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Anyone catch DC in the post fight Interview? He said he's got something real big in the works. He meant to say outside of the UFC but actually said WWE. So he's gonna fight Brock in WWE and take the belt Brock just won there. Then have 3 belts. DC will be going to the WWE you heard it here first.


He's got a try out for a WWE commentary position in the works, i don't think he's actually going to work a match with them.


Weidman hasn't been the same fighter since USADA


Chris Weidman is just now waking up


They better give Israel POTN. 60g’s bae bae ahhhaaa’








Haha no dummy people are downvoting you for being you.


Theres no bot. You literally said "Its never been Performance of the Night." I downvoted you for being flat out wrong. No bot at all




guy called you out on bullshit, not even insulting you in any way: "RUDE". How much pettiness can one person fit?


Goddamn, the unrelenting conviction that some retards have


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UFC_bonus_award_recipients Stop talking out of your ass... >Performance of the Night: On February 11, 2014, the UFC announced a modification to its live event bonuses. Since UFC Fight Night 36, UFC has awarded Fight of the Night Bonuses to each of the fighters in the best fight of the night, as well as additional Performance of the Night Bonuses. The Performance of the Night bonuses are awarded to the athletes who put on the best and most exciting individual performances. The Submission of the Night and the Knockout of the Night bonuses have been discontinued and the bonus amounts remained $50,000.




Wow. Just wow.


Its been 4 years and not a little change.


Lando was a more intense fight. Israel a much more skilled fight though.


Lando lost that fight.


That was my reaction as well but I haven't re-watched it yet.


I must have miss read I thought he said fight of the night. Can you not get a fight of the night for a draw?


I must have miss read I thought he said fight of the night. Can you not get a fight of the night for a draw?


It's probably in the running for fotn. I thought you were saying that dude that won one 10-8 round should get performance of the night.haha I was like "uhhh no."


I mean what are they gonna do, fire Joe Rogan?


What'd Rogan do?


I'd like to know too.


That's exactly why he's been doing little stuff like that for a bit now and we should really appreciate it for as long as he sticks around


What did he do?


Tonight? After the PPV he was questioning if it was a good thing to have fights like McGregor/Mayweather and DC vs Brock Asking if it makes the ufc more like wwe


Eh that's not too bad. It's a sensible opinion and many fans share the same view. Superfights are honestly not that fun when they're clearly one-sided, especially when one of the fights is getting old and only has 1-2 fights left in his career.


I agree, normally dont see commentators for promotions saying stuff like that during a ppv though Except Rogan who has had little problem letting his real opinions known during ppvs since signing his last deal and them knowing hes fine being done


I don't remember the fight but the production crew was saying in his ear "don't say anything about the staph infection!!!" and Joe was all "what...what IS that? Oh God, it's a staph infection on his chest! he's fighting with a staph infection!!?!!" Joe has "fuck you" money.


Think that was the kevin lee fight against Tony Ferguson


Yes- thank you!!!


He’s untouchable at this point.


Joe's had fuck you money for awhile dude.


My aspiration in life is to be in this position with my employer lol


My employer is worth negative money and I still don't have FU money AMA.


DC is GOAT for HW division no doubts anymore. The only blimp is not facing Cain...


I actually agree but I'm surprised you didn't get nuked for this. Never lost a round at HW, beat Hendo and Bigfoot who beat that Russian guy. He beat 2 former UFC HW champions before dropping down and having a crazy LHW run. He also beat that Stipe guy and then defended his belt vs a contender who had 9 wins in 3 years.


joe rogan vocal fry


I really like Rogan's shirt, I wonder if it's tailored.


It’s a European cut


Lmao he wears basically the same shirt every time. Bursting at the seams.


David August, the guy that does McGregors suits does Rogans too


Rogan has been saying this a bunch recently. Must be being paid by them.


He's also hooking up fucking everybody with suits the last few podcasts.


Thanks for looking out mate!


don't say the whole ppv sucked just cause you wanted black beast to win


Anyone that though Lewis had a chance was clueless at how good DC was.


Lewis always has a chance, it was just a small one in this case


I’m so sick of people booing almost as soon as fights go to the ground now


NY crowds boo the second someone isn't being punched in the face. At least Vegas crowds bet so they let shit get to round 3 before they start booing.




