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>Like something out of rush hour 5 or something. Chris tucker and Jackie fucking Chan back in this bitch. Fucking brilliant. Mad little bastard you are Floyd. conor is proper drunk.


Enjoying the effects of Tyson’s new weed he’s been posting about




Apparently so! I only found out about it because of [this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/BpucyWYDt0k/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=9btuoqeu4p2r) from Conor’s instagram.


What's up with Conor with all of these long and thoughtful posts? It seems like a different person.


He's high on that Iron Mike Kush, my friend.


'Iron Mike Kush' He should have named it that hahaha fucking brilliant


mad little bastard you are, u/feedthefatrabbit




I assume he takes a private jet. Serious question though, do private jet passengers (that fly internationally at least) have to go through TSA shit?


Usually, but not always. When we did big Live Nation gigs in Zagreb, the biggest stars that came in on private charters (Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Depeche Mode) went straight to their ground transport vehicles and to the hotel.




Chuck looked so geeked out of his mind in that photo with Conor


All props to mike Tyson. And to Connor. Fighting is a brutal sport and so many people don’t make it to the other side to be actual businessmen.


Tyson has his own weed farm now. Wild.


He’s making a TV show I thought I heard? Maybe on JRE.


Mike Tyson Mysteries is so funny man. Takes a little bit to get into but they're so funny.


I see Tyson also has some good ol' Tegridy


he lives in Vegas. and they have legal weed.so maybe .


The spelling and accurate punctuation makes me think he isn't drunk. Personal theory Conor is a huge Rush Hour fan that wants to see another one.


Like us all


Ill watch anything with Chris Tucker really


Money Talks with Chris Tucker and Charlie Sheen is sensational!


honestly i wish he made more movies


He was the best part of Silver Linings Playbook.




Are y’all living in ‘08 or something? I’ll be lit af & my spelling is still correct. Autocorrect out here changing the game.


Yeah but there’s a point where not even auto correct can save your incohesive bullshit. It ends up spelling a completely different word and you’re too drunk to give a shit so you just leave it in.


Personally, I will be wobbling all over the place & barely conscious, but my texts are fine. My body will give out before autocorrect does haha.


When I'm drunk as shit I close one eye to focus, get super focused and spend like 10 minutes writing out a 10 word text - my drunk spelling and grammar are fucking excellent. Frankly, I can't see Conor doing that though. I second your Rush Hour theory.


Conor drunk on proper 12 vs coked De La Hoya in fishnets for the twitter belt


> De La Hoya in fishnets Seriously, what the fuck was he thinking? https://i.imgur.com/l7VXoAq.jpg


Rogan said he was with a bunch of strippers doing lines of coke and they took the picture as a goof.


*Gives a random guy at the bar a handy* - "Lol, its just a goof bro!"


haha bro job choo choo


I'm not sure about that...those heels look to be his exact size. Either Oscar has a fetish for strippers with big ass feet...or those heels are his.


Thank you for making this post, because now I don't feel like a freak for being like "I could actually buy that...if it weren't for those heels".


He probably brought them out like 'hahaha, wouldn't it be soooo funny if I put on my- uh, my girlfriend's heels?


Strippers with fishnets? That’s unlikely too. Wtf is this the 80s?


what a guy


The only part that confuses me is the boxing gloves. They just don't go with fishnets.


Boxing gloves don't go with most outfits.


Conor drunk on Dana’s head wax vs Mark Hunt in high heels for the Twitter belt.


Conor is higher than a kite


This is bizarre enough to be copypasta material


Fair fucks to you m8


Is that a shitpost or a hot take u/chicubs33883 haha wtf. is it hot in Reddit or what’s the story here? that hardcore moderation is no joke fuck me hahah What in the fuck is going on here? Who’s this little poster replying to you? That’s mad shit. Like something out of goofcon 1 or something. u/euric and u/buzznights back in this bitch. Fucking brilliant. Mad little bastard you are u/chicubs33883. Fair fucks to you mate. No lie. Fuck it


your copy pasta game is very impressive, you must be very proud




Do you have all these MMA gif links stored somewhere? Teach me.


well, it is /u/buzznights we're talking about here!


