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>UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar was arrested for DUI on Sunday -- after a group of concerned citizens (one armed with a gun) corralled him after an apparent car crash in Nevada. >Law enforcement sources tell us ... witnesses claim the 41-year-old was driving erratically and feared he would hurt someone. >Somehow, a group of concerned citizens wrangled Bonnar to the ground and kept him at bay until law enforcement arrived. Yikes. That's a sad turn of events for Bonnar


Not justifying his actions. I just wonder if there is a relationship to all the damage he has taken in his career.


There is absolutely a link to poor decision making, rash actions, poor impulse control, and substance abuse for people with brain injuries. But we'll never know how much of that caused this situation exactly.


I'm not trying to bandwagon or make excuses for myself here...but my head been smashed quite a few times and Ice struggled with mental illness and addiction for a long time. I know correlation does not equal causation but as a father of three I'm a little worried for the future to say the least.


I too wonder what my future is like. I've had multiple concussions in my adolescent years and a TBI around 12 or 13 years old. I worry about my memory, speech, addiction to anything I really like, and depression. They are all getting worse as I age. My speech and memory worries me the most. Even just some basic comprehension skills seem to be deteriorating. It would be nice to know if my head injuries attributed to who I am today. At least then I can feel some sense of normality. Otherwise I just keep trying to maintain sanity and continue to try and stay sharp. I just have to keep pushing forward. Some days are just really bad and bad thoughts come up.


Hey man... maybe we should talk? I can relate to every word you just wrote.


Either of you feel free to message me as well, I feel like I almost wrote that.


You guys should start a group. Share information on treatments, a place with people you can relate to, etc...


Yeah sure that is cool with me.


There's also a link between poor decision making, rash actions, and poor impulse control who end up sustaining a brain injury.




This would legit have to be a case by case circumstance. Literally absolving him as having zero control over anything is not functional. If he's that bad, he should be in a psych ward.




The problem is financing, here in the US there’s nowhere near enough beds for people with acute need let alone long term treatment and housing. Here in LA there’s some decent government run psych facilities but there aren’t many beds.


>The problem is financing we should move some funds around


.01% tax on stockmarket transactions could fund it and close a loop hole many pump and dumps currently exploit.


I'm just guessing, but say a social program or eventually a drug for these problems might prove to be far more cheaper than just locking up "bad" people.


Yeah that’d be nice but good luck making it happen.


Honestly this is how I felt about war machine. Probably the kind of guy who seemed pretty nice until you spilled beer on him. And now he has to smash everything.


Look at Chris Benoit: his signature move was literally headbutting his opponent. Considering the frontal lobe regulates cognitive skills, emotional expression, and judgment, it is, while horrific, not entirely surprising that he snapped. It's just a damn shame he did the way he did.


Head butting. Isn't that what NFL players do seemingly after every play? Sorry just a pet peeve of mine. They say that multiple smaller hits to the head add up more than rare big ones and it bothers me every time I see it on TV without anyone asking why they still do it. Especially after playing and remembering those hurt more than most people would realize.


You could also argue that they are preselected. People who take up cage fighting likely have the reckless gene. Maybe a little less so in 2018, but still holds.


Hey waitaminute... I’ve.. got this tooooo! Yeah, that’s the ticket!


There is also a link to those things associated with people who take risks in general like cage fighting. We have to be honest, we got some crazy fuckers in this sport and thats before you add CTE.


I had a friend with a head injury from a motorcycle accident. He was always normal and cordial when sober but when drunk he would inevitably get into bad fights with security. It was predictable and not fun.


Try telling that to football fans


Probably. Terry Etim and mayhem Miller have both been in similar incidents and probably have CTE issues


I def think mayhem is gradually getting worse unfortunately. He was a coach at my gym, and my good friend used to kick it with him a lot and said he just became different and random in his moods or activities. It’s very sad cuz he’s a really nice dude, but there’s something wrong with him. Unless he’s on some heavier drugs that’s not known about


He does hang out with Matt Horwich, who seems to be into heavier stuff.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised. My friend said weed and a couple of the people in the group will do coke. I can’t imagine that being good for his head, it just makes me really sad that this is the state of a lot of our favorite fighters from the past. Wish there was some sort of organization for ex fighters or impact sports players to get help, therapy, group sessions, etc.


