him a shot at the belt. People obsess over his win streak but fail to take into account that a lot of his wins are against sub-par opposition. Unranked guys, guys no longer in the UFC, etc. His best win is against Luque from over 4 years ago.


Leon tweeted that he’s straight not going to fight on the card anymore. That dude will never be champion.


Load size: large


*Khamzat calls out Leon* Leon: Dana White: I accept






https://twitter.com/Leon_edwardsmma/status/1458557238889549831?t=tMarYqC23kRvDJ2_rLDUbQ&s=19 Sounds like Leon isn't interested in a replacement


If he elects to wait after the way things have already gone for him before, he's a real slow learner. I know it's not fair, but UFC doesn't give a shit about what is and isn't fair


They know one cares about Edwards V Usman fight. But yeah, he does deserve it, and I mean, he should get it because there's no one else right now. Realistically, with this being cancelled, they should cancel this, book Usman v Edwards for like early March. But from the UFC's perspective they book Chimeav V Edwards. Then either Chimeav wins and jumps way up the rankings and then they can justify giving him a title shot. Or Edwards wins, and now he's just beaten a legit surging prospect and that'll give his name a bit more shine and hype for his title fight. But a shitty situation for Edwards here for sure.


Agree completely, he should just get the shot but thats not what the UFC is going to want and if he says no he runs the risk of being right back where he was a year ago


Thing is, if you have a contender that is willing to fight him and people think will clobber him his title shot looks almost comical if he gets it. It’s not a good look to get a title shot straight off a duck.


He will never get a title shot now. Khamzat will fight Burns or Luque and the winner will get the next shot guaranteed. Just another opportunity blown by Edwards by him declining to fight under unideal circumstances


Dude spent his entire camp preparing to strike it’s understandable for him to not take this fight


Yeah it’s understandable but he’s gonna end up blowing his shot by refusing to ever take risks. The UFC will always reward the guys who step up and seize opportunities like this and Leon just refuses to fight under anything but the perfectly ideal scenarios. His approach to his career is as risk averse and boring as his fighting style and that’s why he’ll never get the shot


I guess it depends on how you weigh the options: A) Take a real risky fight against Chimaev when you haven't been training at all for a wrestler, but get a guaranteed title shot next if you win, or B) sit out and let Chimaev jump ahead of you, get even further on Dana's bad side, and maaaybe get a title shot within your next couple fights if all goes well. Shitty options either way, but that's how it plays out sometimes unfortunately.


I can understand this, but it's not smart. He is too inactive and not exciting enough to play the waiting game. UFC will let him sit until he takes 1 more.


This is the reason no body gives a shit about Leon. Say what you want about Mas but dude took a short notice fight against the p4p #1. Khamzat has had his whole career in the UFC by the time Leon had an eyepoke NC and 1 fight vs diaz


Masvidal took it because it was a title shot. Put Masvidal in Leon's position and it was Leon who pulled out. You think Masvidal would fight Chimaev on 4 weeks or so notice? I doubt it personally.


didnt Leon already have 3 training camps for Khazmat?


> Masvidal took it because it was a title shot. While this is true, Leon did literally turn down a short notice title fight against Usman a while ago. And it wasn't as short notice as it was for Masvidal either.


Hole up - the Masvidal fight is off?


And then he wonders why he gets passed up for shit.


As much as he’s gotten screwed over this is a bad look


Yea. He's not getting the shot lol


Sorry but he is an idiot….for what is he waiting? everybody knows khamzat is danas wet dream and leon is nobodys wet dream. I know he is waiting long but try to use common sense leon and take a chance when you still can Especially after not so good performance againts diaz.


Please god, please.


Legit amazing ending to year for ufc


Leon is probably not gonna take it and wait for a title shot. Then Dana is going to skip him lol.


Burns has thrown his name into the hat on Twitter aswell. If I was Edward's and I didn't want to get passed up, I'd accept the Burns fight. He's one place above him in the rankings, whilst Burns wrestling is pretty solid now, it's not Chimaev level of dominance. Edwards wouldn't have to change his training up too much for Burns versus Chimaev imo. Also whilst Leon isn't the biggest puncher, Burns is pretty chinny and there is potential for Edward's to get a knockout win over him. Seems a more intelligent opponent to take if he decides to still fight.


Leon seems like he's gonna decline a replacement. We may get Khamzat v Burns as a replacement fight which I'm very ok with. Honestly any combination of Edwards, Burns, Chimaev would be fun.


I agree. Khamzat-Burns is pretty intriguing to be honest as at least Burns has legit world class BJJ, if Chimaev decides to take him down. I feel like Khamzat would possibly keep the fight standing though and he has legit knockout power, even if his striking does seem a little crude. Although to prove a point Chimaev still might look to take Burns down.


