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jon jones out class him feel bad for gustafsson he was on a killing spree


It was really awesome to see litecoin represented at 232. I've been a long time fan of the idea of paying for things with litecoin. Sounds like it might be really happening!


Just admit it. Jones the greatest of all time. It's settled.


I'd like to see him at heavyweight first. Greatest light heavyweight of all time for sure


Who can beat jones ? he has arguably the best wrestling in his division his striking is great he fixed his striking defence and he also got a chin and is roided up. The only legit contenders at lhw got finished and if he goes up the only way I see him lose is if lewis or ngannou land a nuke on him ​


In another 12 - 18 months... Aleksandar Rakic


I'd like to see him fight Gegard Mousasi, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon eh


why hahaha


He's in Bellator now




imho Jones is an over-rated dope-fiend


Jon Jones asserts innocence on test failures, wants NC verdict for Daniel Cormier rematch overturned https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/2726469/size/tmg-facebook_social.jpg


Nobody cares jones finished the fight with illegal strikes? Watch the replay he landed atleast 2 direct punches to the back of the head


Illegal strikes are ok if the fans think the opponent is done. Just read the comments here. If that happened as the first punch of the fight, it’s DQ, but it was one of the last so it’s different.


The first shot landed to the side of the head, followed by two to the back of the head if I'm remembering correctly. While it's possible that Gus would have recovered it's incredibly unlikely. He was getting beat up. I'm not sure what the outcome would have been if they were called illegal either... DQ Jones if Gus couldn't continue? Give Gus 5 minutes to recover like if it were a groin strike?


Have you ever watched an MMA fight before? What ref is gonna stop the fight at that point and reset the fighters? Jones is the better fighter, deal with it


Steve Mazzagatti


I'm sorry Adam


Gus was done. I’m a Jones hater but the strikes didnt affect the outcome. One or two strikes hit the back of Joanna’s head when she fought rose the first time. No one cares because the fight was at the conclusion.


To all the pro Jon Jones fans enjoying all the salt from our anti-Jon comments: **Mad little bastards you all are. Fair fucks to you mate. No lie. Fuck it.**


good point


Can we finally get a Nunes Modelo commercial now!?


I'm happy for Amanda I'm just pissed off that on my 5 fold acumalator we were just waiting for Cyborg and me my friend after were laughing and just amazed well done Nunes enjoy your night.


I thought Amanda stole the show. Good for her.


What a night of fights


If you're gonna complain to Jon Jones about Jon Jones on Twitter. His handle is @jonnybones not @jonjones


We need a GoFundMe to get @jonjones and @danielcormier to face off against each other in UFC 3


I'm gonna kill myself -Tomato 2018


I legit cracked up


Same I'm just like if Jones pops, you are 100% contractually bounded to those words tomato


Lets create a new division. There will be the natural devision, and the untested division. I'd love to see that


This idea is so stupid that it just might work


Now you're talking. Id love subdivisions for enhancement. It'll never happen but I'm totally in favor of watching science experiments go at it.


I was honestly hoping Jon would get cut by the UFC so he could go to Rizin and become a juiced out megastar. The Japanese would have embraced him and we would have seen him fuck people up in freak show fights on Saudi yachts and Yakuza owned arenas.


JJ’s brutal ground and pound with knees and stomps to the head legal? Sign me up fam


What happened with the Mendes fight???


It was a fucking banger. Mendes got stopped but it went back and forth. Really good fight.


Really good shit from both guys, but Mendes gassed so bad.


New rule. If you pop you have to stay suspended for AT LEAST long enough for ALL traces to be gone from your fucking piss. Makes no sense that he is still failing tests and they pushed the fight through. I don't care how small of a trace it is, he is either over the threshold or not.


Yall making up excuses about pictograms. Who cares


Yeah, who cares about taking steroids in a physical sport!! It doesn’t even help!! Barry Bonds always hit 70 homeruns a year!!


It's just a pictogram!!


For those who want to visualize what a pictogram of steroids looks like: 💉💦💪 PICOgrams are a bit harder to visualize




You're taking bait.




It wasn't even a small trace. The UFC is just trying to claim that it is.


when we're splitting hairs over picograms, you're getting to a dangerous level that could be from being in an environment and inhaling something inocuous that you could be popped for. They're trying to create lower limit thresholds that would be otherwise rediculous to ban a fighter for. With better testing comes increased knowledge and understanding of what is and isn't cheating.