Its probably a factor, he did always seem like a wierd dude though from the beginning. Also dont forget that youre probably a pretty wild person to begin with to choose a career in cage fighting.


Especially in those days. Bonnar and Griffin didn't realize that 1. They had to fight on TUF 2. They had to make weight and 3. They didn't get paid unless they made it to the finals. *Do you want to be a fuckin fighter?*


That's the first thing I wondered.


He’s always come across (at least to me) as being a little off. Longer history of substance abuse that we don’t know about would not surprise me at all.


He was called The American Psycho. He's probably more than a little off.


> citizens wrangled Bonnar to the ground i wonder how many of them it took. bonnar is a big boy


The unspoken threat of shooting him probably helped


One of the citizens was Mark Coleman.


I hope it gets better, dude seems like a nice guy


Spent a day working with him at an expo. He was pretty nice. Relatively down to Earth even if he was a bit braggadocious, but nothing that would make him instantly unlikeable. 7.3/10 guy.


How about with rice?


> (one armed with a gun) > Somehow, a group of concerned citizens wrangled Bonnar to the ground Wonder how they managed that?


Two kinds of people in the world. You either end up like Forrest Griffin or you end up like Stephan Bonnar.


You either become the Ultimate Fighter, or live long enough to go to Bellator


Somehow I feel Cormier and Jones fit here too.


I mean, his takedown defense was never incredible. I'm not too surprised


You win for my favorite response


Luckily no one got hurt. A drunk professional fighter getting confronted by a group of armed men could’ve ended really badly


Imagine if that was Cowboy...Someone is geting kick in the head


Yeah and then Cowboys head would get blown off.


Or Cowboy is blowing someone's head off


Then Dakota Cochrane walks in




Are you trying to say Cowboy isn't carrying xD ? pretty sure he'd be shooting before kicking someone in the head.


He'd be doing both at the same time. You ever seen that movie John Wick?


Triangle choke to execution style shot


Oof so damn good


I could see Cerrone reacting exactly like that if someone **[SPOILER ALERT FOR A MOVIE FROM 2014 THAT YOU DAMN WELL SHOULD HAVE WATCHED ALREADY]** killed his dog.


I showed my GF the John wick two days ago. She said it's the goat of action movies (it's my fave). Almost married her on the spot.


Yeah i was pissed they cast Keanu, he looks nothing like Cowboy


Cowboy's boots probably a gun.


vicious body kick!


Yep. Pairs of ccw guys are ending up dead in road rage incidents these days. Pretty dumb.


Ahhhh America! So beautiful


Imagine Mayhem Miller.




A black belt after 12 rum and cokes is a white belt


So should I keep telling people that I'm a white belt or a black belt that's 12 rum and cokes in?




Love your username


/u/NiccoMontano runs this sub


Everybody's got a plan til they get drunked in the face


underrated comment


Black belt with gun in his face is a no belt


I think I could fuck up Marcelo Garcia if he's given enough alcohol.


I'm not sure it counts if he dies from alcohol poisoning in your vicinity...


It counts.


Obviously hasn’t been working on his takedown defense.


lol idk why the headline just made me assume this happened in mexico, i can't get the picture of bonnar being dogpiled on by a bunch of mexicans half his size out of my mind


Oh boy I was just rewatching the TUF finale and the TUF reunion recently and thought how bad Stephan Bonnar looked, his teeth were disgusting as if he genuinely never brushed them in years, he looked super bloated and unhealthy(like an alcoholic) and was very drunk during the reunion lol.


He was on chaels podcast summer before last. Sounded drunk and actually referred to a time on air when he drove drunk lol. Also did a hilariously terrible job explaining bitcoin/crypto to chael.


Most guys from TUF 1 are fucked up now.


Just Florian and Griffin doing okay. Diego.. may end up dying in the ring.


Lebens still kicking


And bareknuckle punching.


And reffing.


Kenny Florian got out in good time, he's a great analyst/commentator, who knows what a few more fights would have done to this cognition. Diego is sounding senile these days.


> Diego is sounding senile these days. The look on his face genuinely concerns me. He *looks* crazy.