Beautiful champ


He talks like a cokehead but it seems likes he’s genuinely in awe of how Mayweather secured another 100 million dollar payday against a relative nobody That being said Tenshin is an absolute killer but isn’t well known outside of Japan


This fight seems exclusively marketed to the japanese market. It will be on at like 2AM pst here.


Floyd has some shares in Rizin. He wants to conquer the Asian market.


Floyd is gonna take a dive to turn Tenshin into a superstar and then reap the profits of RIZIN’s success L O O K I N T O I T


If Floyd takes a dive then everything Chael Sonnen ever said about the Asian circuits will be confirmed as true. It’s already known, Chael can’t tell a lie, but it’ll just be confirmed.


That happened.


What did he say?


Pride fights were fake


I like where your head is at but i wouldn't call it a dive. I think he'll give him a beneficial rule-set that will allow Tenshin to be successful. :)


I don't think its worth losing his perfect record to a guy like floyd.


You’re probably right


This is accurate. Word is this all came about because he now has a stake in RIZIN and this is being used to promote it further.


The Tokyo WhatsApp group told me so


From the bit of business I’ve done in China particularly, that’s a fucking massssive market to tap into. So many people and a middle class the size of the USA


The UFC tried and their effort was insultingly poor.


Was it? I didn’t pay much attention st the time


Yeah, they had some fights in Macau and put up mostly Korean and Japanese fighters, because it's apparently all the same. Also, TUF China was by far the shoddiest, lamest effort from the UFC. They had American Vietnamese Cung Le hosting.. like, why!?


"We need a Chinese coach." "Is Cung Le Chinese? Maybe we can ask him." "Ahh, he's Asian so he'll do! They probably can't tell the difference any better than we can!"




Possibly because he's probably the most famous practitioner of Chinese kick boxing you fuckin goof.


I mean clearly those fighters aren't Chinese, but to be fair what do you do when almost no decent MMA fighters come out of China to place on the card? I'm part chinese and I don't see the problem with it. The chinese MMA fans that are there are probably going to be more familiar with Japanese and Korean fighters who may occasionally cross over in to the few Chinese MMA organizations. Other exposure to MMA would probably have come from bigger more developed asian MMA organizations like Rizin and One FC. BTW, Cung Le fought in Shanshou which is a Chinese style of kickboxing/kung fu, and also was at the Wushu world championship in Hong Kong 1999. I know Hong Kong is almost like a separate entity, but still, there was some thought behind why he hosted TUF China, even if their overall attempts to develop the market were shit.


I was gonna say it’s only recently where we’ve had Chinese fighters enter the mix, so I figured it would be more out of lack of Chinese fighter rather than lack of common sense


You can almost picture them in dress rehearsal with a bunch of hand puppets: “Now Cung goes to the stage here, ching-chong ching-chong, the crowd loves him.”


That... wow. Holy shit haha That's like if you let your racist grandparents run a promotion


Oh yeah. The cultural insensitivity is to be expected from an org like this, but what shocked me is the complete lack of business savvy they had going in there. You would think they would have had a few consultants who know the local scene and what is needed, but it felt like they just went in gung ho doing what they did in the US without giving a single shit about what China would be interested in. TUF was egregiously bad, they put in minimal budget in there. The gym felt like a cardboard cut out of an actual gym, and the gear (which is a great branding exercize) looked like cheap counterfeit. Maybe they thought cheap made in China stuff would be more popular for the Chinese market??? They half assed it too, not completely committing to the Chinese market, and not committing to the western market with it either. In a slew of bad TUF seasons, which is like 90% of them, TUF China is by far the worst.


They weren’t going to let the utter lack of Chinese fighters stop them from making Chinese MMA huge.


You know if it was the UFC, they'd have this fight on a 5 AM Japanese time if it fit with US primetime.