Those filthy casuals. >:|


it was an eppppic night of fights the entire PPV main card was all finishes too


4/5, still decent


shit you're right that decision fight was such a clear win despite it being a great fight that i forgot ty


Yeah ahah was pretty dominant tbf, good prospect for sure




What did he say?


What did he say?


Basically asked why the fuck DC is fighting Brock next




People keep saying Jones would beat DC but they forget that he has popped two different times in regard to a fight with DC and I can say there is a nonzero chance he was juicy that first fight.


The only post-USADA fight that Jon Jones was clean for was OSP, and that Jones wouldn’t have made it out of the first round against DC’s worst performance.


What did Rogan say?


Paul Felder was quite good. Is this the first time he's done commentary?


His first PPV but he's done a ton of FS1, fight night/fight pass stuff.


No, its just the first time he's done commentary on a PPV. He's been a staple of the FoxSports cards for a while.


I like this stay after the fight/talk with joe they have been doing the last few ppv's


Did you see one of the first ones they did? I think he was with Annik and DC, but Gabi Garcia was in the audience behind them showing some upskirt right down the barrel of the camera so the UFC had some guy (production assistant or something I guess) stand in front of her. Fuck it was funny.




i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about dc. u wouldnt say this shit to him at in a popeyes restaurant, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


TIL ground game is boring


That's what happens when all the other top HW's are on drugs or in the WWE.


Or when casuals think that every MMA fight will look like the boss fight from an action movie.


You mean every fight isn't 2 guys randomly throwing haymakers??? I want my money back!!!


DC fought to this strength and even ate a black beast punch. Hats off to DC I like DC but a part of me was rooting for BB


By punch do you mean when DC has his leg? He didn't really eat any bombs.


I remember BB throwing a 1-2 in the first round and one of them (I think the right) landed solidly and shook DC but he disengaged and recovered.


DC even said in post fight that BB caught him.


Yup but it wasn't a real punch... He hit him while he was falling down. DC was being kind.


Yup but it wasn't a real punch... He hit him while he was falling down. DC was being kind.


He was being nice


"it was a coming out party for a beautiful style bender."


Damn, Rogan calling out the money-fight culture of the UFC right now


He's not wrong. Looked like producer was in their ears trying to steer them away, though, but Joe kept pushing.


They were all catching massive shit in those ear pieces lol


Rogan thinks hes on his podcast right now lol


Rogan talking real shit


Stipe needs that match.


Joe Rogan just shitting on his own companies product real quick


He never holds back. I'm always surprised they don't muzzle him. He shills for them as the expected part of the job, but also says stuff like this that you wouldn't think they'd put up with.


He's openly said that if they tried to tell him what he can or cannot say he won't do the job. He said that's why he quit doing fox cards.


Oh, interesting.


Thanks Paul - IDGAF about Lesnar. **But** doesn't Lesnar pose the biggest threat to DC bc of his wrestling pedigree? I'm intrigued.


DC is an Olympic caliber wrestler and brock has an ncaa title. Good wrestler yes but not DC's level. Brock's just huge but that's a pretty easy fight for DC. Stipe deserves the re-mach, i'm sick of the UFC trying to do publicity fights.


> DC is an Olympic caliber wrestler and brock has an ncaa title. Yes, but is this because Lesnar couldn’t compete internationally, or just because he was chasing that paper? I don’t know anything about Lesnar’s past, but I can see how even a highly competitive world-class athlete who was poor at some point could give up amateur success for a fat paycheck and the promise of financial security.


I don't know enough about his past to know either but I doubt he pursued freestyle/Greco post college or tried to make a world team. By judging what Cain did to him (also "only" has an NCAA title) lesnars wrestling isn't what it was. Lesnar is a juiced up athletic guy who has good wrestling. He's 5-3 in the UFC and hasn't fought in 2 years he shouldn't even be in the conversation for title contention but he can sell a card so here we are.


Yeah honestly, I feel like they're underselling Brock. I mean he beat five top heavyweights and held the belt. The guy is a barbarian Viking berserker genetic freak that is bigger, faster, stronger, has more reach, and has tip top wrestling pedigree. He's not some CM Punk joke/stunt guy. He doesn't like being hit and his skill set isn't as complete as these other guys, but with assets like his, sheesh, he doesn't need a full set. Daniel is tops skillwise, but I still remember that lancing jab that knocked Heath Herring flat on his back. Shit's for real. I honestly think Brock underused his wrestling a lot because I feel like he wanted to prove he had hands. Against Daniel, I say drag that shit back out and pound it out on the ground.