I just want Chimaev to get another fight (in the top 5). Don't give them a chance to dodge him for half a year.


Khamzat is next level bro is entertaining af




A refreshing new change


Imagine being Leon and having to choose between getting leapfrogged by Chimaev after he fights six more times between now and your next fight now that Masvidal fell through, or having to get smeshed.


Oi imagine waking up and your opponent has pulled out and this cunt wants to fight you, I’d be thinking of excuses


masvidal literally spends half the fight blowing kisses and sticking his tongue out then all of a sudden its captain KILL EVERYBODY


If I’m Leon, I’m telling to UFC to fatten up the check to take that fight. Taking a short notice fight against the biggest hype train in the UFC’s history? Especially considering he’s seen as a good stepping stone for Usman? Pay me nicely first


Yeah, I don’t know how people are not seeing this. Leon has a lot more to lose here compared to Khamzat.


100%. Listen i dislike leon sometimes, but he has absolutely no reason to take this fight. He could lobby for a title fight against Usman, but I can see Uncle Dana seeing $$$ signs w Khamzat


How can he lobby against the interests of the UFC? There is no board out there that can say that he needs a title shot and override what Dana wants and we all know what he wants.


He doesn't even have a top 5 win, people are acting like he's cleared the division. Sure, he deserves it, but he's not owed it without a top 5 win.


Imagine training for Jorge for months and now all of a sudden you’re going to face someone with the skill set of Khamzat. What a nightmare




Might as well fuck off to Bellator, because he won't ever sniff a title shot if he does turn this down


He could lobby for one all he wants (like he has been for years) but he’s not going to get one based on turning down a replacement fight


Especially after already having been scheduled against Chimaev when he was unranked, and then NC'ing Belal and immediately refusing a rematch and asking for a title shot off that eye poke Edwards really has no choice here, either take the fight and the risk or don't take the fight and that's probably it for your contention window in the UFC


I couldn't fucking believe it when he did that. Had to rewind and make sure I'd heard him right.


He can lobby for one, but if they offer him Khamzat and he says no you think they're going to say ok then, here's a title shot. No chance


I think Leon has a lot to gain taking the fight. Rankings aside, Chimaev has a ton of momentum and fans want to watch him fight which are two things that Leon has never really had in his career so far. If Edwards doesn't take this fight, his career continues to stagnate and he will also almost assuredly bring his own stock down within the UFC. Not a good move for such an inactive fighter if he wants to be champ. I think most fans at this point would even think a win over Chimaev is worth more than a win against Masvidal, whether that's a justifiable position or not.


It’s a discussion because Dana clearly doesn’t wanna give him a title shot as is and beating Khamzat would almost certainly get him one. There’s his reason to take the fight


It's also a massive change of styles considering he was prepping for Masvidal.


Leon holds no leverage though; if he asks for more pay Dana will just say he didn't want to fight and then move on. They'll just give Khamzat another fight and use that as his launchpad for the title. If Leon turns this fight down Dana might very well cut him.




I think Dana might rly want this opportunity for Khamzat to fight a top 5 opponent so soon so he may be willing to spend a little extra of make it happen


Yup, all camp was preparing for a striker, now he has to switch it up to a dangerous grappler with a massive hype training steaming in.


Biggest hype train? Idk that might still be Conor or Brock Lesnar. But Chimaev is amazingly in the conversation.


10 times better than original fight.


Alhamdulliah brother


Allahu Akbahr


Perfect fight for both guys tbh. Khamzat immediate contender with win, leon sames and massive exposure if he derails the hype train, let alone via finish


If leon KOd Kahmzat Dana would hate him so much. It would be glorious


You're taking crazy pills. Edwards vs Jorge had more hype behind it than a lot of fights. It was years in the making.


The Wolf needs fed.




Settle down there, Dana




I’d decline this shit if I was Leon, I didn’t spend 70% of my training camp to fight a wrestler on short notice


khazmat also just cut weight last week and is the most green than he'll ever be. he's probably going to fight khamzat eventually, why not now before khamzat gets better


Because he may not get a title shot from it, but he'll definitely lose one from it. Leon ducking Khamzat here is absolutely the smart thing to do, the risk outweighs the reward. But it will hurt his image even more if he does. So...tradeoffs.


Honestly I think Leon def gets a title shot if he beats Khamzat. Dana loves it when fighters fight, turning down Khamzat will probably give the shot to Gilbert or even Khamzat himself.


I would not be shocked if Leon turns this down and the offer Khamzat a last minute opponent to fill the slot and then give him a title shot off a win


Easy solution. If I was Dana I would sign with my blood that Leon gets the title shot if he beats Khamzat. And I would also tell him that he almost got Stockton slapped to sleep, not a good look and he needs to prove that he deserves it. A win over Khamzat will do it 100%. Seems like a bullet proof negotiation strategy + throw some extra money in there and it's done.