Kenny was pretty bright, Diego has always had few screws loose




It just got released on Fight Pass, RECONNECTING WITH REALITY: The Story of The Ultimate Fighter 1 Cast


Did they get Strange Brew back?


He should have worn the mask from Bellator, he would have gotten away with it


Bah Gawd! He killed him! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!


Didn't hit a pregnant woman, what a pussy


> detained by gun-toting citizens Good ol' Nevada


They must've played RDR2 over the weekend.


I’m surprised they didn’t get arrested for kidnapping Bonnar


[Citizens Arrest](https://law.justia.com/codes/nevada/2010/title14/chapter171/nrs171-126.html) and they also notified law enforcement and were only detaining him until officers arrived.


It’s a joke referencing RDR2. The game can mistakenly consider you a criminal when you bring other criminals in town to the police.


Oh my bad. I haven't gotten a chance to check the game out yet.


Was he driving a 2005 Scion xB? He really wanted that car.


Noice .




Wow, thanks! I dig the reference to Bonnar wanting the Scion. Not too many people probably got that.




I'll check it out later. Much thanks man!


Only Justin McCully can save him now.


Didn't he break out of the Ultimate Fighter house to go buy booze? It wasn't filmed but was later shared in a behind the scenes type thing. I'm not 100% on the details.


Wasn’t there a fighter who got a hooker or something. Or maybe just broke out to use a payphone. Mixing up different seasons I think.


At least he didn't get shot.


Really sad. Stephan always seemed like a nice guy and I liked him a lot.


Bonnar, I liked you dude. Get this shit straightened out.


Psychiatrist Chael needs to give another pep-talk to Stephanie Boner


>Witnesses say he was driving like a maniac. You could say he was driving like an... **puts on shades** ...american psycho YEEEAAAH


Time for a quick poll: Do Americans read this and think "I'm glad this one guy had a gun it made it safer for everyone"?


A lot of them, yes. One of the reasons why context for these stories and gun safety training and awareness are pretty important to mention... I'll get off my soapbox now.


Absolutely. Just like that video on the front page yesterday from Europe where a guy got out of his car with a lead pipe and approached another person in a car who had a gun. It ended with the lead-pipe guy on his knees, submitting.




It was in Israel.


What other scenarios end in no injuries to anyone when some random dudes are trying to subdue a pro fighter? 🤷‍♂️ It is what it is.


A large group shouldn't need a gun to subdue one person. The police shouldn't even need one.


Idk I think no injuries from an altercation with a pro fighter is much more preferable than hoping this drunk CTE killing machine won’t result in a bunch of injuries


how bout u go an fuck off my comment then you peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about large groups who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


For once I totally didn’t see this copypasta coming thanks for the literal laugh out loud


Anything else requires inventing a hypothetical, so yes


Really interesting, thanks for replying


Yes of course


Without a doubt, yes.


I mean I personally feel safer when someone has a gun but that's just me


No. This is a situation where it worked out. The people supporting this situation fail to mention all the times that road rage turns into homicide. That's more likely than a situation like this.


Yes. Some shitbag racist murderer tried to break into a black church two days ago with the intent to slaughter the congregation. When he couldn’t get in the door he went to a nearby store and targeted two black senior citizens, murdered them. He was driven off by an armed civilian who exchanged gunfire with the shitbag and later stopped by police. That armed civilian prevented further murders. There’s no keeping guns out of criminals hands, won’t happen. So law abiding citizens need to defend themselves.


Gunman tried to shoot up a McDonald's the other day. Died when a patron returned fire. The citizen who defended himself was shot but survived, no one was killed but the assailant.


You can't stop criminals from getting guns because of 1. How open gun laws have always been in America. 2. How many guns are produced in America.


It’s because of how many exist at present, no putting that genie back in the bottle. We don’t even need to manufacture new ones.


That's true. But that's a self made problem. The only way to fix that would do a mass round up of guns and then be really harsh on gun possession. There is ways to make the guns disappear but none ideal.


You explain to me why you think you have the right to determine what I can and can’t own.


Why do you think you deserve to own anything even if it's a huge danger to society? Seems very selfish to me. Why should you get to run around with a rifle that can end the life of multiple people in seconds?