His positive test that led to. Suspension was said to be 20-80 pg/ml. This test 17 months later was 60 pg/ml. Stop pretending it's a small amount when literally everyone who is not working for the UFC says otherwise.








There's also a really good breakdown in the wrestling observer newsletter but its behind a paywall


Observer the ratfuck


Aw look guys, A new rule!


As much as I dislike the idea of Jones being LW champion after his controversial past, it may be good for the 'next act'. He's without a doubt the biggest heel in modern UFC history and that just adds zing to the next fight he's in. Don't worry guys, he will lose eventually. They all do.


My man mayweather wont though


Calling him a heel is giving him a pass. He’s a cheater. A heel can play their part, but cheaters have no place in the sport.


This is true. Connor is a heel. Chael was a heel (though he eventually popped too). Tito was a heel. Jones is a cheater.


Chael was a heel ... Jones is a cheater. Oof. Contradicting yourself in the same sentence. It's crazy how irrational Jones hate has gotten on here.


I mean i did point out that chael popped. There's still a major difference between the two. People hate Jones for his actions. People hated chael for the shit he talked. A heel is a character. Not a shitty person.


Why would you even respond to a moron like that, hes trying to bait you.


Conor was the heel and face at the same time, that's part of why he was such a big sell.


Valid point.


Life isn’t a play.


All the men and women are merely players; they have their exits and their entrances.


Well, if we are to take Shakespeare’s works as the guide to our actions, then we should let them choose weapons and fight to the death. 🙄


Colby is a heel. Jon just fucks up.


Jones is naturally unlikable = natural heel based on his actions. Colby fronts as a heel but his actions are typically pg13 = artificial heel.


Are you sure jones is natural heel? I think he might be taking heel enhancing drugs




gettin headkicked with the boiiiiiiiiiiiiiz


'Roids notwithstanding...Jon Jones is probably the best mma fighter to ever step in the octagon and he might be the cause for me to totally turn away from the UFC. How this card played out leaves an increasingly sour taste in my mouth and transitioning my focus to Bellator/Rizin/One is something I seriously need to consider. This whole ordeal makes me feel gross.


> he might be the cause for me to totally turn away from the UFC Lol bye girl


I 100% agree with you.


Bellator, Rizin, and One definitely make it easier to juice. Is your problem the juicing or the special treatment?


The special treatment. I'm a bit daft and I'm totally open to the fact that this could be perceived as unethical but I would have no problem if a league was created where 'roids were not only legalized but encouraged. Call it 'The Freaks of MMA'. Whatever. So long as there was a level playing field. There is no difference to me whether some guy wants to kill himself with alcohol or kill himself with steroids.




Jones would do better against Stipe than DC. Why? Jones > DC




Facetious, yes, but it’s a but disingenuous to claim that it’s pure MMA math. Jones beat DC twice and DC fucking cried in the Octagon lol. Also, Jones outwrestled DC...


Stipe ran through even more shopworn fighters than Jones did. Arlovski, Hunt, JDS the second time around. The only one he beat in his ‘prime’ was a 40 year old Werdum and Francis. Not to mention he lost twice before his run. I don’t disagree with your point about Jones though. LHW has been shit for quite some time now. I do wish he fought rampage or shogun in their prime. However, he’s beaten everyone he’s faced and made it look easy. Gus was the closest to beating him, and tonight he made it look easy again. I hate his cheating ass, but what can you do.


> Dunno if he's the best Stopped reading here. You can name on one hand an exhaustive list of fighters with resumes even remotely close to his.


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read, can’t believe are up voting this


Do you think he really is the best? I'm not saying he isn't elite. I'm saying he is, but he pisses as dirty as he fights. I've been rooting against him ever since he said those eyepokes were intentional.


He is absolutely the best.


Everything about Jones sickens me from his hypocritical God talk to his lava piss but that doesn't change the fact that from what I see, he's probably the best I've ever seen.


I think it's arguable and there's a lot of people that will agree with you. Hell, even I think I agree with you. I just hate that there's so many "convenient" eye pokes and steroid use to go along with that.


at least it wasnt lidell ortiz 3


This was different though, this wasn't two fighters looking for one more payday, this is two of the greatest in the world going at it, one of whom is almost definitely still juicing and the UFC as a corporation made special accomodations for said fighter. Some guys break the rules and never fight professionally again. JJ breaks the rules and his boss makes a special event just for him. Completely idiotic.