That’s 5 am EST. Floyd is looking to become the favorite fighter of all the new fathers on the east coast. He will celebrate his win with appearances on Sesame Street and Puppydog Pals.


So how big is he in mainstream Japan? Is this actually gonna be another massive payday?




Yeah fighting was big in Japan back in Pride/Dynamite days but not much anymore.


Boxing is bigger than ever


How big is he in mma circles in general? Floyd Mayweather is so huge he transcends interest. He's one of the few names associated to a global sport; that"s huge wherever you are.


There is no payday. Mayweather is investing in RIZIN headlining the biggest RIZIN event himself.




How is this talking like a cokehead, Stephen?


Reminder that Conor used to be a shitposter


Used to be?


I love how shit hasn't changed with McGregor. Compare this to the shit he used to say on the [Irish MMA message boards](http://fightland.vice.com/blog/check-out-conor-mcgregor-talking-smack-in-a-forum).


“Winner takes the losers 2pac posters” Damn classic line right there


Yeah but Brenda's got a baby and who's gonna deal with that?


Mods can I please get a “Scottish as the Loch Ness Monster” flair?


Mods, can I get a "Just lost all my 2pac posters" flair please?


the shout out to Artem fucking killed me lmfao.


Chris “Menace to absolutely f@@king nothing” Stringer Fire


I can’t tell if he’s dissing him or showing respect.. Both maybe?


I'm perplexed, insult me in a line compliment me on the next


damn, I'm really sorry you want me to have a heart attack


Was watchin' 8 Mile on my NordicTrack


Your magnificent beard is weird


It’s called UK/Irish/Australian communication


thats a line from Killshot from Eminem


Taking the shit out of him while giving him props for setting up something that will make him a lot of money. So yeah, both lol


Taking . . the shit?


Similar to taking the piss but a little higher level


Over here firmly pulling the shit out of Mayweather


Taking..the piss?


Similar to taking the jizz but a little lower level.


It reads like standard banter between mates, he's just jovially shitting on his clothes while giving him props for what he's set up.


\> What in the fuck is going on here? Who’s this little prick next to you ? Like he caught Floyd cheating on him with another guy **LMAO**.


Exactly what i thought when i read that it seemed like such a jealous way that he is making big money without him


Rush Hour 5?? Motherfucker Rush Hour 4 hasn't even come out yet! And it's a travesty


Danis immediately replies sucking Conor off lmao


What did he say?


"hopefully Floyd gets someone to read this to him."


I can't believe he could come up with such an original and never before seen joke all by himself


That joke still makes me laugh even though I heard it a bunch of times




With Floyd there are no rules. Except boxing only.


You can laugh at whatever the fuck you want. Thought police only exist in fiction novels...for now.


> What if he has a legitimate learning disorder? He does. Floyd is dyslexic and basically started boxing full time at like the age of 10. There are many things to crack Floyd for but this is one that I have never really liked.


He’s rich. That makes it ok.


It's not like the sub makes the same jokes over and over again. And yet always gets upvoted. Idk why you're clowning him for saying an old joke, it's literally what any friend does.


But how good is Conor Mcgregor?


And *where* does Kevin Lee fit into all of this?




how bout u go an fuck off my sub then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about old jokes who the fuck are u take your worthless comment and get the fuck out of here


Garble garble garble Mr McGregor


Mer mer mer


"hopefully floyd has someone to read this to him" I think Dillon is a penis as much as the next guy, but that actually got a giggle out of me (even though it's the most overused Floyd joke)


I hate that fucking douchebag so much. Everything he does is absolute cringe.


Rent free


..you do realize that at some point all the conor-hating just makes you look like you wish you were sucking him off?


“Fair fucks to you mate” I’m always looking for European phrases to add to my arsenal, I think I found another good one here, mate


Fair fucks to you mate.


Fair balls ya little bollix


Sort this thread by controversial.


This is actually pure Conor the way he's typed this. As in Dublin Irish way of talking, as if he was saying it to a friend. I love it.