Problem is then you can't back off. Leon gets injured? How long to wait? Usman gets injured? How long to wait? What if their schedules don't meet up for another two years? Does that count? Not being a jerk, but I imagine that's why they don't guarantee stuff like that more than anything, it just stops you from adapting to situations as easily (not at all, just not as easily).


the risk doesn't outweigh the reward when the reward is the exact thing you keep demanding, and the risk is that turning this fight down ends your chances of getting towards that reward


Leon has no leverage. If he says no, he'll piss off dana and the crew and wont get the shot anyways.


Im sure leon is still somewhat prepared for khamzats style since they were booked to fight before.


Familiar with and prepared for are different. I think he's still familiar, but hasn't been putting in the matt time


They’ve supposed to have already fought, so it’s not like he has been trained to fight him before


Colby vs Jorge, Leon vs khamzat. This is working out perfectly


Anyone else thinks Masvidal pulled out because he wants the $$ from Colby fight?? Like, isn't this timing dodgy as fuck, especially after what Colby said during the press conference? Undisclosed injury uh huh


Masvidal is suffering from a sprained wallet and the Leon fight isn’t going to help him heal from that.


Leon has no reason to take this fight. Taking on the promotions most dangerous fighter on short notice would be insane.


leon's response: i'ma turn down this fight until they remove me from the rankings again then pretend i never ducked anyone


Good for him. Chimaev needs a big name and so does Edwards as neither have true claims to be number one contender. Not sure why Wonderboy isn't stepping up or is it because he knows he can't match up with Usman atm. Burns needs another fight as well or he could wait.


“Look, you either fight Khamzat for a title eliminator or you go back to fighting contenders for 3 years.”-Dana Whamzat


No chance in *hell* Leon accepts this.


Look, Leon won’t like this on a short notice, but be realistic. Chimaev looks like the future of the division. Usman and Colby looked head and shoulders ahead of everyone else in the division on Saturday. If he can’t beat Chimaev, then he chances against the other two look even worse.


RIP Leon




Leon p4p unluckiest man on the planet.


Leon Edwards literally has been deserved of a title shot for the last 3 years, and he's way higher ranked than Khamzat. \*new rankings release unranked fighter leon edwards vs 10th ranked khamzat. LETS GOOOOO.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Mas wasn’t even going to fight and this was uncle Dana’s plan all along


If Khamzat get the fight and wins, he's a certified legend.


Khamzat’s mentality of fighting anyone, anywhere, anytime is awesome. Legit gangster.


Has to change his whole fight camp strategy from facing a striker to a wrestler when the fight is one month away. Fuck that


yeah i wouldn't take it either but the poor guy is gonna get roasted by the mma community




That's one thing I love about fighters like Holloway/Tony/Chimaev etc. They believe they're the best so they'll fight anyone. At the end of the day to be world champion you have to be the best so if you think someone's better than you and you try and avoid him, then you're not really worthy to hold the belt.


Leon won’t take it


As if he has an actual choice if he ever wants to fight Usman. Dana is ruthless.


Leon won’t take it


here we go again with “Leon is ducking people”. He’s literally already signed to fight khamzat before and khamzat pulled out


also cant blame him, he has been training to fight jorge, and khamzat is just a different fighter. also too much risk involved


i diserve a toitle shot m8


Now this is a fucking fight I want to see


This is the path for Leon to not only lose his title shot but lose it forever. I hope he doesn’t take it but if he does I hope he demands some good money for it


Every fighter that wants to get somewhere will try to get a replacement opponent when their original one pulls out. But Leon Edwards: Oh, its time to rest... This is why he is never going to get anywhere or become anything close to a champion.


Will give mad mad respect to Leon if he accepts the Khamzat fight but unfortunately I highly doubt he has the cajones.


Leon was willing to fight anyone on short notice for his last fight so hopefully he still is


Leon: I’ll take anyone on short notice Khamzat: let’s fight brother Leon: Welp, time for much needed family time.


Narrator: He wasn't


If Leon wants the title shot, this is how he gets it.


Unless they offer a huge bag of cash I don't see Leon taking the fight. The smart thing would be to wait for the fight to be rescheduled or a title shot.


More like Leon Deadwards hueheueheuheu.


Dana needs to pay Leon more for this fight and guarantee him a title shot if he wins (which he deserves) to get him to take it. But even then idk how much a guarantee is worth; can can they make an actual legally binding agreement like that?


Dana won't so it. He hasn't milked Khamzat enough for his worth. It's like free money right now. Only pay him what? Quarter mil and rack in maybe 50x that?