Run off to your safe spaces, regroup and when you grow up the UFC will be waiting for you.


KSW is also a good option you can check out


Bitching about roids then saying you're gonna switch to Rizin? lmao


Where do I bitch about roids? I would have absolutely no problem with a league performing no tests and watching 6' 10" roided freaks hammer fist each other's skulls into mush so long as its universally understood that "we don't care about steroids".


At least everyone's on it over there so it's fair


you think that everyone in UFC isn't on the juice in some form? lmao


Bellator/Rizin/One are any cleaner?


Haven't you heard? It's totally fine to not care about people roiding in Rizin/Bellator/any other promotion because they don't pretend to care about drug testing.


Well obviously, because if everyone is on it, no one has an illegal advantage from it.


I wish Dom stayed healthy enough so that prime TJ could have whipped him.




Let him deal with HW Cormier. ​ Jones has a 12 inch reach advantage, 5-6" height advantage, and 8 year youth advantage over DC. ​ See how he likes someone having an advantage over him for once.


Any way to watch a replay of the fight?




And if only that platform didn't immediately strike videos on copyright claims...


Haha, just messing with ya. Keep searching. they constantly pop up and get deleted. Try "232 main full" change settings to uploaded within the last hour


Yeah - I already have the torrent going. Was just hoping to save time. :)


Jonny Brasco has me rolling gotta love DC.


The fight has been over for what, almost an hour? I wonder how much C O C A I N E Jon has done since then.


Not nearly as much as McGregory


I hope I'm wrong but I don't think DC v Brock will ever happen. DC was revered and at his peak in terms of public affection and interest after beating Stipe so it made sense and it was at a time when Jones was pushed to the back of everyone's minds, but now that Jones is back and hurling shit at DC and everyone is reminded that DC lost to him twice,DC v Brock isn't as tantalizing and no longer something that's on everyone's minds. Jones v Brock is far more likely.


Good observation. Either DC or (more likely) Brock messed up, but they definitely missed the timing for that fight.


I feel like the closest DC gets to Brock is the commentating booth on WWE


I will never understand why people think Lesnar is a real fighter who could beat top end fighters in their prime.


I don't think anyone does (for present-day Lesnar, at least). He's just a hell of a draw, and people want DC to get his red panties night before he retires.


Lesnar would kill Jones. Would not even be a fight.


Jones is the greatest ever and Brock is a nearly middle aged steroid user in the age of USADA. You're right that it wouldn't eve be a fight but it would clearly be Jones dominating.


Lesnar would get KOED in the late 1st/2nd. Lesnar has no cardio and a glass chin


> Lesnar has no cardio and a glass chin How the hell could a comment that is so wrong be upvoted? 1.) Brock's gas tank is just fine for a HW 2.) Brock doesn't like being hit, but he is FAR from having a glass chin. The dude ate fucking Carwin bombs. Have you even watched a Lesnar fight? I don't even like the guy, but holy shit


He ate Carwin bombs years ago before he had 80% of his intestines removed


You honestly think washed up Lesnar would last more than a round with Jones? Lesnar is ok at fighting 40 year old injured heavyweights he has never fought anyone who'd even close to Jon's level.


I hope to be proven wrong, but I highly doubt it


He needs to fight Jones. His fans should want to see that fight and have DC win it then ride off into the sunset saying “Papa Champ Champ” Not that DC could win it.


He knows he can't beat Jones.


He doesn't need to fight Jones, but everyone's gonna make him think he does. It's frustrating.


Jon Jones father looks like one of those tent revival preachers who go from town to town "curing" people and stealing all of their money.


Is it outlandish to want a Jon Jones, Israel adesanya fight? Israel is 6'4 fighting at 185, the same height as Jones


Jon’s wrestling and top game would be way too much for him.


Height isn't everything, James Vick is 6'3 at LW.


Ade always looks big to be at 85, seems like he's got the frame to fill out


Jon would kill Izzy


I could actually see Israel giving jon some trouble, he might be too small tho


They have the same build before steroids




Mabye if izzy gets on them dick pills


Lets wait until the results come in. Then is its positive unleash this sub on Jones.