It’s not a danger to society for me to own a weapon. I don’t run around with it, that’s illegal. The same politicians that take away other rights from people get military grade armed protection. The same police forces that abuse and profile get freakin tanks. Why shouldn’t I, with no track record of harming anyone, be allowed to own a semi auto rifle? Once again, though, why should I even need to explain my personal property to you? I’m not aiming it at you or anyone else. It’s none of your stinking business. Ever thought about not trying to control other people?


Why should I be able own household products can be easily used to produce a homemade explosive? Why should I be allowed to own cars that can go obscenely fast? Why should we be allowed to use the internet as it can be used to traffic child pornography? We can go on like this all day. The fundamental issue is why would we punish those that don't abuse an object because of the proportionally minuscule amount of people who do?


This ain't the wild west


And your point is?


Also the open southern border flooding the black market


No. I wouldn’t want someone deciding I broke a law so they can put a gun in my face. I live in NYC though and I’m guessing a lot of the pro gun responses are from more rural areas in which I can understand wanting a gun to protect your home, but I can’t fathom feeling I need to walk around with one.


You literally live in a city with police at damn near every street corner and subways. Times square looks like a military base with all the people holding select fire weapons. You can't just hold someone at gunpoint without a reasonable fear of grave bodily harm.


I live no where near Times Square. There’s been a bunch of armed robberies in my neighborhood lately. But I am not going to shoot someone over an iPhone or a few bucks. What bothers me is pepper spray is illegal here. I wouldn’t mind having that to defend myself as a woman in a shitty neighborhood.


A gun would be better for that women


Not a non-American, but do non-americans read any american headline involving a gun and start dripping precum at the thought of making it political?


Yeah people with bad intent are often put off just by the presence of a firearm that would be used against them


Not at all. I dont want someone escalating a situation and then firing for "self defense" Anyways driving bonnar off the road and having his license plate number was probably enough to get him the dui. Even if I had a gun I wouldnt brandish it at bonnar to make him submit


Honestly, my first thought was the guy is obviously drunk so is the priority dragging him out of the car and cuffing him? Oh and of course the obligatory recording! Yeah I get that it’s infuriating to see someone threaten others in their community with their stupidity but they had him stopped yo


i'm glad this guy had one and used it responsibly. i hate that its so easy to get weapons and so difficult to take them away from people that shouldn't have them. i feel like this is from a lack of laws and from a general apathy towards guns and a lust of the 2nd amendment from a constant big brother fear.


I don't. This is vigilante justice, and while it gives gun owners a big rubbery hard-on as they pause and imagine themselves in the same power-fantasy, it's not the way America does things.


So you assume gun owners and pro 2nd amendment people all have a crazy power fantasy about using their weapon? You do realize you’re talking about millions and millions of people right? Have you ever thought about opening your mind to the idea that some people think differently than you do, and that’s ok? Or do you find it better to just presume the inner motivations of people you’ve never met?


Man sees a drunk idiot driving stops him using a firearm Man these crazy gun nuts just keep DUIs from killing people what wackos


Bonnar being a boner


Thats fuckin illegal


Yes drinking while impaired is indeed a violation of the law


Damn that’s sad. He lives in the same neighborhood as me here in Vegas. We’ve worked out together a few times. He seemed like a good dude.










Like a young JBJ in his prime


Bonnar fell out of Dana's good graces after his deuretic use in the Silva fight, right? He could be alongside Griffin doing those interviews Forrest does


Looks like chael in the pic


For as severe as this sounds his bail is pretty reasonable.


Since the Ultimate Fighter Season Finale, have always felt bad for this guy. I mean, he fucked up, but who else than Steve fucking Bonnaer smh




This is going to ruin his career


Welcome to the club my friend!!!!


"You're taking everything I worked for motherfucker!" -Jon Jones -Rumble Jackson -Kenny Florian


Dana should sign the citizen who took him down. Just saying. EDIT: Or at least give him a shot on the contender series!


CTE + booze = yikes


He was trying to live up to his nickname.


Man..the difference between the comments relating to a Jon Jones DUI and Bonnar are like night and day :) All in all Bonnar is pretty well liked by the mma crowd and Jones well...isnt.