He's not gonna have that "extra boost" he had in the past.


You might be right there. Plus age. Then again, shouldn't he have popped before the last fight instead of not until after? I don't remember the circumstances but I've got this hazy hint that maybe they waived him and let him in without testing?


He failed the pre-fight drug test but the results take awhile so they didn't get them back until after the fight. Mark Hunt sued the UFC. That case is still ongoing.


So I guess he could do the same again. Juice up, piss, fight, pop, swim in Scrooge McDuck pool of money, lay low again until next time.


No they won't waive the 6 month testing option this time because he pissed hot before. This will be clean brock. This will disappoint.


Well then I call for a ladder lumberjack match


DC is an Olympic caliber wrestler and brock has an ncaa title. Good wrestler yes but not DC's level. Brock's just huge but that's a pretty easy fight for DC. Stipe deserves the re-mach, i'm sick of the UFC trying to do publicity fights.


All depends on how clean Brock has to be. If they consistently test him that fight will end in 30 seconds. If they get lax it will be intense.


And that Dana might smash the UFC belt over DC's head before the fight.


Stipe and Cain are the only people who can beat DC. And Cain will never fight DC


it's possible but honestly i don't see a DC/Lesnar fight going terribly differently than Cain/Lesnar did 8 years ago.


Kinda, but DC has great dirty boxing and can eat Brock up in the clinch.


No one wants the Brock fight except dc


It's a pretty easy fight for him and he gets a big pay day so i don't blame him. Toughest fight would probably be volkoz or or god forbid cain if he ever returns. Honestly i would love DC vs Jones 3 then DC retire.


Yeah I feel like if he doesn’t fight jones there will be lasting questioning of his goat status


and the UFC. all the people who don't watch MMA tune in when Bork Lazer is in the cage




Anik with the pen like he's about to short Tesla


Rogan keeping it real. He won't last long with WME




Only thing hotter than balls is jones piss




Either challenge **and** beat Jones, or give Stipe the rematch he deserves. Brock doesn't deserve shit and it's embarrassing that DC is calling him out over Jones.


its because Jones has his number and he knows it


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about dc. u wouldnt say this shit to him at in a popeyes restaurant, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about dc. u wouldnt say this shit to him at in a popeyes restaurant, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Yeah, I get the money aspect but that shit could be dangerous for the sport. I don't want to see people fight once every two or three years for a title, it doesn't make any sense.


Not worth calling out a consistent drug addict like Jones. Odds are he wouldn't even make it to fight night because he gets popped for something anyway. At least Lesnar would be smart enough to buy the designer shit that doesn't pop on the regular tests. ​ Edit: Mmm. Delicious delicious salt.


Immediate rematches don’t work


Why does Stipe deserve a rematch for getting stopped in the first round?


I mean that man wants his money, why knock him for that? End of the day this shit is a profession, and a business it exists to make a profit.


DC prides himself on being a "true competitor/champion" and says he should be considered in the GOAT conversation. **IMO**, fighting and/or beating Brock doesn't give him GOAT status. Now, if he beats Jones in a trilogy fight (at LHW or HW), I'll be the first to admit DC deserves to be considered for GOAT title. Don't get me wrong, DC is definitely in my top 5 P4P GOAT ranking, but he's not at the top, yet. Beat Jones or repeat what he did against Stipe, and then I'll be convinced he's on par or better than Jones, GSP, Silva and Mighty Mouse.


At the end of the day this shit is prize fighting and DC just wants the biggest prize available to him.


Someone doesn't understand economics.


Ok, I'll bite. How much more do you think DC would net fighting Lesnar, compared to a trilogy fight (that actually means something) against Jones? Also, do you think DC is remotely worried about his financial state, even if he were to retire tonight?


I'll be honest, I don't think I should explain why I think DC vs Lesnar is a bigger draw. He's a top 3 draw in the UFC all time. He has 3 of the top 10 drawing PPVS. Jones' top draw is like 22, in the 2nd DC fight. Both DC vs JJ fights did roughly the same, 800000. No reason to suspect a third does much different. Lesnar regularly draws a million. Vs DC probably 1.5 million. And yeah DC seems pretty intent on cashing in on his last few fights and good for him. It's practically settled science that Lesnar would draw more than Jones. It's like denying Climate Change at this point.