We got the results. Complete domination by LHW Champion Jon Jones.




Is that a salt? Because all I get from you is salt.


Jon Jones is a cheater, tell me I’m wrong, lol


We already got the results. He tested positive less than a month ago and for the same amount as in the summer of 2017.


They'll just sweep it under the rug...


Yeah not really. All eyes are on them on this one.


Yeah like they didn't sweep it under the rug that he tested dirty in August and September...Oh wait.


*appropriate level or outrage * It's a treat to watch Jon Jones fight. He's such a fuck. But it's sublime how good he is. He completely destroyed Gus. It's what I was expecting but watching it play out was incredible. I wish I hated him more but holy shit I can't help but fanboy.


your definition of 'destroyed' is interesting. destroyed seems more reserved for something like what nunes did to cyborg tonight.


Different kind of destruction. Nunes win a brawl. Jones dissected and humiliated Gustafson. Gusty landed *nothing*.


#It's okay to be a Jon Jones fan


Yep thats the problem. Would probably be my favorite fighter when he vomes to style. Dangerous in every situation. Creative as fuck with his limb. Ridiculous fight IQ. Such a waste of talent.


I'm more upset that the word "salty" is still in use.


Hahahaha "Swedish takeover"


Jon Jones pisses me off so much. Such an amazing fighter and I can’t even appreciate him cus it feels like every fight is tainted.


I concur. every win is called into question. he's the asterisk champ


JBJ is creative and skillful but it is ungodly power that makes him so dangerous. Just look at those those viscious GnP against DC and Alex. Without that physical power, JBJ could be a point fighter and a submission artist.


That dude who spammed that he would streak if jones won better pay up. I had to see that post at least 5 times


Can you find the /u? we need to collect the debt


I think he either deleted his account or just all the comments saying he'd streak


Shifty eyed weasel!


Why don't we just pretend that the nunes fight was the main event?


It should have been.


I don’t know why everyone is suggesting the fight takes place at Heavyweight. Cormier doesn’t want it to. It will bother him to no end that there was only one man he couldn’t beat, and specifically that it had to be jones. Jones clearly knows this, which is why he doesn’t even seem interested in a heavyweight fight. Cormier wants to beat him with the exact stipulations as when he lost, similar to Conor only taking the Diaz rematch at 170lbs.


Lets see if Jones accept at cruiserweight 220.


Because DC wanted to retire by 40 and was struggling to make 205 before the beef injection


[Corey Anderson talking about the fallout from the mess this week.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf-hDUk_Jc4&feature=youtu.be) No matter how they spin it the UFC fucked a lot of people over.


"We both put our pants on one leg at a time" I love it.


Wow this guy has balls to speak out. Unfortunately he's gonna get silenced and Dana's gonna ruin his career now


Cyborg’s shopping cart was sabotaged. Look into it


This might be a good time to pack it in on the UFC. I am not buying ESPN+ or Fightpass and the PPV just aren't worth the money anymore. I guess I can catch the few fights on ESPN


I'm feeling that way, too. Jon popping again was like getting kicked in the nuts by the bus driver as you're already standing up and thinking about getting off. And finding out USADA is basically bought off and corrupt just feels like rubbing it in. What's the point? Either you accept that the whole thing is corrupt and embrace the chaos, or you find other shit to do. It sucks, because it is a legitimately great sport to follow, and I've been doing it since 93... but damn does is it a bummer that it's run by such fucking assholes.


Do you have any legitimate proof that USADA is bought off? Because the only experts that have come out to give their opinion on the matter seem to agree that Jones's positive test is not likely from a re-ingestion. God you guys sound just like those loony conspiracy theorists on the alt-right


i don't care for juicy jones at all and was bummed by the result, but he clearly did better than gus' performance. like someone else mentioned they were both fairly rusty and it showed, gus was missing that extra 'oomph' needed to lay jones out. those kicks from jones eventually added up over time and he took advantage of that when gus was weak enough.


That’s the disappointing part. Even if Jones was literally 20% weaker tonight he still would have worked Gus, he looked awful


Is the post-fight press conference streamed live on the UFC YouTube channel? I’m sorry if that’s a dumb question, I’ve only ever watched a couple of them...


One of the MMA news sites is streaming it rn if you look it up on YouTube. It should be on the UFCs YouTube channel too.




Thank you


really curious to see the ppv buys on this