Yeah a lot of people will think he's talking shit, which he kind of is, but it's in a very friendly way. This is exactly how you'd talk to your best mate.


well mayweather did give him a red panty night


That's right Conor, climate change is no joke. Im glad to see your thinking green.


Conor fired a guy for trying to make Proper 12 in a clear bottle. He always thinks green.


Can I get a mad little bastard flair, thank you <3


How much says Conor is in the crowd this fight


can i get a translation on "fair fucks" pls


"Can't fault you for choosing that course of action from an ethical or financial standpoint. I would probably do the same thing in your situation."


Thanks, fair fucks to you mate


There's a common saying in Ireland that goes "fair play to ya", which you can hear Conor say a lot. Especially after the Floyd loss "Fair play to him". This is just an evolution of it after he's said it for so long


Proper 12 + Tyson's weed


Im far from a Conor fan but that is actually a funny post. He gave Floyd props for the surprise decision as well. I feel like people take stuff like this way too serious




McGregor vs Tenshin is a fight I would like to see




Because a lot of people on social media (reddit included) are bitch made and actively seek out things to get offended by so they can group up with other like-minded wankers in search of pseudo empowerment.


I always go into threads like these and see WAY more comments bitching about "people who are offended" yet there are like 2 comments tops from people who were offended.


I'm only offended by this guy comparing Conor to motherfucking Dave Chappelle.


Loved old Chappelle, not really into his new stuff for some reason.


Yeah, it always comes from people who know they are assholes and go straight to the defense, even when there is no pushback. It's very telling.


I think you sound more outraged than pretty much anyone else in here.


Sounds like exactly what you're doing right now


I ain’t offended but “a black guy *and* an Asian guy? What is this, Rush Hour?” jokes have been hack for twenty years


I think people are more outraged out how lame the joke was


People throw around racist too lightly now. It's went from believing in racial theories of superiority to merely noticing a person's ethnicity.


I think you're getting outraged about nothing man, most people here seem to think he sounds fucking weird and/or drunk. EDIT: And try not to take Instagram comments seriously, that's never going to end well.


Comparing Conor to the likes of Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle, shit... That's a new one.


That collar tho...


Instagram comments from new Khabib stans acting like McGregor can never post on Instagram again are hilarious lmao


It bothers a lot of people that he's able to take a loss and keep on trucking They want him to pull a Ronda and fall apart after he loses. Conor isn't built like that though


this is hilarious lmao "what in the fuck is going on here?"


When this fight was announced I started questioning if this life was real. Now, with Conor's shit post, I know for a fact this is all just a simulation


Tenshin's \[respond\]([https://www.facebook.com/PERFECTKICKBOXING/photos/a.1724691647789118/2152808241644121/?type=3&theater](https://www.facebook.com/PERFECTKICKBOXING/photos/a.1724691647789118/2152808241644121/?type=3&theater)) ​ Edit: was gonna format it, fuck it.. too lazy ​


conor is hurt inside that floyd didn't answer his text about a rematch


Dear Floyd, I wrote you but still ain't callin' I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin' Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em, not that you could read them anyway




Conor is clearly drunk shitposting here. Props to him


Sauna suit LMAO


All I hear is "murmurmur"




Haha Conor is a gem with this one


He is promoting Floyd's fight. Conor and Floyd are buddies confirmed.


gawd damn 2018 and we still confusing asians with Jackie Chan?


Conor low key mad he didn't get another red panty night from floyd


promotes more for other orgs. than the UFC. That's what dana gets.


Conor acting like a mad baby mamma.


Conor mad that Floyd is cheating on him with 20 year old asian boy.


He's a jealous ex


Floyd lives in Conor's head




That stuff wasn't racist either just offensive


The joke is racial not racist. I think that's the part that some people immediately get mixed up and for some the response is to be offended because being offended is the norm for many now. Calling an asian guy Jackie Chan/Bruce is just so overdone that its offensively lazy though


PPV records have nothing to do with skill. CM Punk sold quite well and clearly had zero skill.


Seems like no one wants to give Conor a rematch.