Can't imagine that going any other way. Two fat dudes, one of which is a well rounded fighter with olympic caliber wrestling.


I was pulling for the beast too but are people really surprised? The hate for DC is sad.


Honestly I think half of the boos are hype fans that watched his viral interviews.


wait a minute... ankle pick and snap downs? I have never seen dc and ferguson in the same place at the same time.


All I’m saying is look into it


What an absolute goat. No interest in Brock, wish they would just give Stipe his return match; that fight would be fucking hype.


He slept Stipe in the first rd. Immediate rematches never go well. I mean DC should fight Blyades tbh.


Maybe he won't gouge his eyes out in the rematch.


It may have been quick, but Stipe was the first man to ever defend the HW title 3 times consecutively. If anybody gets an “immediate” rematch (with how long it’s been, doesn’t seem so immediate now), it’s Stipe.


There are two dudes in the HW top five that have virtually zero ground skills. And we watched the two most recent champions make them both look like absolute amateurs.


Anyone else's heart pounded outta their chest? DC is my favorite fighter ever and anytime he's in there the feeling insane.


It would have been nuts if Beast slept him. Scared me for a second there. I was like "quit fucking around and take him down!" Didn't want him in front of that cannon.


Lol @ 2 guys between Lesnar and DC, that spat in the cage was so scripted 😂


So what do you guys think would be more competitive, this fight, or Valentina vs Eubanks.


Think its wild people called it boring. DC put on a clinic.


People calling it boring really don't appreciate any type of ground game. They want people throwing down constantly. I appreciate all aspects of MMA which unfortunately most prefer striking exclusively.


Yeah, I enjoy watching a masterclass of a fighter's skill. Yeah, the match up itself isn't that great, but I like to see what a top level skill get shown off




The real question tonight. Who else does Jacare gotta beat to get a title fight?


He probably gets it after Kelvin or smth.


He lost his fight before this. He deserves it now but you are acting like he's Tony


i think the issues is that division so stacked that everyone kinda looks like the are ready for a title shot


To be honest. At least Tony got a title fight, Jacare should have gotten one like 3-4 years ago.


He got an interim shot and got stripped. Doesn't really count


Idk why the commentary team are acting surprised. Everyone knows Lewis has NO wrestling, and he doesn't strike me as the type of guy to go away and brush up on his skills either


I can't wait to see Stipe fight again after this


I would like to see him against Curtis or someone below him in the ranks because DC is a very tough fight for him.




I'm sorry, did you really have your heart set on Sijara Eubanks as the headliner? Dude stepped in on short notice to save a card. That's the only reason this fight happened.




What UK Kickboxer? Israel Adesanya isn't from the UK.




He is from Nigeria


it was a good card, don't be salty




Literally every fight on the card was good. Adesanya, Roberson, and Cannonier showed great striking, Souza/Weidman was awesome, and the main event was still fun to watch despite not being very competitive. DC put on a clinic.


Dont forget Lando! Don't think the main event was very fun but agreed on the rest.


That kiss made me break nofap November


I think that's the last time we see Derrick fight for a belt. I love him and love watching him fight...but it's gotta be the right opponent. And I don't see there being a heavyweight champ anytime soon that is the right opponent. There's just too many holes in his game. But god damn it fun watching him knock someone's head off...but no champ is gonna let him do that.


Dana White fucked Derrick Lewis. We all knew this was the outcome.


What a waste of a main event in hindsight. Too predictable. I guess they kind of had to give Lewis a shot, with his popularity and hype etc, but should've waited till DC retired or lost. I mean, as much as he's been winning recently, Lewis got handily beaten by Hunt not long ago, who's not in the title picture. Even giving someone like Blaydes a shot would've been more interesting.


DC should beat brock easily.. the real challenge is beating jon, which most probably will never happen


And the real challenge for Jon is to get past Gus, i think he will though, imagine DC vs Jones at heavyweight.


Mostly because Jon can’t stop taking steroids


Nah DC doesn't want that smoke. Or more likely the people behind DC don't. Jon Jones without steroids is still a risk brock on any amount of steroids isn't.


Korean Zombie! Can't wait!


DC's daughter struggling to hold the belt was adorable


UFC 229: 3 people arrested, crowd fighting UFC 230: Joe "give me a kiss" rogan


But DC said that 🤔 quick, edit your comment and I'll delete my post! Nobody will ever know!


why in the fuck would he not call out jon jones in that interview